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Fantasy The King's Throne For Valhalla

the grin on that pale lips widened at the sight of waddling soldiers trying to get their bearing while stricken down from both side, confusion and horror shook their numbers. He disarmed one of the soldiers that tried to strike him down and cut them down with utter precision, before firmly squeezing their broad shoulder while those red beads gazing back at each gray strand and the tattered breath painting the air. "Of course, worry not this fight will soon end." Ulf pointed out, efficiency was the approach that made everything clear. He had to change his approach since they had the retired warrior by their side, drawing quite the attention but nothing they could not handle.

With the pile of massacre that followed each of their footsteps, the soldiers formed a formation with the real target rearing it's ugly head from inside one of the building. A noble knight draped in golden armor yelled into the air, trying to draw order from the chaos that ensued. "Steel your hearts! God will not abandon us, We shall banish you heathens for Ruining the very order of Our home and soiling The king's wisdom! Off with their heads!" He shouted on top of his lungs, only then did mighty soldiers crowded the streets and they were incredibly outnumbered. Despite the grave circumstances that occured, Ulf would chuckle lightly. Amused as he was and remain unaffected by the intimidation.

"Off with our heads? Now that is a little presumptuous, but if you insist then I shall say the same to you." An insult to injury that remark would be, little did they know everything went exactly according to plan. For the soldiers upon the fortress walls falter simultaneously, with countless hooded figures wearing the same signet that ulf carried had replaced them instead and they readied their arrows and bows. "Fire!" Ulf shouted with firm authority, a hand outstretched to signal the attack. The hooded figures strike with terrifying accuracy towards the mass of soldiers within the fortress, it did not take long for their morale to soon dwindle.

Cries of fear and fleeting whimpers of pain filled the air, it started to send the soldiers into a state of panic in Which Ulf uses as a chance to close the distance between him and the ordering knight. Sprinting with frightening speed and he strike through with his blade, overwhelming them with his swordmanship. Constantly pushing them back in each compact and mighty swing of his blade, curses flew from the knight's mouth while he tried to deflect the attack with his clumsy swings.
Agnar ignored the throbbing gash in his arm after he landed blow after blow, but for each they took out another one seemed to spawn another in his place. He has the energy to go all night if need be but he wondered how long they could keep this up for, and if he should have brought the company of a couple other warriors with him. But it was too late to regret missed decisions now. All he knew he could do was back up his friend in battle and strike down as many of them as possible.

When the man clad in gold approaches he could feel the change in the air and the changed appearance of Ulf himself. He started to wonder what trouble he had been concocting on his own and what grief he had with the man before them.
"Your king is no king to us! Strike now and feel the wrath of the gods in our blades!"
as Ulf seemed to charge at the at the man in charge he helped back him up by taking one guard down at a time around him, each swing of his axe going for the kill. He used his body to ram some down knocking them to the ground before swinging his axe into the eye slots of their helmets and into their skulls. He had just hoped the archers above would know who to strike in this moment as hell broke loose.
In each bountiful swing of his sword lay a cut upon the faltering knight, the constant clash and sheer fury wielded by his blade were something one would say it is uncalled for. Unlike when he sparred with thw companion whom held Odin's wisdom upon their shoulders, he was much more ruthless. This murderous intent quickly plunged the end of the blade deep into the knight's side, an air of defiance spouted through the dirty mouth of a man who sworn duty to the empire.

"Curse you savages! We will protect the King's will, even if it means dying by your putrid hands Barbarian!" The knight shouted, as he laid pinned to the ground by Ulf's hand gripping onto their collar. Reeling his hand upwards, he pulled the mechanism of the hookblade to extend while those red beads pierced deeply into their soul causing the knight's eyes to widen and tremble. "Foolish man, you have already failed him three decades ago." A cryptic remark on his end, but that was the very last words he offered the knight as he plunged the blade and ended the other's misery.

As the knight laid lifeless, he murmured a silent prayer and carefully closed their eyes. Slowly rising from where kneeled, two soldiers rushed maddeningly towards him. Though ulf knew he didn't need to budge, as both was stricken down with an arrow before they could barely reach him. Only then did he turned back towards the gray haired warrior and plunged his blade into the back of a soldier trying to stab his companion from the back, he ran up and sliced a nearby soldier from his right to join the rest of the bodies upon the ground. Once more his back is glued against the furred cloak brushing against his coat, whispering a word of courage to Agnar.

