The Hunt for Adventure

Jewels scowled. He wanted to be able to choose who he was with. Nicholas seemed fine when they had met, but he didn't want to separate from Adam just yet. He was half-tempted to ask if he could be switched to be in Adam's team. Or even if they were allowed to work with others. In fact....

"Are we allowed to work with other bounty hunters outside our team?"

Swan looked at the ground. She wasn't good in groups. This was terrible news. She wasn't sure how to handle it.
The head hunter looked at Jewels. "Yes, you can work with other groups but you must stay with your groups." He could tell by the looks they were giving him, that they were not happy. "I know some of you may not liking with others, or being seperated from those close to you, but as bounty hunters, we need to learn to go outside our comfort zone. This is only temperarity so try to just bear it for now."
((Sorry if the list I made upset anyone. I tried getting people of generally the same rank together as well as tried to have guys and girls in each group. Then I also had to make sure everyone had a fair chance of roleplaying with characters they had not roleplayed with. The group system was created so the time issue would be eliminated and also with people running all over the place, this will make it easier for people to have their characters interact with others.))
(I see. Well, no problems here.)

Zekeziel had stepped inside just a few minutes before the announcement was said. After hearing it, he wasn't displeased or upset like some were. This meant he would meet someone new. Now just for Danielle to join and hopefully she would be placed in the same group he was in. Zekeziel looked in the direction of the head hunter and asked "I'm curious to find out if there might be a qualifications list for ranking up. Say for example how many missions must be completed before one can have their rank increased."
(I'm fine with it, Jewels is just upset he can't harass, er, flirtAdam as much as he wants to. But he will find a way.)

Jewels turned to Adam and smiled at him. "Seems we must go our separate way, but I'll be sure to ask you and your new group to join me and my new pal. I'd hate to have to go, but I cannot fight it."

Jewels winked at Adam and leaned over. He kissed him lightly near the mouth, but not on it. Then he gave him the daisy he had kept. "So you do not forget me."
(That's got to be the creepest thing I've ever read... O.o ' O.o OxO lol three funny faces lol)

Flower looked up and then looked down. She didn't get in a group with her new friend. Not to mention she had to tain him. She petted hunter and then looked around. She sighed deeply and then continued to pet hunter who whined seeing her owner was not happy.
Isabel frowned deeply. This wasn't why she had become a bounty hunter, not at all. This wasn't why she enjoyed the life of a bounty hunter. She didn't want to be paired with others she had never met, people she didn't care about, who could be a liability.

Well, since they were bounty hunters, they probably weren't. She just hoped the group of E's could handle themselves alright.

She'd heard the names of the people in her group before. She wasn't sure of their faces, but she knew the names. Adam and Flower. One male, one female. She hoped that, if this lasted for a while, she could get to trust them.

Isabel was a decent judge of people, so she peered around looking for people who could be her group-mates. She hoped they would find her, mostly since she wasn't the sort of person who just walked up to someone and introduced herself, group-mate or no.

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((By part of Izzy's post about the E's, I mean no offense to the characters or RPers. Just that she thinks they might not have such an easy time...))

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Alphonse was surprised when he first heard the announcement, but was excited immediately after. He'd be traveling around the world with other people! He would have someone to talk to on the road!

The trouble being his mentor was not in his group. he turned to Flower. "I guess we'll be parting ways for now. Maybe if we meet up somewhere in the world, you could train me for a bit. I'll keep up my practice after I get a lighter sword," he said. "And besides, the world isn't that big, right? And we've got other people to have adventures with!"
((haha ong yes that post with jewels was one of the strangest posts i have every seen on here!)) "In order to gain ranks you need to preform enough quests of your own level, like 10 or so. Or to save you the time, you could pair up with someone of a higher level to complete the harder tasks. The group exeriement should help with some of you ranking up." The head told Zekeziel, "However ranking only occurs during a ranking ceremony. We will hold one within the near future."
Flower looked at hm and then got up. "Well i don't live to far from here...when ever you have some free time you could come over, I'm sure my dad will be there if I'm not." She shrugged and then continue to pet hunter. "I have hunter so I guess I never minded not having others around, I hope I get along with them." She sighed a bit and Hunter licked Flower face. Flower giggles a bit. "Hunter...."
(([MENTION=1923]Zekeziel[/MENTION] she wanted to hold his hand xD ))

((So i'm slightly lost, where are we now?))
(I don't get how it was creepy or strange. Maybe I rped far too long with my old group and I'm use to how we all rp together. *shrugs*)

Swan looked at the people who she would be working with. She remained where she was. Maybe if she had nothing or did nothing, they would ignore her or forget her. That way she didn't have to work with anyone. That would be good.

