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Fantasy The King's Throne For Valhalla

The aroma was something he had not experienced before, though he had had fruits with honey and bread before this meal was something unknown to him. He looked at Ulf quickly as he already started to serve himself up and then back to the food before him. He was almost afraid to touch it as it seems so soft and breakable. The food he was used to eating was either in a soup or in the form of salted meat or breads.
"A tart you say? Sound oddly fancy for someone like me. But I could see you enjoying this"
He poked him jokingly with his tankard before taking an easy swig of the water, not realizing how parched he was feeling. He then gathered a slice onto his bowl with some minor challenges as to avoid making a mess of things. He was hesitant at first but moved to take a decent sized bite. It's flavors were sharp and fresh albeit with a slight bitter taste on the back of the tongue but the sweetness is what won it over. His eyes were wide as he chewed and looked at Ulf in wonder.
"Bread and dried fruit is one thing, I've never experienced something with the fruit cooked into it. This would go well with buttermilk, hopefully the cattle will be ready soon"
He quickly took another bite and unlike his companion he didn't take care as much to avoid staining his mustache once again. Agnar found it was a constant battle each time he ate but it wasn't like it was hard to take care of. He watched Ulf eat with more grace than himself and then he wondered how he knew of such food but yet in all their years this was the first he had spoken out. It was definitely not a good made by his people and he knew Ulf wasn't always with the clan like Agnar was but it was still a little confusing.
"I may look beaten to a pulp but I'm still capable of feeding myself hm? Why haven't you mentioned this kind of food before anyways?"
Hearing each compliment that left their lips had ushered an amused chuckle from Ulf's lips, as he took one more small bite and sets it aside. Ulf reached out a hand towards Agnar, using his thumb to gently swipe off the red stain on the corner of their lips. His other hand supporting the side of oh his pale cheek, chuckling lightly seeing the mess that his close companion had made.

"Look at you, making quite the mess." he chimed teasingly, yet those red eyes of his would almost gaze with such adoration for the Warrior whom he held within high regards. Though he would ponder the very question, turning his eyes to gaze upon the red stain on his thumb. He sucked it lightly, crimson beads pierces through the berry tart on his plate. "I wonder why myself.." he murmured light heartedly, yet there a was a slight tense in his demeanor.

As he watched the red liquid oozes from the crumbs of pie and the throbbing pain returns to his stomach, causing him to cough and force a chuckle from it. "Do you know that i had a baby brother? he was messy just like you.. and he too had a gentle heart.." Ulf teased, yet each words was quite vague. He parted his lips and yet shuts it, he had said plenty enough for now. "Forget it, you liked the mystery after all." a chuckle resounded once more while he leaned against his palm and slowly relax his muscles while the pain quickly passes, he knew it wasn't real but it still hurts like hell.
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Agnar paused before going in for the last bite as he reached out and wiped off what he assumed was a smidge of the bright red fruit. He works be lying if he said he didn't find comfort in it though he would probably never allow above what but Ulf to do such a thing.
"Vikings are not necessarily know for their dainty eating habits as you might have noticed in the dining hall. I don't assume you mind an that much though"
He smirked and took the last bite of his food before cleaning his palette with more water. His eyes following as he watched him lick the red glaze from his thumb, maybe for a little to long. When he started to cough he could see the faintest glimmer of discomfort flutter under his pale eye lashes. He reached out and touched his arm gently to show his concern.
"No..I wasnt aware. For all the years we have known each other there's still plenty I do not know. You have always played that reclusive roll well when it comes to information about yourself."
His hand didn't leave his arm as he held firmly but gently. Ulf had been there for many of his ups and downs, his hardships and triumphs. But Agnar felt in that sense he regretted not being there at some of those times for him.
He felt the gentle calloused hand upon his arm comforting him just at a moment that throbbing pain wreak havoc within his flesh, Those crimson beads would gaze in awe as he could feel the tightening in his chest erupt. Ah what a fraud he was, would this man before him ever forgive this selfish ambition brewing within his heart. A fervent chuckle betraying the guilt burrowing deeper within him, what was he even doing anymore? he should have simply retired and yet.. that would leave him with such emptiness. "Oh Agnar.. we have only met when the jarl took me under his wing, I was but a feeble youth back then. Did you remember when i punched you when we first sparred? you were simply trying to teach me how to hold an axe and yet, I attacked you before the fight had even begun. Thinking that you will trick me, truly I was narrow minded." Were the very remarks he believed to be, but was it the truth he offered? not fully, for all information he would share was either half muddled with white lies or none at all.