"Hold on a little bit longer 'Einherjar'." He softly uttered under his breath, checking in the corner of his eyes for the awaited reinforcement that should arrive any second now. Only then did a distant cry marked the arrival of cavalry waving a blue flag with a golden lion emboidered into it's tapestry, a man adorned in blue shouted through chaos and almost in an instant the soldiers went running with their tails tucked between their legs.

A man of nobility sat upon an armored steed, joined the battle from the opposite side. Atacking the soldier's blindspot and brought their own soldiers to overwhelm their numbers, with the hooded figures fighting alongside them. "Right on time.." the pale figure murmured, patting Agnar's back as if non verbally stating that the battle was as good as over.
As Agnar started to relish in the fall back of their enemies he felt a cold trickle down his bad eyes and drip from his eyelashes, one of the bastards managed to knock him in the head probably when he used his body as a battering ram. That coupled with his shirt sleeve now sticky with blood he could feel the battle wearing in as the adrenaline dies down. He did not dare show any sign of weakness around the rest of the men but he did hold Ulf's shoulder for a moment so he didn't falter. When he patted his back he sighed with relief and felt he could take a moment to breath but not yet relax.
"Just like the good old days hm?"
His laugh was croaked and dry.

He wasn't used to seeing a man besides his Jarl dressed in such regality and even still the Jarl was never as decorated as this. Even the horse look noble in its armor and ornaments.

"Ulf who are these men?.."
His voice was barely above a whisper as he leaned in to speak, the men before him not like those they had encountered often back in their homeland.
For a moment those striking red beads narrow upon the strained laughter that the injured warrior whispered to his ears, a knowing hum followed the noble figure whom swung his sword to clear a path towards the norse men. Only then did the crowd surrounding the two had been cleared, with the previous two hooded figure returning to Ulf's side. The noble dismounted from the armored horse and stood before them, bowing his head with a hand crossed against their chest only to be stopped when Ulf raised his hand as if to dismiss the greeting.

"Lord Evans, you have my gratitude. I am in 'Your' debt." He heavily emphasized the particular word in which caused the noble to stutter for a moment. "Ah, w-well it was nothing. We shared the same goals after all." Evans murmured, seemingly flustered as he lay eyes upon the rough features of the pale figure's companion. Lowering his head a little as if to avoid confrontation, intimidated perhaps by the sheer size the warrior towered before him. Hearing this, Ulf proceeded to wave commands at the hooded figures and instructed them for the night.

"Fortify the stronghold and bring the others to settle here, I leave the rest to your capable hands my brothers." Such remarks were met with the unison voice of acknowledgement to carry his words in each steps they took. Returning to answer the warrior's question he wrapped an arm around Agnar's shoulders and gently led him to close the distance with the Noble englishmen, the other offered a handshake towards the intimidating warrior.

"This is one my many allies here, a noble lord serving under the previous king's best interest. Though he has now become independent from the rules of the empire, they branded him a traitor for rejecting the current parliament... In short, He wants to put an end to it's tyranny." Ulf tries to explain the matters to the best of his abilities, though their politics are very different than what the vikings are used to.

"Evans Rutherford Thompson, at your service but please. You can simply adress me as Evan." The noble humbly laid his name, feeling the cold stare bordering his shoulders from Ulf's haunting gaze. For the pale figure was secretly pulling Agnar to lean his weight against that agile feet of his, even if his flesh was far from the mass that the warrior carried. His lithe appearance can be quite deceiving, inner strength and precise toned musculature shaped his athletic figure.
He has seen Ulf lead and rush out their own troops before but seeing him now with all of these people he has never met before was odd to say the least. It made him wonder just how little he knew his friend in the end. He wasn't even sure if he was doing this behind the Jarls back or if he was aware what was going on here. Not that he would want to go behind his back but he was feeling at odds, he mostly just didn't want to risk putting his people in danger.

