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Fantasy The King's Throne For Valhalla

Each words plunges deeper into his skin, re opening old wounds that were carved within his mind. With a single stroke of their thumb against his lashes, it brough that one trembling red bead to hold those tears that wells up upon the glassy reflection. He couldnt help but choke back the immense emotions darkening the circles under his eye, followed by a soft painful chuckle from that weary grin. "That is exactly why, I had to push you away. You are my weakness. And That, is the most dangerous thing to have when facing an enemy of this land." Those words flew out his mouth, his breath trembled as he slowly guide their steps back towards their steed.

"They will not hesitate to use the most barbaric of methods, My mother's death was the result of their trickery. And now, that they have learned of my existence. Who is to say that they will not succeed in harming the rest of you? That is a risk I thought I could take but ultimately, now that you have tasted his blade. I realized, I could never bear such burden." The deeper his words dug into his open wounds, the further did those lips twist ino a smile and that red bead could barely hold the tears from betraying his vision. " You may despise me, find every shred of your being to loath this wretched mind. But ultimately, I am a selfish fiend by nature. I will reject you even if it will pain us both, such feelings I can live with. I have always carried them ever since I've met you, a guilt deeper than the abyss itself." At this point, he was slowly forcing their path to diverge. Yet even so, his hand would began to tremble for his own resolve had began to crumble in each passing moments. But he had to be strong, if he collapse now then who is to say his life would not have ended? This is the reality of the war he waged, a desperate act of a man who could no longer bear the fear that haunted his mind. Without even a moment to rest, for he who knew the unknown must prepare every steps to ensure he will survive in a cruel game where he was guaranteed to lose.

Even if he wanted to let it all go, it was no longer an option to do so. Both outcomes will lead him to misery regardless, he could not see any happy ending to this path he had taken. Tangled into the strings that strangled him, as he was reminded of the weary face that became of the Edinburgh's King. He should have ended it years ago, now time was no longer by his side. "I wish, I could accept your aid. Or perhaps even let go of this bloodied war that poisoned these lands. But I still have some responsibilities to return to, an obligation to my past." He uttered with a pained smile, squeezing the warrior's hand as they stood right beside the chesnut colored Steed.
He couldn't resist him when they started to move back towards his horse at the edge of warriors party, his mind screaming at him to stop him, to say something that might make him change his mind. But his words couldnt form and all he could think of was the trembling hand in his and the loneliness he was willing to force himself into to finish this maddening play he had orchestrated. Eventually he found his strength to stop them in their tracks right next to the horse yet not willing to mount the stead. He threaded his fingers between Ulfs and swiftly pulled him close again, shielding them both with his large frame and cloak. His tears still did not stop falling though pathetic he might feel he was making himself he always felt his emotions too strongly. "You say you can live with that pain but do you think I can? Im not..im not strong like you are not in that way, you have been by my side since we were but children and yet you think I can live with you doing this" He knew at this rate he was just begging upon deaf ears not willing to let their resolve go, but if he did not try then he would have never forgiven himself for not at least trying to reason with the man before him. He backed up him gently against his horse so that he was barricaded between that his body, not letting him slip past him if he could help it. His eyes squinted in pain as locked eyes with him, his jaw trembling with the knowing that he was most likely not going to win this battle of emotions with him and that he needed to try and let go but he was being selfish and rash in his decisions.

He brought his pale calloused hand to his face, pressing the back of it against his lips as he leaned forward, giving them a shield from the eyes around them. His hand squeezing his firmly as he held it there for a moment before he spoke, his tired eyes wrinkling at the edges as he forced his blurry vision stop with the chilling dew drops filling his eyes. "Will you truly not let me stay by your side...even if I had to beg? You truly have me at your beck and call just as you always have my Elskr." Those last few words were hushed so that only Ulf could hear him, his pale features reddening ever so slightly as he closed his eyes his lips brushing gently at the skin of his hand when he spoke. He said the words without thinking much and they filled him with all kinds of churning emotions that made his chest tighten and his stomach double over but these last few days spent laying in bed gave him time to sit and stew in his emotions, his thoughts and his regrets if he had them and he truly did when it came to this man and all the things he might not get to say.
Each words that pour from those lips, lowering his resolve as they moved closer to the edge. He could not give in, he mustn't. At least not now, that injury his companion had carried was a painful reality he could not bear to have it repeat once more. That even those lips leaving such warmth against his skin, it gripped tightly upon the calloused hand that cradled his fingers. Silence filled his throat, time ticking in the back of his mind. The stronghold was stuck in limbo, he could not have them linger any longer. Yet pushing them away seems impossible at the same time. As he sighed deeply, he held up two of his fingers to the air and the troops along with the hooded figures began to move towards their posts.

"You truly drive a hard bargain Einherjar, I wish you could have waited a bit longer and recover from your injuries. But right now, It's too late to drive you out unfortunately. You are in no state to fight, so follow Lady Antoinette to the sickbay. The rest will stay here, might as well put those axes to use." He gave in, Lightly moving Agnar's to drape across the knight's shoulders. She ushered the injured warrior into the walls of that particular structure, where a few vacant beds were present. An a nearby brazier filled with hot scorching coal allong with steel tongs to pick one up. She helped him to sit on one of the beds and a man wearing the crow mask appeared from another room inside the structure.

He saw the injured blacksmith and went to grab a few vials from the shelves, before the knight left the two by their own as she needed to join the rest. "My my, seems like you're ready for a fight. But He moved you to the sickbay, try not to worry about what happens outside. Before you came, we were informed of oncoming attack from the Kingdom. So you should sit tight, let the others do their jobs yes?" He remarked softly, placing the concoction from the vials to a cup and offered it to the injured warrior. "Here, drink this. It should help dull the pain, also the herbs will help ease down the swelling." He pointed out, though soon after Cries of battle echoed from far out the building. The war horn resounded as clear as day, with countless sound of steel clashing against one another. "The war has started, well try to relax. You'll stress the wound if you move so suddenly." The doctor continued to adviced.
All of those anxieties that had been building, threatening to burst at the seams suddenly melted away from him and in a moment he felt his legs nearly give out beneath him. Had it not been for Ulf standing there and his horse he would have collapsed then and there. Thankfully he was able to support himself putting one had on the horses hip as his other still held firm in Ulfs hand but was also using it for stability. "Thank you.." His voice wavered with relief as he choked back the sobs that threatened to take him at any moment. He sucked in a breath as he was moved to another person for support. He looked back as he was being led away but decided not to fight this time, the stress taking its toll on him and his still healing wound as it throbbed and ached against his skin. He wanted to stay but he knew he would most likely be in the way if he did not being in shape to fight at the moment.