No one could tell and they be none the wiser, though the only thing that was common knowledge at this point. The jarl had treated him differently than the other clan members, there was never a must nor a goal for him to follow. Ulf was free to choose or simply to do nothing at all, yet his ambition lies far greater than one could ever hope to imagine. Expectations were clear, one must be a great fighter and he chased this to the very end that much is true. Yet there was never such pressure from the drengr who carried the lives of many upon his shoulders, trying his utter best to keep Ulf close despite knowing well that it would simply not come to be.

A soft sigh rumbled through those pale lips, turning his wrist to catch Agnar's calloused palm within his hand and cradled them tenderly. "If I had told my younger self that this man here would soon turn out to be the very warrior that i admire, full of bravery and glory to regale. He was a fool to doubt you in the first place, after all here you sat by my side and accepting such flaws of mine as is. A true friend I could have never thought to acquire.." sincere remarks flooded his lungs, as the more he poured out. The further the distance grew between them, he wanted to stay and support the only friend he had till the end of his days. But with things as they are, that may never came to be. Not until one of them had been painted fully red by the very delusion that corrupted these land. Shaking his head softly, he pulled away. "Here I am becoming sentimental, perhaps my age had indeed caught up to me." He murmured, distancing himself once more from the matters at hand.
Agnar smiled genuinely as it reached his eyes, his deep grey eyes like stormy seas and thunder clouds. He didn't move his hand even when he shifted it into his own palm. He never realized that despite his almost unmarked skin his hands were still calloused like his own from years of experience.
"Ha! How could I forget, I remember thinking that such a lean man such as yourself had one of the best punches I'd had the honor of receiving during a spar. I truly looked up to your fiery outlook, not that I still don't"
He sighed as he squeezed his hand firmly. Truly he was the closest companion he had within his clan though you might not be able to tell with how they go at each other. To others he was simply a brother in arms good for sparring practice or to children a great storyteller. But not many saw Agnar for who he truly was and saw him flaws and all like Ulf did.
"Don't beat yourself up to much Ulf, letting your true age show now ya old úlfur. We were both young and full of ourselves."
The soft trace of those calloused fingers cradling his palm had usher those crimson beads to hide under those pale strands and for a moment he took in every single remark of comfort that his companion offered him. Ushering those pale lips to part as he reached out with his free hand to pinch Agnar's cheek and let out a warm chuckle to rumble in his chest.

"Whatever did I do to deserve a friend like you? Truly odin had blessed me well." Ulf murmured, before retracting his hands once more and stood from he sat. He cleaned up the bits of crumbs from the table and rests both hands upon the dense back of the retired warrior, he was careful to avoid the bruises and knead the tense muscles carefully. Each shred of tension he worked out with adept accuracy, using both his fingers and sometimes his elbow to loosen the tight knots present on that poor old back.

It was one of the few things he could do to aid in their speedy recovery, especially at this age. "Well, this is the least I can do to return all those favors you have done for me. That and the fact I know well you wouldn't leave me be after last night, There is yet so much work that needs to be done." Ulf pointed out, such is the restless nature of his role as he chase the very roots for their clan's glory.

"Once you feel like your old self once more, you'll be coming with me to the capital. Worry not, i'm simply there to scout and set some preparations into motion. It'll be a good experience to learn more of the innerworkings of our enemies. You may even learn a useful thing one or two." He explained carefully, knowing well taht the better they know their targets then the wiser they become to pick the right steps to take and avoid any unnecessary bloodshed.
Agnar leaned against the table, making a face here and there as he worked some of his sore spots out. At one point a part of his shoulder popped and he let out a reliever groan.
"I'll never understand how you got so good at this. And we fought as one, had the tables been turned id have nurses you back to health myself though with your baby bird feeding habits I might have struggled a bit more than you. Give this old man some mead and a hunk of meat and I'm good as new!"
He pounded his fist to his chest in a show of strength and then winced as he hit a sore spot. Oh how the mighty really do bruise in age. He simply stayed still and enjoyed the attention his back was getting for the moment, the tension slowly leaving his body as his muscles eased up.
"Just keep me in the know how Ulf and don't try to keep running towards these ends on your own. Besides if I'm to die anytime soon it will most likely be in battle and no better way than to do with a friend on my side."
"Ho~ well i did remember being quite the headache when i was once extremely i'll.. I might just make you do so out of sheer spite as a challenge." A warm chuckle filled his throat, doubled so when he saw the clear grimace upon their expression. Ushering the strategist to tap their back lightly with a wide grin on his face.

