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Fantasy The Hunter’s Inn || OOC

I used to be able to do it, but I haven't re-watched any of the episodes for the past few years until last week due to reasons I don't know myself. Though it has been nice to get caught off guard with a joke or quip that made me laugh, plus Leaves from the Vine hit harder this time around than it ever had before due to the passing of the family cat and my grandmother...
Sorry been busy as hell. Been working more than usual do to some situations. But slowly well.

Also with the spare time manage to finish. Could have done better but this will do. Off I go to sleep, seeya.
Say, Astrophil Astrophil , is there a particular god that Callixto is accociated with/related to? I’m trying to write a cleric character and I’m trying to get an idea of what religion
Sorry been busy as hell. Been working more than usual do to some situations. But slowly well.

Also with the spare time manage to finish. Could have done better but this will do. Off I go to sleep, seeya.
View attachment 1033308
Sorry for double post BUT my next reply might be a bit short. At a wedding
I hope the wedding you went to was as beautiful as the one I did! (In spite of the weedeater a neighbor decided to use during...)

Sorry for the disappearance, the wedding plus the haunted house later wiped me out.
Say, Astrophil Astrophil , is there a particular god that Callixto is accociated with/related to? I’m trying to write a cleric character and I’m trying to get an idea of what religion
Hmm, I was thinking on making a goddess of healing, exorcisms, strategic warfare, and fertility, Ielia. Her symbol is a golden eagle, and you guessed it, is her disguise whenever she visits the mortal realm.

Churches of healing was forumlated to aid the sick and those desperate for a home to stay. War strategists pray to her for a fresh and intelligent mind before a battle. Lastly, a demon hunting group was formed in her name and tasked with ridding demons within the human world. Although, they're numbers are small as the group tend to get hunted by demon worshippers.

Her brother, Idohr, is more war-like. Think of them as Athena and Aries in Greek Mythology/Religion.

Might add more to her, once I have enough brain juice to function.
Sorry been busy as hell. Been working more than usual do to some situations. But slowly well.

Also with the spare time manage to finish. Could have done better but this will do. Off I go to sleep, seeya.
View attachment 1033308
Oh I never mention it or made points of it here or on CS. The black hand on her shoulder is the metaphorical sign of her curse and the "original" prisoner's grasp, bound to the family blood. Only she can see it unless some one had a way to see curses or such.
Hmm, I was thinking on making a goddess of healing, exorcisms, strategic warfare, and fertility, Ielia. Her symbol is a golden eagle, and you guessed it, is her disguise whenever she visits the mortal realm.

Churches of healing was forumlated to aid the sick and those desperate for a home to stay. War strategists pray to her for a fresh and intelligent mind before a battle. Lastly, a demon hunting group was formed in her name and tasked with ridding demons within the human world. Although, they're numbers are small as the group tend to get hunted by demon worshippers.

Her brother, Idohr, is more war-like. Think of them as Athena and Aries in Greek Mythology/Religion.

Might add more to her, once I have enough brain juice to function.

🤔Hmm…. Ok so you got an Athena and an Aries in mind. Genii has Herne, who is effectively Pan. Yonsisac Yonsisac , your character is a cleric, right? Who is her patron?

The character I want to make- taken from my own world building project- has two gods: Arus and Iyana (or Ara and Iya) who would be an Uranus and a Hermes. I don’t want to step on Genii Genii ’s toes so I am totally willing to make changes, but in my head world, Arus is the god of light, life, the sky, and creation, and is the chief creator of all things. Iyana is the lesser goddess of light, torch fire, guidance, journeys, change, benevolent mischief, enlightenment, and according to some, luck.

I like to imagine that iyana is a known character in many cultures (though not always by that name) who delights in meddling directly in mortal affairs. Sometimes she is a trickster who enjoys frustrating and humbling the proud with her mischief. Other times she’s a guide who mentors heroes, directs the meek and downtrodden towards fortune, and has led many a mass exodus of people towards promised lands. She has many disguises that she operates in. Sometimes she’s a woman with a white robe an a lantern. Other times she’s a hummingbird who’s breast shines like a bright star. Her favorite and most common form is a fox with cream colored fur and a luminous white tail tip.

