The Hunted Part 3: A New Threat Lies [Inactive]

"Right now." Lawrence was interrupted by his phone floating away. He looked at Jason. "Hey what are you doing?" Then he saw the phone falling into the cup. He looked at Jason. "What the hell Jason." He walked towards the cup and he pulled out his phone. And his phone was fried. "Goddammit." He said to himself.
Thomas kicked the big cat to confirm it was for real, and not from his imagination.

If i didn't respond he would continue to watch tv, if it did he would run like hell.
Halo growled and transformed into a large snakelike creature with large spikes down her spine. She glared down at Thomas. "The hell was that for?" She hissed.
"Well you were an extinct animal and....." He sprinted for the window he entered.

And jumped for it. 
The electricity followed him. He fell in pain.
Lawrence ended the phone call with Alice in which she was confused and kind of annoyed.

"What the heck Lawrence?" She said annoyed and she saw a boy jump out of the house through a window. She quickly opened the door from the car and jumped outside while it still moved and took out her sword and ran towards the boy

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Jason got off of Bryce and looked up. "Wow," he said. "That looks way worse then I expected. You should get a new one." Bryce laughed at Jason's joke. "You are a freaken genius." Bryce high gives Jason. Jason laughed as well.
Thomas looked scared"Fuck...."The electricity flew towards Alice it when for the sword if it hit, Alice would be electrocuted .
Claire could hear sounds from outside. "What in hell..." she said before closing her book and walking towards the sound she heard.
Alice saw the electricity bolt flying towards her in which she quickly moved to the side making her loose her balance a bit, it hit her in the cheek leaving a cut mark once it passed her. She was angry now, she ran towards the boy and pointed her blade towards his neck when he still on the ground. "Who are you?" Now the pain was catching up to her but she tried to not show ot

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"Hi I'm Thomas...Nice to meet Ya"He pushed out his hand." and you should duck."The electricity flew back at Alice as a defensive pet.
Halo turned into a golden eagle in order to follow Thomas, wondering why he had broken into the house in the first place. She transformed and landed on the ground next to the two. "Nice job." She added to Alice, surprised.
Before Alice could react or say 'what' she felt the electricity rush in from her back, leaving her stunned and electrocuted. She let out a scream which activated her psionic blast, anyone in the area could hear and they would have either been weakened, in a vegetated state, or dead.

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Lawrence tried to stay calm. He took a deep breath and he pulled his phone out of the cup. I'll just have to go get a new one tomorrow." H sat down in chair next to Flare.
Claire turned spirit just in time before the scream and materialized near them. "What is hapenning here?" she asked.
Thomas reached out, electricity covered his hand he touched Alice's ankle, shocking her hoping she would pass out from the pain.
Halo immediately covered her ears, wincing. Her mind was filled with angry roars from the many creatures she had transformed into. "!" She shouted, her nails digging into her ears.
Feeling the electricity on her ankle, Alice let out a louder, more painful scream. She wasn't screaming so she could let out her power, she was screaming because she was in pain but when she screams her power sometimes just slips out. Seconds that felt like hour passed and Alice finally dropped to her knees, weak, and passed out of the ground.

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A nurse walked up to the group and saw the boy with the broken foot on the ground red faced. "Oh my god." she said as she ran to pick him up. "Sir." she tapped Lawrence on the shoulder. "How could you leave your injured son on the floor?" The nurse was hot. "Is there something wrong here, do I need to call security and CPS?" She nuzzled Bryce in her chest. "Tell me what happened." She said. "I will keep you safe." By now everyone in the waiting room was staring at them. Bryce was in heaven until he realized what was going on. "Hey lady." he said. "Your blowing this way out of proportion." The lady looked at him worriedly and then back at Lawrence. "Your coming with me." She said as she placed him in a wheel chair and rolled him away.
Halo put her hands down and looked at Thomas. "Your fault for provoking her... Damn it, I used up most of my energy. I will let the fact that you broke in slide of you help me get her back to the house." She growled.
Halo looked at him suspiciously before shaking his hand. "Name's Halo, and trust me, any power is hard to control. Now, ya mind helping me?" She said, nicer than before.
When Halo shook his hand she would feel a slight shock..."Alright"Thomas bent down grabbing Alice's feet. 
"Come on...Grab her hands....."Thomas said.

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