He approached the man, feeling almost as if he was looking down at a child afraid he was caught doing something he shouldn't have by a parent. He jutted his bloodied hand out to shake his hand firmly.
"Seems like a noble cause...my name is Agnar. I will be of assistance so long as my friend here says it is so. Not until my trust has been earned"
He eyed Ulf as if to say he needed more insight later on but he softened his look when he realized he was using his body to help keep Agnar upright. This scenario was confusing but he at least knew where he could put his trust and for now that was enough.
Such bold remarks caused those pale lip to widen it's mischievious grin, the warm chuckle rumbling through his throat and yet. Those blood colored eyes would narrow once more upon the figure that stood beside him, somehow it brought winter to return within the gentle breeze under the moonlight's glare. The pale strands micmicking the very light that bounces of each haunting features that framed the white wolf, Only then did Ulf dismiss the current toil between them. Lightly nudging the veteran to follow his footsteps towards the exit. "On that note, we take our leave. May we meet again Lord Evans." Ulf uttered under his breath, leaving the noble to scurry over and bid them both farewell.

A few steps lead them out of the stone fortress and the white enamoring steed return to the two, breathing softly as stood still for it's master to climb on top of. But Ulf ushered for the blacksmith to ride it instead of him, Holding their arm firmly within his grip. "Go on, Lest you collapse and rolled off to the ground. You can choose for me to sit behind you or i'll stay upon the road myself, I say you are in no condition to take the reins nor refusing my options." He pointed out, seeing he was the one turning out mostly unscathed.
Agnar sighed, frustrated over his current state of being. But he really couldn't think of the last time he had taken this much damage, oh wait yes he could and he hadn't been in the battlefield since then.
"I won't have you walking..not after that mess we just walked away from. You can sit behind me this time and we can just take it slow. I might be old but I'm not falling off a horse this time, I havent done that since I was a lad "
He manages a chuckled as he grunted pulling himself in top of the horse, his arm not quite useless but not the best either.
"Can you tell I'm rusty? No one used to be able to land a hit on me"
He reached his hand out to Ulf, seeing just the slightest amount of exhaustion those pale red eyes before him.
A knowing smile followed with slight shake of his head ushered for his companion to climb on top of the saddle, keeping an arm outstretched and pushing them lightly to comfortably settle on top of the horse's back. He followed them swiftly hoisting himself up, allowing both his arms around the warrior's side. Acting as a precaution should the figure before him ever seem to tip to the side, He lightly pulled the rins while it is secured within his grip. A warm chuckle forming softly from his mouth, the careful footsteps accompanied his voice.

"At least I get to nurse you back to health o' mighty 'drengr'." The soft whisper of his restless mischievous remarks continued it's assault even at quiet moments such as this, though a hint of warmth remain ever present within his voice. Though that perhaps would be the very few playful jabs he will exchange tonight, as dawn had began to approach them within the lush fields of sweet spring. Gentle sway in each stride the horse took them, with what took almost an eternity to reach the settlement. The travel had finally came to a halt, the feast had come to an end and most warriors were gathered fully asleep with a belly full of mead.

Peaceful it was, the strategist tries his best not to make much of a fuss. Dismounting from the saddle and offered a hand to help Agnar descending on his two feet, steadying himself as still as a rock to use as support. "Steady." He whispered, guiding them carefully off the saddle and onto the ground. He hoisted one of Agnar's arm to rest on his shoulders while lifting his waist to aid in their steps towards his shed. Cramped as it was, it was the nearest building with a bed and a few supplies to treat their wounds with.

Once inside, he helped them sit on top of the bed made of straws that he had. Pulling down the hood of his dark bloodstained coat and rummaged for a chest under his desk, forking in a few linen cloth to stop the bleeding and wipe the wound clean. "Look what a mess you've become." He scoffed with a light chuckle, Gently dapping the blood off fheir brows and scared skin. A hand cradled their chin keeping the veteran still while Ulf tended to his wounds, only then did those red beads grew softer as they lay upon the very man he had fought alongside with.

