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Fantasy The Hunter’s Inn || OOC

I'll be posting sometime today, and yes, I think it best we probably move on without Max for the time being. If he's still around, he will definitely have room to catch up.
For those whom it may concern, I had to do a little but of searching through the OOC, but the proceeding are some of the deities mentioned already that it may benefit you all to keep in mind whilst adding to the lore page: Astrophil Astrophil , MrMopp MrMopp , Yonsisac Yonsisac ...

But also memeing aside: Thank you guys for clarifying! So...

Henra Herne Worship (Nature, Man and Beasts??)
Primordial Flame of the Minotaurs
Adolphus's Faith (Militant)
Paladin Deity (WIll have to look further at this one for deets)
Heilang (Possibly)
Leira (C/N Deity of Illusion)
Cyric (C/E Deity of Lies)
Zivilyn (Neutral Wisdom)

I'm looking at these and they seem to make for an actually pretty decent cohesive pantheon, despite the fact that most of them are completely unrelated. Absent a love deity and a death deity, the six or seven already mentioned are pretty interesting. Also this is just an observation, not a statement as to whether or not more should be added. Only adding these for posterity for lore purposes and will continue to jot them down as needed! <3

As far as I can tell, they are canon insofar as they have been mentioned by players, utilized by players, or otherwise confirmed by Genii Genii ; And thus far, it is only through the lattermost means that the deity Herne (apologies for calling it Henra/Henre SEVERAL times. OTZ) is the sole recognized RP-Canon deity to date. Most of them have only been mentioned once and never again (most typically because the players that worshipped them are gone.) That being said, have fun with what you come up with! Hope this helps! <3
Let me know when I should set up the Wyrm quest thread. ☺️
Please do. 😂I don't know if we're still waiting for Max or not, but if everyone's ready for it, I'm down. Also, I don't know if anyone took the water beast quest, but if anyone does, I can set up that thread as well.
I'm ready and just posted
AWesome! If it's alright, my next post will be on the upcoming quest thread unless you'd like to continue our conversation in the main thread and then we head on over when it's finished. Either way, I think the a discussion about our pasts as nobility while on a fancy carriage ride is excellent for lore building/character development, but it's entirely up to you! If you'd rather wait to reveal more details about Connor for the future then that's entirely okay!
AWesome! If it's alright, my next post will be on the upcoming quest thread unless you'd like to continue our conversation in the main thread and then we head on over when it's finished. Either way, I think the a discussion about our pasts as nobility while on a fancy carriage ride is excellent for lore building/character development, but it's entirely up to you! If you'd rather wait to reveal more details about Connor for the future then that's entirely okay!
Hi guys! 😁

We can continue here Fantasy - Arian silver Mines || Hunters Inn
AWesome! If it's alright, my next post will be on the upcoming quest thread unless you'd like to continue our conversation in the main thread and then we head on over when it's finished. Either way, I think the a discussion about our pasts as nobility while on a fancy carriage ride is excellent for lore building/character development, but it's entirely up to you! If you'd rather wait to reveal more details about Connor for the future then that's entirely okay!
Sounds good. Now with the thread open we should take the conversation there.
I posted on the new quest thread, and bs'ed on some details on the capital so if it conflicts with anything you had in mind, lemme know. Genii Genii
No gathering around the campfire and sing a campfire song? ☹️

(If you get the reference, here's a star 🌟)
Oh, we’re camping? I thought we were pulling an all nighter. I suppose I could go for a camp out.

Thought for consideration if we go that route: Our characters already ate dinner, so a campfire isn’t necessary. We could just set up tents and whatnot by lantern light and talk to each other from our bedrolls until we fall asleep.
I'll bring the materials for s'mores. :3
Also, here's a brief history as to how Basil and Reks came to be

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