"So said the warrior himself, now-now no need to add another bruise to your skin. You're plenty strong that much is true." He teased, tracing each of his fingertips upwards to massage the tense knots on the back of Agnar's neck. "To Perish in battle i see.. well then, I'll just have to ensure that may never come to be or we will walk to valhalla together." Firm his voice grew to be with the very remarks that he believed in his heart had indeed been instilled. As he slowly rests both palms on both of those broad shoulders, he leaned in closer to whisper into the warrior's ears.

"You're stuck with me forever Einherjar, I'm not letting you go that easily." A hint of warning filled his words and yet with the absence of any laughter to come, one could only wonder if it was indeed something he had to take within face value or a hidden cryptic meaning in mind to uncover. Ulf would never tell, not unless he could convince him otherwise and such is the matter with many of his antics.
"Don't think I wasn't already prepared to be on your side till the end"
He reached over and squeezed the hand on his left shoulder. The warmth radiating off the body behind him a solemn reminder that he was and always will be there for those he cares about. Aligning with what Ulf wanted not only ensures a way he could help keep his clan safe but also keep the the closest person to him safe as well.
"You have my strength and my weapons on your side and my loyalty. If you walk into the mouth of the enemy then I will be there at your side"
Saying it out loud for himself but for Ulf to hear as well only solidified his determination. This was something he wasn't walking away from now that he had stepped foot into the storm. He stood up carefully and turned his bandaged body towards the only man he would trust his life with and leaned forward, one hand up against the wall as he tilted his head slightly down to look him sternly in the eyes. He wanted him to see the serious conviction that laid under his shadowy gaze.
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A defeated laugh echoed from his lips, he knew that his old companion were a man of pure honesty and one with a golden heart. Yet.. he wished he did not hear that determination within their voice, for the creeping guilt that weighs his soul had reminded him of the bittersweet taste that plagued his tongue in his past. For a moment it led to silence, a long pause that sealed his lips frozen. Little did he expect that Agnar stood from his seat and locked eyes with him, there was a slight tremor to those crimson beads before the pale figure lowered his head and press his forehead gently against the unyielding silhouette's shoulder. Another hoarse chuckle returned to fill his throat followed by a soft sigh.

"You're too adorable my friend.. simply too adorable.." Ulf mumbled under his breath while chewing his lower lips, as he reached out to wrap his arms around their neck and pulled them in gently into his embrace. His grip was frim and yet his fingertips cradled their wounded flesh with utter tenderness, his own breath brushing faintly against the warrior ears. "Promise me this Agnar son of Eskildsen, You will do what's best for yourself and no one else. Even if it means to go against me, especially me.. Fight for your life till the very end Einherjar." By then, these words he had uttered were perhaps the only warning he will ever give them. The only truth he will ever share, as he knew the definite outcome and the burden that came with it was too great to bear.

Even now, his own heartbeat betrayed his calm demeanor. It would almost stop, cease to accept the truth that strangling every sense of will to continue with this parade. But he will never tell, it felt too easy to simply lie out of that bitter mouth of his. A flaw that only he himself is to blame, regardless of what may instigate it. Slowly pulling away, he looked up at those blue eyes with another grin. Any trace of that cryptic remark was erased only in mere moments, as he pat those wide shoulders lightly and returned to throwing another playful remark for his oldest friend. "You know, I did thought of carrying you in my arms last night when you were injured. But I figured you'll die from being mortified so i let it slide." He proudly claimed, It was true that he could try to carry the blacksmith with some effort. Though he might be chased to the ends of the world if he were to humiliate his dear friend so carelessly, admittedly it was extremely hard to resist.
He took his words to heart, feeling them bury under his skin and into his heart. His silence might have been his way of accepting what he said but deep down he was sure that wouldn't be the case. His very own lie that he would keep to himself for now, that he could probably never agree to those terms. Especially in the short moment they held eye contact he could see the quiver in those deep red eyes that shook his resolve everytime. Even as he pulled himself into a small embrace, Agnar places a hand at the small of his back. Ulfs hair gently brushing by his cheek giving him the smell of salt water and fresh earth after newly fallen rain.

He sighed deeply as he picked a smile into his lips, leaning back slightly as he flexed his good arm with a makeshift smile.
"Adorable you say? What if this busy screams adorable to you? I would relish in the thought of you trying to boost me in those shoulders if yours. You best get to eating your fill if you wish to give that a go...that is if I allow it"
He didn't like the distant urgency he could see ever so slightly on his soft features. If it meant changing the subject and teasing back so be it. It was better than seeing any torment from him even if he didn't say it aloud.

