The Hunted Part 3: A New Threat Lies [Inactive]

The door suddenly blew in and the nurse from earlier walked in. She was wearing different clothing. She walked forward and the man pulled out his gun. Jason stepped backwards. "See you've healed him, Parkins" she said. The man looked at her, "Why didn't you send your boyfriend to do this?" he asked. "Because I," the man shot her in the chest. And grabbed Jason, Lawrence, and Bryce and jumped through the window. They all landed onto a helicopter and were helped inside. "What the hell," Bryce said. "Time to get the others." The man said.
Lawrence was so confused in what's going on. When he was in the helicopter he looked at the man. The first thing that came to mind. "What the hell." He looked around. "Wait. We forgot Flare!"
(Until Britt gets back into the rp I will play her.)

A burst of fire shown from above as Phoenix Flare flew out of the hospital into the helicopter. She suddenly returned human. "Don't worry about me." she said with a smirk.
Lawrence looked at the hospital. Then at Flare. He then threw his arms in the air. "I give up." He then sat down.
"Were being hunted." Jason replied. "Again." Bryce stood up and held on to a grip. "What's so hard to understand about that?" he asked.
(Bad news guys. I'm ending the rp right here. People have become disinterested and I feel that it is dying. So no more post after this. I am about to delete it.)
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