Will walked in with his daughter Lisa sleeping on his back. He walked in and then blinked as a few girls go aw over his little girl. He blinked and looked at Lisa and lightly chuckled. He was givg her a piggy back ride when she must have fell asleep. He looked around and then walked over to the head bounty hunter. "Sory I'm late...Lisa slowed me down a bit...what's going on?" He asked lisa silently sleeping unaware of all the noise going on. He looked at her. "Now if only she would do this at home. I wont have to worry about waking her." He looked back at the guy.
Caydehl laughed leaning away rolling his eyes at Jewels' insinuation of impending amnesia as he lifted a hand to the others face to draw fingers over the surface of his cheek in sooth before suddenly flattening and pushing him away with the palm. The travel to Costad had been... interesting, to say the least, and he had quickly grown used to the other's playful and near constant teasing, deciding to just go with it. Needless to say he had come to enjoy the Jewels' company, and although used to being placed in unfamiliar groups due to his mercenary work he somewhat begrudged having no say in the matter.

"I'm sure i'd manage." He finally managed with a smile even as he took the memento, tucking the stem into the band binding his hair before adding. "though put like that; you've given time limit to the memory. it'll die by tommorrow midday"

Looking away from jewels' he cast about, searching for faces that might possibly match the names he'd been given with little clue as to where to start, turning to look more fully.

"At least you know who you're teamed with..." He said aloud to Jewels with a sigh finally giving up in his search, most likely they had no idea who he was either, and so raising a hand he instead called out. ".... Flower, Isabel?! Over here!"

He kept it raised for a a momment longer so they might see him before lowering it, turning to look at Jewels' with a grin, directing it toward him with a shooing motion. "... you're giving the wrong impression

EDIT: (ooc: lol! phear teh creepeh~~)
The man looked at Will. "I created a few groups of people to see how well we could work together." He looked down at his paper. ,In fact, you have been selected to join group 5." He looked up at everyone. "I want group 5 to come stand here with Will, group 1 please stand over there." He pointed to the bulltin board. "Group 2 you stand by that table," He pointed to the table near the bullitin board. "Group 3 go meet by that plant." He pointed to a tall plant in the counter of the room. "And Group 4 gather by that table." He pointed to the table by the plant.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Selia made her way over to the bullltin board. She was nervous. She didn't know either of her groupmates. 'Maybe they will be nice to me.' She thought, hopefully. She had trouble connecting with people which was why she was upset she couldn't work on her own, or if they insisted on people working together, she could work with her brother.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Alan slowly walked over to the table where group 2 was to meet at. He was just as nervous as his sister, if not more so. He was a lower rank and he was still learning to fight. He wasn't sure if he would fit in with his group. To make matters worse on his nerves, his groupmates were girls. He got extremley nervous around girls.
Will looked back at Lisa. "Hey....come on wake up..." He said silently and lifted her up and then down to shake her awake. Lisa groaned and then slightly opened her eyes. She spoke in a quiet cute voice. "But....daddy....I.." she yawns. "Tired." Will chuckled and then looked at her. "Come on....we've got team mates to meet." He gently set her down. She leaned on her dad hugging his le as she yawned.

Flower looked at the boy who yelled. "Come on hunter." She turned to the boy she was talking to. "I'll see you better go meet with your group." She said walking over to the one who called her name. She blinked and then looked down at Hunter. "You be good." She said shaking a finger at her dog.
(@Ash Autopsy: I edited my post on page 13 since I now know that Danielle wanted Zekeziel to hold her hand. Also, everyone should now be in the bounty hunter headquarters in Costard. Since you hadn't posted in a while, I put in my next post that the two reached the building or sort of an assumption of that since I put he reached and they were travelling together. Danielle wasn't a bounty hunter just yet so I don't know how she was paired up in one of the groups but I'm not complaining. It was supposed to go along the lines of you had her come with Zekeziel and she joins when the meeting is over I believe.)

Zekeziel nodded before walking over to the table where the members of group 4 were supposed to meet. When he reached there, he looked around the room at the other groups. When he saw Flower and Hunter, he said softly to himself "Mortis I beg you. Please don't make that dog get near me. I'm in no mood to deal with a dog trying to steal one of my bones again."
Flower looked at the other group member and then slightly waved. Hunter wagged her tail and walked over sitting down. She got on her back legs looking like she was sitting up. She wagged her tail and tilted her head begging. She just wanted to be petted. Flower looked at Hunter. "Oh Hunter..." She put a hand on her forehead. "You are going to get me in trouble."
(The head bounty hunter I think. He's still in the room. You could have Danielle go directly to him or I could have Zekeziel ask him if you could join.)
Zekeziel looked back to the head bounty hunter and said "Excuse me but there is someone with me who would like to become a bounty hunter. Her name is Danielle." As he says Danielle's name, he gestures to her so the head bounty hunter would know who Zekeziel was referring to. He continues by saying "And may she be in the group I am in?"
"Have her comee over and fill out some forms." The head replied, "And since she is new I see no problem in adding her to your group."

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