The Hunt for Adventure

Sorry, I'm here! xD

Danielle follows, still trying to catch her breath. She hesitates as she's about to step through the door. "W-What do I do? Just walk right through?" She said, hesitantly.
"I'm not sure, maybe..." Adam responded partly to himself, then the figure turned and he smiled nodding in more solid confirmation to jewels question. It had been a while since he had last seen Nicholas, and as he made his way over to them Adam glanced at Jewels in amusement, finally registering exactly what he'd said.

"'Darling'...?" He shook his head slightly, still smiling as his mind began to conjour images he associated with the word... along with muffins and he laughed, the slight unease he'd felt suddenly evaporating.

"Well hello Adam, how have you been?"

Before he could respond Nicholas's voice cut cleanly across them, and sobering quickly he turned to look at him still smiling, nodding his greetings answering both their questions in one short response. "I'm good, just finished up. I'll be returning to Costad soon for something new."

"And you would be Jewels, Currently A rank hoping to make S rank by the end of the year"

To say Adam was surprised was an understatement as he turned to look at the young man in question. Jewels was a hunter, close to an S rank? He hadn't expected that. At all.
(Just a suggestion, but characters would be more likely to interact if we all started in one place...)

Rosa sighed and entered the Inn, she caught the tail end of a few bounty hunters heading up towards their rooms. They all had a certain look about them and she was pretty sure she had seen them at the base at some point. Bret would probably know but she didn't want to bother with asking him. When she asked about room the Innkeeper said only group room where available and they would only get a cot each.
(OOC: I think it's more because everyone has chosen and started their quests before their first/second posts and obviously because of that they are scattered everywhere. It's the main reason why i chose not to start one yet, it allows him to wander around, start anywhere go anywhere and return to main base when he finally does go for a quest as others are finishing or even tag along on someone elses quest for support)
Zekeziel tugs lightly at Danielle's arm and says "It's okay, just walk through. I have made both of us temporarily ethereal. We may walk through solid objects much like ghosts can."
Jewels smiled in response to Adam's comfirmation of him staying in town. He was glad that he would be sticking around. Jewels was enjoying himself and Adam did not seem to mind that much either. Besides his quest would get done soon enough. Maybe he could get Adam and Nicholas to join him if they weren't doing anything.

Jewels then turned his attention to Nicholas. "Yes that is me. I worked very hard to get where I am. Nothing will distract me from getting to the top." He glanced between the two men. "Well not everything."

He turned his attention back to Adam. "Our you both bounty hunters too?"


Swan started down the road. She would head back to visit her folks when she had finished her quest. If she wanted to get higher in the ranks, she knew she had to work hard. She was doing well she thought, but she knew she could improve. Actually being social might help, but Swan knew that she was trying.

Swan kept a hand on one of her weapons. She was going to pass by the Edfield Forest and she didn't want to be defenseless if she was attacked.
Nicholas chuckled slightly "yes, my name is Nicholas Nightfall currently S rank" Nicholas said doing a small bow "and i am currently on a mission, if either of you would like to tag along, it would be a good experience for both of you" Nicholas said part of him hoping they would for company and part of him hoping they wouldn't so he could get it done fast
((Yeah, sorry everyone is shattered. We could have times when all the bounty hunters need to return to Costard. Maybe to see if they can rank up.))
((ok. i may hav that happen now and then. oh and its about late evening just to let everyone know.))
Flower was at headcourters and was preparing to leave. Hunter barks and wags her tail. She was a white german shepherd. Flower looked at Hunter and giggles. "" She said pulling out a bone, she gave it to hunter and then continued packing. She looked outside.
(OOC: Lol, it's like volanda all over X3, might i suggest we use the quest or character threads for OOC chat?)

"A rank"

Adam glanced at Nicholas, unable to hide his satisfaction as he responded to Jewel's question, the last time the older man had seen him he had been struggling to progress from Rank C, unable to control himself in battle, and the more experienced hunter had often tried though failed in the attempt to help him learn. His stubborn pride and impatience conflicting with his interest and disregarding Nicholas' wisdom for arrogance even as he sought the others advice. He had not been an easy 'student' and to pace himself rather than go all out, it had taken a long time and alot of recovery to finally develop that particular skill.

"Though I've no plans to move any higher up the chain." He added, looking back at Jewels' with a smile.

Turning to Nicholas more fully then, he returned to the offer he'd extended. His quests were often dangerous, but then again so was he, at least Adam had always assumed so, and naturally he had always been curious, but from a spectator perspective. To be offered the chance to tag along was as off putting as it was exciting.

"I was hoping for something a little calmer than what you S ranked hunters demand." He finally admitted neither accepting nor declining. He knew Nicholas had an idea of his abilities, that they could quickly become a hindrance as much an asset, and so he looked at Jewels during his explanation, tone lowering, leaning closer to 'whisper' conspiratorially. "I went a bit over the top so my last job kind of took it out of me, i'd probably just get eaten"
((I was thinking that maybe we'd get called back to headquarters for a specific reason...maybe a mass hiring?

Anyhow, I'll post in a little bit. I need to do a bit of catching up.))
(I am fully and completely lost, and all the ooc posts arent' helping either. Can we please have something where some or all the characters meet? I was heading to the forest just because Sage asked for someone to and I needed a jumping in point but honestly I would rather actually have Faith hired for a task first rather than simply jump in into the middle of things. I don't want to write everything she does entirely on my own, I'd like some interaction...)
Zekeziel is knocked off balance when Danielle jumps into him and lets go of her hand, ending the effect of the spell. He takes a moment to steady himself before saying "Well now that you are safe and no longer in captivity, how about you head back home. Your parents must be worried."
Jewels laughed at Adam's comment. Even if he wasn't getting too far on the flirting front (yet) he seemed to have made a friend in him. He nodded.

"Would you like to accompany me then. I have a B rank quest I took on." Jewels smiled at Adam, hoping he'd agree. If he didn't it would be okay as well, but it had been some time since Jewels had actually spent more than a day or so with a person. He was around people all the time, but he wanted something more personal. And he'd like to get to know Adam as well. "After you rest of course."

Jewels turned towards Nicholas. The S rank quest sounded tempting to him. It would give him experience and a chance to prove himself as well. But he thought to decline it for now. "I would but I also have quests to do."

(I don't mind everyone meeting up either)

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