He almost didnt notice the man in the room with him until he spoke up, his eerie face covering making him feel uneasy.
"That is some garb you have on there my friend" He sat with a sigh as he cradled the wound under his tunic, groaning as the ache spread to his back. He looked at the drink offered to him and thought to himself it couldnt be any worse than what Freja fed him days ago. As he sipped it he shivered but still it wasnt as bad as he thought it would be. The sound outside made him jump, "I didnt realize they would be upon us so suddenly. Gods curse this wound!" He chugged the rest of the concoction tossing the cup to the ground as it clattered sharply and rang out in the space around them. He winced and then moved to go pick it up. "My apologies that was rude of me, my mind seems to be in a frazzled state of mind currently" He picked the cup up from the ground and closed his eyes for a moment as the roaring sounds of victory cries and clashing steel called to him.
The doctor simply shrugged his shoulders at the enraged warrior, seemingly calm despite the sudden outburst. "You are much less of a trouble than Lady antoinette can be. She would punch me when i try to cauterize her wounds, thankfully the mask helped soften the blow." He pointed at the dent on the beak of the crow mask. Before wading his way towards the shelves once more and prepared a few concoctions on the side. "No need to apologize, after all Our leader here would simply slap the sense right back into you. Or perhaps not, Not my place to meddle with such affairs." The doctor uttered as the window shattered from the impact of an arrow that pierced the very walls right next to the doctor. "OH, GOODNESS!" Startling him ever so slightly, but he simply pulled the arrow off the wall and continued on with his erands.

"Now, how has your fever been these days? Any more nausea? Vomiting blood? Perhaps even blood in your stool?" He interogated the warrior with a series of questions. Approaching the warrior who is currently seated upon the soft mattress, with a vial at hand. "May I have a look?" He raised both of his hands asking permission to examined the wound. Though the distant cry and screams had lay a heavy atmosphere between them both it was pratically a massacre. "I do hope they clean up after themselves, blood stains are the worst to scrub out." A light remark made of the current situation, oddly calm for a man who is currently in the middle of a war zone.
He looked over the doctors body once more, this time taking in his whole attire. Surely it was odd but the man behind the mask seemed genuine in his efforts and when the arrow crashed through his first thought was to go to his aide, such was his type in trying to keep people safe. But of course the odd man before him seemed to gather himself quickly and disposed of the arrow as if he had spilled water on the ground. "I..well the fever has been gone for about a day now and I had supposedly vomited blood early on but that subsided after awhile. The nausea does still come in waves making it hard for me to eat full meals but im working on it everything else seems to be fine." He carefully took his tunic off, showing the stitched up wound that was now heavily bruised around the area but not red anymore. "Still hurts like a son of a bitch though thats for sure" Though the wound itself wasnt large it was deep and probably one of the worst injuries he had received in all his years.

Just outside he could hear bodies clad in armor hitting the ground, collapsing with gargling choking sounds before it went silent again. It pained him because he couldnt tell the difference between these deathly sounds coming from his own people or the enemy.
"How can you be so calm when the sounds of death lay around you, never knowing if its a loved one on the other side?" That was the hard part of not being in the battle yourself was that you couldnt guarantee anyone was safe if you yourself werent out there to see to it.
The doctor leaned in as he studied the wound closer and nodded at the answers that the warrior provided, he lightly felt the scarring tissue with his fingertips and lightly press his index finger along the bones and the muscles. "That is to be expected, keeping yourself hydrated I hope? Now take a deep breath." He patted the warrior's shoulder and began to press his finger deep against the skin and prod around the bruise left by the nasty wound. "Hmm seems like you're quite lucky, Your intestines would have ruptured were it not for the blade narrowly evade your organs." He waved his hands, indifferent with the sound of the grunt and guttural yell surrounding them.

"I've seen more deaths than you warriors do, I mean you think being confined in these small walls would mean peace. But if i have every gold coin for the each time this invasion happen then i would have been the richest doctor alive." He shook his head, simply bewildered on why the strategist continued to go on the defensive when facing the kingdom's constant assault. He turned to the brazier and began tossing some more coal into the fire, before grabbing a different metal rod to heat up in the fire. As if by signal, the battle died down and sheer cry of victory filled the stronghold. "And they should be here in any minute.. and-" the door burst open with Ulf bringing lady antoinette in and Lord evan timidky followed behind. The knight is visibly cursing up a storm as two arrows had managed to hit her thigh, in which the doctor would pick up the metal rod and ulf wrestled her to sit still on a wooden stool.

"THOSE WHORES INSULTED ME, I HAVE TO TEACH THEM A LESSON! DONT YOU DARE STOP ME!" the lady yelled as she kicked her other leg against Evans face, causing him to keel on the floor curled up in pain. "You better hurry doctor, or I'll be the next victim of her fist." Ulf chuckled, and grunted when she elbowed his stomach. Though he managed to wrestle her down again. "Do you really- have to do this every time Antoinette?" Ulf coughed out in a strained chuckle as she continued to trash around. The doctor sighed and pulled the arrow out causing her to curse and clawed her fingers against the strategist forearm before biting down against his leather gauntlet to muffle her screams when the doctor cauterized her wound with the hot metal rod. "You'd think you've learned your lesson and keep your emotions in check by now but I guess I do appreciate the entertaiment." The doctor sighed and finished his treatment quickly, letting the other two men breath easy.

