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Fantasy The King's Throne For Valhalla

Hearing the very words that continued to profess their allegiance to him, it only burrowed deeper the very sense of guilt in his mind. Though he will not linger upon the topic as the very questions they prompted to him once more had only invited the grin to resurface and twists the corner of his lips. "Well, couldn't possibly have you tire of me once you have an anwer to it. It's too fun to tease you after all." Ulf expressed, tapping his index finger upon the tip of Agnar's nose.

"But.. I guess i could at least tell you that much, especially not with how much trouble i caused you these days.. well, it's a mark of betrayal. My own flesh and blood seeks my demise, they almost succeeded as it was practically a mortal wound but i didn't want to let them win so i fought hard to survive. Now that I'm still alive and kicking, i was thinking of returning the favor." Heavy and bitter the very words he uttered had left a bad taste on the tip of his tongue and yet, he shared what little he could without possibly ruining any plans he may have.

For a moment he paused and reached down to hold the calloused hand that was tracing the messy lines of his old wound, holding them gingerly within his palm with his thumb lightly trace their knuckles. "I could still remember the pain as if it was yesterday, the betrayal that I felt and the sheer hopelessness as there was no one to turn to. I knew sooner or later it will came to fruition and yet perhaps i wanted to believe even if it was delusional that the one whom i looked up to had also plotted my downfall. Fear soon filled my heart and I could feel darkness strangling my soul, but I was saved." Each words painted the haunting nightmares that strangled him so, his motivation to move forward regardless of what's to come.

"That is why I'm eternally grateful of our great Jarl. Without him, I would have joined the mountains of skeletons waiting for me in the deep river. I wouldn't have been able to meet you if it had never came to be, such an irony don't you think? I could only imagine how tangled up my fate must be within the tapestry." He chuckled softly, lightly patting the back of Agnar's hand.
He listened intently, watching as he put his hand in his, adjusting his hand so they clasped better. He thought back to when he first met Ulf and how he looked like a spirit had descended upon them and not just because of his ethereal looks. Ur his eyes were as dead as a sail with no wind to lift them. He wondered what someone had to go through to show up looking as he did. He squeezed his hand gently, feeling his own anger in his chest well up at the thought of his own kin betraying him. It was beyond him to think of that happening especially with their clan being as tight knit as they were, they watched out for one a other and families were usually only torn apart by war or illness.
"Ulf..I don't know what to say, truly. All I can manage is that fate did bring you to us and the gods brought you close to me and I don't plan on letting that be all for not. I will help you seek this revenge and the blood of your enemies shall spill before you"
He raised their hands to our Ulf's hand against his chest where his heart was.
"I promise you that much, just as you were there when my son died I will see this through with you"
Hearing such honesty, the guilt that rode his shoulders would only grow heavier. Yet there was this desire, he would be lying if it didn't felt absolutely isolating all these time making the strategies with everything riding on his own shoulders. He was indeed used to such burdens, one might even say he was trained for it but even then. He needed a loyal vassal, anyone he could turn his back to. Though that would prove to be difficult after his close to death experience, betrayal shattered his confidence. For each heartbeat that resounded from their chest, he could slowly feel it in sync with his own.

Forming a soft smile to twists the corners of his lips, raising both of his hands that were currently held by those calloused palms. Cradling the face of the man he had adored and admired to this very day, He whispered a gentle word of thank you. "And for that, you have my boundless gratitude Einherjar." Those pale lips hummed into a soft melody, lowering himself back to lay upon the comfortable bed. He lied on his side while those red beads would not falter away from the very figure before him.

"Well, the stars are still up upon the sky. We should return to bed now before The jarl finds out we're awake, I am not exactly looking forward to hear his lectures. We'll be quite busied tomorrow, I promsed to take you with me to the capital after all." Ulf reminded, a flicker of image of what the other would wear to disguise himself.. he will certainly be quite popular with the ladies. "But first, i'll have something to gift you in the morning, I'm sure you'll find it to your taste." A gamble for aure but to dress up as a commonfolk should nor be too hard to do, though theres nothing he can do of the distinct build that the warrior had. It will just have to serve as another advantage for them.
As Ulf held held his face something pulled and aches in us chest though he wasn't ready to face it, not yet at least. He simply held him close as the nights child air seeped into the room even under the blankets of wool and fur.
"Oh you will...I already received my ear full from the jarl I'm sure he will have some things to say to you as well."
He chuckled quietly as the days events weighed on him heavily. The softer bed was begging for him to sleep and the warmth of the body next to him only beckoned him more so. He instinctively pulled Ulf close to share the warmth as he pulled the hide over his bare torso.
"Do not hesitate to wake me for any reason especially if your in pain. Let us be ready for the day ahead hm?"

He whispered close before laying hai head against the bed sing and closing his eyes. After sharing a bed the other night this for some reason felt just fine to him and so much better than the the solitary hard bedding be was used to sleeping in. His lashes fluttering as sleep beckoned to him.
A soft chuckle resounded from those pale lips, comfortable within the warmth that encapsulates both of their flesh. "Don't burden your pretty head of it, I'll be fine." The deep voice echoed ever so faintly along the whispers of the night. "Good night, Son Of Odin." He whispered softly, closing those weary rubies behind the pale lashes mimicking the glimmer of the pale moonlight. Time had come to a halt as the silence embraced them both and basked within the bliss of a thriving village, a place one could truly call as home.