He moved some of Ulf's hair from his eyes as he chuckled.

"Might tarnish my reputation as mighty warrior to the little ones and I can't have that. Otherwise they too might think they could bring down the mighty Agnar"
A light hearted chuckle echoed his lips as raised his shoulders and scoffed at the warrior's remarks, these teasing of theirs had raised that palm of his to lightly stroke those light wrinkles upon Agnar's cheek. "You know well not to challenge me my dear friend, I can scoop you up into my arms right here and then." Ulf proudly stated, knowing well that his ambitions would never let him fail. Before retracting his hands and rest both of his palm on his hips, straightening his back yet his shoulders remain laxed. Though he knew well that he could never mimic Agnar's build, his genetics simply would not allow it.

"Atleast they would start calling me the mighty white wolf.. it has quite a nice ring to it." In truth, He could care less of what others think of him. To become the man he is today would not came to be were he was stuck in moral code nor what one would find as prideful victory, all that mattered was that he gets what he wants every single time. Failure was not an answer, not in this life. With that in mind, He patted the tip of Agnar's shoulders once more and proceeded to stand before the exit. "Get some rest, I won't return till dawn. Don't move or do anything funny while i'm out, stay put and recover from your injuries. After all, we have places to be and so I shall wait for you mighty 'drengr'." he stated firmly, red eyes staring a hole between the warrior's eyebrows. "You think you can do that for me?" a question that he had known the answer to, regardless he waited for it.
Agnar clicked his tongue and sat down after Ulf wandered away. He leaned his elbows into his legs and rested his chin in his palms.
"We shall see my lagsmær... perhaps one day you might."
He chuckled as he picked up on the little names he started giving him. He could also pick his own little let names that he enjoyed using and found it to be quite fitting.
"Though that name does sound fitting...maybe the others will soon catch on oh mighty white wolf"
He sat back up and leaned his body back up against the wall.
"Go go and attend whatever duties you might have put off for my sake..I will be fine regardless"
But he couldn't promise that he would be as still in that room like he had hoped. It has been hard enough just did one day to be issues while other's went about their day. Agnar has. It been so still in so long and he could feel the itch in his hands to be useful and do something. Perhaps he would sneak away to his little corner of the boat to fetch some supplies before Ulf returned.
For a moment those crimson beads would gaze deeper against those brilliant sapphire, lingering to remain just a little longer. Yet with that thin grin he had worn for years on end, he raised both of his shoulders and bid them farewell. "Alright, oh- and be sure to finish that tart. wouldn't want it to go to waste." He pointed out at the large remaining slice of berry tart. Walking out of the shed, he closed the door behind him and proceeded to head down the road after he grabbed his spare cloak from the crates beside his domicile. He whistled for his horse to return to his side and rode away from the settlement, approaching the very fortress towering over the vibrant land. Gates unraveled once he arrived, but by then he had disappear from plain sight and in a distance the golden eagle cries into the sky. Soon night would fall to swallow everything whole, darkness prevailed within it's grasp.

Within the wind's maddening dance upon distant shores, it's thundering melody had reached towards the cold stone walls towering such sacred land. Golden colors flicker against pale strands guiding the list and marks of the next pieces to fall from the sick game he played against the tyrannical empire, it's secrets and treachery laid bare before the eyes of the true beholder. Contemplating their next move, his mind could not forget the very words resounded from the mighty warrior himself. Raising the wooden carving of the father of all gods within his palm, while he sat in that wooden throne marked with hand soiled by blood. Fiddling with the wooden piece, the thin grin on his pale lips had soon falter. "Odin.. your warriors had been turned into a plaything and yet you simply do not bat an eye? I tire of this tirade, If you wanted things to remain the same then so be it." Ulf uttered despondently and toss the wood carving onto the table with little care.

He stood from his seat and grabbed the axe he barely held within his palm, holding it firmly within his hand and he swung upon the dummy made of straws. severing it's head as it crumbles towards the ground, throwing the rune marked axe upon the large flag of his enemy. Taste of iron filling his tongue and the sharp throbbing pain wracking his nerve, as he dug his fingers into his skin. His flesh shook from sheer fury, flashes of image lay within his head. "I will find you Edmund, I shall return this pain to you traitorous fool. 'Víðarr' shall bless my sword." a curse he mumbled under his breath, a vision that painted the flag it's own treacherous color. With his heart stilled and his rage rekindled, he made his return to the wolf village.

