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Fantasy The King's Throne For Valhalla

Thraill released him quickly when he yielded not wanting to put too much pressure on him nor drown one another. It had beens ome time since they rough housed like that, it had been awhile since Agnar let go in general like that. He knew he had mostly been keeping to himself since the loss of his son but since coming here it had started to feel like a new start. He would have to remember to thank Ulf for pulling him away from his hut and convincing him to join the clan for this journey. He panted and gave Ulf one gentle punch the shoulder as they began to stand. "No need to tease an old man like me you fiend" He chuckled and began to struggle with the onslaught of children that rushed him all hoping to have a chance to take him down like Ulf had. He knew he had to let him be so he could go about his duties and Agnar also had some thing he needed to deal with before long.

"Ill be waiting..dont think you will catch me off guard like that again anytime soon, lest it be me next time" The man huffed his large chest as he hoisted one kid on each arm as they dangled and kicked their feet in excitement. He gave Ulf one final look before watching him trail off to grab his clothes. "Alright kids lets see what ya got!" His laughter echoed as he began to swing the kids and toss them into the water before having to finish up and get dressed himself.

(time skip?)
The sun was on top of his head at this very moments and yet he was busy scouring into the woods once more, while he had pointed at the idle hunters on where to catch their prey. He alone took the sole duty in obtaining any other necessary ingredient, with a bow in his hand. He struck down a large deer, with a single strike of his arrow. Without much or even a single thought, he skinned and prepared the game for tonight's feast. Others would have handled obtaining the many boars that run wild within the lush forest, while he was left with foraging curious fruits and berries. There was plenty to be found, for as long as he knew where to look which is easy enough. The hardest part would be that he had to wonder near the city, running risks of crossing with a guard on patrol duty.

Just as that very warning cross his head, he heard a few distant footsteps. Quickly he hid behind one of the trees, thank goodness he had cleaned up after himself. From the corner of his eyes, a young lady draped in a dark cloak and a knight with the golden crest displayed on their chest. That familiar symbol, it was the royal knights sworn to the king himself. Caution thrown into air as Ulf was ready to make a run for it, it'll be troublesome if he get's spotted out in the open now. However his instincts told him to remain, hoping to gain some kind of information of the current situation that that ails the empire they will soon face.

Golden locks framed that pale features and the weary knight stood as if wary of the young lady's safety, soon enough a voice as smooth as oak reverberated from their throat. "Your highness, we must return to the palace. The king would be worried sick if something were to happen to you, please.. you're the only family he has left." The knight pleaded, hoping to persuade his escort and yet he was met with silence instead. "..Do you think I don't know how my own father would feel? but if I remain silent then he and our people would continue to suffer. What was I supposed to do William? How should I-" the lady tattered off and silence returned to fill the air between them. Watching from afar, the strategist was silent but he knew soon enough from their demeanor that the group would withdraw from the forest and right he was.

with the uninvited guests leaving the scene, the white wolf grew ever so eerily quiet. Tapping his index finger lightly against his chin, before staring back at the same spot the two were standing on. "A princess huh.." he murmured under his breath, contemplating of the very event he just witnessed. For a moment he lingered till he had decided to return swiftly back to the settlement, not wanting to miss the very promise he made with his dearest friend. The grin returned to his lips, placing the fresh game and assortment of berries into a basket. He grabbed a dull sword from the side of his table to bring towards the training grounds, red eyes scoured for the massive figure. "Are you here o' great Agnar? don't tell me you've chickened out already?" A teasing remark and one he fondly use so often to instigate the fire between them, mostly a friendly jab he would like to claim.
Before Agnar headed out to their meeting spot he eyed his belongs in the chest he had brought with him from their homeland, it wasnt much but it was all he really needed and inside of it was mostly just some clothes and small trinkets and memories that he couldnt bear to leave behind. From inside he withdrew the small holster for his throwing axe which was worn from its years of use, his thumb gently brushing over the marking that have started to fade slowly. He had to shake himself from his thoughts and get ready to depart. He knew he couldnt leave that impatient man for long lest he never hear the end of it. He grabbed the strange new toy that was gifted to him and holstered it to a make shift set up he had for his back and on his way out he grabbed his old battle helm as well, he figured even if they would spar he might as well enjoy himself.

The sun was just about at the top of his head when he got to the spot he had mentioned, it made him miss their old sparring circle but maybe this could be the chance to start something new for their clan to start training the young ones. He realized shortly that he had made it before Ulf for once and he felt an opportunity arise, stroking his beard in thought. "Oh how the tables have turned my friend"

Despite his size Agnar was pretty good at keeping himself hidden and lucky for him there was enough foliage nearby that he could hunker down in. Sure enough Ulf eventually came into view and oh how he could not wait to see the look on that pretty face of his. It only helped fuel the fire in him when he called him out knowing full well he was doing it on purpose too. He sized him up from behind and slowly crept from the brush and when he felt he had the moment he smirked and shot off with one foot and charged right at him. He was glad to see he at least still had some speed on his side as he approached his target. "Gotcha now!" He was quick but careful as he hoisted Ulf from behind using both of his arms to clutch him to his chest and holding him off the ground slightly. They werent too different in height but he was just tall enough to hold him up.
In honesty, those red beads could barely find any trace of hefty gray strands that would slightly tower his own. Perhaps, they have yet to arrive? that is the very thought that first crossed his mind but for a single second his gut told him to jump. He was a moment too late, for those strong arms to hoist him off the ground and soon both of his arms were pinned within dense mass keeping him in place. This cause the grin on his lips to widen ever amused by the very actions the bearded silhouette would bestow upon him.