Rays of yellow tinting the dark blue sky, the sun soon greeted the vibrant land with it's warmth, ushering the sleeping inhabitants to rise to the challenge and continue life as it once was. Today however, that pale figure managed to overslept without much of a fuss. Even then, he remain fast asleep right beside the resting warrior. Still as a statue without a care in the world, despite having prior duties to take care off. Perhaps even then, it would be nice to take things slowly at a time without the need to rush at a short notice.
As the sunrise, though it didn't penetrate the room they had been resting in Agnar could almost feel it in his bones as he stirred and groaned. He was not ready for the activities presented to him for the day but he knew they needed to be done regardless. He looked over at the resting figure before him. At some point in the night as they slept soundly they had gotten tangled up and Ulfs head rested upon Agnars muscular arm and had their legs intertwined. He didn't want to move from the confront position and silently enjoyed it as the noises from outside sounded so vaf away.
"By the gods what am I getting myself into.."
He sighed delightfully as he kept resting his head on the pillow beneath him, feeling Ulfs chest rise and fall so close to his own. He reached out and cupped his cheek gently as to not wake him quickly from his rest. He felt the old soul before him rarely slept this way and he felt guilty for having to wake him at all in the first place.
'Ulf..my lagsmær...the day waits for no man."
A familiar voice echoed into his mind, causing those aged features to stir in it's sleep ever so slightlt. Pale strands brushed against the warrior's forearm, while those crimson beads flutter open and locked eyes with those brilliant blues. Slowly, the grin on his lips had returned as he patted the warrior's hand lightly. "I must say, your arm does make quite the perfect cushion for my head. It has my full approval." He murmured light heartedly with a warm chuckle, seemingly comfortable to stay within that particular position. He even leaned slightly into Agnar's palm that was cupping his cheek, savoring the very moment he shared with the other.

However, as much as he would like to linger within the retired warrior's arms. He had to wake up, lest he wasted this opportunity to familiarize his companion with the very rich culture that the locals here celebrated. With that in mind, he sat from the bed and lightly pat their back. "Come, I have something for you." Ulf uttered a reminder to the very same remark he had spoken of last night. Ushering them to their normal routine, while also making sure he stir away from the jarl's wrath for now. He slowly stood on his two feet and stretched his joints, popping them in each slight movements he made. Before gathering his belongings and slip into his white tunic that was folded neatly by Freja, turning his attention back at those gray strands that framed their strong features.

Ulf waited for them to join him, while explaining exactly what he is planning to do that morning. "Since the capital is far and heavily guarded, we will be riding with horses from the stable. Worry not, this time you have your own. Either way, there's one more thing we needed to pass through their gates. A fitting attire, I've procured some from my contacts and one of them should definitely be your size. Though it'll be much different from what you are used to." He pointed out, knowing well that the usage of fabric and the fashion trend that the English men have may seem peculiar to their people.

But, it'll be much easier to blend in plain sight that way. "Visiting the capital, sounds like fun don't you agree Einherjar?" Ulf uttered, patting Agnar's shoulder lightly. With that smug grin proudly displayed before his old companion, one could only wonder just what kind of mischief is he up to now.
Agnar stretched as they both sat up and prepared for the day, the sounds of both their tired and aging bodies making him snicker to himself. He wondered what trick the man had up his sleeve on this day as he watched him change, his own clothes clothes though disheveled still on from the night before. He rubbed sleep from his eyes as he as he stood up and looked at the brilliant clothes handed to him, they were definitely a change from his usual more common attire. He grabbed them carefully and run his fingers over the hems and adornments."It is quite fancy isnt it? Is this how most people from this continent dress? Seems a bit much to me" He disrobed before sliding on the new attire, almost feeling a little too dressed up. "im sure this style of clothing is much more fitting on a man like yourself Ulf. This old blacksmith feels a little odd in clothes like these. But I would be lying if I said I wasnt curious about the place these people come from and how they live."
Ulf's Attire

After he had handed His companion a more suitable attire to visit the capital with, he alone completed his own garb and swept his hair back before pulling the cowl over his head. Obscuring his distinct pale features lest he gathered unwanted attention, now however that said attention should be on his friend here seeing as the garments he gave him had fit quite well. Though there were minor adjustment needed, as he unbraided Agnar's beard and carefully gather them to tuck underneath their chin with the help of a single ribbon.

He did the same for the rest of their features, grooming them to be a little bit more well kept and to the standards of the current culture that permeates the kingdom. Fixing the garb here and there, only then was he good to go. "There, Oh look at you Einherjar. You'll attract the heart of the ladies certainly, They'll be swooning over you once we reach the capital." Ulf chuckled warmly, seemingly satisfied as he admired his handiwork. Lightly patting the blacksmith's soldiers, He wasn't exactly hiding the fact that he was eyeing the warrior from head to toe. "Have faith, You'll fit in just well. Well then I shall save the chit chat for later, It's about time we see for ourselves who we are up against with." He pointed out, beckoning for his old companion to follow him out of the building and avoid the crowd lest they be spotted and arouse some curiosity.

It was not far till thy managed to track down out the fields by foot, now that's where his own preparations come in. Halting his footsteps, he whistles into the air and soon a pair of hooves darting through the fields greeted the pair. There was the familiar white horse that they rode together not too long ago, she greeted the pair and even nudged her snout against Agnar's cheek. "Seems like she has taken a liking to you." Ulf murmured with that thin grin of his, placing both of his palms on his hips before instructing his steed to return to his side. Now the chestnut horse stood proudly before the retired warrior and wasn't exactly sociable in comparison to Ulf's loyal steed. It was larger and sturdier in size, seemingly made for war. "You can ride Sir Chestnut here, A strong horse he is but perhaps a little stubborn. Though i must say, you two are very much alike." He teased, moving up to hoist himself over the white mare and settled upon the saddle. He steer closer to the proud equine standing beside his companion, holding onto it's reins to stabilize the stubborn horse. "Come, I'll keep him steady hop on." Ulf assured his partner, clicking his tongue to gain the horse's attention and it seems to listen to him somewhat.

