The Hunt for Adventure

Flower smiles and then nods. "Oh yes, she certainly is quite the hunter." She smiled and looked at him. "She helps with tracking and even fights." She said and then looked at Hunter who was very happy.

Hunter wagged her tail happy to be stroked. She turned her head so that his hand was in front of her muzzle and licked it. She panted and continued to wag her tail.
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He laughed at Hunter as she licked his hand. "I'd bet she's good at it. I used to have a dog, when I was home with my parents. I don't go home that much anymore," he said. It was true he didn't go home much, but he didn't state why. "Anyhow, my name is Alphonse. Yours?"
Flower looked at him and then smiled. "Flower, it's nice to meet you." She said and then held out her hand. She smiled and then looked as Hunter tilted her head and then barked. Flower rolled her eyes and pulled out a bone and then handed it to her, her other hand still out to Alphonse.
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Alphonse scratched Hunter's head one last time before rising to his feet and shaking Flower's hand. "Pleasure's mine," he said, and it was. He always liked to meet new people. "Do you have any idea what we're here about, Flower? I haven't been a bounty hunter for too long, so I don't actually know how any of this works, really." He'd really only had the job for a few weeks, mostly because of his parents' deep-seated distaste with the profession. And perhaps they were right to dislike it, but Alphonse thought he knew what he was doing. Besides, what better way to explore the world and earn something from it other than being a bounty hunter? Perhaps the world wasn't as big as he thought, but Alphonse was ready for some adventure.
Flower shrugs. "Somthing important if they called all of us here, but really I don't know." she said shrugging. She sighed and looked at hunter who was happily chewing on her bone. She looked back at him. "Anyways welcome, since you're new here...i'd be happy to help you out if you need anything."
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"Something important..." Alphonse muttered, thinking. What could be important to a bunch of bounty hunters other than rank increasing? He was pretty sure bounty hunters didn't get laid off, but how would he know?

Alphonse grinned, "Well, I'm not exactly great with a sword. Do you have any pointers for me?"
Flower smiled and then nodded. "Hmm lets see." She looked around and then grabbed his arm. "Let's get to a more open spot shall we?" She said and pulled him along. She stopped when they were in a spot that was open. "Let's see, the sword, hmmm." She pulled out her sword. "Mostly, the sword isn't a weapon. Think of it as an extention of your arm." She said and then started spining it. She smiled and then grabbed it and sliced it throug the air, she stopped it right beside his neck. "It is an art some say...always make sure you have a good grip, and that you are sure of your weapon. A weak user makes the sword weak." She smiled and then pulled it back. "Also pratice makes perfect."
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Alphonse nearly stumbled as Flower pulled him into a more open area. "Ah, ok?" He pulled out his sword when she did, and made no move with his sword as she swung hers. He barely blinked as the sword stopped close to his neck, though he visibly flinched in surprise. Something stirred inside him, something that had been there but was a bit unfamiliar. When the sword was taken away, it disappeared. Was it fear, or something more? Alphonse had never been afraid of swords or people, so... "An extension of my arm?" he mumbled, gripping his two-handed sword, "More like both of them." This sword is my arms. Well, at least until I get stronger, then it will be one of my arms. It is my arms. It is my arms.

Alphonse held the sword in front of his face before he began to swing it. He was still a bit clumsy, though he hadn't yet managed to trip. Flower was right. It was more like swinging a really heavy arm around than an unwieldy club, as his father had once said.
Flower shook her head. She grabbed her sword and hit his with much force, hopefully knocking it out of his hands. She looked at him. "Maybe a lighter sword to work with might help." She said and then thought for a moment. "You need to build strangth." She said and then sighed a bit. "I could help you out, give you some training if you like."
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With the force Flower put into her sword, Alphonse's sword flew from his hand and clanged on the ground a few feet away. The impact jarred his wrists a little, but he wasn't unused to a bit of injury. "Heh...probably. I didn't really have enough money to get my own sword at the time, so I borrowed the sword from home. No one uses it, anyway." Come to think of it, he couldn't even imagine why there was a sword at his house. That was one of those things you never can figure out. Alphonse, after hearing the rest of her words, grinned. "Really, you'd help me out? Thanks a bunch!"
Flower nodded and smiled. "Of course, for a fellow bounty hunter." She said and walked over picking up the two handed sword, even she had a bit of trouble. She chuckled. "Man I don't blame you." She smiled at him and then then swung it around but kept her ballance and smiled as she did a few moves with it. She looked at him. "Well, after we find out what this is about, I'll see what we can do for you." She said and then handed him his sword. "Maybe I'll let you pratice wit my sword for a while and once you got the basics we can see what we can do with this heavy thing huh?" She said and then smiled.
(Sorry everyone for not posting for so long. I checked back here a few times a while back today and noticed Ash didn't post yet so I stopped checking for a while.)