"What a pleasant.. surprise. You never cease to amaze me Agnar." a compliment gently uttered from his mouth, for a moment he remained still taking a deep breath. Only then did he swiftly swung his whole body weight with his lower body, from the heel of his foot to the core muscles of his abdomen. He forced both of their weight combined to tip backwards, with his legs up in the air and his body recoiling off the figure behind him. He managed to slip and land on his two feet while it courses through the harsh soil, leaving lines of momentum carving the very ground he stood upon. One hand stopped him from falling face flat against the ground, before fixing his stance with the blade hilted upon his waist.

"Still have the blessing of Odin's strength no doubt, but you won't need it for this." Ulf murmured, pulling the hilt of his sword to unsheathe and held it with both of his hand. One foot planted before him, one hand folded behind his back and his blade pointed against the ground on the opposite side of his dominant hand. His stance was relaxed and yet firm as he constricted his own movement in order to utilize efficiency. "Try holding it as comfortably as you can, just enough that it doesn't fly off from your hand when you swing it." Ulf advised, still as a stone from where he stood. watching from a few feet apart, before instructing the retired warrior to take the first move. "Now try and stab me with it." his tone grew firm, unlike his carefree jabs. Blood thirst rampaged within his eye, safe for the absence of even the slightest of movement budging from his spot.
Agnar thought for once he had the upper hand but of course he should have known better Ulf while not the strongest amongst warriors he was lithe and had enough strength to overpower even him with his wits to get the upper hand. He barely managed to keep himself steady using only the strength in his legs to keep him planted on the ground, turning quickly to give him a slightly agitated yet amused smile. His grey hair was coming loose slightly and now had stands hanging above his eyes in a disheveled state which unlike his counterpart he didnt bother to smooth it away from his face. He huffed and quickly removed the tattered half cloak he was wearing so he was down to just his short sleeved grey tunic until he unsheathed the sword from his back and held it firmly. "Its you who seems to amaze me with your tricks Ulf..a bear such as myself could never hope to move the way you do" He offered the compliment sincerely before taking his stance.

He was at odds with himself though wondering how he seemed so confident and sure behind the sword where Agnar was usually the one one step ahead in a fight. But he found the sword in his hands more awkward to wield compared to their tip heavy axes or even some of their swords, hell even a spear was more manageable. His eye looked over Ulf in a serious manner as he gave him a look of confusion.
"You want me to try and stab you? I know Im unfamiliar with this weapon but even when we have sparred before this is the first time you have asked that of me" He would still not hold back but even he knew if he wasnt careful he could still end up seriously injuring him which left an odd weight in his stomach. "But ill do as you wish..here I come"

Agnar took the first move and unlike how he rushed him earlier to pick him up he was careful with how he approached, posing the sword in a more defensive style as he approached. He huffed as he tried to reposition the sword in his hand but held it almost a little to firmly and it was awkward to switch from defense to offense as he went for his side.
At the mention of the other's physique nearing that of a bear, he couldn't help but laugh at the very comment. "If a bear were as cute as you are, then I wouldn't mind becoming it's meal. I'll feel too guilty cutting it down like a mere animal." He chimed, the amused grin followed with a knowing nod from his part. The clear concern that may follow the blacksmith's heart isn't unheard of, after all he was never the one guiding them in the frontlines for a reason. But he didn't have to and most agreed that would be the better option for all of them.

However what most would not know is that the very man whom stood before the massive figure, had alway been training to face certain enemies. Not those who wield axes and charged for with freyr's blessing behins them, it was the very soldiers who would speak man of different fates as heathens. Barbarians and savages, whatever they would like to mark them. For a moment he watched Agnar launched his attack albeit haphazardly since the awkward angle of their wrist, with this knowledge.

Ulf took a wide step backwards and once his blade came into contact with Agnar's, he launched himself forward. Pushing the weight of his blade that was firm in his hand to strike against the front, of course This only locks the defense position that the other had taken to tighten. That is if Ulf's aim was to push him back, instead his own grasp upon the hilt of blade was light enough that it allowed him to maneuver the steel and wrenched it out of their hand.

"Not bad for your first, think of it as holding a dainty stick. You don't want to lock your wrist in place, if you do that then you wont be able to react in time." Ulf explained, taking a step back as he returned to his spot while once more resuming the defensive stance he had. "Use that impressive muscles you have, you can always overpower your opponent with what you have. Rules can be bent, as long as you know how." Another advice ulf pointed out, with a sprinkle of flattery thrown in there.
Agnar braced for the impact of the blades, their steel connecting and ringing through the air and in his ears with so much familiarity it pulled at his heart in more ways than one. Thankfully he was pulled from some more of his darker thoughts with Ulf's onslaught of flattery which for some reason made the tips of his ears burn slightly, he released the breath he didnt realize he had been holding as he gently placed the tip of the sword into the dirt. "Seems im a little more rusty than I thought..these hands have gotten to use to the feeling of a small hammer instead of a sword." This time he did swipe the hair away from his face as he rolled his shoulders and got back into his stance. This time he loosened his grip on his sword just a little but not so much that it would feel like he could drop it at any moment. Sadly he didnt have Ulf's smarts when it came to war all Agnar knew was all force and pure adrenaline when it came to battle.