By then, the sun had once more returned to greet him. Albeit he would soon find himself dismounted from his loyal steed and sat against a nearby tree, coughing through the pain that should dissipate within time. He knew well not to meddle with his feelings but it was hard not to feel such intense emotions now that he stood upon a land corrupted by bloodshed and greed, he was lucky to have his brothers and sister in arms beside him. He would have lost his mind without them, how pathetic he had turned out to be. Taking a deep and steady breath, slowly the pain subsides and yet the gentle wind of morning glory had lulled his restless mind to sleep. The cloak he worn covered his distinct features and he laid there undisturbed by the distant noise of his people greeting life once more, a soothing melody for a lone wolf. It seems he would have to postpone his promise to meet his resting companion, but perhaps that could wait just a little bit longer for now.
After Ulf had left him to his devices he sat silently for a moment, his mind swimming with the sudden hole he found himself in. He cupped his face in his hands and sighed loudly, stroking his beard before he stood up and went to the sheds door. The setting sun still almost too much on his eyes after spending so long inside. A few kids ran by with their dogs assumingly to their families for supper. Agnar used the blanket of the approaching darkness to conceal himself while making his way to the boat. Gods forbid if another one of the Vikings noticed his bruised state, they would surely want to know where he had been and what battle they needed to prepare for. He didn't want to involve anyone yet that Ulf didn't strictly mention as of yet and he worried about the enemy at hand being so foreign to them.

Once his leather bound feet hit wooden planks that creaked under his weight he swiftly made his way to his small room where he took off his still dirties pants and boots. He placed them folded up in a corner before fishing out some clean clothes. His eyes moved to a small box at the end of his bed, sitting down as he reached for it and pulled out some items like a deers horn and a small blade he had been working for some time that was unfinished. He gathered those items as well as some carving tools before putting his boots back on and making his way back to the shed.

Through the night he barely slept a wink, his concentrated eyes focusing on the deers horn. Before he knew it the night had come and gone and at some point in the morning hours he had dozed off with carved horn and blade in one hand a knife in the other. He was startled awake when the knife hit the ground with a clatter. He gasped as he quickly looked around, the pie Ulf made almost gone save for a few bites and still no Ulf to be found.
"He better not have gotten himself into a situation last night.."
He sighed and placed his tools in the bed next to him before standing and stretching. He opened the shed door to the welcoming of a new dawn and a new day.
"Morning Agnar! Visiting our brilliant strategist are ya? Haven't seen you at the forge recently."
One of the farmers had his tools in hand with a hand on his hip.
"Ah! Yes yes..just making sure that old man doesn't starve himself. You know how he is. Do you need a hand?"
The man chuckled and looked at his tools and the satchel he had placed on the ground.
"You know I would appreciate that, what with my son tending an injury he gave himself the other day he's hanging back and licking his wounds"
Agnar approached and hoisted the heavy bag full of fertilizer into his shoulder, wincing slightly but smiling to hide it. They walked and chatted about the field and how the earth here was doing great for growing their crops. When they reached the field filled with other men and women tending to it Agnar put the bag down and bid farewell to them. The sun was now slowly making its way higher in the sky sending the warmth down their way as the nearby ocean kept a cool breeze blowing through. As he started to make his way back to the main village he noticed what looked like a body slumped against a tree. A worried expression crossing his face as he cleared the distance between him and the person in moments.
"Hello? Are you alright?"
He gently moved the hood from the person's face and as soon as a whisp of frosted hair blew in front of the mans face he froze.
"Ulf..you mad man"
A Soft smile forming on his face as he moved hair away from his closed eyes, his hand lingering for a moment on his peaceful looking face stroking his cheek gently. He looked around before tucking his hood back over his head more and carefully hoisting him into his arms. He kept Ulf's head tucked close into his chest to avoid the suns rays from beating down into his pale skin as he walked him back to his home.
Silence and bliss entered his mind, soothing melody of the wind laid him still. In his mind, he had stood within a room embellished with gold. As he followed the golden ray of the blue sky creeping through the red curtains, a woman sat in a dark blue gown and holding a baby within her arms. Her pale strands flutter along the gentle breeze, with crimson beads reflecting his own. Her lips would twist into a smile, greeting the aged figure that could only offer the lady with his own silence. "Welcome home my dear, care to hold your baby brother?" she offered and Ulf would only nod in response, though the thin grin he used to harbor had long dissipate. With the dark hair babe slowly place within his arms, he swayed them gently. His expression darkened for the bitter truth that plagued his mind, the baby's soft wail tugging at his heartstring.