Zekeziel said "We take up various jobs, known as missions, to get money. There's a board or something where people can take their missions from but I happen upon most of mine along the way of completing ones I already have. Costard is where headquarters is." As he walks, he realizes that at the rate he was going he would never make it there in time. While his body allowed him immortality, one of the costs was that he had to be careful or he might break apart. Strengthening the enchantments holding his form is something he would have to go about later however. He stops for a moment and says "Say, Danielle. Would you be interested in joining? I'm on my way back to Costard right now. And if so, might you be interested in the thought of riding a skeletal steed? It is much faster than walking."
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Alphonse's grin widened, though it seemed there was no possible way for it to happen. "Again, thanks a lot! I haven't really had much time to teach myself anything, much less learn from anyone else..."
Zekeziel creates a ball of death mana and holds it in the palm of his right hand. He tosses it into the soil in front of him and after a few seconds, a patch of dirt in front of them cracks and a green glow comes out from the cracks. The ground then burst open as the bones from a horse's skeleton float out and assemble. The skeleton's eye sockets contain two small balls of green death mana that served as the steed's eyes. Thankfully, the horse that had died and left the skeleton had its saddle on it still. Zekeziel climbs up onto the saddle before reaching down to help Danielle up.
Flower chuckled and then nodded. "I see, my father was a bounty hunter, recently retired, he taught me everything I know." She said and smiled. She put her white hair behind her ear, which was pretty pointy, although she was human, with her white hair she looked almost like an elf. "I guess I can pass a few secrets down to you." She said having a few secret moves in mind.

Hunter walked over with her bone in her mouth. She looked at Flower and then at the blond boy. She walked a few feet away to lay down and continue her work on her bone.
Zekeziel sets off for Costard, the skeletal steed the two were riding speeding up the journey quite a bit. After a few minutes, the two reach the city wall. Zekeziel dismounts before saying "Did you enjoy the ride? We will have to walk the rest of the way. A skeleton horse isn't something most people will see and not think anything of."
Danielle nodded and smiled, hopping down. "The ride was a bit bumpy, but I enjoyed it.." She took a couple steps forward and held out her hand.
Zekeziel snaps his fingers, returning the mana that he used to animate the skeletal steed to himself. When he does so it falls apart, returning to being a regular horse skeleton. He takes Danielle's hand and starts walking in the direction of the bounty hunter headquarters. He says "Follow me. Try to stay close please. We wouldn't want any more strange people trying to kidnap you." At the pace they were going, they should reach in just a few minutes.
(Sounds good Gemini)

Jewels had fun walking back to the HQ with Adam. He wanted to go on his quest with him, but he had a feeling they could discuss that later. He was just having fun talking and fliriting with Adam as they got to the HQ.

"You know you never told me what it would take for me to hire you onto my quest," Jewels said as they arrived. Swan hurried by them and Jewels stopped and looked at her.

"Honey no need to run. I'm sure they will wait for us all. Especially one as pretty as you."

Swan blushed and kept on hurrying by them.
Flower looked as hunter finished her bone. She smiled a bit and then looked around, she stretched out her arms and then yawned a bit. "Ugh I need to get more sleep." She chuckled a bit.
((Going to post in a moment. I have been super busy today and just got done with the group list. It seriously took me like 45mins or longer to arrange this list.))

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"Thank you bounty hunters for all gathering here on such short notice!" The head of the hunters annouced, starting the meeting. "The reason I called you all here was because I need to address a serious issue that has been reported multiple times. There are too many hunters roaming around on their own and causing some villagers to be afraid of us. If we want to better our business, and be able to help people, we need to change our policies." He paused, letting the hunters mutter to each other for a bit before he quieted them down again. "I am going to try an experiment by creating a few groups of people. I want to see if groups will help out better than singles." He paused again, the room buzzing with harse whispers. "The following people have been chosen to be part of the experiement. Group 1 is going to be Selia Cross, Bret Marks, and Faith Lehane. Group 2 will be Alan Cross, Swan Driscoll, and Rosalind Faire. Group 3, Flower Moon, Isabel Darkwood, and Adam Kevallan. Group 4 is Danielle Joanah, Zekeziel Artrozil, and Alphonse Ramirez. And the final group, Group 5 is Nicholas Nightfall and Jewels Alwyn." He scanned the room, looking at everyone. "I want these groups to work together to complete any tasks you have been assigned and try to help out others. If you are sucessful, you will be rewarded greatly."

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Selia and Alan looked at the head with disbelief. Alan wanted to work with his sister until he was a higher rank. Selia looked around at the other bounty hunters. She wasn't used to talking to other people, besides her brother unless they were a client.
Rosa and Bret arrived in Costard within a few hours, no thanks to the slow pace set by Bret. He had finally let her canter the last mile and Rosa was beaming. As they walked the horses through the street the number of people just kept doubling.

"I don't like this, too many people," Bret muttered his eyes darting warily, he pulled Rosa closer not liking the idea of her getting wrapped in the crowd. They finally made it to HQ after stabling the horses in the livery, upon hearing the list of names Bret was fuming.

"They can't separate us, I am your mentor," he growled. He wasn't letting Rosa out of his sight, she was too young. Yes she was a C rank but she still had so much to learn.

"I can take care of myself," Rosa said a bit nervously. Ever since she had left her h*ll hole of a life she had been with Bret. They had never been apart.

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