This time he locked eyes as his stance was still and steady.
"Best be ready for me than after all that flattery" He started off almost like he did last time but he had a better grip on his sword and he was more sure of his footing as he raised the sword higher than last time. He was hoping Ulf would block in a similar fashion as he twirled the sword in his hands this time with ease as he brought it down in a swift manner.
On the corner of his eyes, Ulf could see the moment of darkening within those glistening beads. One he had seen before and for a mment there was a sense of relief that it vanished from their thick features, showing a sly grin forming wider when even the tip of those ears turned the slightest tint of red. Tilting his head to the side with a shrug from those firm shoulders, a warm hum echoed from the white wolf's lips. "You are the most exquisite of artisans, with the most delicate touch that I'm sure many could agree with." Well at this point he was teasing the other mercilesly, such is his demeanor. A sadistic hobby of his, compliments were so easy to come by that he simply couldnt help but spout them.

Only then did he see the faintest of opening would soon dissipate, yes just like that. All should fall into place, soon enough this former warrior would take over his title.. ah who is he to fool? They will certainly become formidable but this peculiar tools were meant for him and him only. "You know me well Agnar." He mouthed out nonchalantly, watching the trajectory of Agnar's blade and catched it with the blunt side of his sword.

Pushing his foot to dig against the ground and stand his ground while also tensing every strand of his muscles, however with the swift maneuver that the warrior displayed. It managed to force Ulf to lose his footing and instead to take the brunt of the force with the blade recoiling off the brute strength and casting him to cascade backwards, once more carving the soil beneath his feet. There was however a little error, the blade he used was that of a faulty byproduct.

Instead it had chipped and shatter from the impact, the peices of iron left a cut on one of his cheek. He had an inkling this would happen, he could possibly lose an eye if he made even the slightest mistake and yet that was the reason he chose to let go of the momentum and push his own guard aside. "See? You didn't have to worry of a single thing. You did well." Ulf commented, simply throwing the hilt of the sword to the ground and applauded the warrior for their achievement. Seemingly unaffected by the very cut that drew a few drop of crimson to stain his skin, crossing his arms with a proud satisfied nod.
When he blocked he felt a surge of excitement as he closed the distance between them and felt as he pushed Ulf back so much that he could see where his feet had been pushed back. What he wasn't prepared for though was the sound of the sword shattering in front of him. He quickly pulled back and shoved his sword into the ground as he pulled a piece of metal from his beard. "By God's? What the hell happened to your sword?" His eyes were wide as he looked at his own sword which was still in one piece. Seeing a sword shatter like that in his eyes was a tragedy for a blacksmith. But his attention was taken away when he saw the blood on Ulf's face. He approached and dug something from his belt loop, it wasnt much but it was something. "Here take this..we can spar another time." It was a cotton cloth he usually kept on him to polish weapons but they werent hard to get again and best stop any bleeding while they can.

He looked to the sky and saw how quickly it was starting to go down, their shadows now being cast to there left.
"I have to admit though you have impressed me once again with how quickly you can turn a fight. It also helped bring a bit of a spark back that I had missed from the past. Though my back won't be as forgiving" He chuckled softly as he put a hand on Ulf's shoulder.
Raising both shoulders, ulf simply shrugged as a response. Waving his hand as if it wasn't rare to have the sword shatter in usage, it was inevitable being that it was a spoil stolen from an unfortunate soul. "It happens, worry not. I would never give you a broken toy." A reason he had ensure himself, after all why would he needlessly endanger nor fool a man who is a renowned artisan in their clan? He was indeed thinking of disposing the sword but was hoping it would last a bit more longer. He noticed that the blacksmith approached him with a cloth that was familiar, in which ulf accepted with an amused chuckle. Patting the small scar lightly and staining the white cloth red, holding it stil for a moment to stop the bleeding.

"You have my thanks." The thin grin on his lips remained, as he followed their gaze towards the sky. The sun scorching the very fields and preparations for the feasts must soon begin. Snapping his attention back at the figure beside him, before lightly patting the blaksmith's back in the exact spot that would cause a whole single nerve to spark enough havoc for that sharp twinge of pain. "Oh surely you jest, you have the sturdiest back out of all of us." The moronic remark was simply a salt to the poor warrior's wounds.

A soft laughter echoed from his lips, prideful they were it sounded just a hint malicious. But the very evidence that he was incredibly amused from their interaction, with a playful wink that would have enraged most of his brothers especially with how in stark contrast of his bothersome demeanor. "Well i should go report our accomplishments of the day to the jarl." An excuse to simply run out of their sight but not a lie, though the timing is awfully convenient.
He groaned and twitch as he hit that one spot on his back, almost wondering if he should go back to the river to float for awhile while the sun was still up. With a slight growl to his tone and his firm hand still on his shoulder he pushed him gently forward towards the longhouse. "Go on and get out of here..I'm sure you have had your fill of teasing me for today haven't you?"
He finished fixing his hair out of his face before picking his half cloak from the ground as well as the sword. He watched Ulf take off in such a hurry he barely had anytime to say anything else to him so he simply sighed and picked up his sword as well as the hilt from the one he shattered. He wasn't sure if he could actually do anything with it but he wanted to bring it back regardless.

He slowly made his way back to his space on the boat which slowly becoming more and more barren as the others found space with their families or in their own huts that they were slowly building around the areas. Though he didn't mind the added silence and hummed quietly to himself as he put his cloak down and put the unbroken sword up with his other weapons and the hilt in his work table.
"Perhaps, perhaps not. It's not like you hated it either, otherwise you would have left quite a mark upon this old flesh of mine. Regardless, I shall let you rest momentarily." Ulf continued to chime even as the other pushed him forth to move forward, with his lingering presence finally leaving the blacksmith's side. Those crimson beads would instead lay it's mark upon the gray strands from afar, for a moment that grin he carried effortlessly would dissipate. Harsh field of winter greeted those harrowing eyes, the sensation of warmth leaving his fingertips. With the image of that wary soul burned into his mind, casting a shade within the silence that carried his hollow bones and once more he disappeared from plain sight.

