The Hunt for Adventure

Finally after another hour of traveling, the siblings finally made it to Edfield Forest. Not soon after entering they heard a few howls nearby. A pack of three dire wolves ran towards Selia and Alan. Selia put out her twinswords and rushed into action stabbing the wolves down before Alan could take out his crossbow. "Wow sis, you're awesome!" Alan exclaimed as he helped her skin the wolves and get as much meat as possible off them. Selia smiled at her brother.
(OOC: no idea what to expect from Zarend so made up an area within it, hope you don't mind)

Lifting the meatbun to his lips Adam took a small bite, releasing the hot air and blowing at it in cool before taking a larger one, eyes closing briefly as he leans back against the wall. After eating his own home cooked food for a week, the palm sized bun was practically gourmet and he smiled to himself, sliding down the wall to sit on his ankles as he glanced to the side at the busy square.

There was a fountain, some plants for aesthetic value, several stalls with food and souveniers to send and take home, as well as several shops selling a variety of products and there were some tables and chairs for seating too. Several servants of the houses went about their daily chores in a hurry purchasing matierals, and items their masters had bid them while others laden with boxes followed the wealthy who strolled leisurely, talking to one another and simply enjoying the day, relaxing in the sun as they shopped and Adam watched them as he ate, curious as to who they were, what they were doing.

Finishing off his food, Adam sucked at his fingertip and dusted off his hands. It had been a while since he had been to Zarend and standing he wandered over to one of the souvenier stalls glancing at the wares for sale before moving to the next. Coming to a flower shop he smiled squatting to take up a single wild daisy between his thumb and index, turning it slowly; his mother's favourite. He looked at the old women nearby, already pulling out several coins.

"I'll take this" He said and she moved toward him.

"Do you not want a bunch, dear...?" She replied in question and Adam shook his head with a smile placing the payment into her small fragile hand.

"Just this one"
Zekeziel was no illusion and Danielle would surely realize that when her hand touched the chestplate of his armour, which was crafted from a mix of dragon scales, cloth and dragon bone. Zekeziel says "I came when I heard your calls for help. Judging by that you were locked in here, you were kidnapped I assume? What happened exactly?"
"I'll take one too," Jewels called out. He knew that he should be looking for his next quest, but he also knew that it did not mean he could relax. He was passing through Zarend anyways and he had always met lovely people here. And besides the boy in front of him was too good a target to not flirt with. At least he appeared to be. He would find out soon enough.

(I'll post my quest list soon)
Zekeziel nods and says "He kidnapped you? Did he harm you in any way? Someone will have to deal with him but as for the more important matter at hand. I can get you out of here. Just take my hand and follow me." He puts out his hand.
Looking over his shoulder curious, Adam searched for the owner of the voice finally coming to rest upon a dark haired young man who didn't seem that much older than himself if that, and he pushed himself to his feet observing the other, smiling, brow raising in open curiosity.

"You don't seem the type" He stated in explanation, holding up the flower in indication, the hint of a question in his tone, before looking back at the old woman who had been waiting for his attention. As he looked at her she held out his change, but instead he merely nodded in the direction of the other. "Keep it, payment for both."
Zekeziel says "This way." He then focuses on channelling the spell he used to become ethereal earlier, spreading the effect over to Danielle since she was in physical contact with him. He starts walking and walks straight through the door.
"I've always been a sucker for beautiful things," Jewels replied in return. He took the flower and twirled it between his fingers. "I am just drawn to them. I can't help myself." He winked at Adam.


Swan frowned as she thought about her job. She wanted to do a different one, but this one was her rank and it seemed simple enough. She thought about the other one she had accepted, but she put it off for now. Swan sighed inwardly and looked towards an inn. She thought maybe to visit home first and started to head that way. Then she could do her job.

Belman was a good town and she had enjoyed her stay though. She thought she might come back here and rest if she had a job that could take her this way. For now she was off to her home in Kinsdan. She looked at the other direction. No she was off to Freevem. The package had to be delivered.
Selia and Alan slowly made their way through the forest and killed a few dire wolves along the way, same with a few giant ants that chased after them. Finally, just around dark, they made it to Edfield. "Let's find the Inn." Selia suggested. They checked into the Inn and fell asleep almost as soon as when they fell into bed.
"Ah-huh~" Was all Adam could voice in response, clearly unsure of what to make of the other's wink, and he quickly turned away looking back at the old lady, nodding his head in appreciation and offering his thanks as distraction as he selected another daisy from the large bunch.

"Makes sense, I guess..." He said pulling off and opening his rucksack. Removing his notebook and unwinding the string binding to slip the flower inside, the base of it's stem acting like a bookmark between the pages as he closed it once more with a soft thud, replacing it back inside his bag before brushing back his hair, holding out a hand in greeting as he finally finds his composure once more. "Adam"
Rosa had no luck when it came to finding any jobs in Sedfield. She made her way towards the towns only Inn hoping Bret had found something. She usually tagged along with him, helping complete the missions he picked up. As darkness fell over the town, Sedfield became more sinister. The creeps came out at night which meant a whole different crowd. The pub was bustling and the cat calls echoed behind her as she walked past. Leaf snarled nudging his owner faster. When she got their Bret was leaning against the front door.