As he turned his eyes to meet ones that reflects his own, only then did he noticed the three figures behind her. The three veiled sisters with crowns made of twigs all holding the same white thread, unraveling them from a spindle before his eyes. He could see her lips turning blue, as she reached out to stroke his cheek tenderly. The babe in his arms would began to cry and wail, deafening his ears but he could still make out the words that she whispered from her trembling lips. "Live.. Live for yourself my dear 'Henry'." were the only words she managed to spare, before the thread finally snaps and a sharp pain returned to his stomach.

He collapsed onto the ground, groaning in pain. Clutching onto his abdomen, before gazing up to a face that was burned into his memory. One that mocked him and spit on his face, Jeering at his suffering. "Don't blame me, It is simply fate that you meet your demise here. Now die quietly for us all, you insolent pest." The figure uttered to sully the rage that filled his system, he grasped their ankle and clawed his fingers deep with sheer strength that he had left. Only to be kicked off the cliff and his heart curses the very event that unfolded, within his heart he would scream on the top of his lungs. "YOU TRAITOROUS BASTARD! I WILL END YOU EDMUND!!!" the blood curling scream ripple through his throat, till darkness consumed his vision. His brows knitted together as light drop of sweat cascade of his cheeks, only when he came to did he realized that he was somewhere else. The familiar scent of both seawater and coal was present, with what felt to be those gray braided strands brushing against his face.

He noticed the slight wince here and there from their figure and soon enough as he turn to gaze up upon those scarred face, an amused grin twisted his pale lips. "Oh well, looks like you beat me to it Einherjar. though i remember telling you to take it easy." he pointed out, reaching to pinch the warrior's cheek with his fingertips. "You're being naughty again, put me down now or I'll use my hands on you." he threatened softly, though it sounded mostly like a friendly jab if anything but there is nothing to guarantee he won't actually wrestle his companion were it came to be.
As they got closer to his hut he could feel the man straining in his sleep, his eyes fluttering every now and again. He frowned and rushed his pace slightly, trying to avoid others as much as possible. Hearing the voice speak up in his arms made him smile as he quickly grabbed the hand reaching to pinch him.
"Finally awake hm? You think this lithe body of yours is a strain on me? Oh how you wound me."
He tucked his hand back down as the village came into view. He knew full well that he could put up a fight he wishes but he was really hoping he would behave just for now.
"I've done well keeping you concealed for your own sake. So fight me if you wish but we have already come close to home if you wish for others to see me carrying our great strategist around."
A lighthearted chuckle echoed from his throat, lightly grasping those calloused that kept his body secured within their arms. He couldn't help but shake his head lightly while he pressed his cheek against the warrior's chest, listening to the sound of his beating heart. "Wound you? you did not need my help to gain those scars my friend, however I'll let this one slide." He murmured softly, keeping himself still while at times flutters his eyes close as he evaded the bright lights surrounding him. The pale figure would only laugh at the very remarks that the warrior spoke out, he did not have the strength to fight them off nor had the willpower to care of such trivial matters.

"So be it, I let you have this one glory silly Agnar." His hoarse voice echoed softly, though despite wanting to avoid any commotion. The Jarl saw the two from afar and would call out to the figures on the top of his lungs, concern brought his heavy steps to come closer. "Agnar? Where have you- Wait is that Ulf in your arms?" His hasty breath and the darkening expression on his face had made it clear, as he ushered for the retired warrior to follow him. "Take him to the longhouse." he instructed Agnar, as he followed each of their footsteps. Not letting the two figure out of his sight, ushering them towards a bed room with a proper bedding and Freja saw the commotion. She hurried over to grab cold water and a damp rag, while the jarl once more instructed Agnar to lay the strategist on one of the vacant beds. "My king, I am fine.. you do not need to-" Ulf's soft hoarse voice were halted by the king's visible scolding. "Even if that may be true, You should have rested often. You are not invincible Ulf." Asmund's voice echoed, leaving the pale figure to silent himself lest he invoked his king's wrath.

As Freja sat by Ulf's bed side, slowly unraveling the white tunic that the strategist wore and peeled it off his skin. Revealing the red marks running along the gruesome old wound, it was then covered by the damp rag to ease the ache. A relieved sigh uttered from his lips, before another damp fabric was place to cover his eyes. Cooling him through the rapid heat of spring, With that he was left to Freja's care. While the Jarl would lead the warrior to sit in his office, closing the door behind them. His hands were clasped together, while he paced back and forth around the room. "Last night after the feast, where were you? I know Ulf often disappears to scout and gather information but you did not return to the feast nor to the workshop soon after. I was worried that something might have happened." The rough voice echoed from the stern lips of the old king, clearly wasn't amused by the events that unfolded without his knowledge.
When Agnar heard the booming authoritive voice from afar he felt the chill on the back of his neck.
"This isn't going to be fun..."
The Jarl was quickly upon them with worried yet stern eyes and Agnar couldn't help but to quietly follow him back to the longhouse. Upon entering he gently laid Ulf onto the bed, hesitating as he moved away completely. Though he knew Freja would tend to him without issue. His eyes for a moment were glued to the jagged raised cars over his body and it made his jaw clench. He would never prod at the issue carelessly but he had always wondered what had happened to him to leave with scars worse than he would receive from battle.