Back then, it would have been Ulf sitting in his stead and injured with thin scars riddling his pale skin. To think the tables have turned and he would be the one looking over the old soul. It almost made him laugh just how silly this situation is, well he is certainly enjoying every second of it.
He would be lying if it didn't feel good to have him pressed up against his back this time instead of the other way around. He enjoyed the quiet walk back as the burnt magenta sky started to rise in front of them. He had assumed He would end the night alone in his bed after drinking with his comrades and tonight had gone much farther than he had planned. The steady rocking of the horse as they marched their way home comforting.
"You best enjoy it because the tables might be turned next time"

He didn't protest as they lazily wandered into his personal space. Accepting his help as he felt his palms pressing into his bruised skin, he winced as he sucked into his makeshift home and workspace. He slowly pulled the blood soaked fur from his shoulders and loosened his tunics string ties all of which had speckled beads of crimson on them. This was going to be a mess to clean later in his part he knew that much.
"Enjoy it while you can since you might be under my care next time Ulf"
He snickered and leaned into the cloth in his hand as it soaked up most of the blood staining his face. The early morning still as silent as the dead as they had this brief moment.
"Do no hesitate to ask for me Ulf...I won't let you fight these battles alone. I may be a mere blacksmith now but I will raise my axe again if it means you don't out yourself between wars like this again on your own. Even if the Jarl tries to stop me.."
Agnar had already lost what family he had left, he wasnt about to lose his long time companion on top of that to something he could easily stop. He sighed and looked at the man before him with bright eyes filled with knowledge but the weight of the duties he carried.
A soft chuckle reverberated through those pale lips, he lightly put pressure on the bruises present upon the warrior's thick skin. Enough to make them wince, while pointing out the very offer they gave him with a clear warning. "Even if you'll be injured like this? Perhaps even worse? Baby steps Agnar, I need you alive not dead." Even as carefree as those words may seem, he emphasized the last bit of that sentence. Reminding them that as often as he tries to persuade the warrior to join him in battle, he did not meant for it to be out of the blue.

"But I won't stop you, just don't meddle with my operations in such a short notice. There is a reason i didn't bring any of the warriors tonight." He scolded the venerable warrior to wait for his permission, though he admitted things went suprisingly well in no small part to the participation of the force of nature before him. Lightly tapping the tip of Agnar's nose with his fingertip, he added another word of advice that his old companion should remember.

"Have a little more faith in this old friend of yours hm?" Such is the important value to have when waging a war together, trusting each other to play their part is the only way to carry out the plans he had to begin with. Without it then most of them is as good as dead. With that said, The pale figure grabbed a roll of bandage and wrapped it securely around Agnar's torso and arm after applying a ground up ointment.

"There, that should do it. Now get some well deserved rest, you've played your part perfectly tonight." Ulf uttered as he instructed the man before him to lie down and wrapped layers of thick furred sheets around them, ignoring any protests that may come. He cleaned up the mess that were present including Agnar's bloodied attire, setting them aside for a proper wash. "Need anything else?" Were the gentle words that flew out from his mouth when he checked the expression that riddled the gray haired silhoutte warming his bed.
Agnar didn't protest as he was wrapped up on both his wounds and body. Knowing he was in too deep to go back now. He could still offer weapons as usual but he couldn't back out now for help in this fight Ulf has started. It was in his blood either way to fight and fight for those he cares about, only feeling that stronger more so than ever since his son had died he refused to lose something else.
"I'm not dying that easily you should know that by now. Otherwise I would have crossed to Valhalla long ago"

He winced and then gently lunches his shoulder after he likes his nose.
"You seem to enjoy teasing me more than ever in our old age I hope you realize that. I won't butt into your endeavors more so than needed just know that I'm your axe when you need it. I trust you more than you seem to think"
He gently grabbed his wrist and looked him dead in the eye as he started to lean back into the makeshift bed, his bones and body asking for rest after the nights adventure.
"All I ask for now is that you rest as well...you may not admit it but I know you need it more than anyone. Don't try to fight me I have enough strength left if I need to pin you here"
He smirked and uses his other free hand wipe some dry blood from his cheek left behind from their fight.
The firm grip of Agnar's hand around his wrist had led those red colored beads to narrow ever so slightly, a gentle sigh rumble through his throat. "Alright-Alright, I've spoiled you rotten it seems" He murmured with a sneer as he laid on his side and folded his left arm to cushion his head. The orange tint peered from the small crack of the wooden structure and bounces off the white locks that lay softly upon the floor, seeing those scarred and rough features of the blacksmith face in details were indeed a sight he would linger upon.

