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Fantasy The Ice King's "Bride" (private with N30NL4Z3R)

It had been a couple day after the meeting, and Eis had been on his lonesome after so long with the Prince leaving two days prior to sort out the coronation of the Princess, promising to come back sometime today at the latest, but that didn't mean he couldn't feel a little downtrodden without the brightness the other brought to this silent castle of his. But, some part of him was glad the other hadn't been around to witness what could be considered his health waning after so long without a single mishap, though he could only blame himself for deciding to go through with the meeting and making the trek outside for the first time in a long while, after all it was nothing comparable to the indoor garden that laid in the middle of the castle which barely got any of the outside air.

It had started just a day after he had returned, with coughing fits becoming frequent and a sense of light headiness that hadn't been a symptom prior, and now he could barely move with his body aching and he felt like he saw some specks of red on his hands from the last time he coughed. So, he could only sit within the silent and peaceful residence of the library, his breathing heavy yet luckily in rhythm as well as his heartbeat. His eyes were closed but his ears were listening, hoping to hear the approaching sounds of a carriage possibly of the Prince's.

He just hoped he could hide the symptoms of his illness, at least when in the presence of the other so not to cause unnecessary worries after the long trip back from the coronation.

[Sorry this is short!]
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Then the sound came from outside the window, the sound of horse hooves against stone as nears the castles. Oliver's carriage had finally arrived. Oliver looked out his carriage's window as it approached the castle, a small smile of his lips. Olivia's coronation had been an success. Now that she was all settled in her place as the Queen. He was finally able to return here, back to Eis's side. He wouldn't deny that while it was good to be home for a short bit of time. He had truly missed this place and was happy to be back. This place had came a home to him as well during his time here. But more importantly he was excited to see Eis again. It was lonely not seeing him everyday like he was used to.
Eis couldn't help but jut out of his seat in excitement once he heard the faint increasing sounds of horse hooves and wooden wheels. that led to a couple of coughs and a sharp pain through his body but he didn't take heed to such trivialities, after all it had been his life prior to meeting the Prince, albeit worse now. He just wanted to see the other after so long that his illness seemed like an annoyance now than before as he struggled to get up and off the chair and head to greet the other at the castle entrance, even if it was truly a body-wrecking experience through it. It wasn't much of an exaggeration to say that he was out of breath and aching internally and externally once he got to the gate, but the sight of seeing the Prince's carriage a distance away was enough to make such a foolish act worth it. It hadn't caught up to him that he started having a coughing fit, his vision faltering in the midst of it...

... before he collapsed; the only thing he saw before his eyes fluttered closed was the approaching sight of the carriage and the bright splatters of red all over his hands.

[I hope this is okay! D:]
As he neared the castle, Oliver looked out the window with a smile on his face. The smile grew slightly in size as he managed to see Eis in the distance coming outside the castle. Though the smile soon faded as his eyes widened in horror, as he watched Eis soon dropped to the ground. "Eis!" He yelled. The carriage came to a quick stop. Oliver stumbled to get out of the carriage and raced over to the other's side. As he reached him, a feeling of dread settled in his stomach at the sight of splatted blood on Eis's hands. He quickly and carefully checked for a pulse. A brief sense of relief ran through him as he could still feel one from the man he cared for. The guards and servant had soon arrived, after hearing the prince's voice. "Quickly get him inside! call for the medics immediately!" Oliver instructed the servants. He helped bring Eis inside and back to his room. Gettign him settled into his bad, as the castle's medics arrived to help their king. Oliver stepped out of the way, allowing them to do their jobs. SImply praying that Eis would be alright.
It had been a couple hours, almost nearing nighttime, before Eis's eyes opened the slightest bit to see, albeit barely, the familiar ceiling of his sleeping quarters which honestly, confused him a bit to a point that he couldn't help but attempt to sit himself up. Which he ended up being incapable of doing as each movement of his limbs felt sluggish and almost foreign, plus it seemed like his back got a bit battered by his fall that it made it sting to shift the slightest bit. Instead, he took note of the fact he was completely bundled up into the covers, almost like a cocoon, and a wet rag had been placed on his forehead in a attempt to possible detert a fever that may arisen as a side effect of his illness. Luckily, it seemed like it had settled down and he didn't feel the need to cough or the ever present 'normal' lethargy.