He followed the Jarl to his quarters where he bent to one knee and waited for the verbal thrashing he was about to receive and for good reason.

"Forgive me my Jarl it was never my intention to keep things from you. I had planned to come to you but I was partially wounded and was recovering. It is my fault for not coming to you sooner"

His head was lowered in respect as he hoped to take some of the blame himself. After all he did promise the Jarl he would check in from time to time regarding Ulf.
"I had followed him out of worry and found he was prepared for a battle. I couldn't stand by to leave one of our own to fight alone so I accompanied him."
The jarl followed each and every words that the retired warrior had for the man in charge, but days like this did he realized just how little of a control he had over his subjects. At the very least what control he ever had over the dangerous decisions that his left hand would continued to scheme under his nose, but he couldn't really stopped him. The results were more than satisfactory and often it was guaranteed, it had been the case ever since that pale figure climbed their ranks and continued to outsmart every little decision that the king himself had made. Back then Ulf was at his prime and he had little to worry of, but now his age had began to catch up to him and there was another reason that only the jarl knew all too well. Fearing that the man he knew as being cautious might become reckless due to the sheer limit of time and the burning ambition buried deep for far too long. Taking such big risks just to gain a step closer to his ultimate goal, patience running thin and stress running high.

Shaking his head in disbelief, the Jarl let out a heavy sighed and slumped down upon his seat completely defeated. Clasping his palms together as he gaze at the man who was his right hand, he trusted them to the last of his breath. "Forgive me, I have asked of you to keep a close eye on him and yet here I am barking such irrational demands. You are both my responsibility, after all you've done for me. It is only fair if I ensured that the last of your days are spent in peace." Sincere words falter from his lips, the wrinkled brows and mark of time upon his skin seems to grow it's numbers in mere seconds. As he turned to grab a small golden chest, it's markings had the kingdom's signet and crests all over. As he opened it, he grabbed a golden locket bearing a red colored diamond and a name written in cursive. The problem was, none of them writes in that particular alphabet nor were able to read it except for the strategist himself.

"This was passed down from the previous Jarl, My brother Erik who was Ulf's former guardian and had this in his possession. Erik only spared me a bit of his knowledge, a warning that I should keep Ulf away from these same lands we have built our village upon." The jarl explained, pouring out every shred of worry to the closest confidant that he trusted. Feeling that he had betrayed his Brother's word by allowing them to sail into the very same forbidden land. Gazing into the floorboards beneath him, he let out a deep sigh and tapped his finger upon the wooden surface. "Ulf persuaded me that we might as well be here since the days of the old are gone by, yet i could only wonder if letting him do what he must is a mistake. I am indebted to him that much is true, if i could not fulfill even just one favor for him. What kind of King would that make me?" The rough voice could only tremble ever so slightly, as he turn to cover his face with his palm while he is deep in his thoughts.
Agnar stood up from his spot on the floor before him. He avoided making eye contact as he thought about the worry he had been causing his already tired Jarl.
"Please don't apologize for there is nothing to apologize for. I worry for him just as you do and I said I would keep you updated. But I was selfish and thought I could do more so on my own"
It seemed when it came to Ulf Agnar would constantly find himself pushing most of his duties aside and just became an overprotective mutt for him.
"Peace was never something I intended to have, even if I kept my role strictly as your blacksmith peace would only last for so long. So long as this body can fight it most likely always will"
He eyed the pendent the Jarl pulled forth, it's glinting golden color sparkling in the dim light around them. He could see that words were written but in no way could he put them together to find what they said. More and more it seemed he knew little of the man he called friend no matter how much fine they had spent together. He was seeing sides of Ulf he had never seen before now and he probably knew this but was pushing it out of his mind.

The jarl crestfallen face only worries him more about the situation at hand.

