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Realistic or Modern The Island's Curse

thefallouthasbegun submitted a new role play:

The Island's Curse - Can you escape?

Over a hundred years ago, there lay a mysterious island in the middle of the Indian Ocean. The tribals that lived there were not like ordinary people...they had harnessed the energy of the sun and moon.

They thrived on the island, without human interruption. But then one day, they just up and disappeared, without a trace.

And now...you come in.

Your flight had to make an emergency landing, and the island was the only logical choice. However, no technology works once you get there, not even the compasses.

Upon discovering that the island has magic within it, it's up to you and your fellow survivors to solve the mystery of the tribe...or you may never see the real world again.

Do not godmod.

Do not metagame.

Do not mix in character and out of character.

Do not "auto".

Do not change the plot or add things to it in your roleplay.

Do not powerplay.

Do not make Mary-Sues.

Respect everyone.

Stay PG-13.

Be detailed.

Be mindful of your characters.

Be active.

Stay true to the plot.
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Crystal blue waters.

White sand.

Exotic birds chirping...wait, what?

Anneliese sat up suddenly, and felt a terrible rush to her head. She groaned loudly, clutching her forehead. She also felt intense pains in her leg, and when she looked down, she gulped. There was a long, deep gash running from her anklebone to her knee, and it looked pretty bad; it was full of sand, which couldn't have been safe, and it stung horribly. Anna whimpered silently, looking around the beach. What had happened?

She tried to collect her thoughts, trying to remember what exactly had happened, but it was near impossible with the pounding in her head.

Anna tried to stand, and managed, but it was difficult. She felt like she'd been sleeping for days, and for all she knew, she could have been. Only now did she notice all of the bodies.

There was some blood, and it made Anneliese's face pale. What if they were all dead? What if she was the only one left? Some looked gone for sure, but some looked a bit promising.

Testing her luck, right hand still clutching her head, she called out, "Hello?"
Angela woke up feeling dizzy, followed by a headache. When she looked around her, she was wondering where she was. Obviously she wasn't on a plane back to home. She didn't really bring much with her while she was visiting her parents, siblings and other relatives during her one month long trip to South Korea. Seeing that she was standing out on a beach and there was a plane wreck not too far from her. When she started regaining more consciences, she freaked out because if she did take a hard landing, something might happen to her baby. However, she was not bleeding and something had broken her fall, but she was unsure what it was. For a few moments she felt around her stomach to make sure the baby was okay. To her relief, the baby kicked, so to her, the baby was okay. The wind began blowing on her hair and earrings. She wondered if she was alone and wondered if she'd ever get to go home, not wanting to have a child in the place where she was now. She then heard another female voice calling out. Although hesitant, she decided to respond. "Who's there?"
Not far from her smoke erupted through the stormy evening sky down the beach. The metal bird had fallen on the shore and was now in pieces... A dangling, scratched and bruised man struggled to get out of the seats he double strapped himself into right before impact. The flames, despite the rain, were coming towards him. He panicked for a couple seconds before he breathed, and held out the belt strap towards the fire. After what seemed an eternity, he tugged on the scorched part of belt until it ripped apart.

He fell upon the sand face first and hard, sand getting in his face and curly jet black hair. It deeply contrasted to his dark tan skin. The seat apparently was a few feet from the shore floor, because the air was knocked out of him for a moment. He scuttles away from the fire a few inches and looks to his right to find his backpack was intact. What was in it? He couldnt remember. Why? Because god damn it his left shoulder was knocked out of its socket during the crash landing and was piercing him like a thousand hot needles

Burned, cut and with sand in his eye, he tries to keep calm and breathe. "Youre good old boy... youre good..." He grunted to himself in pain as he grabbed his left shoulder with his right hand. "Youre good... ok... whooo... whoo......... one. two. THREEAGGGHH- AGGH JESUS CHEESE ALL MIGHTY!" The snap was wretched sounding but a good sign. He'd be fine... for the most part. He breathed a couple more times and got up to look at his surroundings. No. He was looking for the cockpit. Cockpits usually had emergency kits for the pilots. He looked hard and saw it. It was down the beach behind a girl and it wasnt on fir- wait a girl? There were other bodies but she seemed ot be the only alive one.

"HEY! HEEEY!" He jogged as fast as he could. He looked down his ripped up dress shirt and saw a gash on the left side of his stomach. Thankfully it was not deep, plus no sand was in it. As he came up to Anna he could see her gash was definitely worse. It went from her knee to her ankle and was dripping blood and there was sand. He looked up and saw the deep forest jungles. This was no place for an infection. He quickly kneeled down, took off his ripped shirt, wrapped it around her, and sprinted to the half buried cockpit.
The red-and-yellow suitcase followed up reluctantly as Merrick pulled it into the opening of palm trees. The bodies on the plane, and the rucksacks, and the other suitcases contained everything he needed for a signal fire, as well as food for more than two weeks. He had thrown them all into the biggest suitcase he could find - which, apparently, was his own - and slung another two rucksacks over his shoulder without checking the contents; for the girl had started to stir, and there would be others too.