In the distant room, a very faint trace of warmth from the star that scorched the very earth illuminate those rugged features. Brows knitted with wrinkles forming in each passing days, a heavy sigh echoed from the lip of those weary shoulders. Pinching the bridge of his nose before turning to face the cramped corner where light could never think to reach. "Ulf." the Jarl spoke softly into the darkness, Through the shadows of the looming wooden walls did those pale strands emerged. Slowly sinking to his knee as he properly greeted the chief of their clan, addressing them with every shred of respect he had. "The raid went exceptionally well my King, no losses on our side and all is accounted for. The feast shall begin shortly when the sun retreats into the mountains." a simple summary without the need to spoil unnecessary details unless the jarl specifically asked for them, though all of this and it's results were much expected.

"I see, you've done well White wolf. You deserve every single praise for it." such remarks were a repeating cycle that both sides are well too aware of, and yet there was this tension forming within the air. Asmund's silence were the very evidence of it, in which ulf could see the dark circles forming under their eyes. "My king.. are you perhaps unwell?" He had to say it even if he knew the answer already, he could not possibly ignore this sight before him. With the haunting pause of their words came to be, Those crimson beads would narrow themselves and braced for the very remark they would throw at him. "Ulf.. It's enough. you don't have to do this anymore.." such honesty and blunt words cuts deep against those wary shoulders, the stern gaze growing firm within the strategist's visage.

"My king, I assure you-" he could barely finish his sentence before the king stopped him, cutting him off with an offer of his own. "I know that I could not provide you much, nor satisfy the boundless rage you hold. But it's not too late to retire and let someone else take the reins, you have done enough for our people." compassion poured out of each and every sincere remarks that filled those lips, rough and harsh and yet they were the gentlest of voice to speak in such manner. In which that thin grin would soon repeat the same sentence that the king wanted to hear and yet only fear and disdain were present within the rugged features marked by the passage of time.

"If my king desires it, then it shall be done." would be the truth he spoke and yet that matter was soon dismissed by Asmund himself, defeated he was with the very outcome he had found. "Never mind that, Forget it, Continue as you have before." The jarl sighed, turning away with his back facing the pale figure. Whether it was a lapse of judgement or perhaps madness had overtook the king's mind, Ulf would never tell. "Very well, may Odin continue to bless your with his ever lasting wisdom." were the last words he offered, returning once more into the shadows and began slaving away once more upon the very journal he had worked on earlier. Noting each events and every shred of information that he learned, time passes in a breeze and funny enough he heard his peers calling the others to participate in the grand feast. Most would have made their way towards the gathering point before the longhouse and yet Ulf remain glued to his table, contemplating the very next move they will take.
He would be lying if he said he wasnt excited for the feats to come, the people desperately needed it as they had hardly gotten a break since rowing to this land and then straight to set up of homes and farming land and not to mention Ulf and the others carrying out raids for supplies amongst other things. They all deserved one night of comradery and celebration. With that in mind he decided to tidy himself up a bit braiding his beard once more and tying his hair halfway back while leaving some of it down. He also washed the wear of the day from his face with a spare water bucket he had nearby before putting on some clothes he had stored away in his chest. From it he pulled a deep red tunic with embroidered runes on the sleeves, his gently worn leather belt tie and the skinned fur of a grey fox that he would wear over his shoulders. He looked outside as the sun began to retreat to give way for the night and from where he was he could see the fires from within the longhouse illuminating it against the increasing darkness, shouts and songs already breaking out from within.

"Agnar! Come brother lest you want to miss out on all the mead!" Someone shouted for him outside the boat as he was securing his horn to his belt loop, stepping out from his small corner and heading to the front of the boat. "Im coming im coming give this old man some time" His clan mate laughed and poked at him while they walked to the longhouse, his eyes quickly darting to where he assumed Ulf would probably be..where he always was he should think. He might be a pain in his ass but he wished he would take some time away every once and awhile, even Agnar himself had to admit when he needed to step away from the forge now and then. For now he hoped the smell of food over the flames of the cooking pit would draw him in while Agnar looked forward to a large drink.

It hadn't been long since he had joined the others in the longhouse, watching the others join together with food in their bellies and mead in hand. Even the children were a time as they played in the corner of the building with some of their mothers on watch, but even the women were getting in on the excitement and singing with the others especially their shield maidens who could get just as rough as the other men. Agnar had his tankard filled to the brim as he chugged a good amount of the sweet mead with a satisfying sigh when Erik, Alelas husband and a fellow warrior bust in through the doors.
"I have a son!" Silence lasted for but a moment before the entire longhouse broke into loud cheers, other men running up to Erik to lock arms and give him firm pats on the back while a few of the women excitedly hurried out to go check on Alela herself. "Odin himself has blessed us this night" He raised his glass before Erik and some of the others broke into song with their tankards lifted into the air. Agnar would occasionally chime in with a few drinks down but his mind was elsewhere. He downed his drink and rose from his seat before quickly and quietly making his way out of the longhouse, his sights set on the area Ulf secluded himself too and of course as he approached he could see the candlelight from within before carefully opening the front and letting himself in. "You know you should be with the others tonight, you are just as much to thank for this celebration"

(For your hearing pleasure of celebratory song)
Celebrations and cheers were plentiful to come as it filled the whole settlement, though faint it became inside the isolated shed where the strategist resides. The flickering warmth of candlelight and the freezing air shook his bones in each stroke of his quill upon the tattered sheets, The marks of war would soon made it's presence known and he alone shall prepare the utmost certain path towards victory regardless of the cost. Though here he remained, with nothing but a tankard of water to keep him hydrated. Once more avoiding the crowd out of necessity to always be on guard should anything were to unfold. Setting the quill down, he would ponder the very damning obstacles that were great and dangerous.

