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Fantasy The Legend of the Snakicade

Where should the protagonists go first?

  • Oppressive Woods

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  • Arctic Trench

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Aisha glanced at him, and then back down at the plate, "I'm a private, brought in from another army to help out" she said casually, a small smile forming on her face, "so, I guess I am an average soldier" she pretended to be humble, poking at her pancake. Truth is, this Melissa girl must have been pretty damn good to get into this project, but Aisha wasn't too curious about knowing the details. Her client had taken care of Melissa for her, so there was no reason for Aisha to find out more about the woman.
Hitani chuckled and shook his head, "Obviously, you're a bit more than the average soldier or they would have chosen someone else to help out." After taking a sip from his iced tea, he added, "Though, nobody had to join this expedition by force. The chances of death were to high for the commanders to make a draft. What was your reason for coming along?"
Aisha thought for a second, her fork dangling from her hand. "Well..." she started, adjusting her coat, "I wanted to prove myself. I want people to see more than just my appearance, y'know?" Aisha shifted as if she was uncomfortable with the topic, but it was actually complete bullshit. Usually she wouldn't have taken up a job like this, but her employer made an offer she couldn't refuse. She didn't even have to kill anyone this time, well, unless they got in her way. "Anyway, enough about me. What about you?"
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Lilly was listening close to the conversation, while a soldier across the table was eyeing "Melissa" down. "You don't look like a Melissa." he said. "Don't be rude to out new guest, Barry!" Lilly said. "As long as she's not a danger to us on the battlefield then she's welcome."
Aisha looked between Barry and Lilly, sending the girl a grateful smile. "Well, I didn't get to choose my name, now did I?" Aisha said in a passive tone to the male, taking a bite out of a strawberry. "Thank you" Aisha turned to Lilly, her abnormal coloured hair catching her eye, "I don't think we've been introduced yet," she remarked, "what's your name?" it wasn't demanding, more just a polite way to spark conversation.
Hitani noticed her comfortable demeanor start to fade, and didn't probe further. He had learned what he wanted to learn. This girl was here for some other reason and probably not the same reason as his. Thankfully, his reason of being here would probably not interfere with the others. When she shifted the question to him, he just gave her a small smile. "I was raised in a boring household with nothing to do most of the time. I guess the inner child in me is just interested to get a chance to see what's inside this Snakicade." He nearly bursted out laughing when Barry commented on Melissa's name. "A name is just a name, my friend. It doesn't matter if you think if it fits or not."
She nodded a hello to the two, "I'm looking forward to working with you guys." she smiled, Hitani catching her attention as he spoke. "I guess that's a good a reason as any" she commented, looking down at her plate. She had eaten all her fruit and was left with a lone pancake. She pushed it away to signify she was done with it and took a sip of her juice. Her ankles crossed as she leaned forward, "When are we set to leave? I've forgotten"
"If I remember correctly we get drilled on the layout of where we're going and begin out journey there by the afternoon." Lilly said.
Hitani smiled back at Melissa and replied, "Thanks!," He was also lying like she had been doing before, so he really didn't care what she thought of it. When Lilly answered, he raised an eyebrow and spoke up, "Afternoon?" He glanced around again to see how many people had arrived already. "That's pretty a long waiting time. Are we expecting recruits from far away?"
"Maybe, I don't know what goes on inside people's minds." She said, eating a strip of bacon.
Setting the empty glass down in front of him, he seemed a bit impatient. "Oh, well," he sighed then looked at Barry and Lily asking, "So, after breakfast what are you both going to do? Train a little?"
Aisha had slipped away, putting her plate underneath the words 'dirty dishes here'. When she returned, she stayed silent, watching everyone interact. She perked up a little bit at the mention of training.