(I liked this outfit for Agnar..our beautiful old men xD)
Agnar felt like a boar stuffed inside a potato sack, reaching up to touch the ribbon now decorating his beard. "I doubt im capturing the hearts of any ladies anytime soon even if I wanted them too. Pretty sure your the only one admiring this old man" He attached what looked like a half cloak to his shoulder as he groaned and tried to loosen the area around his neck. Did people really wear these clothes? How did they fight? How did they farm? There's no way they were able to do anything important in these outlandish outfits. He tried his best to stick close to Ulf not wanting any of the other warriors to see him in this garb. But he wouldn't deny that it suited Ulf quite nicely, almost like he was meant for it.

When the horses approached he greeted the white mare with a gentle rub on her nose. But when the chestnut colored one approached him huffed and kicked at the dirt as he bobbed his head. He gave Ulf a knowing look as he always seemed to find someway to tease him and make his life a tad more complicated. "I dont see how you plan I mount this horse in these clothes. Ill be lucky if the seems dont burst on me" He sighed as he carefully put his hand on the horses neck readying himself to mount. He managed it with some trouble especially as the horse tried to move from it spot to let the warrior climb on. When he finally got all the way on his hair was a tussled mess as he gave Ulf an exhausted look. "We arent even to our destination yet and I feel exhausted"
(that outfit make him such an esteemed gentleman haha)

A warm chuckle resounded from his lips, seeing the very disheveled state of the man he had helped gather his bearings earlier. Reaching out to carefully tidy the rogue strands and folded fabrics to straighten beneath his palm, lightly patting the crumpled threads down. "Now- now, you'll enjoy it I assure you. Or I could simply leave on my own, a probable option if you prefer." He mercilessly teased the poor man before him. Still, he did not want to force the warrior to follow his footsteps if he decided to change his mind, after all he sees no value in dragging them around by the neck. Besides, they were simply visiting the Capital of the neighboring kingdom, if anything it will be a piece of cake compared to their previous outing. He pat them lightly on the back, with a knowing smile and proceeded handed over the horse's reins to his companion. "Well then, Off we go. If you're still coming with me, that is." Were the very few remarks he spared to the flustered gentleman.

As a he yelled and whip the reins of his loyal steed, he raced forth towards the open fields before him. Following a cleared path that leads down towards a crossroad, traversing these lands like the back of his hand. It went on continuously for an hour till they managed to see the gigantic towering walls of the bustling fort holding the kingdom separated from outside forces. Crowds wandered in and out of the gates, with guards armed to the teeth patrolling the area. Only then did he slowed down his pace to a halt and dismounted from the saddle to lands before one of the available stables, a man greeted him fondly and carefully took the reins of the white mare into his hand while waiting for the other to follow suit. Handling them for the pair while they are off for an adventure beyond this massive walls. Ulf waited for his companion to dismount and join him, there was little fuss as the gates were open wide for most to enter. The guards however kept a close eye on the travelling pair, but they did not interfere and simply watched from afar.

"Here we are, though we need to travel just a bit more by foot to reach the capital. There are many things I would like to show you, my dearest friend." He uttered softly while outstretching an arm towards the warrior, ushering them both to step through the gates and bask under the lively roads of Edinburgh. (a new name for the kingdom lmao) Distant chatters and melodious symphony of the it's people celebrating their days of peace. Or so it seems to be the case for the higher levels of society, blinding one's perception of how the kingdom is truly fairing in this very era. As they wander through the bustling streets, the roads were lavish with artisan's workshops, painters and even tailors whom he had acquired such wonderful attires from. Faint church bells ringing through the distance with ancient cathedrals towering over the housing complex, a proud landmark for their people and stood with clear authority beside it's ruler. Such is the odd choice that lead mankind to stay within their roots, but it was a matter far from his grasp.

Instead, he led them both towards a particular building. It was decorated with red fabric and flowers adorning it's structure, a large place bustling with nobleman and well-off merchants. There appears to be a significant amount of ladies circulating the area, little did he told his companion that they were entering a brothel. Such is the fact when a lady who is dressed quite crudely approached the pale figure and clung onto him, pulling the cowl down proceeded to lean against his shoulder. "Sir Beowulf! you're finally back, how I've missed you!" The lady squeals and were followed by four others crowding the strategist in a matter of seconds, All of them called to him adoringly and would squirm to grab his attention. This alone usher a warm chuckle to emerge from that mischievous grin of his, he cupped the one of lady's chin tenderly as his honeyed words poured out of those pale lips.

"And I've missed you too my brilliant flower, My apologies for leaving so soon. As much as I would like to share a dance with you, I need to speak with Madam matilda. She is in her room correct?"
Ulf spoke softly as he stroked the bashful cheek before him, they all nodded to his words and pointed up towards the stairs. "Madam is waiting for you upstairs, in her office." One of the courtesans remarked, in which the pale figure would delicately peeled the ladies away from his side one by one. Lightly pushing them towards his companion, he did not need to do much but the girls immediately took a shining upon the esteemed gentlemen standing before them. "My friend, Sir Agnar here is new to the capital, why not keep him company while I speak with the madam? I'm sure you wonderful ladies would like him." he uttered with a mischievous grin, secretly enjoying the very mess he had tangled the unsuspecting warrior of his into. Waving them a goodbye before waltzing off upstairs to meet the owner of the establishment, leaving the warrior to the mercy of the courtesans