He would need to pull some strings and established possible connections and alliances, otherwise bloodshed would become inevitable. Just as his mind began to deeply wander into the very thoughts swirling within his head, the door would swing open for the very figure he had waited to emerge. Turning his head to face the neatly dressed blacksmith, setting the papers to fold neatly into the worn down journal that he kept. Pocketing said item into the thin layers of his white tunic, Ulf rose from his seat and lightly waved his hand. "That I am fully aware, but someone must keep an eye out should anything were to unravel." He stated firmly his reasonings, logically it would make sense but he had used this excuse for way too often that it sounded like a bluff.

However he did not put up much of a fuss, raising his shoulders and closing the distance between the two. "But I'll bite, can't afford to upset the Jarl now can I? Lest he drag me around and causing such a big fuss." A point he made clear, previously in his younger years the Jarl would often drag him out of his seclusion so many times that it was almost a tradition. Embarrassing it would be to have a man of his age to follow that same footsteps, he would not hear the end of it. Patting Those broad shoulders lightly, he kept them at an arm's length and led them both out of the small shed and towards the lively gathering right before the longhouse. Songs resounded ever so prominent from their lips and it seems the celebrations themselves were a blessing for the blossom of a new life, With his appearance the cheers would resound as some of their warriors rose from their seat to greet him with a hard pat on the back.

"There he is! Our Great strategist finally joining us with his own two feet, Thought we'll have to drag you out like the old days!" One of them chimed and proudly usher the two to have seat upon the feasts laid upon the table, plenty of food and drinks to come by. Shaking that head of his ever so slightly, the thin grin had finally accepted a drop of mead. Taking a careful swig from the wooden tankard and kept his peace while he dine in a silence of his own. Biting into a few pieces of venison and the fresh berries he had plucked himself, sweet and tart they were. Only then did Freja approached the pale haired figure, setting a tankard of questionable herb for him to drink. Such concoctions only Ulf and the shield maiden herself had shared, a weekly occurrence for the strategist. "You have my thanks Freja." He uttered with a nod, setting his tankard of mad down and taking big swigs of that pungent concoctions till it was fully emptied. A frown knitted his brows as the bitter taste overwhelmed his senses, no matter how many times he drank it it never was palatable.

That aside, He turned to watch the retired warrior down tankards of mead and quite plentiful of meat. Something that would usher the light chuckle to rumbled from his chest, grabbing a few of the berries and placed into their plate. "Here, I've foraged it myself. you can't find any of these back home, the children would go mad for them." ulf pointed out, seeing a few of the rascals stuffing their mouth with the colorful fruit. staining their cheeks red. Such ferocious appetite, they all certainly shared that. "They make for a good pie, perhaps one of these days i'll buy some wheat to have a taste." he would murmur, an old recipe that he knew well of. As ancient as it may be.
There was no protest when Ulf ushered them both from the shed to the boisterous longhouse, though he could have easily stopped in his tracks at any moment and have the pale haired man bump right into his back. But thats all it was, just a fun little thought he kept to himself for now. He knew the others would be happy to see him as usual as he had many people including himself who wished to see Ulf leave the confines of his work to join them. "Well the jarl at your throat or not im glad you decided to join me" A grin working its way on his face as they sat beside each other. He gathered his plate and tankard once more as he gladly filled up on more mead, happy for the company finally as he tore into his food and getting into small conversations with others around them off and on.

Agnar watched as Freja brought Ulf an odd smelling drink, one he could even smell from the spot he was sitting in and watched as it was gone in almost an instant. He rarely ever saw the elusive man drink in such a way and it made him raise his eyebrows in surprise before chuckling when he noticed the slightly twisted look on Ulfs face after drinking it. He assumed it couldnt have been the best drink but whatever it was they enjoyed drinking was foreign to him. He took another long swig of mead as the heat of the alcohol started to burn in his cheeks his eyes still finding themselves lingering over at his friend as he ate like a deer. "Well if you picked them yourself than I trust they must be perfect" He snickered as he popped a few into his mouth, a slight red stain at the tips of his moustache as he did. "Oh! These would be great in an ale I think..very good flavor. Just another thing to be thankful for that you found on this journey of ours!" He wrapped an arm over the mans shoulders as he tapped their tankards together before washing more of his food down in glee. He leaned forward a bit, talking just loud enough for Ulf to hear him. "If you make any pie you best share with this old friend of yours hm?"
The grin on their lips would widen seeing the slight stain on those gray strands, only to let out a sharp huff from his lungs when they pulled him closer to tap their tankards together. The heavy wooden cup weighing down within his palm and the slight shake of his head accompanying the soft yet harrowing melody of his own voice. Knocking his knuckle lightly against Agnar's abdomen, one he admit were as dense as nails. "I'll make one large enough to feed a ferocious bear." He muttered off lightheartedly before taking another swig of the burning taste of alcohol into his tongue. Setting it aside, he gazed up upon the starry skies. For a moment he lingered when he could almost see a speck of what seem to be a flying animal, till a sharp glare he could sense on the corner of his eyes. It was the Jarl, the clear dismay in his rough expression while burning a hole into the pale figure's forehead.

