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Fantasy The Iron Empire- OCC

If Cala wasn’t literally dead, he’d have a heart attack( like any reasonable person would) upon seeing a 5 m tall centipede.
Fair enough, there is some good real estate between Sok and Twin rivers? It would also make canonical sense because the proximity to The Mages university. I mean who but a talented mage could even make such a place.

No problem I understand that, i myself am dyslexic and things get flipped around from time to time. I have to double and triple check my own works and still wind up with errors. I can make out what you mean in your posts so no worries. Sorry if i made ya feel bad, not my intention in the slightest.
Yeah, I actually rp with people dyslexic had same feeling as me. It's like you write something but your brain or eyesight outta control. It's one thing to prepare to it. Thank goodness I found something to help when make characters now today.

😯 I trying see where, it should definitely between those two. Including how it's describe as place that full fields and gardening there.
Yeah, I actually rp with people dyslexic had same feeling as me. It's like you write something but your brain or eyesight outta control. It's one thing to prepare to it. Thank goodness I found something to help when make characters now today.

😯 I trying see where, it should definitely between those two. Including how it's describe as place that full fields and gardening there.
South East side of the map :)
Mary will die screaming as soon as it goes for a hug 😭

Mental note to have Dirge NOT peck at those centipede. Poisoned bugs don't make good snacks !
Junwu just has like a wide eyed stare at Dirge anytime they're around, gotta protect his babies he's a good mom haha
Daylight Fantasy Daylight Fantasy Is Lazuli still a WIP? Looks complete to me. A very nice contrast to the rest of the party with the jubilant demeanor. I think they would be a capable of using the Gauntlets and Whip that Eric has, could combo well with what he already has at his disposal.

Yes yes, I just wanted to add a few things before I call it complete, hope it's ok :>

And I think the combo with Eric's weapons would work well too 😌
Yes yes, I just wanted to add a few things before I call it complete, hope it's ok :>

And I think the combo with Eric's weapons would work well too 😌
No problem. Wednesday is our start date but its not a cutoff date so you can work even after that if you really want too.
I know you mean while fixing location thing I edited by grammar site helps for free none of that dumb pay off thing. :D Even put late Edgar holding the staff on weapon like he's my dungeon and dragons card lmao
XDI am so right Junwu is so like Maomao, even she would curious this little woman STUDY poison on herself even goes far letting poison snake bite her. Then she laughs like mad scientist. Lol
Hey saw the check decided to come here. I have perhaps a bit of a silly idea but it is something I kinda want to explore. I want to know if playing pretty much a magic sword with a spirit in it is okay.
Lol well we will see just intrested in a character that is an object. Fun to maybe explore the lack of agency and such of a sword

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