(r.i.p Agnar)
Agnar couldnt help but feel overwhelmed with everything around them. The people were bustling and the stalls were loud and busy and compared to their small village they were setting up it was a stark difference and the clothes just made him feel stuffy and enclosed. As they made their way further in he realized how the women become not only a little less dressed up and more in abundance, one of them even so much as approaching Ulf and practically fondling him and eating him up with her eyes. Surely enough more approached to shower him with physical attention and honeyed words and he couldnt help but want to pull him back and fend off the pushy women. He was so caught up in all of that that he almost didnt even realize that they were calling him by another name which did tick a red flag in his mind as he looked his companion over. When they were ushered into the building he felt odd having all of these hands suddenly touch him and he had to hold back trying to kindly push them away. He gave Ulf a quick warning glance as his cheeks flushed almost begging him to take him with to escape the onslaught of women. "L-ladies..you are quite lovely but I..uh.." He started to get flustered and wondered why in Odins name they were here of all places.
(RIP Agnar)
Ulf couldn't help but chuckle under his breath, seeing that flustered reaction of his old companion in the corner of his eyes. However he would only wave his hand at the poor soul, ignoring the cry for help that were displayed upon those briliant sapphires. He entered the room and closed the door behind him carefully, as the madam of the brothel sat upon her desk. Scribbling away with a quil in her fingertips and sets it aside when her eyes gaze up to lock with his own. "I see that you have returned.. Your highness." She smiled and stood up from where she sat. Bowing her head curteously, such act caused Ulf to laugh. "Please Madam, I would have stayed downstairs if I wanted to be teased mercilessly. Now, Are the preparations are well underway?" A question he forwarded to the madam.

She was quiet but soon nodded her head in response, only then did the atmosphere around them began to change. A darkness where the light could never reach, a shadow casted upon those towering walls would soon brough forth soldiers of silence. Fighting for humanity's freedom when the light itself could only cower under the opressive strings of the greedy. Two masks bestowed into his hand, a key of old significance. She approached closer to whisper into his ears, her palm resting on his shoulder. "Tonight the palace is holding a party to celebrate the princess's birthday. You can gain access with that mask but do try to hide that pretty hair of yours Sir Beowulf." She pointed out, lightly stroking the pale locks between her fingertips.

A soft chuckle reverberated through Ulf's throat, he reached up to hold her hand and brushed his lips lightly upon her knuckles. "If the madam says so, who am I to object? You have my utmost gratitude." A soft honeyed whisper traveled from his lips, but he did not linger and made his exit. He stepped out of the room and found the crowd of courtesans who were clinging onto the drengr was making him seat upon the nearby couches and fed him some tea and finger sandwiches. It took almost everything in his body not to burst out in laughter right there and then, he approached them and one of the ladies stood up to cling onto his arm. "Sir Beowulf, please have some tea~" she gently guided his steps, however Ulf peeled her hand off his arm and spun her around before gently catching her in his arms. "Perhaps another time my brilliant flower, both Sir Agnar and I have other matters to attend to." He rejected her softly, caressing her red cheeks while she grew flustered and nodded her head furiously. Removing herself promptly and the other girls were amazed but would also protest a tad bit seeing Ulf ushers the muscular man to part ways with the courtesans. "Come, we have a party to attend to." Ulf softly murmured, the thin grin of his lips harden. Placing an arm around their back and led them outside of the structure.
Most men even at his age would ntk have might off such advances from the women surrounding him as they fawned and touched him and moved him to a couch nearby. They bright him food he has never tried before and well as drink that was a bit too bitter for his liking.
"I'm not hungry currently but truly I appreciate it.."
He was the forced into silence as a women on his lap fed him, his cheeks reddening. What has he been roped into and why was Ulf the only one free from this onslaught? The only thought in his brain being that he would make sure Ukd received the same treatment later if he could remember too. Honestly when he came from behind the door he couldn't be more relieved. He could have practically jumped in his arms.
"By the gods Ulf a party now? This seems hardly a warrior's job..not even the women of our village seem so famished for touch. Though I'm sure you let me to the wolves for your own pleasure"
Agnar grumbled and waves the ladies goodbye before quickly going out of the building with a deep sigh. The feeling of his friends arm on his back burning more so than the women inside. He was. It mentally prepared whatsoever for whatever he had planned to drag him too next.
The sly grin on those pale lips was the only answer he spared the drengr, accompanied with the soft pats of Ulf's palm against the blacksmith sturdy back. Before resting that same hand upon their broad shoulder and pushed those striking features reflected off Agnar's blue eyes to decrease the distance between the two silhouettes. "Now-now, they are really wonderful ladies. Besides, they are very helpful to distract guards when needed and also a crowd to blend in." A point and perhaps two words that no one would think to draw a line between them. With that said, the pale figure did not linger around the topic and instead he placed one of the mask that he received from the madam to cover those rough features. Carefully straigthened their attire after the ladies had clung to him so tightly.

At that moment he simply appreciates just how well the mask pulls the attire together, for a moment he could almost feel a tug in his soul. "Ah- a man after my own heart, this attire suits you very well Einherjar. I could almost feel my heart skip a beat." He teased, though it wasn't a simple means of flattery. But those red eyes would almost brighten upon holding this very sight before him as they arrived upon the great Palace gates. Royal knights stood guard and there were impressive amounts of them within the vicinity. Only allowing those wearing the same mask to enter, keeping a tight lid on whom may attend the party. "Well, try not to stray too far from me once we are inside." Ulf warned as he pulled the cowl of his cloak to cover his head and slid the mask to hide the rest of his pale features.