Ulf would only smile sincerely for the Jarl to witness, causing for the weary figure to sigh. He almost felt sorry for causing such dread to burden the king's shoulders, of course it's not like he could control how the chief would feel in this particular matter as Such is the way of things. Emptying the tankard of mead in his hand, He rose from his seat, and firmly squeezed the former warrior's shoulder. "I'm off, there are some matters i must take care off. Try not to drink too much, you're not that young any more old man." he teased, announcing his departure and bidding farewell to his brothers before walking off towards the distance. The jarl noticed this and his face had darkened, mumbling off to himself. "So it begins.." such words were as quit as the gentle wind and yet his expression alone says it all.

With the pale figure coursing through the green field under the bask of moon light, a golden eagle soars high before descending fast towards the still lone wolf that stood within the open fields. Turning his head up to lock those crimson eyes with a hand outstretched and greeted the ruffled feathers of the sky predator, it's sharp claws rests around the leather gauntlet that adorned the strategist's attire. He pulled out a small pieces of meat he had skinned from the venison earlier, feeding into the eagle's beak. "You must have been quite hungry Ake. Have your fill." Ulf muttered softly, watching the eagle tear viciously through the pieces of meat he provided. Only then did two hooded figure emerged from the dark, their head bowed before him. In which Those crimson beads did not bother to face and kept his vision glued to the carnivore perched on his forearm. "Did the eagle bit your tongue? Speak." The cold tone resounded from that thin grin, such melody roamed eerily within the silent night.

In which the two figures approached closer and whispered quietly for only the strategist's ears to hear, such remarks were expected and did not pry even a single inch for that pale figure to budge. "Well Then, It is time for the next phase to unfold. Inform the others and contact Lord Evans, Tell him I ordered the attack tonight. Ensure all went exactly as I instructed, that much shouldn't be difficult to follow." Ulf pointed out, with a knowing nod coming forth from the two hooded figures. "Good, we don't have any more time to waste. The longer we wait, the more dangerous it becomes.. Await for my signal. I'll take the lead in this matter." He continued, seemingly a storm brewing not far in the distant as the wind grew harsher by the minute. Well aware that they were out in the open, not that he cared were someone to find him in this manner. Though the two hooded figure kept their head low despite the lax attitude that the pale figure carried, secrecy or not one could only wonder what went on between them.
Agnars dismay was pretty well written on his face when Ulf was quick to leave once again, he was thankful of course for the short time he chose to spend with the clan but he had felt like it wasnt long enough. It had been some time since they had a drink together and poked fun at one another. "You cant possibly be leaving now can you?" But his words went unanswered as he noticed the tense exchange between him and the Jarl, and on his mind were the thoughts he had been having for a few days now and that was what those two had been going back and forth about since their boar arrived here. It was odd for Ulf to be busy nor for the Jarl to be giving him such looks but for some reason something felt different and wrong. He downed the last of his drink and what was left of the berries that he had been given and sure his head was feeling a little fuzzy but he felt like he just couldn't sit idly by tonight. He adjusted the fur collar on his neck and lifted it over his head to form the hood before taking off into the night.

Although he might be getting up there in years he felt his sense of direction and gut were still just as primed as ever. He followed fresh dusty footprints until they eventually connected to the earth and grass, making it harder to see but not by much. The gods must have been in a good mood because the moon was big and bright and the sky was clear making it much easier to navigate the night as he searched for the man he was looking for. He had originally thought that maybe he went back to his work space but there he found it to be cold and empty, no slouched shoulders going to work in their papers and no candlelight reflecting off his shining hair. So he did the first thing his boozed mind thought to do and that was to go searching for him. Hes footstep were a little heavier tonight than usual but he kept his hand at the ready next to the small axe he kept attached to his belt when he ventured out like this. No viking would be stupid enough to go out without some weapon on them, thats how his grandfather was killed at least and since then his father made it a habit to always have a weapon on hand.

The wind picked up as well and Agnar looked over the ocean to the brewing clouds that were approaching hoping that everyone would be inside by now away from the impending weather. As he walked up a semi steep slope before it opened up at the top to a clear open field, he hadn't gone this far yet since they docked so all of this was reasonably new territory for him. But that didnt stop him when he saw three figures alone in the middle of that field, two of them triggering his senses that helped keep him alive in a fight. "Ulf what are you doing.." His words were quiet, so much so that the wind could carry them away as it blew at his back and down the small slope he was on. Had he not noticed the streaks of white glinting in the moonlight he wouldnt have guessed it was him but he could tell even from this distance who it was down there.
The harrowing eagle eyes pierced through the air, distant storm and brew and brushed against the ruffle of that white fabric. Faint footsteps accompanied the rough voice carried by the cold breeze freezing any warm breath that painted the air, red beads followed the loud croak of the avian creature as it soars into the night sky and circled ever so carefully towards the very path that those gray bearded silhouette had marched upon the lush field. With a wide green, Ulf turned to face the retired warrior whom those light fur framed their rough features. One hand gestured for the two hooded figure behind him to halt their steps from obtaining their hidden blades under the glint of moonlight.

"Calm yourself, he's a friend." He whispered coldly into the hearts of the two looming figure behind him, the warm grin that permeates his lips would usher for the two to take a step back. Slowly, he closed the distance between him and the former warrior. Placing both of his hands upon those broad shoulders and squeezing them firmly, before patting them on the back. "Well- Well and here I thought you'll be sleeping soundly after emptying all those tankards of mead, Don't mind us. They are my acquaintances here, think of it as allies for our clan. At any rate, Did you need something of me?" Ulf questioned, the hooded figures would retract. Walking slowly towards the tip of the cliff, with their head turned to their back and watched the two chatter from afar.