Hitani grinned excited. Perfect. What better way for learning then watching the two in action. He stood up and suggested, "Well, that sounds fun. If you don't mind, I'll join you all. A medic has to know how to defend himself still." Suddenly, his two assistants walked in. One was a tall man and the other was a short young girl. The first seemed quite annoyed at Hitani for leaving them with all the tough work. "Training? Shouldn't you be introducing yourself to the head medic?" he sighed and popped out a can of pretzel sticks. "Oh, Lazzy, Lazzy, tsk, tsk. I'm sure we'll have time for that later," he spoke while waving his hand as if Lazaruth was suggesting nonsense. He patted both of his assistants as he looked at the rest. "This is Lyrie and Lazaruth, my loyal companions. Lyrie and Lazaruth, this is Lilly, Melissa, and Barry." Lazaruth just nodded his head in greeting and Lyrie poked at her uncomfortable eyepatch wanting to take it off.
Aisha smiled politely at the assistants, waving at them from her perch on the bench. She tightened her ponytail, and brushed her bangs out of her face. "Are they joining us as well?" Aisha asked as she debated on standing. She took one last sip of her Orange juice and stood, grabbing the sides of the hood on her coat and flicking it, as if to adjust the material. She looked up at everyone, sizing them up. Her tongue flickered across her lips, giving them a subtle glimpse into her competitive personality.
The little girl had an odd appearance. Half her hair was short and blue while the other half were wires. She even had a plug sticking out. While she stayed quiet, her focus was entirely on the orange juice. Her childish obsession with apple juice was the only thing on her mind. Lazaruth glanced over at his boss hoping that he would let them be left alone. Training seemed like a waste of time and he had no clue who these people were. With a grin, Hitani replied, "Sure, why not? The more the merrier!" He didn't seem uncomfortable from being sized up. He had been practically been doing that the whole time, but Lazaruth seemed uncomfortable. He honestly didn't want any part in this, but to mask the expression, he turned chewing on a pretzel stick.
Aisha's eyes hesitated on the two odd assistants, following one's gaze to her orange juice. She sensed a degree of reluctance from the bigger one, she raised an eyebrow. She looked over at Lilly, "Care too lead us?" she offered, keeping in mind there was no way she would know where the training area was if she actually was Melissa.
"Sure, the training grounds are to the right of the mess hall." She said, walking towards a door.
Lyrie seemed in her own little world. She didn't even seem to notice that she was being stared at by Aishia and if she did notice, she probably wouldn't have cared. With a small push, Hitani caused both his assistants to move forward when Lily began walking. Happily, Hitani followed with a bounce in his step. He didn't need any directions though. Using his MRI vision, he could observe the skeletons and muscles of other soldiers that had their same idea. Once they reached the training grounds, Hitani turned to the others. "So, are we fighting each other or dummies?"
"Well, they usually have dummies, but they sometimes don't know that they're all broken." Lilly said, going through the door. "Oh, look! All the dummies have been replaced with new ones!" She pointed to the dummies that were stacked in the corner and she grabbed five.
Aisha thought about it, but was interrupted by Lily. She took the time to stretch out her arms, legs, and neck, "We can warm up on the dummies, I guess" she loosened herself up, taken off her coat and placing it to the side. Underneath the coat she wore a grey coloured tank top, her whole get up was lacking in colour.
Lazaruth leaned against one of the poles not wanting to fight. He had decided not to lift a finger, until Hitani made him fight. Lyrie finally got her mind off the orange juice and started to look excited. A strange expression of amusement replaced her bored expression. Peering around for weapons, Hitani walked over to a table and grabbed a handful of throwing daggers. "All right. I'm ready when the rest of you are."
Aisha looked over the table, her mouth twisted in thought. She picked up a dagger and tested it in her hand, seeing if the weight and length worked in her favor. She bit her lip, she compared it to a short sword. She chose the latter, though it wouldn't usually be her first choice. With her free hand, Aisha brushed her hair over her shoulder, "Ready" she stated, eyes not moving from the new weapon in her hand.
Lilly placed down the five dummies and looked at hers. "I don't really need a weapon. I have THESE!" She said, uppercutting the dummy. She was pretty strong for the average human, but she didn't need her Fisticuff Storm to kick the ass of a fellow human, let alone a training dummy.

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