He motioned for the former warrior to follow him and the guards let them in without much question, allowing the pair to enter the palace's garden where elites and nobles wore the fanciest fabric they had and enjoyed a healthy amount of red wine. Chattering off in groups and gossips of the lowest kinds in society, the red flag plastered all over the place. However Ulf would halt his steps as the thin grin on his lips had fallen off, replaced with such an unreadable expression while he stared at the four figures far upon the stage. The brown haired king who looked like he was aging rapidly for his time and a smiling advisor sticking by the king's side, while the brown haired princess sat quietly with a troubled expression beside her knight. There was clear tension in the air, but only Ulf could understood what it truly meant in the first place. "Seems like the situation is that dire indeed." He whispered softly under his breath.
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Agnar touched the mask gently, his vision semi obscured but still able to see somewhat well, Ulf hands brushing over his body as he fixed his clothing making him glad that the mask was on. "You truly find joy in teasing me dont you?" Though he enjoyed his honeyed words regardless even if he didnt say out loud. When he looked at Ulf with the mask on himself he couldnt help but wonder how regal and handsome his features were, truly he fit in more here than his large rough featured self. Agnar couldnt help but feel out of place even though no one would give him an odd glance something inside him just felt off and insecure, he only felt some comfort with Ulf at his side.

As they approached he too took note to hide himself and seem as small as possible which was pretty hard to do. "Ill do my best, though this body of yours might get swept away in the crowd. Lucky for you and can push my way through anyone to find you" He grinned though you couldnt quite see the smile in his eyes as they were shadowed behind the mask. The small chit chat mostly helped them move smoothly past the amount of guards, the blade hidden under his clothing against his leg burning to be grabbed if they dared to make a move. Of course once they were inside he wasnt aware just how crowded it would be and why Ulf had warned him to stay close in the first place. It was filled with feathered men and woman parading around like peacocks while laughing annoyingly with food and wines in hand. The scene might have looked the same to their own gatherings back home but something was so much more off about it here. There was no sense of brotherhood, friends and loved ones it all just felt like a thinly veiled warzone where the ones fighting didnt wear armor but silk and thread and instead of weapons they had daggers in their eyes and poison on their lips. He wanted to mention something to Ulf but upon looking at him he felt his throat catch. "Ulf...lagsmær, even behind that mask I can see the tension on you" He talked quietly and stood close by, his hand reaching out to touch his lower back in comfort.
At first The pale figure seemed to be preoccupied, for those blazing crimson beads soften upon the rugged King's face. A bitter taste on the tip of his tongue, a guilt burrowing like no other resurfaced from the bottomless pit of obscurity. He composed himself and yet there was sorrow lingering upon those pale lashes, a fist balled up within his palm. He couldn't help but pull that grin to plaster across his lips, especially when his own companion had noticed his tensed figure. "Well, it is good that we are here now. It would be unkind of me to not leave the princess a gift on her birthday." He spoke softly, a sly grin hid underneath that regal cowl. As he spotted one of his contacts who appears to be a maid of the royals in the crowd, she approached the pair gracefully when Ulf waved his hand discreetly and asked her a favor.

"Good evening My lady, would you be so kind as to deliver this to the princess?" He whispered by her shoulders as he handed her a small golden chest that looked awfully familiar, it was in fact the same chest that was in the jarl's posession. The maid bowed her head courteously and left the pair in silence, Ulf did not linger and motioned for the retired warrior to follow his footsteps down near the palace walls. However he steer clear of guard and gestures for his companion to tread lightly, pulling out the key that the madam gave him and accessed the inner grounds of the palace. It led them to a long stair guiding the pair towards the palace higher balconies, overlooking the whole party and also away from prying eyes.

"Let's enjoy this sight a little shall we?" A laid back remark for trespassing the wolves den, though the view and scenery itself was breathtaking. For a few seconds, the party remained as is. Chatters and frivolous yells of celebrations parading over the two royals who were wearing a forceful smile. Though those lips of theirs would soon turn wide open from pure shock as the princess received the golden chest from the maid, this would usher the grin on The strategist's lips to widen. "Wonder if she will like the expensive gift i sent her." He muttered off light heartedly, leaning against the concrete railings. Only then did princess's face grew pale and she hurriedly notified the king, handing over the chest to him. The same color filled that exhausted face of his, how his shaky hands would dug into the chest for that golden locket as if out of desperation. When he finally uncover it's contents, he stood up from his throne. Shouting from the top of his lungs while holding the locket in his hand, he looked like a mad man.

"WHO SENT THIS LOCKET, TELL ME WHICH ONE OF YOU HAD THIS LOCKET!!" The King screamed aand yelled, causing chaos to wreak havoc among the guests who attended the party. The princess would beg for the king to calm down and had to practically lead him indoors from stirring up trouble, however one could see that for the first time. Those exhausted eyes was filled with fire, one that the king was desperate for. With the chaos that ensued, the advisor tried to calm the guests down and continued with that smile of his. Soon however he seemed utterly pissed and stormed out of the scene. Only then Did Ulf moved from where he stood. "There it is, he's on the move." Ulf prompted, beckoning for his companion to follow his steps. Seems like the night is getting much crazier as time goes by.
Though the tense muscles in his back didn't calm he did feel his demeanor change somewhat. He moved his hand with a sigh when he flashed that same grin he always did though he didn't meet him with one in return. He quietly watched as a maid approached and Ulf handed over the box he had seen in the Jarls room once beforehand. His brow furrowed but he didn't say anything as she quickly scurried away with it. He mostly just felt so out of it and couldn't get rid of the nagging feeling in his chest. Though he was glad Ulf brought him along he was realizing more and more that he had no idea what he was even doing, what either of them were doing.
"I wasn't aware we were holding onto such a lavish gift for someone of such high standing. Glad that didn't get stolen off you now hm?"