He closed his eyes to try and hide the nights of sleep he simply could not regain, letting the minutes go by while the world grew silent around them. Ever so still did he remain, his free hand shifting slowly to clutch onto his stomach. The phantom pain returning to haunt him, his fingertips digging hard against the white tunic. There was this sense of rage filling his vision, a bloodthirst that further usher them to the end of an era. He was mostly silent, only the gentle rise and sink of his chest accompanied the soft snore of the blessed warrior.

The sun approached the sky as life began to return to the encampment blossoming into a proper village, chatters folled it's roads but the small secluded shed was left mostly unaffected and kept the two weary warriors fast asleep. Were the other began to stir from his sleep, the pale figure beside him would remain silent. Still fast asleep yet his right hand rests upon the blanket that lays on top of Agnar's chest, seemingly the soft echo of his heartbeat gave the strategist mind some peace in order to fall asleep. Such actions were never present before since ulf tends to isolate himself, this was the only time he would share a room with another.
Agnar grunted as a response his body yelling for peace as he tried to lay still. He was thankful that for once Ulf didn't put up a fight against his wishes .
"Spoiled maybe but it's for your own good, a warrior nor strategist can get the work they need done with minimal rest. And if I need to be the voice behind that for you then so shall it be"
He did his best to ignore the raising colors that leaked through to their inner sanctum for now. He tried to linger on the resting body before him hoping he would rest but sleep rugged at his eyelids as they weight heavy as rocks on his face. The light bounced off his pale skin and reflective strands of hair in a glorious way but still the threat of slumber begged for him to give in.

Before long it has become too much and he couldn't fight it any longer. He has drifted into a deep sleep that ounces between dreams and nightmare. He snored through the night as his mind was filled with conflict, at times dreaming of the bloodbath that had overhwlemed their clan not long ago. He saw his son bloodied and battered, fighting till his final breath. Agnar tried to put himself between him and his assailant only to receive a hot sharp blade across his face and lasting scar that would haunt him for years. And in an other moment he would be sitting quietly in an open field enjoying the silence amongst the grains as the sun radiated upon him.

If had been many years since he shared a sleep with someone and it did bring him some comfort, his soreness and fears melting as he felt the comfort and weight of someone's presence with him. Umin his sleep with little to no thought he. Right himself close to Ulf, his own stirring and discomfort rousing him just enough to subconsciously pull the man close to his rising and falling chest. It was but a short comfort they got to enjoy in the silent hours of the morning as others around them began duties for the day.
Silence permeates the room, warmth of sunlight caresses his skin and more so the added heat radiating beside him had began to affect his subconscious. Stirring awake ever so slightly he noticed the presence before him drawing closer than ever, in which he slowly peel himself away from. Brushing those pale locks to stay clear of his vision as they curl around his fingertips, a slight tip of his neck caused a few cracking sound of his joints while he stretched them. Rising to sit while looming over the recovering blacksmith before him, he laid those bloodied jewels to check Agnar's wounds from head to toe.

For the gentle grin that twists the corners of his lips would usher that warm palm to rest upon coarse skin of his injuried companion, feeling for any rise or drop in their temperature lest an infection occurs and ransacks their immune system. "How are you feeling? any closer to death?" He teased, before tugging against the blankets to peek the rest of the wounds that he dressed. To determine if they are intact and needed a replacement or not, seeing as they probably need a bit more rest to recover from last night. Not that Ulf minded, his plans for the day can wait for a moment seeing as they have indeed captured one of the many fortress that surrounds the Kingdom's defenses.
Agnar stirred as the blankets moved away from him, the slight chill of the morning running down his body before the sun kissed his skin through the cracks in the shed. He groaned as he shielded his eyes from the peaks of light, looking up at Ulf as he stretched his sore body. The light behind those pale strands of hair making them look illuminated.
"You look as if you were blessed by Tyr himself. Which wouldn't be all that surprising considering last night's events"
He sat up, stretching his back and twisting as his sore bones popped. He winced at the pain in his arm but it wasn't nearly as bad as it had been and he thought to himself what a scar that one will turn out to be. He chuckled and leaned against one upright knee looking at the man before him who had come out on top without even barely a bruise on that pale skin of his.
"No, not quite crossing that bridge yet thanks to a certain someone for patching this old warrior up"
He chuckled as he looked over the dried bloodied clothing they were both wearing, and surely the shirt he was wearing would either need to be tossed or patched up somehow.
To be blessed by the gods? That would be unheard of, alas he is but a mere mortal despite the many achievements he had claimed. Even the events that occurred last night, thanks to his careful planning things went accordingly. Something he would never admit, for a moment a single doubt arise to question his own efforts. Sacrifices must be made, but to what extent he would not dare say. Shaking his head lightly, he tapped the tip of that scarred nose once more. "Blessed or not, I was thinking of taking home just a few scars. but it seems you are the one who took them in my stead." He chimed, before patting their shoulders gently with a light squeeze.