"So you didn't get any jobs," he stated matter of factily. Of course he had been following her, Rosa felt stupid to even have thought she could have escaped his watchful eye.
((If anyone wants to talk to my characters Selia or Alan, as of now they are in Edfield but Alan will be heading to Herdward, then Rowley and Selia will be heading to Shylock Forest to kill spiders then head to Costard. So if anyone wants to meet up with them that would be awesome ^^ ))
Jewels grinned wide and took the hand. It seemed the boy did not know what to make of his wink. Jewels was inclinced to continue with his flirting. If he could make the other blush it would make his day. So he took the hand up to his mouth and kissed it lightly. Adam's hand felt a little rough, but nice. He wouldn't mind touching it some more, but he had a way that he went with the flirting game. If he did anything too big at first, it scared them off.

"Charmed." He dropped the hand and smiled at Adam. "I am Jewels. Thank you for buying my flower by the way."
((Can someone give me the link to the quest forum?))

Nicholas sighed as he neared the capital and landed outside the city and walked the rest of the way into Zarend the busy town had only a few things of interest to him one of which was the sale of high grade notebooks, as he walked through the streets he saw two of the bounty hunters talking weather they knew each other or not he did not know he knew most of them maybe not personally but by face and rank, he just walked past them though to a stand down the way and bought a notebook, he gave the clerk enough to cover it and then turned around and headed for the exit of town.
Shaking her head, Faith exits the market, heading instead towards the Shylock Forest. She has heard that many creatures lurk within its depths, and she intends to find out what, exactly, she can have fun with before it is brutally killed- by her, of coruse.

(sorry for short and crap post, you guys raced WAY ahead and I didn't know what else to say)
((um well....its in the fantasy storyline and info thread. wish I could give you a link. stupid phone!))

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((its ok faith, im sorry it was partly my fault how far in the day it is. im waiting until people get some time to chat before ill switch to the next day. days here will prob go by faster than my other rps.))
(OOC: Centurian would be okay if Adam knew Nicholas when he was younger and just starting out as a bounty hunter, perhaps he would often ask advice things like that? otherwise he'll know him simply by reputation // Also I will get my character started on quests as soon as he makes it back to Costad XP His nature means he's just never in any hurry to pick them up)

"I uh... yeah." Adam bumbled, unwilling to look the other in the eye. Rather than a blush, Adam stared at the other thoughtfully, a series of expressions passing over his features: shock, curiosity, realisation and as Jewel's finally released his hand, the fingers of the other automatically curled about it protectively as though in mild irritation, unused to the foreign contact. "Your welcome... I think?"

He frowned slightly. To say Jewels was an interesting individual was an understatement, he practically oozed confidence, and even Adam, usually so relaxed and moving with the current found himself at a loss on how to deal with such a flirtatious offensive and found himself casting around, searching for some way to distract the other and himself as he felt his cheeks begin to warm just in time to spot the vivid purple mass pass him that was ... was that.

"Nicholas!?" He suddenly blurted turning, his awkwardness suddenly all but forgotten. This new shock the slap in the face he needed to clear his thoughts from the haze Jewels had cast over them. "Where have you-, what are you doing here?"
Jewels laughed at Adam's reaction. He surely was not expecting to be hit on when he came to this shop clearly. And certiantly not by another man. But that was why Jewels loved what he did. People rarely saw it coming unless they knew him.

But something about Adam actually caught his interest. He didn't act like other guys he hit on. Mostly they either tried to hit him or they blushed, stammered and walked off. Adam had yet to do any of these things or might have been if someone else didn't catch his attention.

"Someone you know darling," Jewels asked. He added the darling part just to see how far he could go. Jewels sighed though. He knew he had to go do his quest. But he wanted to spend more time with Adam too. He liked a good chase as well and Adam had not outright rejected him. There was no reason not to pursue the boy at least until he got bored or Adam did something to turn him away. "Are you staying in this town long by the way?"
((that's fine gemini, nicholas would have been still about an a rank when you were starting so it would have been comon, at least i'm assuming for him to help others seeing as that's his personality))

Nicholas stopped midstep and turned around and saw Adam "well hello Adam, how have you been?" Nicholas asked walking back over to the two and studing the two up and noticing he had seen the other one taking up some A rank job's thinking back to names of A ranks and S ranks and remembering "and you would be Jewels, Currently A rank hoping to make S rank by the end of the year" Nicholas said calmly

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((ohh by the way gemini i love your signature))
(Zekeziel is on his way to Kird which is just outside Edfield forest and not far from Costard. He might end up meeting up with any characters on their way to Costard from the Edfield forest region. I'm stuck waiting however before I can post again since my last post is tied in with that of someone else. I have to wait for Ash before I can post again.)
Flower was on her way back to headcourters. She was walking through Edfield forest. She was caring a bag of suppose for her next quest. If she could get one. She walked calmly but got the feeling someone else was around. She looked around and then blinked no seeing anything. She hummed a beautiful tone to get her mind off things.

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