Though he didn't pry further as they began to move from the crowd, avoiding stepping on long dresses or kicking over the lavish canes some of the gentlemen had. Thankfully where they were going was getting quieter and farther away from the commotion around them. Usually he would be hungry at events like these but he couldn't imagine eating or drinking anything here or if he could even stomach it for long with how his nerves kept getting the better of him. In the meantime he would soak in the muffled sounds of the party below.
"I wish I could say I was enjoying this alone time with you but I feel like this is all just a matter of time before that ends"
And almost on cue the shouting started, almost making Agnar jump from his boots at the bellowing voice of the king. He quickly looked to Ulf, the one who had started this madness and he could see in his eyes that this mostly what he wanted from the start, his pale eyes filled with a feral pleasure. He pursed his lips and again ignored the desire to speak up but instead just followed along as they tailed the man he assumed was the target for the night.
The pale figure did not spare even a word of explanation for his companion that he dragged deeper into this mess, for once those bloodied crimson would spark with sheer wrath that was wrapped under those pale lashes. As he rushed his feet towards the Palace interior, not a moment he wasted and managed to scour down the lavish hallways without a single shred of hesitation. It was a maze but a maze only he was well familiar with, every nook and cranny he coursed through and shorcuts he found effortlessly. He managed to tail the advisor who is hurriedly passing through the corridor, cursing under his breath as he notified the guards to be on the lookout of an intruder. The thing is, they could never hope to find the pair. Not with Ulf guiding both of their steps through various room that the guards would never look for, till they finally tracked the advisor alone and in one of the large rooms where the walls are decorated with the painted portraits of the kingdom's ruler.

One of them however was haphazardly painted, a smaller figure compared to the rest and it's features were quite blurred with fresh petals decorated it's golden frame. He waved at his companion to close the door behind them, with the pale hooded figure pulling out his sword. The advisor saw this and unsheathed his own, demanding the stranger to stay away. "Lowlife scum! was it you who caused this commotion? I will have your head for you insolence!" The advisor questioned, he was old decrepit fool who was trying to fend off a man of great physique. Ulf couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, as he proceeded to take his graceful stance.

"Perhaps, perhaps not. But it was entertaining to see you run like the pathetic coward you are." He insulted the advisor, leading the furious noble man to strike forth and with ease the pale figure clashed their swords together. The steel recoiling off each other as they battled to lay a single cut on either side, for a man his age. The advisor was infact quite skilled with their blade, being able to stand his ground despite Ulf's powerful assault. That is, when the man decided to aim for the hooded man's muscular companion and stike forth to swing their sword at him. "What a fool, you've dug your own grave." The strategist shook his head slowly knowing the warrior would have crushed The elder man with ease.
Agnar has no choice but to follow close behind, the capes whipping around them as they turned quickly and smoothly navigating the halls as if they were nothing. He would have gotten lost long ago and most likely cornered by guards.
"How are you navigating these halls with such ease? It's a mad house"
He huffed as their hurried steps rounded corner after corner until they finally came to a stop in front of a door. Within was the man of the hour though to him he was simply a poor fool wrapped in this web of chaos and was soon to meet his end. He followed Ulf motions and quickly closed the door and not only that but used a chair to bar it against anyone who may try to enter without permission.

He wanted to interject but it seemed it was already decided that it was a fight they wanted, watching Ulf take the same stance he had taken when they had sparred days before. It was a glorious thing to witness honestly and he thought he never looked more graceful than when he was fighting. The clashing of the swords creating flashes of light that showed both mens strength as they tried to push one another into submission. Agnar had no doubt in his mind that Ulf could easily win this had the man not chosen to turn the attack to him in a split second.
He was cut off as he barely managed to dodge th sword that had gone for his head, it made a cracking sound as it collided with his mask. He shouted at the shock of it but he managed to quickly reel back, pulling the blade from his leg. In retaliation while the advisor was gathering himself for the next attach Agnar swiftly brought the blade up and through the wrist holding the sword easily cutting clean through. Blood looked down his hands before he ripped the blade back out.
For a flash of moment, he watched quietly while the advisor would stood haphazardly trying to fend off the sturdier mass. Though at first that accuracy would have led to an unfortunate outcome were it not for the mask taking the blow the last second, he watched the fight ended in a blink of an eye. If only that was indeed the case, yet instead for a split second he would see the flash of that particular hidden dagger underneath the noble men's bloodied attire. This would usher that pale lips to part and scream at the top of his lungs, his stomach pits as pure terror kicks in. "AGNAR!!" The crack in his hoarse voice rippled through the air, ringing the defeaning silence. Just as the warrior had made it's mark upon the opponent so did the lowest of scum would utilize the dirtiest trick it had. With a cold smile, the advisor had planted a dagger so deep into the Warrior's stomach. Pretending that he did that attack out of desperation, he was aiming for the pale figure's companion from the very start. Seemingly brushed off the dripping crimson leaking through that decorated fabric, turns out he had wore a steel armor underneath and revealed the blood was a cut made to a pouch sack filled with red wine.

"Oh, so that is the name of this one's life. Very well, I shall remember you as the noble gentleman that I am. I do hope you would die quietly now." The advisor uttered maliciously and spat at the injured warrior, ushering the rage to come forth from the hooded pale figure. Ulf jumped in and swung his sword with ruthless assault, to the point that even the blade would start to chip from the impact. "CURSE YOUR DAMNED SOUL TO THE SEVEN HELLS EDMUND!!" He shouted with pure fury, only wrath and rage filled his every actions then. In doing so he managed to leave a cut upon the noble man's face, but this came at a cost of his own identity revealed. As they broke the mask he wore and sliced the dark fabric that obscured his pale locks. As fear shook the noble men's limbs, face as pale as sheet. "Y-YOU!? YOU SHOULDN'T BE ALIVE! HOW- NO! YOU WILL NOT INTERFERE! YOU SHOULD HAVE STAYED DEAD!" Sheer disbelief shook the advisor's ground and he run off frantically to escape, Ulf was about to catch him but halted his steps as he had something else much more dire in this situation. His companion was injured and it was all his fault for not realizing that they have fallen right into the scum's traitorous tricks. They couldn't linger much longer, now the advisor will definitely kill him if they dont leave now and the guards would soon have them surrounded. Just what kind of mess did he dragged them into, one that Ulf himself had overlooked.

