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Fantasy The Legend of the Snakicade

Where should the protagonists go first?

  • Oppressive Woods

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  • Arctic Trench

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Aisha launched an assault on the dummy of her choosing. She ran towards it, her guard up. As she came upon the inanimate object, she landed a blow to it's chest with her elbow, she spun around so she was facing it's back and brought the sword diagonally across the material, leaving a long and deep slice. There was no doubt about it, she had the grace and agility of an experienced dancer.
Suddenly, one of the dummies hovered above the others and Hitani threw the daggers above him. With his hand, he directed the daggers towards the target hitting it in every core area, such as the heart, chest, gut, and head. Once it was hit, it fell down to the ground with a plop. Immediately, he turned to Lyrie, who had already been eyeing the other soldiers and not the dummies. Knowing her hatred of humans, he ordered her quickly, "Fight the fourth dummy!" Compelled to obey orders, Lyrie ignored her inner desires and sprung into action. She lunged forward kicking the dummy hard in the gut then flipped up her eyepatch. Underneath was a glowing red eye that struck out a lazer beheading the dummy once it made contact with the burning light. Lazaruth clapped a little. "That was actually pretty good, everyone," he commented impressed. Hitani laughed, "What did you expect, Lazzy! We're in the midst of exceptional soldiers!"
Aisha pokes at the dummy with the tip of the blade, feeling the urge to pierce it with more than a sword. But she couldn't do that. She can't give away the fact that she is more than just a regular human, for that is not what Melissa is. Lyrie's performance catches her eye, a flicker of admiration and curiosity caressing her features. She cannot help but feel a little jealousy towards everyone's abilities, as she cannot show off her own. She takes a breath, pushing her bangs out of her face and examines her dummy more. She runs over what she had done in her mind, a red mark still apparent on her elbow, a mark in the dirt where she stopped her lower body so her turn could continue. The girl huffed, scratching the back of her neck, she let out a chuckle at Hitani's excitement, shaking the thoughts from her mind. Her competitive nature was not what she needed during such a high stakes mission.
Lilly wasn't showing her special ability... Yet... She focused and fists appeared next to her on each sides, looking like butterfly wings. "Fisticuff storm!" She said, smashing her actual fists together as her new fists did the same to the dummy, fluff pouring from the gap in the fists.
Lyrie began panting excitedly and her movements began to be a little erratic. Her petite body was shaking and she stared at the dummy. "Burn, burn all of you, burn," she muttered quietly and Hitani patted her head warning her to be quiet. The little girl placed her eyepatch back on and tried to control herself. It was here when Lilly shouted her attack, causing Lazaruth and Hitani to turn their heads. The moment the fluff of the dummy hit the ground, Hitani was applauding loudly. "Incredible! Absolutely incredible!" He exclaimed with glee. It took a moment for the taller assistant to come out of shock. After a while, Lazaruth peered around then asked, "So. What else do you fight in the training grounds?"
Aisha joined the crowd, her free hand in her pocket. As Lily mentioned sparring with the other's, an eyebrow raised. She bit her lower lip to keep herself from smiling. Not only will this give her valuable information if she ever needed to kill any of these people, but it would give her a chance to practice a fighting technique other than going straight for the kill.
Oh, oh, things could get really bad or really good. Hitani had to be very careful. With a calm demeanor and a nonchalant smile, he waved at the two girls. "Well, how about us, onlookers, judge and you two can spar first," he suggested to Aisha and Lilly. As he walked over to Lazaruth, he motioned for Lyrie to follow. The little girl sat on a bench cross-legged and watched the two girls.
"That sounds like a good idea." Lilly said, cracking her knuckles. Her other fists did the same.
Something in Aisha shifted, her stance becoming guarded and threatening. Her eyes narrowed slightly, staring at Lily critically. Her right foot was farther ahead than her left, prepared to launch. Her grip on her sword loosened, the tension in her body disappearing. She slowed her breath. Lily was most likely an offensive, tank type fighter, so Aisha would have to play defense, and try to land a blow when Lily made some sort of error.
Aisha glanced back at the crew on the bench, she assumed it was obvious, "yeah, I mean, unless you don't want to.." she teased, a smirk evident on her face.
Hitani rested his chin on his folded hands observing. When Lilly asked, he didn't reply. Right now, all attention was focused on the two and only the upcoming fight. None of the three on the bench uttered a word.
"Well, I guess we are." Lilly said before rushing at Melissa and smashing her fists against each other, her other fists doing the same. If Melissa did dodge, she would have to get through the wall her other fists had formed.
// Ooou, Okay. I just didn't want it to look like I was being op because I didn't know what was going on.
Aisha watched as Lily moved closer, she could take a punch or two from a regular person, but she knew Lily wasn't a regular person. She made a few calculations. As the girl closed in, Aisha made her decision. It was more of a pride thing, but she broke her promise to herself. An oversized thorn flew by Lily's face, almost a warning shot. It's source was a vine that had sprouted from the ground. It twitched and writhed, pausing before launching itself towards the girl. Aisha only wanted a distraction, so she could gain the upper hand.
Lilly looked at the vine and made a grabbing motion with only her left hand. The left half of her materialized hands grabbed the vines and she swatted at Malissa with her right hand, the right half swatting at Malissa.
She dodged it easily, swirling out of the way. She found her chance to attack, pressing herself against Lilly, the side of the sword pressing against her neck. She landed a swift kick to her knee, trying to force the woman to the ground.
Lilly took the chance while Aisha was trying to get to her to start uprooting the vine. Aisha succeeded in knocking her down, but she used her materialized hands to get up, apparently floating. She focused really hard and threw a punch with her right hand. Some sort of mental barricade in her mind broke as her right half of hands went flying at Aisha. "That's new!" She said happily.
Aisha practically flew as the fists hit her in the stomach. She landed on her feet, hunching over coughing, trying not to puke. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, her gaze rising from the ground to Lily. Something dangerous burned in her eyes for a moment, suppressing a wave of power and anger. She straightened, raising her right hand passively, as if to say she was done. This wasn't the time, besides, if she gave off the appearance of being weak, she was less of a target for suspicion.
Lilly concentrated again, the fists all disappearing. "You seemed to have tried your best." She said.
Hitani kept his composure outwardly, but inwardly he was estatic. This Melissa girl had finally decided to show then some of her true colors. She was hiding some sort of plant ability, and he wanted to see more. How unfortunate. The fact that she was hiding her powers from them could mean she was planning on turning against them. Just why would she? These thoughts raced in his head until Aisha held up her hand. "Well, well. Excellent job! The winner is Lilly" Hitani cheered. Finally showing an expression other than being grumpy, Lazaruth seemed worried. He walked over to her and extended his hand offering to help her up. "You did a good job." Lyrie smiled a little and quietly spoke up, "The big fists were cool."
Lilly accepted Lazaruth's offer to help her up and got back up. "Thank you, though the fist launching thing is new." She said. "Let me try it again." She said, picking up the dummies and throwing away the broken ones. She got a new one and positioned herself about ten yards away from it. She focused hard again, the fists reappearing. She focused even harder, this time on the dummy, and threw two punches at the dummy with both of her hands like she was making an "X" with her hands. both sets of fists flew towards the dummy, when they were in front of the dummy Lilly made a grabbing motion with her hands, the fists opening up and then closing on the dummy. She made a motion to tear it apart and the hands did just that, fluff flying everywhere again. She focused a bit, and the fists returned to her. "Maybe if I..." She said, making wavy motions with her hands like the final boss of a video game.

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