One girl meant splitting the food, and then they would last only one week. If more had survived, then they would last days at best. And killing them wasn't an option. Not after his last assignment.

The trees and foliage drenched the sand in shadow, and up above the sky was only visible in twinkling white dots through the roof of the jungle. It was cooler here, considerably cooler, and the Merrick's fears of dying from the unbearable heat were assuaged. He pulled one of the rucksacks off his shoulder and rummaged around its contents. No cola. He tried the other bag. A few books, an iPad - but no cola.

Someone had to have cola. How else was he to survive two weeks out here? Merrick turned round and hurried straight back to the crash sight.

The girl was up now, and shouting. He had heard the shouts from the edge of the jungle, but only up close, behind the cover of a rock, could he appreciate how bloody loud she was, even in her damaged state.

The American Merrick had sat next to on the plane came lumbering out of the side door of the crash, and approached the girl. Merrick sat back behind the rock. How was he going to get that cola?
As he came to the half buried cockpit, Jumper thankfully found a survival pack. Almost all planes came with this, and god was he happy they did. He pulled out the black bag
out from aunder the co pilots seat when he noticed that some sodas were sprawled out under there too. Cokes, Sprites, and ginger ales. He was happy and put them in the survival pack.

Now survival packs tended to have a sleeping bag, a foam sleeping pad, a cookset, matches, lighters, a knife, a compass, a first-aid kit, a cap, and a fishing kit. Some had pistols or even rifles. Not this one though. However this one did have an emergency transmitter to allow other planes to catch it on a wavelength. However when Jumper pressed the button.... no beeping came. He quickly checked his phone. Nothing. "Oh.... OH COME ON!" He scurried over to the radio the now dead pilot slumped over, ignoring the blood contents on it. "AceRed is anyone out there check. Is anyone out there, we are in need of assistance, We have injured people and need rescuing can anyone copy, check?... fuck... FUCK." Jumper slammed the co pilot seat with a fist before getting u and breathing. He took out the knife for himself, and strapped it to his belt buckle.

He quickly got it together and sprinted back to the woman. Now there was another woman there... a pregnant one... youve gotta be kidding me. Jumper said nothing, since he did not see worse injuries on her. He simply opened the first aid kid kit and began cleaning Anna's wound with water, alcohol, ointment and bandages. He knew it would sting her but it was a small prce to pay to avoid infection. After he finished with her, he looked to the pregnant woman. "Ma'am do you have any major injuries?" He demanded through the now drizzling rain
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Angela shook her head. "Just a few scrapes and bruises. But nothing serious." she replied. Because there was no one else there, she ended up finding herself with two companions. Because she did not know them, she didn't say very much, although it kinda scared her to see the condition the other woman was in. If she had sustained injuries that bad, she might have either lost her baby or die altogether from blood loss. The thought of it made her cringe. She then kept an eye out for other people, hoping that there were others still alive, even though the crash looked very, very bad. 'Hopefully someone notices and comes for us...Don't really wanna be stuck here for more then a month and a half.' she thought.
"... I agree..." Jumper nodded, even though he really didnt think anyone knew they were out there. He knew for a fact they were in the indian ocean, but he's never heard of island that disrupts almost all forms of technology. It was creepy. He set the survival pack, next to his own jansport backpack and stood up. They were bodies on the floor. A lot looked dead. He wondered who, from all of them would still be alive.

"Names Jumper by the way." He said as he scanned the beach until his eyes hit movement an opening in the palm trees. It looked like the shape of a man. He appeared to be looking through bags, staying ahead of the game in terms of survival. Which was admirable in a crazy situation like this.... its almost as if hed been trained. Jumper shook the thought quickly. Theyd meet up eventually. For now he had to find survivors. He went nearer to the plane, checked pulses, and began dragging them in a different spot. Some were children, some old, it was kind of heartbreaking actually.
Merrick crept around the three survivors and entered the plane by the rear, where a huge hole had been ripped out. He tiptoed across the carpet of broken glass , tugging the suitcase along as noisily as possible, and opened the first handbag he came across. Midway through his search, he looked up to see a pregnant girl staring down at him.

"Evening" he said.
"Hi..." she said shyly. "You made quite a bit of noise there...If you were trying to sneak up on us...You weren't doing a very good job..." she commented. "So what brought you travelling before we ended up here?" she asked, attempting to make conversation. When she looked back, it seemed that Jumper was still treating Anna for the injuries she sustained during the crash, which God knows how long ago it was. For all she knew, it could have been a few days ago or even longer.
Having been caught looting through a dead woman's handbag, Merrick didn't need to further the girl's distrust of him by telling her the truth; that he was travelling as an ambassador for one of world's deadliest criminals. Instead he smiled embarrassment and stood up straight.

