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Fantasy The Islands

The young mechanic walked down the path, face slightly charred and clutching broken scraps of metal, grumbling about "mideval stasis" or something of the sort.

"Can't those damn grognards see that science and machinery is the future?!

Honestly, the only reason the sales pitch failed it the first place was that the fuse was unstable leading to... What?" The young man ended his grumbling abruptly when he saw a girl talking to... A shadow? What? This beared further investigation.
One of the four shadows stepped over to Aaron, holding out a hand. "Hello."
What? That shouldn't have even been possible! He slid his goggles over his eyes. The thermal vision might hel...what. The...being... Didn't even have a heat signature.

"Okay, you're creeping me out. Just what the heck are you?! What species?! *gasp* are you a robot from the future?"
Crystal noticed the shadow move over to the next person she then looks back at hers "so are you going to answer my question?"

"No, not free. If you are a goddess, then you should know my true form."

Generic Gamer:

"I- The form you see me in now isn't an illusion, but it isn't me either. I am not a robot, and my name is Harebourg."
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"That... Makes a lot of sense, actually. Either way, my name's Aaron. Aaron Heitman, Inventor and mechanical engineer. Nice to meet you." He said as he took the shadow's hand and shook it.
"You don't seem surprised that i'm corporeal, Aaron. You didn't need to tell me your name though." the shadow said, flickering between the shadow and an outline of a felinoid. Two of the shadows disappeared and the flickering stopped.
"Eh, pops taught me to be a progressive thinker anyway."

He looked over to the purple haired girl. Judging by her attire she seemed to be a mage of some sort.

"You seem lostish. Clearly not from this island. Just like me. How about we work together? ... Because I currently have NO idea where I am right now."

He said, speaking to the purple- haired mage.
KAmber said:
"No, not free. If you are a goddess, then you should know my true form."

Generic Gamer:

"I- The form you see me in now isn't an illusion, but it isn't me either. I am not a robot, and my name is Harebourg."
She smiles "yes I know your true form but would you be kind enough to describe it so my outrealm viewer can also known and yes before you ask I'm very aware of the 4th wall hope it doesn't bug you much" Crystal says looking at the sky "now what is it you want for this magic"
"Yes, okay. I am a Half-Cat. One side light, one side dark. I prefer a felinoid body and have the clock of Time himself imbedded in myself.
"think you that is most helpful" she smiles and hear the other man speak "sorry where you speaking to I apologize but can you wigh a moment I'm in the middle of something" she turns around "now what is it you want for this magic"
"Well, I have Time in my clutches. But... He owes me a favor."
"I don't know where the Great Pillars are" he said, lapsing into a felinoid
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"Easy. The four have a shard of a wish. I don't wish to repay the debt
"Want the spell or not?" He stopped playing Cat's Cradle with the strings.
"I first want to know what the spell dose and how it works I'm not doing anything until I learn that much, I want to know your intentions too before I giveing you any information, remember I am a goddess and I may seem like the most childish person in all the many realms, but I'm no fool"
"You've seen it. It makes shadow copies." The strings shot out, reaching right to the goddess's heart.
"I can do that with a simple clone spell" she sees the strings coming and uses a reflect spell to destroy them "just what do you think your doing"
"These can't be destroyed. Neither the strings nor the shadows nor myself.
"oh let me guess you also don't have any weakness and you have all the power in the world" she smiles "typical"
Aaron was just sitting there, messing around with his tools and the burnt scraps of metal, hoping to fix it while the two supposed inter dimensional gods or something prattled on. On the bright side, he got a really good idea. On the downside, there was not enough metal to work with. Typical.

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