He rushed towards Agnar's side and ripped a cloth off his attire before wrapping it to stabilize the dagger, he couldnt afford to remove it and risk the warrior to bleed out. Right now he had to get them to safety, out of the kingdom as fast as he could. He patted Agnar's chest keeping his attention and usher them out of the room with a hand to support their bodyweight. "Come on Einherjar, stay with me. We have to get out of here." He uttered frantically, while guiding the pair down the hallway and through another room, evading the guards as best as he could. There are times where he had to Leave Agnar for a moment to take care of the few of the guards loitering about before, returning to his companion and helping him towards the exit.
It all seemed to happen so fast, one moment he felt he had the upper hand, he had the advantage of strength and size. What he had not been prepared for was the trickery of his opponent, the absolute cowardly way he had of besting them. On the battlefield even against enemies no one would dare to bring that kind of shame upon themselves as a warrior but that was just the thing, he was not on his battlefield he was on their territory playing their games..games he had no knowledge of how to play. The sting of the initial puncture was what he felt first as he looked down and saw the blade plunged into his stomach, next was the hot burning of blood starting to bubble up around it. "la-lagsmær.." He gasped as the clothing on his started to stick to his skin and darken with his blood. Soon he was on his knees as he looked up to the man before him laughing as if he had done something great. He couldnt even properly respond to Ulfs calls or the sudden swinging of weapons before him. He could hear them going back and forth for awhile but suddenly it sounded like the ocean was raging inside his head.

He collapsed forward only being able to hold himself up using one hand while the other tried to touch the blade sticking from him. Brilliant little stars started to cross his vision as his other arm soon gave out leaving him laying back on the cool floor, his mind swimming with all these different thoughts as he came to try and accept his fate. He thought surely the gods were calling him home when a blurred figure was suddenly besides him, white hair glimmering in the lights around them and red eyes practically begging for his attention. He shakily reached up to try and touch his face but falling short only just barely touching a whisp of his hair leaving it dyed red. He couldnt manage words at the time but he understood that he was risking it to try and get them both out so the least he could do is not be dead weight but it was starting to get harder to focus, to walk and the nausea was coming in and out in waves. At one point when he was sat down leaned up against a wall while Ulf took care of the guards in the area and when he returned this time he didnt stand up as quickly. "Ulf..theres no point..I can-I cant move much more. I wont...slow you down more..you can still leave and return to the j-jarl and finish what you started. You have the s-strength to do it"

He fought off another wave of nausea as he touched the hilt of the sword protruding painfully from his stomach, even the slightest touch aggravating the burning once again. He turned to look at his friend who was seemingly now more blood stained than he was even from when he touched his hair. "Ah..I got your hair dirty. Forgive me my lagsmær....I have a-always admired this hair of yours. Always yndisleg.."
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For a moment the breath that lay harbored from those lips would hasten each of his steps, followed with that smile forced upon his pale lips. "Leave you? No need to try and make me laugh Einherjar. You're our greatest warrior, I would be a fool to do so. No need to worry your pretty head, I'll get us out of here so just sit tight." Ulf blurted out in that soothing low voice, he was frantic and perhaps shaken for the first time before his own companion's eyes. It was true however, getting them both out would almost be impossible. But he had to make it happen regardless of the obstacles, even if the odds are stacked against him. But nothing had managed to make those red crimson tremble ever so fervently till the warrior would spoke softly, an apology for ruining his hair.

Those exact words pierced his heart, clawed the back off legs and led those steps to grow heavier in each stride. With a loud grunt, Ulf lifted his companion to lay in his arms and carried him out of the palace. Taking a sharp turn to head towards a secret passage only he alone had known of, he did not waste even a second to find the end of the tunnel. Running as fast as his feet could take him. "Einherjar, don't you remember that we made a promise before? We'll stay together till the end- No one left behind. I will not fail you, not again." He blurted out once more, trying to keep his voice light hearted despite the fact that he was out of breath and trying to keep the warrior awake for as long as he could.

Not long, with tattered steps. He managed to reach the outside walls and whistles for his steed to approach him, helping the warrior on top of the saddle and placed both arms around the injured warrior to keep him propped on the saddle. Only then did the arrows came to rain down upon the fugitives, Ulf tried his best to maneuver around the siege of arrows but still managed to caught two of them against his back. He did not hesitate to use his own body as a shield for his injured companion, for the pain he felt could never amount to the suffocating fear that strangled his soul.

He pushed through the open field, rushing away from the land he was casted off. Guilt riding on his weary shoulders and a chant of soft yet desperate whispers echoed within his throat, few drops of clear liquid pool against the blacksmith's skin. Followed by a rain that sullies the open wound and he ripped his cloak off his attire to cover his companion's body from getting soaked. "O great goddess Freyr, mother of the gods and goddesses, you are the bride of Woden... You are the queen of Yggdrasil, the tree that holds up the universe and with your magic weaving, you hold our world together. When there is sickness in a body, you restore it to health.." He murmured under his breath, completely drenched by the rain water. Darting his vision back and forth between the injured soul whom he cradled between his arms and the harsh terrain before his eyes.

Feeling his lips quiver as those glossy red eyes cower underneath the pale lashes. "I turn to you, O great goddess Freyr, in my time of need. I am but a child of the ruthless and the savages who brought poison to this lands. But i ask of you, that for those whom held your name in such bravery. That even a fraud like me, that you would hear this pathetic prayer be answered. For a man who open his arms to your most loving embrace, Please. Heal my loved one from this injury." a heavy sigh resounded from that guilty soul, paving through the darkness with the sight of the settlement not far from his reach but he knew all too well of where this lead.

