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Fandom The Legend of the Avatar: The Avatar Games! -OPEN-

Elouan Luor
Elouan looked at the restaurant owner, eyes neutral. He had been around almost the whole city looking for a job, and hadn't found anything good. This was his last chance. Besides, he'd be able to steal some food, get dinner each night. That was priceless, kinda. Raj was outside the door, his large, fuzzy head peeking in through the window. Elouan pointed to him.

"Raj, go.... Patrol somewhere!" He ordered. He had his whistle, Raj would be able to find him again. The large beast shrugged slightly, turning and launching himself into the sky. Elouan turned back to the restaurant man. "Please. You're my last chance." He said, forcing a tone of desperation into his voice. He was a good liar, and a good manipulator. But if this guy refused him, Elouan might have to resort to less delicate techniques.​


Zhan can't seem to connect with all his limbs after the it all ends, once the battle finally met its conclusion his body just lost all surges of power, his adrenaline filled battle senses and fighting spirit left his body just like that, he spreads his arms and legs lying on the ship's wood drenching the flooring with his wet attire. The violent raging ocean is every Earthbender's nightmare, Zhan definitely thought that it's unfair what just happened to him, he merely wanted to save the people so that the game won't be cancelled, he cared none about bisons or making lots of friends with benders from other regions, but the thing that he clashed with just to do that made Zhan question if that thing really are worth the effort. He's quite skeptical when thinking about social interactions, doubting if there really is something called "the Power of Friendship" he strongly believes that power is something that's achieved after one uses their friends correctly. He's not evil, he just prioritized his goals above the rest, of course if someone shows him this "power" he'll likely change his mind, he only needs fact and truth. After a few minutes he regained his consciousness

Damned pirates! I hate water!"

The male yells out his complaints, he crosses his arms and curled his dry lips forming a frown. When he saw the amount of people on board, Zhan realized that there are casualties among them, one can tell from the sailors', soldiers' and crew's faces it wasn't an easy experience for those people, one thing that can't be learned through training is real combat situation which cannot be replicated until the battlefield is met. Zhan himself kept himself comfortable staying inside the city's walls challenging Earthbending masters and prodigies, but he never really encountered something life threatening. Raising from his seat he lets out a sigh uncurling his lips along with a sigh. A rare moment for him to feel like this, usually he'd rationalize everything and felt better quickly, but the fact that he fell to the waters just made him realize that even he had his limits. When he analyze the problem completely he'll realize that the mistake was his, overthinking about issues and theories without any real proper action or forgetting to take the current's situation into mind. He drags his heavy wet clothing and body to the ship's railing, the male's arms are crossed and his face shows a thoughtful expression. Something needs to be done, those pirates clearly disrespected the fire nation and what if it spreads to other countries? However there's the Avatar games coming soon as well, which one would be better? He tucks both of his hands inside his pocket and lets out a sigh

Why am I involved in this?"

He only enjoyed the spotlight, spending time battling enemies from unknown waters is probably one of the least of his favorite time wasting activity, regardless letting something like this to happen and allowed them to roam free without any opposition from one of the four nations sounds illogical. As his mind is full something suddenly pulled him back to the real world, it's when he saw the bison rocking the ship with its movements, he observed it for a moment and cracks a smile when it fell. Originally he had thought that the bison is just a wild beast captured for some illegal money, but he noticed the girl near it.

Hey you're sure you know how to ride it?"

He comments interested in the two.



Jampa frowned at the man criticising her pens riding skill, more so that he called Pema an it. Pema was more than a pack mule or cart, it was a friend she had sInce she was a kid and sometimes her only companions. Therefore see didn't take such comments lightly. "It is a SHE and you try to fly after your little dip in the ocean and fighting like you did. Not to mention she is injured. "She retorted eyeing him coldly.

She stood on pema and began moving her arms in a water bender dance, moving the currents around Pema so the glided through the ocean to be close to the fire nation ship. She had learned water bending from scrolls and passing water bending travelers and though she picked it up quickly she still had a lot learn. It was still hard for her to remember she could waterbend having mostly being exposed to airbending, still she knew it was useful.