"You are welcomed, Son of Odin." he teased once more, seeing the braids on their beard unfolding. He instinctively leaned closer to tidy them, carefully braiding gray strands with ease. He had always braided other's hair, as his own was either to short or he simply didn't find it suitable for himself. "How was your sleep? I know the bed i have isn't exactly great for your aging back, but I wasn't about to carry you to the longhouse and disturb the others." Ulf explained, each words growing softer as they poured out from his lips.
He simply shrugged, as it stands what was a couple new scars? He would take a dozen more before Ulf or anyone else had to bear them. Not like having scars wasn't a given as a warrior but he was protective in that way. Many of his scars being from the last battle that they had almost lost, Agnar has used his own body to shield ans protect those who were already badly injured. One of which was his son. They had been so badly over taken and had already lost so many men. He had pushed back with every last bit of strength with those that were left and managed to bring the enemies numbers down enough to make them withdraw. After that he had passed out from blood loss and when he awoke they had already lined the dead up in their mass burial plot ready for their send off to Valhalla. With Ulf's help he was able to attend the funeral pyre that same night to say goodbye to their warriors.
"And I'd do it again though you can't necessarily wage war without expecting to come back with some new additions"
He smirked and gently touched the bandaged arm of his, the wrapping needing to be changed out shortly.

He closed his eyes for a moment as he met Ulf fidget with his beard. There has been many times he had helped with his braids, wishing he could do the same at times but he felt the short hair suited him well.

"You spoil me you know.."
He spoke quietly so he didn't move too much and make it difficult.
"You know I haven't moved from my space on the boat hm? The bed there is no more comfortable or less so. Just a place to simply rest. I might start hunting with the others to bring some hide home for better sleeping arrangements. Though I'll have to say sleeping with someone was a welcome change from the chill of a night alone"

He then opened his eyes, not quite noticing how close both of their faces were.
A warm chuckle reverberated from his lips, soothing melody that soften the blinding glint the warm sun enraptured their silhouette's with. For a moment he was silent, save for the mysterious melody that he hummed under his breath. It danced along the gentle breeze of spring and the blossoming petals of distant flowers, A certain taste of bliss followed him. Two old souls simply enjoying each other's company in amidst the cruel strings that sewed their fate to intertwine, at moments like this did those Crimson beads hid under the pale lashes that framed his rugged features. The thin smile that framed his mouth, it was gentle and warm with utter sincerity or so it may seem. Who could tell what he truly felt? for he had withdrawn the window of his soul to emerge.

Yet as he unraveled those prominent jewels of the amber sky, the light coursing through his eyes had invoked the sight of Northern lights. Setting those braided gray in place neatly, he brushed his fingers lightly along the thin strands that covered The weary beads staring back at him and their face were only an inch apart in this very moment. Brows furrowed softly with the gentle smile, only then did the layers of wrinkle that marked exhaustion upon his face became clear. He looked noticeably restless, especially when the sun had bounced off his face. Firm yet light pats on Agnar's shoulder, followed his soft voice. "I don't think I spoil you enough, with what's to come.. I will owe you more than I could ever hope to return." He uttered gently such cryptic remarks, his voice caressed the very air between them.