Now that he was a bit more awake than before, he could finally take note of a familiar face, Oliver, whom clearly seemed haggard and it seemed like he ran himself down with worry to a point that he had passed out by the side of his bed; it also seemed like the other took one of his hands into his own as means of moral support and probably self-assurance that the King would awaken soon. Softly, he squeezed the Prince's hand with as much as strength as he could with his body's current state. He would of hoped and prayed to have been able to call out to the other but his throat was raspy and felt incapable of speech at the moment, likely from the coughing fits, especially the one that led to him being bed ridden at the moment.
Oliver was sound asleep, though not a peaceful one. As his mind as filled with worry for the young king. This was the first time, he had ever seen him express such illness that it had shaken him quiet a bit. He was able to relax a little easier when the medics had gotten Eis into a stable condition. He had sent them away to take a break for the time being, but made sure they knew to be ready for whenever he called for them. After that, Oliver waited for the other to wake up. Soon falling asleep as he waited, holding Eis's hand as he slept.

He groans softly as he felt movement. Oliver's eyes fluttered opened, as Eis's action had gotten the response he wanted. He sat up as she rubbed the sleep from his eyes, before they finally settled on Eis. His eyes widened seeing he was wake. Oliver immediately became alet. "Eis! Thank goodness you're awake. I was so worried." He said as a few tears of relief formed in his eyes. He noticed Eis seemed to want to speak but couldn't. He unwilling let go of his hand, and went to the small table in the table where the maids had settle up some water for the prince to have while he waited for the young king to wake up. Pouring a glass, Oliver brought it back over to Eis. He carefully help the other sit, so he could drink the water easier. Once Eis was done drinking, Oliver set the glass to the side. "How are you feeling? Do you wish for me to call for the medics?" He asked, worry still clear in his voice.
Eis felt numerous amount of happiness when he got to finally hear the other's voice, albeit he felt bad for waking the Prince up after it was clear the care and attention he had been giving, even especially more after the possible long trip he took back here for him. But it's not like he could object given the state he was currently in so he could only be grateful when the other sat him up with a glass of water meeting him in the process, which he gladly took a sip of; though it did end up causing a coughing fit to reemerge but luckily it wasn't like the ones prior to his fainting. "T-Thank you... Don't. I'm okay... I believe at least, for now." Even though his body felt sluggish and awkward, he couldn't help but reach out to brush one of the fallen tears on the Prince's cheek.

"I'm so sorry that you had to meet with this after coming back... I wanted to see you with a smile, not in such a sickly state such as this..." He looked down at the covers over him, his hands clenched tight out of frustration and the slight aching of his body. "This never happened before- Did the Royal Medics bring anything up into attention regarding this?" He thought he knew his own body and limits far more than what was now proven otherwise, and it made him fearful unlike when in the past, he had been accepting of his eventual demise. But maybe because he had someone that he shared his heart with that proved to bring the desire of fighting and living back into the forefront.
Oliver seemed to relax a little at the young king's words. Though he would rather still call for the medics to check for sure, he decided to just trust the other on this. "I'm glad. but please take it ease just in case.. i'm right here if you need anything." He told him. He didnt want Eis to push himself, until he was completely okay. So he was more than happy to help look after him in the mean time to keep sure of it. At EIs's words, Oliver shook his head.

"Don't be sorry Eis.." He said, his tone soft and reassuring. He knew that other wouldn't have wanted to be seen like this, but it was something he couldn't have helped at the time. He placed a hand over Eis's gently ran his thumb over the back of the other's hand. "I had spoke with the medics.. They seem to believe it was due to stress.." he stated. "They believed that with everything that happened, your body was feeling the effects of the stress more than you were aware of. So when everything finally settled down, all the symptoms you usually dealt came back all at once." he finished explained. At least it made sense as to why Eis didn't experience his usually symptoms so much during the matters of dealing with all the royals.
[I will post this weekend! Sorry I'm kind of struggling personally, especially recently, with getting up and at em with my responses ;ono]

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