Ulf on the other hand seemed unscathed for most though his eyes would linger at the sensation in his back every once in awhile, which the doctor took notice of and waved him to have a seat somewhere while he head back towards the shelves filled with herbs. Ulf took this moment to have more privacy with his companion, The knight and the Lprd picked up on this and they both waddled away quietly out of the building. While that pale figure settle uppn the vacant bed right beside Agnar's and pulled his cloak off his attire, he smiled at the warrior. Though there was this unsaid weight between them, till he decided to break the silence as he brushed his pale strands that hindered his only good eye aside. "I see the doctor has attend to your wounds, well feel free to ask his aid. He knows alot about medicine, more than i could ever hope to." Soft remarks flew out of those pale lips while they were a few feet apart.
Agnar felt for the man, death was never easy whether it comes in by the hoards or by the person. He grunted and felt his body tense as he pushed on the still sensitive wound. "Well let me count my lucky stars then ah? Otherwise Ulf would have been carrying me back entrails and all" He was not a man of jokes at least not with others though him Ulf could go back and forth all day at each other. He left the tunic on the bed besides him as he heard the triumphs of the men and women outside, he went to stand as his fears started to slip away. "They have done it, truly they seem to work well together" He wished to go and rejoice but he thought better of it as he sat back down, leaning his back against the cool wall easing some of his discomfort. And for the moment he was too afraid to face the man that hopefully sat at the other end of that door unscathed. Though he wouldnt have to wonder long when the harsh screaming of the woman knight from before barged through the door.

He flinched at the swift kick she had offer Lord Evans feeling for the poor man as he faltered back but of course the second man in her presence was the one he had been nervous confronting once again. Though his heart fluttered seeing the look on his face as he fought off the womens attacks with a grin, looking more like the one he knew before all of this. They locked eyes and for a moment he looked away, clutching his tunic on the bed in his hand as he starts to contemplate what he would say. What could he say after all? That he had acted out of emotion when they met again? That he meant it all? That he was still mad that he had ran off in the first place without a single word? By the time he had any idea what he would do or say he realized it had grown quiet and when he when he went to look around there was no one left but him and Ulf who had eventually sat next to him on another bed.

He cleared his throat as he nodded, now having a hard time taking his eyes off of him.
"True..he does well you are lucky to have him as an ally this wound of mine hasnt felt this soothed in days." He rubbed the back of his neck as he tried to grasp the words in his head floating around like leaves on a windy day, just constantly out of reach. "I..I missed you Elskr. Truly I did..those days and nights spent trying to survive this hellish wound was made more agonizing not knowing where you had gone"
Silence burrowed deep within that pale lips, That same weary smile remained. With one single eye gazing back at those blue beads locking with his own, he would avert his vision away and nodded his head ever so softly. Pressing his palms against the other, he had nothing much to say. It felt like any words that would leave that throat of his would be an excuse. There was only one single word he owed this old companion with, something he should have said with his own mouth. "I'm sorry." The soft whisper echoed from that frozen throat, heavy and hoarse it resounded into the air around him. Lightly brushing his palms together as he tends to look away towards the floor beneath him and kept his voice in a soft whisper. The past few days felt like an eternity, even more so knowing he had abandoned the other who was fighting for his life. The rugged expression creased the wrinkles upon his skin, slouched forward with his head lowered.

Silence returned once more and the doctor returned with pitcher of the strong herb concoction, he thanked the doctor for the medicine and chug it down. Not leaving even a drop of that bitter tasting liquid to waste. "Well excuse me, I won't be long." The doctor uttered as he guided Ulf's face to turn facing him, examining the wound on his eye socket and the eye beneath it. The red bead was now incredibly pale and had this white cloud over where the pupil was, it was gone for good. At the very least he still have his right eye. Afterwards, the doctor let him go and left the two alone once more. Resuming the silence that was keen on staying, he had so many things to say and yet. He could not find his voice to convey them, perhaps it was an acknowledgment of his own failure to communicate this guilt riding his chest.
Agnar couldnt bear to see the guilt on his face anymore, he knew this old soul had been through hell and back on more than one occasion and he was suffering far more within than he had ever known whic stirred his own guilt. He had no idea how the person he cared for the most in this world was suffering all while Agnar was oblivious to it. He wanted to say something before the doctor walked in offering the same type of medicine he had had earlier to his friend. Watching as that fresh wound on his face was being examined. "Thank you..for taking care of him" As the masked man exited he decided to get up and walk over to the other bed where he sat, close enough that their legs were up against each other. He reached out and gently took his face in his hand and like before he used the other one to cradle the back of his head so he could tilt his face up to his own. "Well..couldnt have lost the other one eh? Than we could have balanced these poor eyes out together." He offered a warm smile that was free from the pain he had felt earlier, the pain that he thought was him losing him once and for all. "Though I will say a few scars make you look pretty dashing" He chuckled as he moved his other hand from his head to his waist, trying to soak up as much of this alone time as he could.

As the masked doctor exited the room and went back outside amongst the corpses and blood littered around a warm honey voice rang out across the field where at first all you would notice was her wild flaming hair and the billowing green long sleeve dress covered with an antique white bodice. She waved as she maneuvered around bodies and weapons, a basket tucked into the crook of her arm. With her free hand she waved with a bright smile that made her green eyes squint.
"Doctor! Hello! Oh dear me.." She seamlessly missed stepping on a decapitated soldiers head before bouncing her way up to him. "I see you've had quite the day hm? I brought you some fresh herb from the garden and a little something for you in the bottom" She looked around before pulling up the wrapped herbs and flashing a dark green bottle filled with a dark purple liquid. "Some wine..made from this years harvest, it was finally done fermenting and ready to be enjoyed" The slight accent still esacaping her words as she spoke though she had grown up mostly in these lands she had kept her dialect because of her parents.
The sudden warmth closing in at the two figures, the gentle hand cradled that weary features. Cuts framed his skin, the light softly glimmer upon his back. White strands drape down the crimson bead, a moment of solitude harbored that sincere smile to lay on his cheek. "I could never pull them off the way you do Einherjar. I'm glad you find them flattering in your eyes." Each husky breath flew from his lips, resting his head on the warrior's shoulder. Tangling the white strands to contort around those thick gray hair, closing his eye and savor the very comfort that he could only hope to dream in the past. It was odd, he could not lie but felt that he had become a stranger.

