The Hunted Part 3: A New Threat Lies [Inactive]

Thomas, was screwing with people, he was causing whole neighborhoods to have blackouts. Then he passed the house that was Japanese in style.He was interested in it becuase it wasn't an american building it was a different style, he was clearly confused about this.
As Lance dragged Alice to the movie theater she began to have bad feelings so she stopped walking hopping that she would also stop Lance too.

"Lance. I have a bad feeling. We should go home." Alice said in a soft voice

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Alice shook her head while looking at the ground, "No. I feel like something is going to happen and we need to get home now" she said squeezing Lance's hand a bit

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"This isn't just an excuse so you can blow this off....?"Lance asked"Because i really wanted to do something with you..." 
(That sounded wrong....)
(That sounded very wrong actually)

Alice looked at Lance a little angry.

"Fine.. Than I'm walking home whether you follow or not. I just know something happened, I can feel it.."

She said mumbling the last sentence as she yanked her hand from his grip. She started to walk away from Lance, heading in the direction of home.

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"Well ok then....."Lance mumbled He walked off to his car and jumped on the hood of it, he would pat the hood of it till he wanted to go home.
"Lance.. You meany" Alice said, arms crossed as she walked into the forest. This was her short cut to the house.

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Lance layed down on the hood of the car tired, he was sad, he didn't know what he did wrong.

Lance slid of the hood bouncing to his feet, he got inside.Locking the doors, as he drove off.
Alice took her time walking through the woods, she knew that it would take about half and hour to an hour to walk all the way from where she started to the house so she just took her time. She kicked rocks on the way, not minding her surrounds as much as she should have.

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Lance arrived a the mall, his car purring.He parked in a vacant parking spot he was about to grab the door handle when he realized that he let Alice walk back to the house by her self."Fuck" As he said Pulling back out. He drove off, into the woods knowing that was the fastest way to get home walking.
Alice heard something move a bush, she quickly darted her head to the sound and saw a cute little bunny jump out.

"Oh bunny. You scared me for a minute the-" her sentence was cut off when she heard a loud purring which sounded of a large cat. She turned her head slowly and saw a mountain lion standing on a ledge growling at her. 'Mountain lion? But isn't this the forest?' Alice thought taking a step back away from the cat.

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Next thing Alice knew was that there was a camaro crashing through the woods. Bam!!!! He hit the cat. Putting the window down, He said "need a ride?" 
"Ill just be off now, if your going to stand there alice....."Lance revved the engine.
Alice was a little shocked of what event just occurred, instead of getting into the car with Lance, Alice quickly scaled the little hill to where the mountain lion laid. The cat had been hurt by Lance's car and Alice felt bad for the poor animal. She kneeled down by the cat, hearing it's cry as she got closer to it.

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"Come on Alice it would have killed you..."Lance spoke to her,as he got out of the car."And don't even think about healing it.....Cause as soon as you do its going to maul you in your face...."Placing a hand on Alices back.
She shook her head, "I'm not going to let it die, I don't care if it were to kill me it didn't know any better and it only acted on instinct" Alice placed her hand on the cat's head petting it and making sure it knew she was friendly before she did anything else.

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"Well ok then....."Lance said. He didn't like animals.....Some animals scared him like big cats....."Im going to ummmm......Hide in my car. If you get killed.....See you in de heaven!"
Alice shook her head of Lance's cowardliness. "Stupid Lance" she said under her breath as a bright glowing white light shined through her hand as she started to heal the cat. She felt it's pain rushing into her body which made her start to breath heavier but she needed to heal it before she left. "Come on.. Almost done" once she finished healing the cat, she was almost drained of her energy but she could still move. The pain lingered but it would go away after a few minutes. The cat sat up on all fours and licked Alice while she was still sitting on the ground which made Alice smile. The cat quickly ran back into the forest leaving Alice sitting on the ground be herself

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Lance ran out of the car towards Alice, he keeled down.Scooping her up."I'm not a coward....I'm just afraid of big cats.....One of those things mauled me when I was little....Almost died......I don't like cats....."Lance brought her to the car. 
He opened the door and placed her gently on the passenger seat, kissing her forehead."Sorry for getting mad at the theaters....I'm new to this...."
Alice looked at Lance when he carried her to the car and smiled, "sorry Lance and thank you also" she said as she nuzzled her head into his chest. Once they were at the car Lance kindly set her down in the passenger seat and kissed her on the forehead which made Alice's cheek flow a bright pinkish redish tint.

"No, I think you're doing perfectly" she said softly, smiling.

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