He had desperately hoped that this foolish man before would take hid advice and save his own life, that was what he wanted after all, to save at least one life even at the expense of his own. Even if they made it home there was no guarantee that he would survive even then. But of course ever the stubborn one he still pushed himself and carried on his desire to take Agnar home. His legs still trying to keep up but failing off and on causing Ulf to have to drag and semi carry him hall by hall until Agnar felt the sensation of grass and dirt against his boots and the smell of the earth being the first to attack his senses in a way that kept him awake if only for a little longer. He grunted as his body fought to listen to what he wanted them to do, feeling like even a whisper of a word would be the last of his energy he could muster. But even in his almost drunk like state he could pick things up here and there like the sounds of Ulfs ragged breathing, his whispers and murmurs and the grunts of discomfort as the sound of arrows pierced him yet he couldnt be sure what exactly was happening.

The galloping of the horse keeping him from dozing off mixed with the rain that speckled against his now pale face. The last thing he wanted was for Ulf to carry the weight of his death in top of everything else, doing whatever he could to stay awake to just hold on a little longer. But he couldnt keep his eyes open for long and before he knew it the pain was gone and he was sitting in the sand staring at the ocean. The crisp salty wind was blowing in his face as he looked around at the open ocean before someone sat next to him. Agnar grinned as a young man built much like himself with bright blue eyes smiled back. "Father..what have I told you about spacing out at the ocean its going to make you dizzy" Agnar shrugged and punched him in the shoulder scoffing in his face over his unfounded worries. "Einar you worry to much about this old man of yours. Im simply enjoying the view, its calm..but hey shouldnt you be somewhere right now?" He couldnt quite form the thought, his son was meant to be somewhere else wasnt he? He looked over at him and for a moment it seemed his physical form blurred for a moment before he stood and offered his hand. Agnar took it without a thought and when he pulled away he left behind a blood stain on Einars hand. "W-what.." He then looked down to see a pool of blood forming painlessly on his stomach and as he looked up his son stood there with a sad smile on his face. "I told you you would get dizzy, you need to take better care of yourself for his sake" Whos sake he wondered? Why was he bleeding? Suddenly the skies darkened and it began to snow, picking up quickly as it gathered at their feet and collected little drops of crimson from his dripping wound. He was brought back to the moment when his shoulders were grabbed gently, looking up to see his sons smiling face once again. "Im not ready for you to join me here as much as I miss you I know we will be reunited one day and for now you have someone waiting for you who" Agnar looked confused but as the snow stuck to his sons hair and the way the blood kept leaving round splotches under him he looked up once more only to not have his son before him but that same familiar cocky smile. Ulf was now in front of him holding his shoulders as his crisp white hair blew gently in the sea breeze and his dazzling red eyes locked with his. "Einherjar.."

Agnar was snapped awake once more as he was greeted with the throbbing pressure in his stomach and the sounds of shouting around him. "Hurry! Get him to the long house! Hes going to bleed out dammit!" His body was being gently pulled away from the horse, feeling strong hands and arms holding him by his legs and shoulders. "Ulf what happened? Where have you two been? Gods your hurt pretty bad yourself come on follow me" Voices kept coming from each direction and for a moment he could see the starlit hair glimmering befor ehim, with two arrows protruding from his back. He groaned as he tried to move, wanting to go to him. "Agnar stop moving! We will be there shortly..just hold on...hold on.." Eventually the voices all faded once again before he blacked out once again.
He could almost feel the cold freezing air in his fingertips, time was running short and once more the familiar sense of hatred burrowed into his flesh like none other. At this point, the pale features were unreadable, but deafening silence became his voice. Each pounding heartbeat rings within his ears, he could not dare to answer any questions that were prompted to him. For his lips could only quiver and he stood still against the pouring rain. He did not follow those footsteps, he couldn't dare to. For the longest time in forever, fear froze him where he stood. With the commotion that came from the Longhouse, The jarl rushed out of the building and those rough features were looking for answers from the pale figure. "What on Odin's beard did you do!? You sneaked out without giving us a second thought!?" The king was understandably pissed, yet even as he continued to shake and shove the strategist for answers. There was only silence at his mercy, crimson soaked the decorated fabric while Ulf avoided the king's eyes.

A distant echo of the war horn resounding into the night could only mean one thing, Edmund had sent his troops over to end his retaliation once and for all. He couldn't let that happen, not after everything that has happened. The warriors all scurried over to prepare for war, but Ulf turned his back and pry his hand from the jarl protesting for him to stay down. This was his war, not theirs. He climbed onto the back of the saddle and spare only a few words for the King had served till the very end. "I will take care of this, But this is where we part ways. I promised you wealth and glory upon these lands, I am but a fraud to betray your trust. But I will not trouble you any longer, thank you for allowing this outsider to live his second life in peace." He coldly remarked, glancing at Agnar's body being lifted into the longhouse. "Tell him, that this bleyða is remorseful. Please take good care of him." there was a soft tremor in his voice, causing the jarl's eyes to widen as he could only watch the pale figure stormed away from the settlement and leaving them behind.

"SORÐINN!!" The Jarl shouted on the top of his lungs, frustration boils over his system. They were left stranded, torn apart. Even if the war did not come to bother them once more, the king had lost his trusted subjects. With Ulf's departure and Agnar's mortally wounded, he had no one else to turn to. Not to mention that the warrior who notified them of the oncoming hostiles had seen thousands of armed soldiers riding towards the far open field, how could a single man regardless of how formidable they are. Fend off that many people? he was also injured from the arrows. Distraught the King became, he could only hope that Ulf had planned something even a miracle to survive the attack. "O mighty Thor, please guide that fool. protect him from harm of those wicked souls." the jarl whispered under his breath, reluctant he was to return into the longhouse and attend to great warrior's wounds.

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