Too many secrets he hid that one could only wonder how did he managed to keep it up, however even now some things remained a secret. It was too late for them to turn back, out of all people that could learn the very foundation of his soul. It felt frightening to have this mighty drengr be exposed to his treacherous past, to also carry the same consequences. He wanted to burn every bridge he could in fear of it repeating, the only things he could never really calculate was how he would truly feel once the event unravels before him.

"I owe you thousands of explanation, the others who had fought under my hand. All of them and especially Our Jarl, I must have burdened him quite greatly." He pointed out his sudden absence must have caused quite an uproar, he knew that they depended on his role to guide them in battle as this very land was all his idea after all. Soon he returned to silence, burying his face against those broad shoulder. He held on to the leather armor and dug his trembling fingers against the fabric, it was silent but a warm dampness would stain the warrior's shoulder.


He was standing before the corpses and instructed the troops to clean up, only when he heard that wonderful voice echo into the air did that indifferent attitude disappear and instead be replaced with a warm enthusiasm from the man who cuts people open for a living. "Ah yes if it isn't the nature fairy herself, what do you have here for me little pixie?" He asked and soon found his answer to be quite the lovely news. As his eyes light up behind the lens of that frightening mask, upon seeing the bottle of wine in her hand. "Why thank you missy, this will help plenty to wash down all the tiresome ruckus the wounded here had given me. You'd think they be more considerate to shut their mouths AND LET THE DOCTOR DO HIS BLOODY JOB IN PEACE." he raised his voice for antoinette to hear and she shuffles out of sight, earning an annoyed huff from the masked silhouette. Returning his attention back at the lady before him, opting bc to that softspoken voice. "At any rate, you have my undying gratitude. I may not have much but here, a little sweet tonic to drink whenever you may feel a tad bit under the weather." He instructed before handing over the bottle to her.
He chuckled warmly as he changed his position instead pulling him closer. "Oh you cant complain too much, you have always had the looks between the both of us you know that" He stroked his hair and when he buried his face into his chest his throat caught as he tried to play it off with a light laugh. But he could also fear the warmth of his tears up against him and for a moment he was quiet. He held him close and buried his face in his pale hair. He knew he hated being seen like this so he did his best to let him release his emotions in peace. "Im not going anywhere, whatever you have planned I will be there to see it through. Like you said, a promise is a promise. I just dont want you to leave me behind again. Whatever pain you have been thorugh I will be there to bear that burden with you and if it means our end eventually than I will meet it with you as well. By Odin you will not be able to run from me again" His breath trembled as he took in the smell of his hair and thanked the gods fro keeping him alive this long so they could speak to each other like this. After a moment he gently pulled him back, wiping any stray tears from his face. "You will have a fun time speaking to our Jarl though I can promise you that much..and you owe me for worrying me to near death that night you old fool" He put their foreheads together for a moment as his hands worked his way through his fine snowy hair.
Blair tucked her hair behind her ear and tilted her head with a bemused smile. "Oh leave her be, theres not a force on this earth that could tame the fire in Antoinette you know" She reached up and gently grabbed the tip of his mask, jiggling it slightly with a light hearted laugh that floated around her. When he handed her the small bottom she clutched it to her chest before taking his arm in her free one. "Whatever would I do without these amazing medicinal of yours, I have managed many a cold and body ache with them and you know how I need it. Working in that garden all day really wears one down. Would you like me to put your herbs in the usual place?" She looked the area around her, curious as to why such violence had unfolded and when she lokoed to his work area she gasped lightly. "Oh no! Your window..oh its going to get chilly at night like that. We will have to patch that up"
The warrior's hand slowly peeled off his face from his companion's shoulder, he felt Agnar's thumb brushing against the pale lashes and collected the very few remaining beads of tears that clings onto his skin. Taking a moment before opening that eye once more and relish upon the sight of a dearest face he could not have thought to bask in. For he had already made his peace if he had truly sever their ties, but there is always a part of him that could never bear the loneliness of leaving the warrior whom stood by his side for all this years alone. But it was time for him to reveal his cards and if it's much more dangerous keeping secrets between them, then he reveal all that is needed. Even if it will reopen old wounds, he owed them exactly that at the very least for sticking through till the end.

With a soft nod, the thin grin returned to his lips. Savoring the familiar warmth while their foreheads were pressed against one another, a soft chuckle resounded from his throat. "I figured as much, The Jarl was indeed holding back his anger towards me. But I guess he was more relieved that things had finally settled down between us. If the late Jarl were to see this, he would have given me a good smack on the head for being so rash." He felt silly for trying to hide things as much as he could, though what hasn't backfired lately? Truly he could only laugh at the outcome. "I suppose you'll be the one to return the favor, i know there's still a part of you that wanted to punch some sense into this old stubborn fool. But i think Antoinette had already done the deed for you." He chuckled in a painful laughter, of all places she had to hit him it had to be his damned stomach. Patting his abdomen lightly as he sighed with a weak smile, lightly rubbing the bruised old scar.

"I could feel it bruising already, maybe next time I'll ask Freja's help to tie her down against the chair. I'm suprise Lord Evan hasn't break his nose with her powerful kick always aiming for his face. If you weren't injured I would have asked your help to keep her from claiming more unfortunate victims." He chuckled lightly, such is the peculiarity of his current entourage. Another pause filled his voice and he took a deep breath before loosening his tense stature, allowing himself to slouch upon the soft mattress. A warm gaze held by the brilliant ruby, raising a hand to tenderly cradle those weary wrinkles that continued to form upon the ailed features of his dearest companion. "Thank you, Agnar. For everything. " A soft whisper resounded within the silent air that filled the stone structure, with the soft crackleof the brazier's fire comforting such frayed nerves.


