The Hunted Part 3: A New Threat Lies [Inactive]

[QUOTE="Kori Zanos]Halo heard the commotion, at first not believing it. It's impossible... She told herself. Soundlessly, she made her way over to where the others were and stood watching them from the corner. She crossed her arms and look ahead. Sure enough, Jason was there, sandwhiched between Lawrence and Alice.

[QUOTE="Robin man]Lawrence started to tear up a little. He kept thinking himself. "No way. How." He was hoping Jason didn't hear that thought. He looked at Jason. "Welcome back little brother."

Alice let Jason go, she felt tears overwhelming her eyes but she just blinked them away. She promised herself she wouldn't cry, and she wouldn't. Not now. Hearing Lawrence's question, Alice was curious herself. How did Jason get out of the spirit world? How did he get here?

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Lance was laying in his 1969 Camaro, Taking a nap, the doors were locked.

He didn't want to see anybody after sharpening his Rapier, and just wanted to sleep.
Alice walked out of the room knowing that Lawrence and Flare would want to catch up with Jason and she would just be a third wheel. I'll bother Lance! Alice thought. She quickly ran down stairs and outside where Lance was. He was in his care sleeping but that didn't stop her. She tapped on to the cat door window trying to wake him up.

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Lance woke up rubbing his eye.He eyed Alice.Rolled the window down and said"What do you need Alice?"

He taped on the Dashboard impatiently.
Alice slouched down so her face would be at the same height as Lance's.

"Hey.. Do you want to spar?" She said with a small smile. It was a while since Alice had actually talked to Lance since the.. incident.

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"Sure"He simply replied not giving much thought of it,he pulled on the door handle then stepping out.

"Ok so were we going to do this" He was holding the hilt of his rapier.
Alice stepped back, she had to tilt her head back to look at Lance's face. She pointed to the backyard.

"If we did it in the open people would call the cops"

She said walking past Lance and into the backyard.

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Lance followed Alice,Ready to kick her Arse!

"So what weapon you use,Alice?"He asked,holding tight to his sword.
".. Sword" she said with a pause at the beginning. Her palm started to glow a bright light blue color and out came a blue sword attached to a red ribbon around her wrist. She held the grip and looked over the shoulder at Lance and gave him a smirk.

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"Cool"He replied,He trusted the blade towards Alices Back,With such speed it would be hard to counter. 
"Lets start"Lance pulled away before it could hit.
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Alice quickly dodged the blade, barely making it in time. She gave a small smirk at Lance, she put both hands on the grip tightly. "Ready" she said calmly

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Alice blocked the blade with her own, taking only one step back. He was defiantly a little faster than Halo, a bit of a challenge..

She pushed herself back using her sword and than once she got into a steady standing position, she attacked, hoping to catch him off guard. She aims for his stomach area, ducking low as she did so.

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Lance Jumped up above the height of Alice a Thrusted downwards at an angle that would strike Alice in the head. 
Lance while attacking would grab his scarf, and threw it at Alice's face.

He laughed.
"Well I know Flare would want to see you. Come on." He showed Jason to Flares room. He knocked on her door. "Hey honey. Some wants to see you."
Alice spun around once she saw Lance was gone. He was right in front of her, in the air. She quickly brought the sword in front of her, with only a few seconds left before Lance's attack. Than she saw Lance throw an object at her, she was able to dodge the scarf but she felt a sharp pain on her cheek seconds later. His sword was pointed at her face, cutting her cheek. Blood trickled down her cheek, dripping down her chin.

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Lance pushed the blade by a centimeter"You finished?"He asked Alice. Ready to pull the blade up at a slight movement.
Alice wasn't going to back down and loose. But what was she going to do? Without thinking she grabbed the blade of his sword, cutting her hand in the process, and quickly jumped up moved her sword to his neck so that the blade would press against his neck. She finally realized what she just did, and her face and his were so close it was almost kissing length. She let out a smirk, "Now, are you finished?" She said putting emphasis on the word 'you'

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Flare instantly got up from her bed and she ran over and hugged Jason tightly "Jason!!!!"
"Maybe......"He paused.....Then dropped his blade so all the weight would go into Alice arm.....He pulled his head back, crouched and tackled her, they were laying on the ground, there faces right next to each other, the blades would be beside them,"I think I won" 
The scarf he threw would be beside them as well, he picked it up and dropped it on Alice's face.
Before Alice could process anything that happened, she was on the ground and Lance was right next to her. There swords were on the ground and he threw a scarf on her face. Due to her cut the scarf was stained red at one part.

"Hmm.. You fought well but I would disagree. I think I won" she said with a smile holding the scarf so it was resting on her neck.

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