The Hunt for Adventure

((i feel like everyone should finish up there individual quests right now then head back to the base))

Nicholas nodded "suite your self's" Nicholas said turning and walking away from the two and sprouting his wings and taking off towards the forest
((Sorry guys, meant to post earlier but had dinner and then a phone call and okay, we can use the quest fourm as a ooc fourm and also, each bounty hunter is given a gem which glows and makes a humming noice when they are supposed to return to base, which everyone is going to have to do. sorry if i messed up anyones plans but this should help fix some issues we have had.))Selia and Alan were sound asleep when the bounty gem began to buzz by their bedsides, filling the room with a bright green light. Instently, Alan and Selia both woke up. "What's happening?" Alan mumbled, wanting to go back to bed. "The gem is going off." Selia replied, wanting to sleep longer as well. She began packing their things. "The heads want everyone back at base." The siblings left the Inn after they had all their things packed and found a carriage to give them a ride back to Costard. Once in Costard they hurried to the base, where a large group of bounty hunters were waiting. It appeared there was something big going to happen.
Flower and Hunter were already there. Flower was leaning on a wall looking around. She looked at Hunter who was calmly sitting beside her. She looked at the two new people who had entered. She gave a small smile, she looked at Hunter who was probably going to run around looking for someone to play with. Flower sighed knowing Hunter to well. She grabbed Hunter by the neck. She blinked and then suddenly was pulled foreward. "Whoah Hunter! Stop it!" She said and then pulled back, the next thing she new she was on the ground rubbing her head and Hunter was running around like crazy.
Zekeziel heard a buzzing sound and reached into his pockets, pulling out his bounty gem which he noticed was glowing brightly. "Seems I'll have to postpone completing that task. Must be important if all the hunters are being called back." He looks at Danielle and says "I'm sorry to hear that. If you like, you could travel with me. Right now however, I have to head back to Costard." He begins walking in the direction of Costard which he had not made any great deal of distance from so far. He walked slowly at first as he waited for Danielle's response.
Swan started when her gem buzzed at her. She looked down at it and smiled a little. She had just finished her job. She was glad to head back to HQ. Maybe she would get another quest. At least it would be important. Her only problem was that there would be other bounty hunters there. Swan sighed and shrugged. She couldn't change it. Swan started towards HQ.
Danielle called out with a smile "Danielle. I was about to ask you your name.." She smiled at him and walked to him. "Can I join you?"
Zekeziel replies "Of course. It would be nice to have the company as well." He then turns in the direction of Costard and continues walking.
Rosa and Bret had just settled into their room when their gems went off. Her's was a deep red and his was shimmery navy blue, they were set into their Leaf and Thorn's collars so they were never lost.

"Let's go we can buy some horses. We needed some anyway." Bret said leaving a single coin on their bed and leading the way out of the room. He watched as other Hunter's go carriage rides but it was about time he taught Rosa to ride. So while she was packing their things upstairs he slipped into the livery and bought to horses. Both sturdy, fast animals ready to go, however the mare he got for Rosa was a bit tamer. Thorn snuffled around the grass waiting as the blue gem around his neck glowed in the night air.

Rosa came down the stairs at a lightning pace. Finally Bret was going to teach her to ride, he was holding what looked to be a white Connemara mare and fiery Chestnut stallion. She resisted the urge to squeal before mounting the quickly. It felt so natural and easy, with a sigh Bret mounted. "Okay we are gonna take it slow," with a sigh Rosa nodded as they set off on the dark road.


Nicholas had still been flying for his target when he got the buzz a bit before most people, he turned around and flew back at the fastest pace he could manage "why do they have to call a meeting now" Nicholas asked no one in specific seeing as he was flying
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"Here, ma'am, this package is from Illia," the blond boy said, no less weary from all his running. The woman, Destiny, mumbled her thanks and gave him some money for all his troubles. He was thinking about resting in Vitale for the night when his jacket buzzed. Well, to be honest, it was something within his jacket. His bounty hunter gem. He pulled out the golden stone and peered at the glowing rock. "Well, back to headquarters, I guess!" Alphonse said cheerfully and took off down the road.