The doctor could only huff out an exhausted sigh, knowing she's probably correct on that part. Shrugging his shoulder and tilting hsi head to the side. "Oh well, at the very least your little visits brings warmth to my heart. It's worth all the trouble she cause me." He nodded his head, such enthusiasm returned to his demeanor. When she took his hand into her own, one could almost see the blush forming on his cheek. Though frankly with him leaning closer and softening his voice, he was practically smitten. Rubbing his thumb gently along the ridges of her knuckles. "Of course, how could I ever hope to deal with all these callous wounds without your lovely herbs? Truly the soldiers here should thank you for your wonderful generosity my dear dandelion." His accent grew thicker in each whispers he conveyed, soon to be reminded of the broken window that the stray arrow had caused. He looked back at it and waved his hand as if to dismiss it.

"Oh you do not need to worry of a small.. incident, the boys would patch them up.. IF THEY WOULD KEEP THEIR BLOODY EYES TO THEMSELVES AND QUIT GAWKING AT THE NICE LADY!" He yelled at the soldiers who were gathered around the block and immediately waddled their way to patch up the broken window. The doctor clicked his tongue and turned his eyes back at the girl before him and bowed his head courteously. Before slowly pulling his hand away and offered with open arms to take the basket over themselves, remembering the strategist currently having a private conversation with his companion. It would be rude for either of them to intrude.
"You may hand over the basket, our leader is currently busy inside so it would be best not to disturb them."
When he felt his body relax, he leaned back as well and put his hand on the bed next to his, their pinkies barely touching as he did still want to feel some sort of contact with him. He also felt he couldn't take his eyes off of him, fear still lingering that at any moment he would disappear again out of nowhere. He used his other hand to smooth some of his wild greying hair out of his face with a deep sigh. "Oh, I did, but you know I've never once landed a hit on you before in hand-to-hand combat. It probably would have been all for naught." He shrugged as his eyes drifted from the scar on his eye to the floor for a moment. He didn't want to admit that he couldn't bear to do something to him like that out of anger not with that fresh wound on his face, and his overwhelming need to hold him easily outweighed anything else. Though he agreed the late Jarl would have most likely given him one hell of a beating with that staff he used to walk around with in his later years, even Agnar had faced its fury once or twice and it was no laughing matter.

He looked over when he touched his stomach lightly.
"Right...that's always been a tender place for you. Are you alright? She did land a solid hit on you" He moved his hand from the bed before reaching out with his fingertips barely touching where the scar would be above his clothes. "Surely our Freja would be a match for that woman though that is not a fight I would dare get caught in between lest I lose my other eye" He chuckled and sighed as he placed his hand on his face, leaning into it with his eyes closed. "And thank you for saving my life Lagsmær"
Blair leaned into his as they walked, her emerald eyes scanning the carnage before her, sure it was a harsh sight but nothing new for her in the slightest. She at least didn't get sick at the sight any longer, but she did worry about the doctor's wellbeing in the middle of all this while he worked in his shop. She smiled as she felt that familiar touch of his against her hand her mind being pulled from the morbid and back to earth. "Oh, surely you could have procured another herbalist of your liking, I just won because I brought you all that fresh fruit" She mused as she hummed lightly a little folk song she had learned many years ago. She was ready to head towards his shop like always but was stopped when he scolded the men around them. At this she couldn't help but let out a good laugh, her hand on her cheek as she did as the men around them quickly spun around and went back to their business her eyes watering slightly as she wiped them away from her copper-colored lashes. "Oh...Christopher those poor men have been through enough, I'm sure they fear the doctor more than death at this rate." She sighed as one last little laugh escaped her tinted lips, handing him the basket as he moved for it.

She put a hand on her hip always amused at how he bowed to her even though she was just a peasant woman he was holding a title much more honorable than hers. But she would be lying if it didn't flatter her and make her blush a bit as her cheeks reddened under her freckled cheeks.
"You charmer. I'm glad to hear that grouchy man of yours is still kicking, I'm assuming that salve worked for that eye of his even he didn't succumb to an infection. Thankful I didn't see his body among the dead here but especially yours. I always worry when I come to visit and find your yard littered with the remnants of battle." The wind kicked up slightly blowing her hair in front of her face as she stopped it, the green of her dress billowing around her as she turned to face the sun, closing her eyes and soaking up what light was breaking through the clouds. "Though despite everything it's turning out to be a lovely day"
A soft chuckle resounded from the pale lips, a smile garnered from his side. He moved his hand to tap the tip of their nose, a sly grin framed his face. "No need to thank me, It is fair that I should save you as many time as it is needed. I could brag to the children as the savior of the mighty Agnar." He hummed softly, amused by the idea. "Surely it suits me don't you agree?" A rhetorical question in his part, however he did not need an answer and instead reached up to cup Agnar's chin. His thumb lightly pressing against that chapped lips, softest whispers from his own that only the warrior before him could hear had emmerge from his throat. "You truly look pale.. perhaps some color is in order." Honeyed words cascade from the tip of his tongue, leaning in to instil the warmth of his lips upon the other's and steal their breath.

The gentle peck and the soft sensation of their skin against his, he savored that taste of iron in his tongue and slowly peered away to simply grin ever so mischievously. "You tasted of blood my dear, though I do not mind it."
He spoke quietly with a light chuckle, before leaning back in as if he was about to kiss them on the lips once more but purposefully turned his face so he left a light peck on their cheek instead. With their gray beard tickling his chin.


The doctor wiggled his index finger, insinuating the falseness of her statement. Though he did not elaborate any further and shrugged his shoulders of the possibility of instilling fear to his patients. "That would actually benefit me, if they fear me as much as they fear death itself then surely they will be cautious of their health. Lest They have to request my aid, it will make my job easier!" He expressed his attitude towards the matter, wanting nothing more but a peaceful day without needing to see the amount of idiocracy these people participated in on a daily basis.