Kira and her father arrived at the docks just in time. The ship that would take Kira to the Earth Kingdom for the Games was preparing to leave. She embraced her father, eyes welling up with tears. "I'll miss you Dad, I promise to send letters," she said, breaking away.

Her father wiped his eyes, unashamed to be seen crying. He pulled something from his pack and gave it to Kira. "This is for you," he said, placing a whale-tooth dagger in a scabbard in her hands. "It was built by my grandfather and has been passed down from generation to generation." Kira took the dagger and examined it in her hands. The blade was sharp and the binding around the hilt softer than she'd expected. Before she could answer, her father pulled her in for another tight hug. "Stay safe Kira, I love you."

Kira wiped her eyes and face, "I love you too Dad." She broke off and picked up her pack, tying the dagger around her waist. She hurried on board the ship as the ramp was pulled away. Kira ran along the side of the ship, keeping the dock in view for as long as possible. She spotted her father, still standing there, waving at her. She waved back until he was a small speck and vanished.

The ship was huge to Kira, she felt as though her entire village could fit into the ship. She battered the captain and ship hands with questions but after awhile they avoided her, so she was left to wander the ship on her own. Kira spent a lot of time studying the map the captain had given her, with their course plotted out. She knew it was an attempt to get her to leave, and it had worked. All the places were labeled, and she watched as some of the islands passed by, trying to name them all. "-----change----sorry-----." Kira looked around, that must have been an announcement, she thought, but had missed most of it. Kira walked to the front of the ship, hoping to catch a look at whatever the announcement was. She noticed other people there, holding something up to their eyes. "Could I have a look please?" Kira asked the person next to her. He looked at her, then handed the spy glass to her. Far ahead, there was a commotion between two other ships. As she scanned the scene, she noticed a sky bison. Her jaw dropped involuntarily. Kira was fasinated by the flying creatures. Ever since she'd discovered she could air bend, Kira had always wanted one of her own.

Elouan Luor

It didn't take long for Elouan to get kicked out of the restaurant. The second he did, he pulled out his whistle for Raj, blowing it as hard as he could. "Raj!" He shouted, seeing the large white beast on the horizon. Immediately, Raj turned sharply, bellowing as he flew back to Elouan. The man just smiled as his mount landed clumsily beside him, almost crashing into him.

"No luck. Maybe some nearby town?" He sighed.​


Zhan can't help but form a rather surprised expression, his brows are raised watching the Airbender's reaction to his question, of course he'd never ask it in a serious way he's just trying to have some fun. The male's pair of brown eyes spotted the girl's abilities to bend water in her own way, It's clear that Zhan is interested in this mixture both air and water complement each other as opposed to what he has, earth is rigid and strong but air is free and dynamic, the two principles collide and he's forced to take a side on the conflicting elements. Wanting to know more about this person he clears his throat

Ahh.. Sorry? I didn't mean it, just trying to lighten the mood"

A chuckle soon followed his comment, when he's trying to get what he want he can shift his personality towards a more friendlier and humbler mode, it's one of the manipulative skills that he treasured, hiding one's true colors by faking some emotions. He rests his head on his hand watching the bender from the ship's railings, he lets out a small sigh

Looks like we're both unlucky today huh?"



Jampa listened to him before her gaze softened and she turned to look at where they were going and the status of the other ship. She didn't know what to make of her passager, he seemed nice enough but something about him just didn't feel right. As if dishonest. "Sorry it has been a long day. "She finally said sitting down and lay back breathing a sigh of relief. "I am beat." Pema lethe out a sympathetic growl. "You said it sister."

She heard her passager speak again." Certainly seems so, than again we are still alive and traveling while the pirates have lost a ship, are bruised and battered. There the once that are unlucky." She chuckled. "I am jempa, who are you and how did you get involved with the pirates."


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