He could see suspicion brewing as the tension within that scarred bridge drew wrinkles to fold between those vibrant beads. Raising both shoulders, he waved his hand and gestured a sense of sincere honesty from his side. "I do apologize for leaving the feast so early, but there is a matter that simply cannot wait." The strategist firmly stated, with the distant croaks of the golden eagle returned with his coat in the grip of it's claws. He gazed up and caught the attire as it descends from the sky above him, quickly slipping into the dark colored fabric he had always worn when out towards the battlefield. "As much as I would like to linger, I must leave. but worry not I shall return by dawn, at least now you have the break you deserve from my antics." He chuckled lightheartedly, lightly tapping his palm against Agnar's chest. Before pulling the hood over his pale features and retracting his hand from the viking's side. There was a moment of guilt fleeting within his mind, but he couldn't possibly ask the man who had laid down their axe to follow him into the wolf's den. Besides, this was his responsibility alone as the left hand of their beloved Jarl.
His charming words were little comfort to him as he held his shoulders firmly, standing firm in place as he didnt intend to let him move him once more. "Mead means little to me when theres a friend concerned..and I have been concerned about you these last few nights. I dont know what plan you and our Jarl have whipped up but those two over there especially do not seem like acquittances not to our clan at least especially if they are so keen to hide their faces." Agnar felt more sure now that he should have poked around a little more especially after the Jarl came to him regarding Ulf and the things he was having him make. He wasnt bound to let Ulf walk away on his own again this time especially not with two strange cloaked men, not that he didnt trust Ulf or who he chose to have around him but something wasnt sitting right.

"No no you are not going to do this..I dont know where your going or what fight your walking into but I would not be your brother in arms..no, I would not be your friend if I just let you go off with these well..whelps than I cant gaurentee you will return by dawn. If it has importance to our clan and to you than its important enough for me and im going with you." He stopped Ulf from continuing to walk away by placing a firm hand on his shoulder, his eyes serious and ablaze with his determination to stay by his side. Whatever it is that was happening whether he swore to put his axe to rest he was not going to sit by and watch as he took this entire weight on his shoulderd alone.
At that very moment, hearing each and every word that poured from the weary voice he had called as a close friend. He knew well how stubborn the very warrior that raised the axe beside him in the old days, he was after all the strongest and most reliable warrior they had. If Agnar made it clear that the white wolf to follow his very remarks then it will be done, who was he to push away the claims of Odin's venerable fighter? So be it. He will not dismiss their presence, Though the guilt would burrow it's roots deep underneath the reins of that estranged soul. "Fine, have it your way." Ulf shook his head slowly and waved his hand. He whistles loud into the air and the two hooded figure would leap off the end of the clip, leaving the Norse warriors behind.

From the distance, a white sturdy horse rushes towards them. It nudges it's head against ulf's hand, before he hoisted himself up swiftly and sat upon the leather saddle. Outstretching a hand out towards the cloaked blacksmith, snickering off with an amused grin on his lips. "You have to forgive me for only preparing one horse for us to ride upon, I did not expect for you to join us tonight." He chimed, helping the other onto the back of the saddle before tightening his grips upon the reins. "All comfortable? Hold on tight, This might be a little rough." Another teasing for the poor sod, though his warning weren't unfounded. As soon as he whipped the leather rein, the wind violently crash against their flesh and the galloping motion shook the very passengers on top of the saddle. Casting light marks upon the light soil and rushing forth towards a large fortress built up from stone paraded with fiery torches.

He did not linger and steered them towards the main gates, however he would stop their passage before they reached the patrolling guard's eyesight. Only then did he dismount from the saddle and sink to his feet, crouching while he remained within the shadow and gestured for Agnar to stay close to him. "Now we wait." He muttered softly, pointing at the two hooded figure they met earlier and they had also arrived on the opposite side of the field from where they are. Carefully creeping up towards the fortress and patrolling guards under the guise of darkness. "I want you to run and take down the guards guarding the gates with your axe. I on the other hand will go in and open the gates." Ulf instructed shortly, still waiting for the hooded figures to make their move and ensure that Agnar understood his words clearly.
Agnar nodded firmly as he released Ulf with a sigh. Did he know what he was getting himself into? By no means, but he knew that if he were to raise his axe once more it would be for him and that choice he won't regret. His intentions were simple since he just wanted to guarantee that he was held to his word that he would return.
"You can't be rid of me that easily you old fool..no matter how hard you try"
He spoke with a smile but his eyes still wearily watched the two hooded figures disappear into the night. Ulf whistle drew his attention back to him when a mighty beast defended upon him. How fitting it was that he had a magnificent horse to match himself. He wondered where he had been keeping the thing this whole time though.
"Again..never ending surprises with you"
As Ulf reached out to Agnar to join him on the horse he knew the smile in his face was because he enjoyed the position he was being put into. Agnar sighed as his breath started to show slightly in the ever cooling night atmosphere. He clasped roughed hands with Ulf's and hoisted himself into the horse thankful that the stead was at least a hefty one and capable of keeping them both.
"Well as comfortable as one can be.. though I feel our positions should be reversed"
He cleared his throat and got in close to avoid being too far off the back of the horse, his muscular legs and arms now semi wrapped around Ulf's body. Agnar himself was only about a head taller than Ulf but it still seemed odd to be the one engulfing his body against his more lean frame.