The doctor stood there as if to contemplate, remembering the rainy night that pale figure returned with red covering his while body. If anything he was surprised that he managed to stay conscious through the whole ordeal. "Him kicking the bucket? I think it's more plausible if i were the one who kicked the bucket instead, had to stay up all night working on his wound. Not that it's anything new but he is much deadlier than every invasion of troop combined." He shudders just thinking about it, knowing full well that night the pale figure was injured. The strategist had practically demanded every single treament possible to keep him on his feet for the upcoming battles he must wage.

With the basket on his hand, he watched her bask in the warm light. Smitten by the sight, he nodded his head and followed her gaze. "It's a lovely day indeed, especially with you hear My sunflower." the doctore uttered softly, tuning his face and to lock eyes with the amber haired lady. That is till he was called by Lord Evans to come hither, reminding him of his duties. "Ah, seems like His highness has summoned me. I must leave now, but I do hope to see you again soon My little pixie." He tenderly took her hand and lower his head once more before scurrying off towards the distance, leaving the lady behind.
He scoffed and followed it with a genuine laugh. "You would like that wouldnt you? They are still squabbling about our little play fight in the river you know? Enjoy it while you can" His smile was quickly replaced with a stunned look on his face when he touched his lips, not used to the sensation or the motion from him. But he enjoyed it as he closed his eyes, suppressing as he held his own hands back for a moment not wanting to push whatever unsaid boundaries they had. He wanted to make a witty come back about his pale features having to do with blood loss when his breath was truly drawn from his body. A shiver ran up his spine as his hands trembled, his warm lips bliss to him as his ears burned and those pale cheeks quickly turned crimson with desire. He had known what his heart wanted for quite a long time now but he never made a move or really said anything to anyone about it and he often wondered if the playful flirts back and forth were simply just that, just two old men who were fond of each other having their fun. But the moment he felt his lips upon he knew he knew that it had always been much more to him.

When their lips parted he took in a shaky breath, his eyes glossed over as he looked into that mischievous ruby eye of his. The way he smiled and leaned in before pecking his cheek just tugging at his heart. "And you taste like berries and salt friðill...which suits you quite well" He met him back with a smirk before leaning forward, putting one arm on the bed to support him as he gently grabbed the back of his head and pulled him in for a deeper kiss, one that was filled with need as a deep passionate sigh parted from his lips.

Her eyes did fill with concern as he mentioned what had happened with Ulf, though she didn't know him well she was acquainted with him enough to wonder what had happened to bring him to such a state when he so often returned unscathed even from deadly battle. She looked towards Lord Evans when he called for the doctor she was a little disheartened but could tell he was needed with this much work around him. "You know where to find me my bird, don't work overwork yourself too much and don't forget that little present in there for you. Be aware though its quite strong!" She grabbed a corner of her dress and did a little bow as she smiled brightly at him before sitting up and making her way through the sea of bodies once more. As she walked away her cheeks flushed as her light as air laugh drifted in the slow breeze around her. When she got closer to the trees that separated her village from the outpost she did a little twirl as her heart raced, her favorite part of her job was being able to come see him even if she had never seen him outside the mask in the short time they knew each other she was captivated by him. He was also a breath of fresh air compared to the men who tried to court her back home.
The soft kiss he left upon the warrior's cheek, lingered such warmth that they would both savor. Though the taste of his own lips still had the leftover wild berries he often picked up, he was a tad surprised his companion did not find it bitter. Then again it could simply be sweet nothings and he will still accept the white lie as truth. Then things went a little heated, as the blacksmith calloused fingers cradled the back of his head and pulled the pale figure closer to receive such heated passion. It would almost made him blush, if he wasn't exactly expecting it but that is besides the point. For a moment he let the whole world grow still and savor each moment of affection without the need for words. His hand moved to cradle the scarred cheek of his dearly companion and stroke it ever so gently with his pale fingertips, before breaking the kiss slowly and finally wrapped those arms snugly around their shoulders and back while also being mindful of the stab wound. Silence, yet it was not isolating but instead a sense of intimacy and fulfilling that yearning strangling his soul. Such warmth embodied within each touch, lingering sense of want and yet this alone was enough for now. It was more than enough, such is the simple sense of happiness he could have never thought to achieve with everything that had happened.

As much as he would like to linger, the world will not wait for him forever and certainly not the man who had continuously sent countless troops to his front door. With that, it was time for everything to unravel and to offer the very explanation he owed to every man and women who fought beside him. A knock resounded against the door, Lord Evan's voice resounded from wooden frame. "Mi lord, are you there? The preparations you requested has been completed." without failing a beat, Ulf answered them. "I understand, Thank you Lord Evan. Please gather the others into the main building, I'll be there shortly." With that, The pair were left alone once more. A soft sigh left his throat and usher his vision to once more lock with that brilliant blue, lightly caressing that scarred cheek. "Well, it is time to go Einherjar. After all I still owe you an explanation, you of all people should witness this." He pointed out, preparing the very truth that he had kept under wraps for decades.
The need to hold him closer, to keep breathing him in and tasting him was immense, it was like the flood gates had opened and the years of suppressing his feelings could no longer be kept at bay. But the lone fact Ulf kept drawing him in was more than enough as he wasn't sure how well he could hold back when his wound gave him a warning he needed to settle a bit. As if on cue Ulf had gently broken their kiss as Agnar winced slightly from the mostly dulled pain in his stomach. But he could easily ignore that for now while his mind was filled with euphoria being with his dearest companion. His hand moved from the back of his head to gently caress his now scarred eye. As his arms draped across his broad shoulders he lowered both of his to hold him around the waist and pull him close, a shy laugh escaping him as he gently kissed his closed eye. "It does sound like they need their mighty leader...though I wish I could keep him to myself for awhile longer" He released him hesitantly before grabbing his tunic and slipping it back on. "But before you sit and spill all of your secrets I wanted to give both of these to you much sooner than this" He reached inside the leather pouch attached to his hip before procuring the bone handle dagger with the necklace wrapped around it, taking his hand in his own before placing it gently in his hand.
Such remarks would only usher a smile to contort his lips, chuckling ever so gently as tapped the blacksmith's cheek lightly and proceeded to open his palem when his companion handed him over a familliar bone dagger and a necklace he knew Agnar would wear at times. This caught his attention as he rose an eyebrow in question, turning his vision back at the warrior before him. "This.. but this necklace was yours, It.. I don't think I can receive this gift." Ulf murmured in soft stutters while he gaze into the Warrior's eyes, he knew well it had sentimental value and it had provide protection to the very man whom stood in danger countless times. He was the blessed warrior of Odin, unlike a heathen like himself or so he considered it to be the case.

