The Hunted Part 3: A New Threat Lies [Inactive]

Halo nodded, throwing her sword over her shoulder and walking towards the door. "Cookies and cream, got it!" She said before walking out.
Alice looked at the carton again, cookies and cream?

She placed her index finger under the words and tried to pronounce them correctly.

"Coo-kies and Cr-ea-m.. Ohhhh" Alice was shocked and amazed. She put the ice cream back in the freezer and took a random book from the shelf out. 'Dictionary' was on the front cover. Alice sat on the couch trying to pronounce each word correctly. She was focused and determined to learn to read

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After filling his bag with clothes and snacks, Bryce threw his bag out of the window. He jumped out after it and landed in a bush. He grabbed his bag and walked to the front of the house. "I'm sorry." he said, and with that he ran down the street going no particular place.


When Bryce was a few miles away a red light appeared on the door step and a figure emerged from it. The figure cleared its throat and walked up to the door. He knocked three times and waited.
Alice looked up from the dictionary, "hm?" It's probably Halo.. Alice thought. She stood up, closed the book placing it on the coffee table, and run over to the door quietly. Her hand on the door knob, she opened it smiling, "Halo! What took you so" she said trailing the last word when she realized it wasn't Halo.

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Lawrence took a sip of his tea. "Yeah a nap sounds good right now." He stretched out his back then he played down on the floor ready for a nap.
Lawrence shifted for a few minutes. He thought to himself. "This is uncomfortable." He crawled over to Flares bed.
Jason grabbed Alice's hand and pulled her in for a hug. He cried over her shoulder. "I miss you so much." he said. He released her and stood back. "New house?" he said to himself. He went up stairs and searched through the house until he found Flare's room. He walked in and saw "Flarence" sleeping together. Jason made a gagging noise.
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Halo walked into the house and put the plastic bag containing snacks on the kitchen counter. She began unpacking it when she paused. "Something's off.... But not a bad off." She whispered to herself.
Lawrence thought he heard a familiar voice. He slowly got up from the bed. He got out of the room and he walked towards the front door. Then he saw a very familiar face. He whispered. "No way."
After spending some time with Ericka, Claire got back to the church. She laid down on the flowers, smiling. She started to remember about her little brother. She was missing him so much. She started humming his favourite song, smiling more.
Lance walked up to Jason bumping his shoulder with Jason, then shaking the boys hair"See you people later, I'm going to go get a burger"He walked out of the house then to his Camaro.
Alice was shocked at what just occurred. Jason was back! How? Alice rushed up stairs, following a few feet behind Jason, he's actually real!

"Jason!"Alice yelled in happiness running over to Jason and hugging him from behind while Lawrence hugged him in the front.

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Halo heard the commotion, at first not believing it. It's impossible... She told herself. Soundlessly, she made her way over to where the others were and stood watching them from the corner. She crossed her arms and look ahead. Sure enough, Jason was there, sandwhiched between Lawrence and Alice.
Lawrence started to tear up a little. He kept thinking himself. "No way. How." He was hoping Jason didn't hear that thought. He looked at Jason. "Welcome back little brother."
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Jason looked around. "I missed you guys." he said. "The spirit world is so boring. All we do is listen to..... Never mind."

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