"What is it I can do my Jarl? For both of you? If I can even be so bold to ask, though I know I have no business in your plans as I will be a pawn for our clan to grow. But...if I might say, I don't want him doing this...whatever it is he is doing alone"
A heavy sigh reverberated, the jarl wasn't even sure how to aid the distant figure whom he had relied upon most of his life. It was embarrassing to admit but he did not need to worry with a good head on his shoulders while now he might lose them, as he pondered the very thought within his mind. "Perhaps you are correct in that manner, stay by his side for now. He may not share much of himself but it is our turn to support him till the end." The jarl pointed out, turning to rise from his seat and walked up towards the Agnar as he placed a hand on his broad shoulder and gently push his retired trusted confidant to return into the bedroom where Ulf was currently being nursed by Freja.

When entered, the lady was sitting upon a wooden stool beside the pale figure. Evidently he was silent, unaware of his current surrounding. This would usher a question from the Jarl's side, while he stood facing Freja who rose from her seat and properly greeted him. "Is he asleep?" Asmund asked, in which Freja responded with a nod. Knowing this, he motioned for the lady to make her leave and turned to Agnar as he stood by the door way. "Rest here for meantime, you are still injured. I'm sure by the morn, he would be off hoisting you into the enemy walls." Another remark that led those heavy steps to echo as they pat Agnar's back lightly, before leaving the two by themselves and closing the door behind him.
Agnar walked as the the Jarl ushered him out, at first not hearing any remarks from Ulf had worried him until Freja put any worried to rest. If he hadn't already gone grey he most certainly would have these last few days.
"I understand my Jarl...I'll do what I can"
He waited until everyone has gone before sitting at the edge of the bed near Ulf's waist. He was still shirtless, his chest rising and falling subtly as he slept. His eyes again wandered down his body to the scars on his abdomen. He reached out carefully and touched the ends of the scars that were poking out from under the damp cloth left behind by Freja.
"It seems the more I learn about you, the less I actually know"
He fingers brushed over the scars and then down to his hips before he pulled away, sighing as he ran his hands through his hair. He looked over the bed given to them for now but the Jarl, it was definitely much nicer than what they had been sleeping on. The bed was hand carved and layered with straw, animal pelts and woven cloth. He couldn't help but scoot higher up until he could lay next to Ulf, his body almost encapsulating him as he kept a close eye on him. Agnar for the most part was feeling much better, bruised yes but he was bound to be back to his normal routine in the next day.
Silence permeates his lips as the world was tucked away from them, within these wooden walls one could began to forget the passage of time. For the pale figure that lay still upon the light colored bed, his mind was blank and for the first time he slept from sheer exhaustion that washes over him. Still as a statue, save for slow rise and sink of his chest. For what felt like missing the daylight, he would began to stir in his sleep. Reaching up to pull the now dry rag off his face, the first thing he noticed was the warmth of Agnar's body against his own. Turning his head to watch those familiar wrinkles contort every so often, he couldnt help but felt a twinge of guilt filled his soul once more.

Pulling the covers made from wool and tuck them on top of Agnar's shoulders, before he slowly scoot up to sit upon the soft bed while seemingly deep in thought. Stealing a few gazes here and there from those gray strands that would only reminded him of the very loyalty they sworn upon him. A pity, if only he could let go of this fury that plagued him constantly. Perhaps only then will he be anle to return the favor, but for now trust will mean little should he continue down this road.

Raising a hand to lightly brush those gray strands aside and tenderly stroke the wrinkles on the warrior's forehead. Sighing softly, while whispering a few words that resurfaced from the back of his throat. "It seems I have stir quite the trouble again, and yet an apology is all that i could offer you my dearest friend." Ulf murmured under his breath, the grin on his lips no longer present and instead those crimson beads would only hold The very image of the venerable warrior with with utter sincerity. A faint glow from those reflective rubies, illuminates the dim room.
Agnar has dozed of slightly for awhile there, but the moment Ulf started to stir he was rouses from his sleep but kept his eyes closed for the moment. He listened to his words before opening his eyes slightly, the flickering candlelight in the room dancing off their faces.
"And just as I told our Jarl I will say to you..you have nothing to apologize for. We are in this together now whether you like it or not and I won't be hearing anymore of your arguing about it"
He hugged as he rolled onto his back, looking up at the small flames that dance in Ulf's eyes from the candlelight but seemed like blazes in those irises of his. He then reached over and carefully removed the rag from his abdomen.
"Still going to keep this a mystery to me for now? It's not everyday you see an old wound inflict such pain upon a person as it does you."
It seemed Agnar was growing used to the constant small touches they were giving one another as he touched the scars softly. He knew he could easily try to sway the question from the air and if he didn't he wouldn't pry further but he also wondered if he might open up about it in the end.

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