(sorry its short)
Agnar smiled and gently unwrapped the necklace from the blade before putting it around his head, holding the symbol with his hand before tucking it into his shirt.
"Oh but you can, your the only one I'd ever gift this too. When I'm not here to fight by your side I know Odin will be with you. And the blade and handle I forged and carved myself"
He stood up with a groan, still feeling the bruised soreness as it spread through his abdominal muscles. He touched it gently, wondering if this is the kind of soreness Ulf had been feeling most of his life. He turned around and offered his hand to his companion.
"I hope you know I've been tempted to kiss you for awhile, I'm shocked you beat me too it. Then again you have always been the more straight forward one"
He smirked playfully, though a redness still lingered on his ears trying to play it off.
The pale figure remain still while those calloused fingers would wrap the necklace around his neck, ushering that one crimson eyes to glimmer under the dim light where the silun could barely reach them both. The white tunic and leather vests covered the silver pendant, ushering the pale fingertips to lightly trace the carvings through the fabric. His own heart beat pounded against his ribcage, with closed eyes he lowered his head and utter a word of gratitude. "Thank you.. Einherjar." The softest whisper harbored, a hint of concern twists his expression when they heard the groan resounding from the blacksmith chapped lips. A hand outstretched towards him, with a confession that invoked a warm light hearted laughter from the pale figure. Taking the warrior's hand and pulled himself up slowly, just as he stood on his two feet. He lightly raise the calloused palm to his lips and brush a light kiss against the warrior's knuckles. The mischievous grin returning to his lips while he locked his gaze with the muscular figure.

"Oh, it's written all over your face Einherjar. I'm sure the others are well aware how you glance at me with those puppy eyes of yours, why do you think I tease you so much? You are just too cute my dear." He light heartedly whispered, savoring every moment that very remark wreak havoc upon the Warrior's features, how could he ever miss the light tint of red on the great warrior's ears. Though as much as he enjoyed tormenting his dearest companion, it would not be wise to stall any longer lest the Jarl would start to drag him out by the neck. With a firm squeeze of that calloused palm in his Pale hand, he slowly let them go and motioned for the figure to follow him. "Well we should leave now, The others are waiting for us." Were the brief words he shared before that expression of his return to that thin grin where one could hardly read what he was thinking. He tread towards the exit and held the door open for Agnar before following the traces of troops and a few hooded figures gathering towards the senter of the fortress. The rest would be left to guard the stronghold while they held this important union, for each man and woman of the Wolf clan stood within the large open tent. An abundance of the troops under the lord and The knight's guidance are all lined up neatly before the large tactical table, holding the map of the very land they stood upon.

The jarl was there, his stern expression toughens as he lay his eyes upon the pale figure once more. Ulf lowered his head proceeded to stand before the large table and proceeded to gather his breath and clear his throat, it was time for the sheme to unravel itself. "I thank you for every one of you who are here to support this very operation, I must apologize first however for keeping a lot of valuable informations to myself and have caused you all quite the inconvenience and unrest. However at first it was integral to keep everyone safe, now it is a truth I owe to each and everyone of you." Ulf began to explain, slowly turning his attention at the viking warriors who he grew up with. "Especially you, My King Asmund and my brothers and sisters who had supported me through the end even as I abandoned you that night. I owe the most of apology to the warrior who's loyalty I truly had take for granted. But now, Only truth will be spoken from this tongue of mine." Ulf halted his words for a moment, allowing each remarks to sink it while silence remained upon the two noble confidants of his.
Of course he knew he spoke the truth, maybe to the outside eye his affection for the man was not as secret as he had thought. He rubbed the back of his neck as his eyes went from the floor to the ceiling before gazing back at him. "No need to thank me my elskr" He gently grasped a strand of his pale locks with a gentleness that he only used with him around. As they exited the room he was at a loss for words for the carnage before him, but not because of the bloodshed but because he could only see maybe one or two of his own men laying among the dead, and with a relived sigh he was thankful that their loss had been kept to a minimum though his heart ached for the men before him. He would have to be sure to get them home to their families later on for proper burial and goodbyes. His eyes wrinkled with sorrow for the loved ones he would have to inform before turning away from the sight and heading inside the stronghold.

As they approached they had passed some of their warriors who were wounded and getting patched up by the doctor, among them was Erik and Agnar couldn't help but sigh out loud and give the bloodied man a firm pat on his shoulder.
"Well done brother, your wife would have had my head had you not returned." Erik laughed though you could see the exhaustion in his eyes, his face covered in dirt and dark blood. "She would have pulled me from valhalla herself had I died here. Besides I have a child I need to see grow up I wouldn't dare to die to such swine here" Agnar nodded, just as he followed Ulf inside. When he caught eye of the Jarl he could feel the intensity of his stare as Ulf ducked to avoid the mans gaze, though he didn't quite blame him even that kind of look could melt iron and he knew best to avoid that kind of look from their leader. He put his hand firmly on Ulfs shoulder before he started to speak, his thumb gently grazing his neck hidden under his hair so that only he could feel what he was doing as a means for support.
A comforting palm rubbing on his back provided some support to this very moment, a sincere smile presented from his side to the man whom stood not far beside him and the one he owe his deepest apology to. But enough of moping, he had questions to answers. Words to convey and secrets to unravel, especially the ones he kept for decades. "Ulf Alfson, is not my real name. It is a moniker bestowed to me by The late Jarl Sigurd, King Asmund's Elder Brother to hide my identity. In truth, I am Henry Charles William Edinburgh. The eldest son of the late King and The Crown prince Of Edinburgh." These exact words would cause commotion to fill the troops, however Both Lord Evan and Knight Antoinette remained indifferent. "The crown prince? Didn't he passed away?" Such murmurs were spoken among the soldiers, before Lord Evan signaled them to Quiet down.