There was more that he wanted to say, but he kept his lips ever so tightly sealed. Raising both arms to lay firmly on both Agnar's shoulders, a soft pat on their back as if to signify for the other to take it easy. "You are welcomed to bug me if that's the case. I think it is only fair since I annoy you quite often, but for now do try to take it easy." Ulf pointed out, tapping the venerable warrior's back.
He soaked up the small moment they were having as Ulf's hands withdrew from his face. He gently reached up and felt the tight neatly braided hairs on his face, making him feel somewhat refreshed after everything.
"Hm, thank you..whatever it is you may need of me I'll be here to offer it. I can't rest for long though I have a feeling I need to start prepping weapons and refining the ones we already have"
Agnar straightened his back and pushed himself up against the wall, though he's legs were still semi outstretched on either side of the white wolf in front of him.
"Sitting around and doing nothing is not something I'm very good at. I at least should probably change out of these bloody clothes. You as well since we both slept in them"
He tapped the side of his leg gently with his right foot with a little rhythmic beat. He loosened the strings on the chest of his tunic wincing as he tweaked his arm in an odd way. Getting old surely does it's number on you.
Those crimson beads would flutter close, a soft breath exhaled from his lungs. A knowing nod slowly sways those pale locks to gather upon his forehead, followed the soft wince of those rugged features to collect those prominent wrinkles to form. Adjusting his position to instead knelt on Agnar's left side, sitting on knee while reaching out to help the Injured warrior out of his stained tunic. "Here, let me assist you." Ulf uttered quietly, carefully removing the tunic off those scarred musculature. Maneuvering the sleeves to avoid moving the injured arm, before placing the fabric folded neatly aside for washing. He stacked them on top of the other folded clothes that was stained from last night, he rose onto his two feet and set the folded clothes upon the wooden surface.

"Well, since I have plenty of time. I'll take care of the mess, I won't stop you from doing what needs to be done." A reminder he marked upon those reasoning, slipping out of the stained white tunic and setting them on top the rest of the dirty stack upon his desk. Red marks clawed his toned abdomen with some light bruises on his flanks and back, though it looked much worse on his pale skin. He held the stained fabric on one hand and reached out to the handle that kept the door shut, his red eyes returned to gaze upon the aged warrior sitting against a wall. "Do you need anything else? If not. I'll be out foraging some medicinal supplies." a question more offered for the second time he showed concern upon Agnar's health, after all he had a feeling that the nightmares had returned to haunt him. He would not say that he had felt that weary aged flesh trembling ever so slightly beside him, for now he only kept a close eye upon that friend of his.
Agnar tried his best to make getting his tunic off easier, feeling bad that Ulf was taking care of most of their bloodied cloth. His eyes lingering a little longer than he anticipated in, resisting the urge to reach out and touch the bruises and run his thumb across the scar. He had asked about it a handful of times but each time was met with a quick witted response to change the subject.
"I think I'll be ok for now you have done more than enough for this old man. It's you I should be asking if there's anything I can do. But I feel I won't be much help right now"
He sighed and relaxed watching as he opened the shed door to allow the fresh rays of sunlight in. Just past him he could see the others beginning the daily chores of washing their linens and drying meat. His rough hand smoothed back his hair with an aggravated sigh.
The grin on ulf's lips grew wider hearing their complains of being not much of use had remain ever unchanging, such is the admirable nature of the man whom had raised their axe by his side. "You just have to return the favor when you're back to top shape." A straightforward point from the strategist as he grabbed another white tunic he had lying around, slipping into the fresh pair as he bids them farewell momentarily and leaving the resting warrior to his own devices. Soft murmurs filled the air while he watched the sun rose before his eyes, he felt this sense of mockery and jeering that reminded him of his mission here. There was no time to rest or fool around, this much he knew to a fault. With careful steps, he went washing the stains from both of their attire. Hanging them on a nearby branch to dry, as he stood arranging them carefully to avoid it flying away with the gust of wind.

The hooded figures returned from the shadows, the few who visited him last night. One of them carried a chest filled with certain fabrics, while the other brought some medical supply for Agnar's injuries along with a small bag filled with curious ingredients. While keeping his eyes upon the hanging wet clothing, he spoke quietly to his acquaintances. "You have my gratitude, I shall assume the preparations went well?" he murmured under his breath and the figure whispered carefully their answers. Only to have Ulf nodding ever so gently, resting both palms on his hips. "So he lives, unfortunately this matter will have to wait for another day. Just keep a close eye on him and have someone infiltrate as the royal guards, we must learn what they are scheming." He sternly ordered, cold tone cascades off his lips. ushering the two hooded figure to disappear once more without a trace, leaving the strategist at peace once more.