"Well, me and my wife...we're going on a honeymoon to Indonesia. Well, we were..." He tried his best frown and looked down to indicate the woman he had been stealing from. It was the first time either of them had had a good look at the dead lady.

Crap, thought Merrick, she must be at least ninety! He grinned inappropriately, unconvincingly.
Jumper had no idea what they were going on about. He had already treated Anna, and was simply gathering the dead putting them to a side. The rain was dying out. He had hope he could find firewood and burn them to avoid night predators. He didnt know if that was possible now though.... maybe tomorrow. He sighed and put his hand on his waist for a moment. He looked out to the sea with a blank stare, breathing heavily. How did this happen? He thinks that by passing above the island all comms went down, and so no one warned them of a storm. He wondered if Major Sanson would worry. Or if the benefactor would no longer use Jones Unit services because one of their guys disappeared... Jumper shook his head and grabbed his curly black hair. He couldnt worry about that now. He had to worry about survival. He had to find his way out and more importantly keep track of the days. He couldnt lose himself and he had to stay calm. He took a moment to appreciate the sea breeze and crash of the waves. Better get to liking it now, because he didnt know how long hed be in front of it. After a moment he looked down his bear torso. The gash on his left torso was still there. The adrenaline might have made him forget about it. He walked to the medical kit and sat by Merrick and Angela. They were making small talk, but he merely nodded to them before working on his injury. He hissed from the sting a bit but was fine. After wrapping it he dug in his kit and pulled out a coke.... hed need the caffeine. He pulled out three more and threw them in his new, nameless, companions laps. "Im Jumper... cheers." With a "psss" sound he opened the can raised it, and drink it. He appreciated it now while it was still cold.
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The other man's intrusion luckily prevented the girl from commenting on Merrick's apparent choice of wife. He caught the bottle as it was thrown to him - cola!

He grinned at the other man, who merely looked indifferent, and said "You have no idea how much I needed this", before gulping down the fizzy, brown liquid. It was better than nectar, the ambrosia of the gods - and it was gone in less than a minute, for such was Merrick's thirst.
Jumper smiled and watched as the older man chugged the cola. He reminded him a lot of Major Sanson. Except Sanson chugged his coffee.... which is why jumper loved coffee so much. He then considered looking through the wreckage once the fire was all out tomorrow. Maybe theyd find more stuff. He also looked at the pile of bodies he made. Usually two Air Marshalls were on board, so they could probably find two pistols and ammo for defending against predators and hunting.

He looked back at the man. "You get the last one then. Ive also got 3 sprites and ginger ales. So we'll be good for a soda party." He joked.
"It might have to be by candlelight" said Merrick, looking out of the wreckage. The fires were sizzling out in the water and the sun was going down. Already the beach was dappled with violet shadows. "I've got a signal flare in my suitcase, and a few firelighters. Enough food to last us a few days, too". He purposely neglected to mention the pistol he had found on the marshall. "We'll need a fire soon, that's for sure".

He took out from his waist pocket his black pipe, and looked at it with admiration. "You reckon they grow tobacco here? Or sell lighters?" He smiled and walked out onto the beach.
Angela was quiet the whole time. Because she was pregnant, she couldn't exactly drink alcohol and wasn't comfortable with drinking the soda that was there. She decided that she'd go find some water in the wreckage later, but at the moment, she wanted to settle down for a bit, because her back hurt and she had a small case of heartburn. However, they weren't apparent because she kept it concealed. The heartburn usually went away quickly and the backache goes away if she rests.
"... its a jungle... might grow lots of things like opium and weed.... but i think we should be more concerned about food and water." He said calling out to the old man. "Lets go to your opening and start a fire!"

He looked to angela and saw she hadnt opened her soda. He had to two water bottles in the survival kit and gave her one. He nodded to her and stood up to search the bodies quickly before getting wood. He found a pistol with about 4 clips of seven bullets each, and handcuffs too. He looked for the second but couldnt find it.... either the man was wept away with he water... or someone had a gun on them... Jumper became slightly afraid but ignored it. He wasnt about to start a confrontation right now. He decided to change and stripped a young man of his cargo shorts, boots, and white t shirt. He felt bad but he couldnt survive in long dress pants and dress shoes. He put the pistol on his belt buckle exposed. so the others could see. He then helped angela to the opening with care, while carrying his two bags, then began gathering any dry wood. He had to go to deeper in the forest of course, but a little sunlight was left. About an hours worth. So he worked fast
We havent really progressed that much. Of course we'll wait as we go, but when doing the "1st chapter" introductions are ok. You should really continue... its really good. If not then i can invite you guys to a similiar RP

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