"As most of you are aware, I was declared dead Decades ago. Assassinated on an envoy with The King's advisor, Edmund George Mountbatten. The late King's younger brother, my own Uncle. He was the one who left me to die, All part of his plan to take over the throne. I was no older than 12 by then and my baby brother became his pawn, easy to manipulate while my father was too riddled by grief to think straight. For my death happened only a month after the first assasination attempt was made on my life, my mother the queen sacrificed her life for me." Ulf continued and the realazation hit the troops, for the truth explained the very odd events that led to the downfall of the Kingdom's state. For a moment the pale figure turned to The Jarl, lowering his head once more. "It is by your people's kindness and the late Jarl that i was able to survive, My mother and I are extremely indebted to your kindness. If the Jarl Sigurd did not heed my mother's last request then i wouldn't have been here, that and Lady Montilyet who mentored me in my younger days. She was the great mentor of the brotherhood." He turned his head towards the two hooded figures as they unraveled their cowl and bowed their head courteously at the pale figure.

"It is her legacy to stand with you, you are her chosen successor and we will follow as you have fought for us common folks. Great mentor." The hooded figures were peasants who Ulf rescued from the cruel noble men, teaining them to fight for a cause they believed and or years he built everything from the ground with the help of those two important figures in his life. "I know this must be a lot to take, but Edmund has learned of my existence days ago and he is relentless in finishing the job. I am not here to retake the throne from My brother's hand, but I am here to free the people both common folk and royalties from Edmund's Tyranny." That was the final point, the true goal he held as he no longer desired is destiny but simply to atone for his past. "That is why, I beseech you all to follow me in this path. I could no longer guarantee a flawless victory but I can assure you that I will guide you all in the front lines and lead us all to glory." With this, the cheers and cries of the soldier filled the air. Their morale rising forth folowed by both antoinette and Lord evans declaring their will to follow the pale figure in his battles. "YOU HAVE OUR SWORDS MY LIEGE, GLORY TO THE WHITE WOLF!" they both cried.
Agnar stood by and listened intently, wanting to know just as badly as anyone else why he had set in such a path of destruction. And for the most part it was stuff he had been hunting at but by the time he mentioned his birth name and his original his brain was reeling with information. His hand finding his way to his beard as he stroked it in thought. The man he had wrestled in the dirt with as young men, sparred until they were battered and bruised, the man he had just openly made announced his feelings for not long ago, the very man he had held close and kissed with a feverish passion. He had so much on his mind when he realized though that although it was a lot to take in he was still the same man who loved and cared for his clan deeply. And who was also a young boy at one point facing monumental loss and betrayal.

His hand squeezed gently on his shoulder as he looked at the baffled faces around them and though he was one of them it didn't change the fact that he was the same person he would die for if it came down to it. Whatever his ideals meant or what his end goal was he would see it through to the end.
"And he has the might of our clans mighty warrior behind him! No family of ours will be marching into war alone"
He looked to him with a smile that was filled with determination, his eyes beaming with affection and loyalty. From behind them though you could hear a roar of men who were behind a window, their bandages and bruised faces smiling as they raised their weapons and started hitting their shields in rhythm. Erik being one of them as he cheered.
"Ulf! Our brother! Fèlag!"

With that the rest of the warriors hooted and hollered as they raised their voices signaled their intention to join him at his side. Agnar felt his heart race filled with pride for his people and their fighting spirit. He looked to the Jarl knowing he might not be the most keen on the idea but he doubted he could much in trying to calm the battle ready men down.
With the roaring support especially from the warrior whom he confided the most in, the one who returned the warmth he had ever yearned. But there was one gaze that remain weary upon his shoulders, silence permeates his lips and that rough features would simply come to a still. Perhaps he felt betrayed? He truly do not know what is currently in that mind of his. Burrowing deep the remorse that painted the thin grin on his pale lips, lowering that crimson bead once more. A heavy sigh resounded from the Jarl's throat, leading the pale figure to approach him. Ulf was ready to have a good smack on the head or bow his head against the ground to beg for the great King's pardon. Instead, Asmund rests a hand on The white wolf's shoulder. Squeezing it lightly while those brilliant beads gaze fondly at him, such warmth he almost forgotten.

"You may be an outsider by blood, but you are one of us despite of it. So wear that name of yours with pride Ulf, You and Agnar have always made us proud." The jarl spoke softly, wisdom sang from his lips and brought a sense of peace especially from the pale figure himself. He had always felt like a fraud, nothing that the others ever point him out for. Instead, it was his own assumption and isolation. One he masked to cope with the uncertainty of his fate. With this, Ulf lowered his head once more. Bowing it for The only king he will serve in his lifetime. "My king, You have my utmost gratitude. Thank you." Ulf couldn't help but brandish that soft smile on his lips as it was clear the doubt within had been erased. Another strong pat of the king's palm against his shoulder caught his attention, While the king gazed at the pair and the soldiers were dismissed by the two noble confidants which left them mostly wuth the rest of the clan. "I think, it is time to commence the Blót ritual for the first time upon these lands. It will bring us good favors from the gods especially now with the imminent war." The Jarl reminded Ulf of one of the few steps that was important to them, such rituals must be done at night.

"It shall be done my king, I will prepare the blood needed for it along with a fitting altar." He was quick to take on the task, ushering a satisfied hum from the Jarl. "I know I can always rely on you Ulf. I have to go and Inform Freja for tonight's ritual, oh and Agnar? You should rest a bit with your brothers when you can. I am certain That Ulf would have been the one to say this instead of me regardless." The Jarl proceeded to Instruct the pair, tapping both of their shoulder in encouragement. "Alright, Try to take it easy both of you." He bids them farewell and the pale figure bowed his head once more.

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