While waiting for the clothes to dry, he had stacked those chests and supplies right beside his wet laundry. He did not stray far and began collecting the same wild berries he had foraged for the feast not long ago, gathering everything he needed. He returned to his shed and dropped off clean clothes for the resting warrior upon the desk but did not linger long as he had other matters to tend to. "Here, a fresh change of clothing and don't wait for me. I'll be right back." were the only words he spared for Agnar, before leaving the shed once more with the small bag he procured from his contacts. Little did anyone know, he was off baking a few pies made from the wild berries he foraged. One large enough to feed a whole army and a few others for his people, the children especially were cheerful to accept the freshly baked goods. though he had kept some to send off as "gifts" they were contrabands disguised with tool or objects of his choosing, a more discreet way to communicate with his allies that are spread far within the continent.

Only then did he returned for good, bringing the large pie he made and a tankard filled with water. A meal for his old friend, it was a bit hard to avoid the Jarl's presence after having them both disappearing last night. Ulf was relieved that he could kept his promise regardless of the stakes at hand. He sets the large meal carefully upon his desk, humming with satisfaction at the sight of the perfectly baked treat. One could even hear the faint cheer of those little rascal digging into the sweet dish, proud he was of his craft. "Look what I have here, try a bite. I made one just big enough to feed the whole village, I still remember how you wished to eat and dine with me last night. It would only be fair if I do this as a thank you for lending your strength in the fortress." He explained, pulling some wooden crate to act as seat for the both of them.
For the time being while Ulf was gone Agnar came to the conclusion that he did not do well alone with nothing to do. He found himself staring at the walls, peaking every now and then outside to see what everyone was up to. He had been in Ulf's lodging many times before hand though maybe not as much since coming to the new land, but he felt odd being there with his presence missing. He didn't want to touch to much in fear of messing up whatever he had organized at the time.
Groaning he got up from the bed and slowly unwrapped the wraps on his arm, though it was bloodied the wound itself didn't seem too awful. It had already started to coagulate and the bleeding had mostly stopped. He placed the dirties bandages on a barrel nearby before searching for a clean set tucked away. It wasn't too hard changing out his own bandages at least.

He managed to sneak out at least a little bit, trying to avoid the masses as he found a place to sit and wash his face and body off with a damp cloth. He mostly just wanted to get any dried blood off before long but also didn't want to deal with the questions from others. Because what would he say? He didn't want to involve others who didn't need to get involved in something that even he wasn't fully aware of.
He quickly made his way back after cleaning up some and thankfully before Ulf had realized he had wandered out, the last thing he needed was to get scolded like a young boy. When Ulf brought the new clothing he nodded his thanks as the man was there and almost gone just as quick. He slipped the clean clothes in and then once again played the waiting game.

Agnar felt his eyelids growing heavy as he found nothing to hold his interest for long until he heard a familiar voice. He snapped out of it and yawned.
"What is it you got there? Is that what you were out doing?"
He let out a wholesome chuckled scooting close to the edge of the hay filled bed before hoisting himself up. He gladly sat on one barrel next to him in curiosity as his stomach made a low grumbling sound.
Ulf simply smiled as he cut a big piece with clean knife and served it onto a spare wooden plate for the injured knight beside him, sliding the plate towards them and motioned for the other to take a bite. "A favorite treat from when i was a child, my mother used to bake me these herself. A delicious wild berry tart." He uttered softly, the red color of the fruit displayed within the golden crust had such a sweet scent. It was something that his clan and any other viking would have never tasted, seeing as it was a dish from these foreign lands they have arrived upon. As he cut a smaller piece for himself, he took a careful bite from the sweet dessert. Humming softly with a knowing nod, it certainly did taste the same albeit he had to replace some ingredients with whatever they have at hand.

He took a piece of small cloth to dab his lips carefully, wiping any crumbs and red stain that may mark his pale lips. "Taste as decadent as i remembered it to be." he murmured softly, silently watching the bearded man beside him were they about to take a bite themselves. Albeit that mischievous smile on the strategist remained ever so prominent, with a slight chuckle reverberating through his throat. "Don't be shy, if you need me to feed you this by my own hands then you only need but ask." He prompted an offer, one could only wonder if it were another merciless teasing on his part or genuine sincere concern for the friend who aided him i battle.

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