As they took off he had no trouble holding steady to the leather saddle, the moon and stars following them as they headed to places unknown to him. But it was a little exciting too, feeling that same rush and charging into foreign land to claim victory. But as the large fortress unfolded from the darkness before then he couldn't help but wonder just want kind of victory Ulf was heading for. Regardless his was already here with him and wasn't backing down now. When Ulf dismounted so did he as he winced to the sore spots that he knew he would have the next morning. It has been some time since he last rode a horse.
"I trust you but I hope you know what your getting us into without the back up of the others"

He swiftly unsheathes his axe from its leather holster, though it was smaller than his usual battle-axe it was just as sharp and more deadly in quick combat. He quietly readied himself next to Ulf as he awaited the signal to move in from the other two mystery people. It was eerie with how quiet it was, even the sound of his chest rising and falling in his clothing made slightly brushed sounds and he shifted in his leather boots. Just then he noticed the movement from the other two as they went in at a few of the unassuming guards and Agnar took that as his cue. Using the muscles in his legs he pushed forward with a growling sneer as he ambushed the two at the gate, his hand moving swiftly as he lifted his axe hilt down above the guard. He had the body advantage against this one but he knew the other one would be a bit of a challenge. He brought the hilt of his axe down hard against the head of the smaller one before turning to quickly block the blade from his partner.
With ease, the hooded figures strike from the darkness and claimed their target without even giving them a moment to react. Without fail, they moved towards the front gates where the retired warrior mowed down his opposition with a trusty axe cutting down the armored soldiers. On the other hand, the Ulf was off scaling the stone walls with ease as he used the hookblade that Agnar made him to hoist himself up in a matter of seconds. This particular toy he used to stab and grab one of the patrolling soldiers on top, letting their body fall into the ground beneath and joining the pile that began to form.

He jumped up to strike his unassuming target behind their back and slammed his body weight against them, using his hookblade once more to silence them for good. He turned towards the wooden rope mechanism and reeled it in allowing the gates to be raised before them, soon the hooded figures ran inside and began incapacitating oncoming platoon of soldiers adorned in red. A loud croak resounding upon the sky as the golden eagle Ulf had held earlier made it's presence known, allowing a few explosion to shook the very grounds of the second gate opposite from their side and chaos ensued.

Six guards ran towards the blacksmith with swords drawn and they strike in numbers, focusing their attacks in unison. Clashing their very swords against the sharp edge of the viking's axe, only to have two of them fall when Ulf leaped from the top of the fortress. Sinking his hidden hook blade into the weakpoints in their armor and startled the rest of the remaining group. Deflecting one of the four soldier's blade with his dagger, joining in a careful dance of death under the bask of moonlight.
It didn't take long to take out the first two, compared to the lithe movement Ulf had demonstrated against him earlier these two were like wild clumsy boars. He grunted loudly as he stained the fur of his clothing with crimson red. He felt the rush of battle filling his veins with adrenaline once more as he basked in the light of the moon taking in the crisp night air as it filled his lungs. His eyes looked up towards the sky as Ulf ascended upon their enemies like quick silver. He struck them down as swiftly as thors lightning, Agnar in awe as he used his creation to bring swift ends to those around them.

As he was distracted by this he didn't notice at first the group of guards surrounding him until they were almost on top of him. He managed to block two of the blades but at the cost of getting his arm smashed by another. Had Ulf not joined when he did surely the fourth might have been able to take him out but thankfully his quick wit saves his hide. He hugged close to Ulf before using the guards initial confusion to his advantage swinging his axe full for into the hip gap of one the guards armour feeling as the thin blade slipped between the metal and met flesh with cold steel.
The loud ringing chime of steel clashing against each other resounded the very chaos that stirred high within those stone walls, The crimson stain that followed the very falter of the soldiers that surrounded them. The axe planting itself with a mighty swing from the warrior his back is glued against, causing the other two to topple with one of them screaming in pain. Fear stricken their numbers and Ulf couldn't help but sneer at the nostalgic sensation that tingled he back of his mind, how sentimental this old soul had indeed become. "Strike these 'Agrar' down Hard, brother! Send them to Valhalla!" Ulf proudly declared, as he parried the soldier's blade with his dagger and grabbed them by the collar before planting his dagger swiftly into their neck.

Keeping their back against each other, Ulf grabbed one of Agnar's shoulder to boost himself up and launched a hard kick against one of the remaining soldier on his side and causing that helmet of theirs fall off to the ground. Allowing the pale figure to strike down in one single motion, though that would not last long as more poured in to surround them. Causing Ulf to remain side by side with Agnar, humming softly in amusement.

"Seems like we're surrounded." He uttered under his breath, for a moment pulling his guard up as he watched the glint of the two hooded figure positioned on top of the building's rooftops. "How awfully convenient." He murmured, he threw his dagger against one of the soldiers dead in the face. It was a signal for the other two to rain arrows among the crowd of armored guards and thining them out in each lethal strike of the arrow, allowing chaos to ensue further and create openings for the Viking brothers to strike.
As Ulf's words tang through the air his eyes widened with a fire in them that could combat even the fires of the forge, his smile widening confidently as they used each other to perfectly balance out their stances.
"Odin is with us!"
He made sure to keep his body solid when Ulf needed to use it for his own attacks, one guard coming up on him quick Agnar uses only his fast to land a hard uppercut on the man knocking his helmet off with a crack and then using his other arm with axe in hand to swing full force at his neck nearly decapitating him. He roared out triumph. Together they were painting a beautiful bloody masterpiece on the ground around them, with sweat and blood permeating the night air in a true chaotic fashion. He had not felt this young in ages and though more flooded around them he felt they were unstoppable.
The sudden flurry of arrows took him back and he wondered how they had such clean accuracy. Back to back he caught his breath for a moment.

"Did you know...there would be this many?"
His words caught in his throat as huffed, giving Ulf a wild grin.

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