My clerics sect believes that Iyana was actually a mortal whom Arus gifted a portion of his “light”, or power, and that she was one of many chosen to be his mortal representative on earth. Bearing Arus’s light made Iyana wise and powerful and through the course of her unnaturally long earthly life, she became more and more enlightened and godlike to the point that she could not fairly remain among the mortals and simply discorporated, becoming and omnipresent consciousness, only occasionally manifesting physically and undisguised before the worthy. But before vanishing, she passed her light to her disciples for them to pass on in kind to others, like a flame from one to torch to another. Those who bear her light, depending on their faith and worthiness, can use it to work miracles. When the time was deemed “right” (centuries after Iyanas tenure), these disciples took to the road from seclusion and now travel about the world, doing good deeds for people of all races and helping to guide all to the state of harmony and enlightenment they believe Arus intended for his creations. This is a fairly new movement, though, so the Cult of Iyana is not so wide spread yet.

OOF! Word vomit. Genii Genii , you other guys, if that’s a little too messianic for your tastes, lemme know.
🤔Hmm…. Ok so you got an Athena and an Aries in mind. Genii has Herne, who is a Pan. Yonsisac Yonsisac , your character is a cleric, right? Who is her patron?

The character I want to make- taken from my own world building project- has two gods: Arus and Iyana (or Ara and Iya) who would be an Uranus and a Hermes. I don’t want to step on Genii Genii ’s toes so I am totally willing to make changes, but in my head world, Arus is the god of light, life, the sky, and creation, and is the chief creator of all things. Iyana is the lesser goddess of light, torch fire, guidance, journeys, change, benevolent mischief, enlightenment, and according to some, luck.

I like to imagine that iyana is a known character in many cultures (though not always by that name) who delights in meddling directly in mortal affairs. Sometimes she is a trickster who enjoys frustrating and humbling the proud with her mischief. Other times she’s a guide who mentors heroes, directs the meek and downtrodden towards fortune, and has led many a mass exodus of people towards promised lands. She has many disguises that she operates in. Sometimes she’s a woman with a white robe an a lantern. Other times she’s a hummingbird who’s breast shines like a bright star. Her favorite and most common form is a fox with cream colored fur and a luminous white tail tip.

My clerics sect believes that Iyana was actually a mortal whom Arus gifted a portion of his “light”, or power, and that she was one of many chosen to be his mortal representative on earth. Bearing Arus’s light made Iyana wise and powerful and through the course of her unnaturally long earthly life, she became more and more enlightened and godlike to the point that she could not fairly remain among the mortals and simply discorporated, becoming and omnipresent consciousness, only occasionally manifesting physically and undisguised before the worthy. But before vanishing, she passed her light to her disciples for them to pass on in kind to others, like a flame from one to torch to another. Those who bear her light, depending on their faith and worthiness, can use it to heal godly power to work miracles. When the time was deemed “right” (centuries after Iyanas tenure), these disciples took to the road from seclusion and now travel about the world, doing good deeds for people of all races and helping to guide all to the state of harmony and enlightenment they believe Arus intended for his creations. This is a fairly new movement, though, so the Cult of Iyana is not so wide spread yet.

OOF! Word vomit. Genii Genii , you other guys, if that’s a little too messianic for your tastes, lemme know.
Mine follows the god already stated in the RP itself: Herne a woodland Deity. I did not know much of what other gods so i took what was available just so i don't steep away from established lore.
as far i know and read there is only Herne's mentioned? did not read any others
Lore tab only has such god
🤔 you’re right. Herne Is the only one mentioned. But I figured she couldn’t be the only one to exist in a D&D like setting so I assumed Genii Genii was leaving it open for players to add their own characters gods.

My apologies if that was an incorrect assumption, Genii Genii .
Hey guys, I'm going to start working on a post soon. As much as I'd like to keep waiting for Maxxob, I don't like holding everyone else in Connor's group back and I'm getting impatient.
🤔 you’re right. Herne Is the only one mentioned. But I figured she couldn’t be the only one to exist in a D&D like setting so I assumed Genii Genii was leaving it open for players to add their own characters gods.

My apologies if that was an incorrect assumption, Genii Genii .
Many god have been mentioned in the RP so far. We had a list at some point, but if you’d like to add a summary about the religion to the Lore page you can do so anytime (or PM it to me and I can add it to the same section the Herne details are in). 😉👍

Again, sorry I’m a little quiet. I’ll be home again by the end of the week. ☺️
Many god have been mentioned in the RP so far. We had a list at some point, but if you’d like to add a summary about the religion to the Lore page you can do so anytime (or PM it to me and I can add it to the same section the Herne details are in). 😉👍

Again, sorry I’m a little quiet. I’ll be home again by the end of the week. ☺️
😊Thanks Genii Genii . I’ll be careful not to go overboard.

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