The Hunted Part 3: A New Threat Lies [Inactive]

"Well he ran away. And when we found him. His keg was broken." 
Lawrence looked at Flare. "So do want to go with us? Or are you staying here?"
"Alright." Lawrence walked down stairs into the living. He picked up Bryce. "Let's go." He carried Bryce to the firebird. He put him in the back. He got in and he started the car.
Jason followed the to the living room. When he got there he saw Bryce lying on the couch. He tried to hide but it was to late.
Lawrence looked at everyone. "Is everyone in?" 
Lawrence saw that everyone was in and he started to drive to the hospital.
Halo decided to follow everyone. Walking outside, she turned into a golden eagle, and flew up high on an attempt to find the car. Once she spotted it, she hovered low above it.
Lawrence focused on the road. "You two ain't the first people to call me that." He looked around trying to find the hospital.
Jason lined his lips up with Bryce's ears and made a low whisper. "We are in deep shit." he said. Bryce looked at h wearily then nodded.
Lawrence kept driving. "And there's the hospital." He pulled into the parking lot. He turned off his car and walked out. "Okay Bryce lets get that leg checked out."
Lawrence walked over to the shotgun seat and he carried Flare in. "Up you go Flare." He followed Jason. "That's a good question Bryce. How did it happened?"

Jason walked behind them. He looked over at Bryce, "You OK?" he asked. Bryce shook his head. "Its hurts really bad." he said. "Try getting stabbed 17 times." Jason joked.

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