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Isabel had just finished shopping and packing, and had made her way out of Sagar when her gem buzzed. The gem, when she removed it from her pocket, glowed a gentle pink. Frowning slightly, Isabel crossed the river that separated her from her destination, and joined her fellow bounty hunters within the walls of Costard.
((Im going to wait until most are at the meeting before I post as the heads of the bounty hunters about why they were called. and also ash, your girl is a bounty hunter so she qwould know.))
((My typing time was cut off this morning, so here's the rest of my Alphonse-is-going-to-Costard-now post.

One thing I ask about the groups is that you try to put three different roleplayers into a group. I guess that's a bit self-explanatory, but there's a few of us with two characters. I think it's me, you, and 14hca14, and maybe Fire? Possibly Legendless. It's been a bit since I last checked to see whose characters were doing what and where they are...))

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The blond boy came to a halt in front of Costard. Though panting from his running, he grinned and rushed inside, shouting hello at everone he saw.
Flower looked at the new blond boy. She smiled and then saw Hunter walk over to him barking. Flower sighed and then looked at Hunter. "Hunter over here now." She called and Hunter whined coming back. Flower nodded at her White german shepherd. "Good girl." She said and then look back at the new boy.
((Ok, I do think 3 would be good to a group. And they will need to be around the same rank too so I will browse the character fourm and make up groups))
((Sage, I think Ash has a plan to have her character become a bounty hunter once she reaches Costard. Am I right, Ash?))

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The blond boy smiled at the dog that came over to him. He waved at it and almost said hi, but it was called away by its owner. He looked up at the dog's owner, a female bounty hunter, and smiled at her also. "Hi!" he called, waving at her, "You have a nice dog there. Does she help you on your missions?" As he spoke, he walked over to her, grateful for the chance to talk to another bounty hunter. Maybe he could get some tips on swordsplay!

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Where was everyone?

People usually flocked in within minutes. Isabel saw some people milling around, but not many. Breathing out a puff of air in a huff, she pulled her dagger from its sheath to make sure it was still sharp. Finding it so, she checked her other weapons.
(ooc: Legend, fee free to drag my character back with you. Makes no sense me posting i went seperate when yours is RIGHT THERE. lol. Also Sage the amount of ooc posts are getting confusing as there's loads of pure ooc here between posts -it took me ages to understand the gemstone thing as you have to hunt- and some in the character thread; so i repeat, maybe make a thread for it or use one of the other existing ones? also in my characters picture he has a gem dangling from his sword, that is now official his hunters gem, quite ideal~.)

Wishing him luck, Adam watched Nicholas depart, a hand raising to shield his eyes from the sun's glare before shifting his gaze downward. Lowering his hand he pressed the thumb tip to center chin, curling the other digits beneath it as his free arm folded across his front.

"If you want to hire me for a B-rank..." He murmered in all seriousness, tone suddenly proffesional, even as the glint in his eye gave him away. "... It'll cost you more than air."

In a sudden flash of inspiration some short moments later he looked at Jewels with a eureka snap of the fingers, however he never did get to finish the sentance or voice his payment as a faint low rising hum caught his attention, and he glanced down at his blades where a clear glass orb hung, now glowing red from within and he frowned, somewhat disappointed by the timing.

"... Or not." He said, pulling it it up by hooking his fingers through the chain. "Looks like i'm being summoned."
Flower looked at him and smiled. " Hi. Yes she does...she's a bit hyper though." She smiled and then looked down at hunter. She scratched the dog behind her ear. "She just loves meeting new people. With everyone here she's been giving me some trouble." She said and then chuckled at Hunter. "Her name is Hunter."

Hunter looks at the boy and wags her tail. She gets on her back legs and puts her front legs on the boy wagging her tail. She sniffs the boy and then sits down hopping to be petted.

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