The Hunted Part 3: A New Threat Lies [Inactive]

Alice quickly blocked the sword from stabbing her, taking one step back with her right leg. Alice pushed back with the blades so that she was lengths away from Halo and her sword. She took a deeper breath and dashed towards Halo aiming at her stomach area.

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Halo shifted to the right a bit before using the hilt of her sword to catch Alice's blade and push it away from herself. She smirked. "You're too hesitant." She said before swinging her sword at Alice once more.
"Why would you say that?" Alice said calmly as she blocked the blade but in reality her heart was beating quickly. Both of her hands gripped tightly around the hilt as she held the sword out so that Halo's blade wouldn't move any closer to Alice. Now that she was warmed up, she could move with more of a quicker pace than she did

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"Your a has been and I am a now so just leave me alone." Bryce told Jason. "Listen." Jason replied. "You are in danger and you need to leave the house." Bryce looked down and thought it over. "How do you know?" Bryce asked biting his bottom lip. "The spirit lord......" Jason hesitated. "Says I have to go." Bryce grabbed his shoulder. "Wait, I..". "You will do fine." Jason said, cutting Bryce off. "Just leave the house." He said turning and disappearing. Bryce opened his eyes and sat on the bed. He shook his head and remembered what Jason said. "Just leave the house." Bryce nodded and grabbed his suitcase.
Halo used her sword to push Alice back. She then aimed for her feet, trying to catch her off guard. "It's the fact that you are mostly defense and you pause before attacking." She remarked.
Alice jumped back, hopping back a few feet before Halo could attack her feet.

"I'll take note of that," Alice said with a smirk, she launched herself forward, ducking low, aiming for Halo's legs.

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"Of course. The fact that you don't want me to change. Like some girlfriends do. That's just one reason why I love you."
Halo jumped to the side and paused for a split second, realizing how close the sword was. She thought quickly, and switched her sword to her left hand and attacking from the opposite side as usual in an attempt to confuse Alice.
Alice saw the sword but couldn't react to defend herself in time so she decided to attack rather than tried to defend and lose. In a blink of an eye, Alice was kneeing on the ground, her head tilted at Halo's head with her sword pointed at her neck while Halo's sword pointed to her heart.

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Halo blinked and looked at the sword pointed at her chest. She then laughed and looked at Alice. "I guess its a tie then?"
Alice let out a laugh and put her sword down. She got up from the ground, dusting herself off. "I guess so, it's been so long since I last sparred with someone and it feels great!" Alice put both arms in the air stretching as if she just woke up from sleeping. Her right hand still held her sword which wasn't very safe but Alice wasn't thinking

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Halo nodded. "I keep making these things but its been a while since I actually used one. I'm really outta practice..." She narrowed her eyes in mock threat. "Otherwise it woulda ended much differently." She said before sheathing the sword.
Alice put the tip of the sword pressed against her palm, as if she were about to stab herself.

"Well ain't you rude. But you've got to admit I have improved.. One day I'll even beat you!"

Alice said looking at Halo with a smirk

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Halo made a hurt expression before quickly trying to hide it. "That... was a joke... nevermind. Yeah, you've improved a lot." she said pausing in front of the door. "I might go for a run on second thought... or maybe to the gas station for some snacks..." She muttered to herself.
Alice's palm started to glow a bright light blue before she started to push the sword into her palm, and it was gone. Alice quickly followed after Halo before she left, "I was joking about the rude part, I know that your nice person on the inside and I'm glad I met you and everyone in this house" Alice said with a big grin tilting her head a bit.

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Halo paused when she heard Alice. "Nice person, huh? Pretty sure there's a lot of people who'd disagree." Halo said with a smirk. "Anyways, I'mma head down to the gas station for a snack. You want anything? I'll pay." She said trying to find money in her pockets, finally pulling out a twenty.
"That stuff that Lance got the other day. He got man when I ate most of it.. " Alice said her eyes slowly looking up as if she were innocent. Alice quickly rushed to the kitchen and pulled out a carton of Cookies and Cream ice cream and rushed back to Halo showing her the carton.

"This stuff. Coookeyes and Criime" Alice tried to read the words on the carton but since she never went to school she never learned to read or to write. She tried once, but she gave up after an hour.

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Lawrence followed Flare to her room. He sat down on the floor next to the teapot. He poured some tea into his cup. Then he filled Flares cup. "There you go."

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