The Hunt for Adventure

Will rolled his eyes slightly. He looked at Lisa. If he looking into the Jewels guy correctly, he wasn't the type of guy he wanted Lisa around. Though he had no choice in the matter. He looked back to Flower, how much she has grown since he last saw her with Logan, his best friend. He looked at Jewels with his normal stern face. "I see."
(ooc: another late and not to great one i felt i should post before bed X3)

"It's a matter of competency, not gender." Adam responsed simply and somewhat harshly with a wave of his hand, dismissing the comment easily and without even a momments consideration before gesturing to himself and Isabel and responding like a true grade-a jerk. "You'll be working with us from now on, that means understanding we have our own techniques and style to accomodate our strengths and weaknesses and adapting, just as we will have to to work together without hindering each other. Hunter is cause for concern in this regard and were she not an extension of your arm I would personally demand she be kept off the battlefield."

Adam folded his arms across his front, frown deepening as his thoughtful gaze dropped to the Shepard in question as he continued to explain. "I am dominantly a close to mid range fighter. My attack radius can often be wide and i cannot retract the majority of my strikes as they are intended to kill; if your dog approaches the target when my swords are drawn I cannot guarantee her survival"
Flower looked at him and then glared. "Same here and Hunter does purfectly fine! She's a great fighter and she will be of should see her fight before demanding me to keep her from doing something she enjoys and is helpful in." She said her voice raising with anger. Hunter noticed this and got up growling at Adam. SHe rased her tail and showed her teeth. Flower looked at Hunter. "Down girl." Hunter sat down wagging her tail. Flower looked at Adam. "She's staying on the battle field. It's what I trained her to do, and it's what she does best." She said alittle more calmed.

She sighed. "I know at first glance she seems like the dog who would be an issue in battle but I assure you, I work best with her and she with me." She looked at him.
Zekeziel turns to Danielle and says "And now you're one of us and welcome to the team. By any chance, do you have any experience in combat? If not then I could teach you a bit of magic if you want. That is if you have the aptitude for it." He starts walking to the mission board, saying "Oh and to get your missions, you go to the mission board over here." Once he reached the board, he looked over the various assignments which had not yet been taken. He saw one about a theurgist in Kird wanting someone with skill in magic to harvest moonlight for him. He took down the paper with the assignment on it and conjured a black book which had forest green edges. He opened it before placing the paper inside the book and finally dispelling the book, causing it to vanish.
Zekeziel looked at Daniele and said "Well that would be a bit of a problem but nothing that cannot be fixed. As for alchemy and magic, I can teach you but for using weapons you would have to seek help from someone else."
"Which would you prefer, magic or the use of weapons? Also, I can help you with completing any missions you take on. Right now however, I have three which will require that I go to Kird. If you choose missions that involve the same area then we could go there and get a bunch of missions done much faster since we would have each others' help."
Danielle nodded slightly and smiled. "Well first of all, I'd prefer magic, Second, I need your help choosing a mission that's somewhat easy.."
Zekeziel nods before saying "Okay. I will teach you what I can. Just tell me what particular spells you might want to learn when we start the training. As for easy missions, I would recommend the ones with the rank on the displayed as E. Those are usually ones that will have you do tasks such as delivering letters or picking vegetables or something else easy."
Nicholas walked in , rather late, and walked up to the bounty hunter head "so whose my partners?" Nicholas asked the man realizing his wings were still out and he made them disappear as he rolled his shoulders
Rosa sighed finally taking on the responsibility of speaking, "I'm Rosa and this is Leaf, I also have a mare out in the livery who will be traveling with us. I work best with a bow and arrow but who knows how many weapons I have hidden on me," she finished gaining confidence as she spoke. Her eyes darted around the group waiting for someone else to speak. Rosa leaned against the table, she was weary from travel but she still had a few good hours in her.

"So I'm Bret," he said extending a hand to each person in his group. "Um this is Thorn, he is amazing in a fight and remarkably obedient. Oh and don't tell any criminals but his bark is worse than his bite," he added with a laugh.
Jewels smiled when Nicholas arrived.

"Ah Nick, it seems we will be working with each other after all." He pointed to Will and Lisa. "This is Will, our other teammate and his daughter Lisa. They will be with us as well it seems."


Swan noted that one of them has spoken, Rosa? She opened her mouth again and managed a sound.

"Swan. I'm....Swan."
Nicholas looked over at jewels and then ran his glance over the other two one being his equal and the other will's daughter, he recognized them from when will last tested to become s class "So, i'm stuck with you people, might as well make it work, jewels you will have some fun missions in the future and Will i know you can hold yourself, but can you protect her as well if we were up against a dragon?" Nicholas asked will wanting to make sure will remembered the kind of quests Nicholas usually went on
"I'm Alan Cross." Alan introduced himself to the two girls. He looked at Rosa's dog. "What does she do? Does she help out with your missions?" -------------------------------------------- "I'm Selia Cross." Selia introduced herself in a soft voice. "What type of missions do you usually take? And are you on any tasks right now? I have two." She stayed a bit of a distance away from Vret and his dog. She was afraid of dogs, ever since she was young after she had been attacked by one.
Will looked at him and then chuckled as he picked up Lisa. "She'll be fine, I've taken her with me for the past year, against many foes. She has her own protection." he said and looked at Lisa who took a breath and out came a small amount of fire. Will looked at him. "Of she stays on my back she's fine most of the time, sure she gets a cut or two but mostly from just being a little girl." Lisa giggled and hugged her fathers neck. Will cleared his throat, she was choking him again.
Zekeziel sighed before saying "Well we have to do something to get paid and it won't always be small jobs like that. Apparently, we just have to complete ten missions of our rank and we can rank up next time they have the...a ritual or ceremony I believe it was?"
Isabel remained quiet, listening intently to the descriptions of the others abilities and following the gist of the disagreement. "It's a little obvious now that I'm Isabel, but I'll just mention my name again," she said at a break in the discussion. "I'm a versatile fighter, carrying an arsenal of midrange, close range, and far range weapons. I prefer mid- or close range weapons in most forms of combat." Now, if I was being harsh, I'd mention that a group I was in previously was incompetent. They don't really need my...hubris? Nah, I wouldn't call it that... she thought, glancing between the two of them.

"Dogs can be a larger asset than a human, and even friendly dogs can be deadly killers. But anything, or anyone, can be overcome," Isabel added, "We all appear to be competant fighters here, and we do need to learn how to work together. But starting off with cold words is not going to raise camaraderie, nor is it going to help us work as a team."

She waited a moment for what she said to be interpreted by the two, before adding, "Well, that's just my opinion. I'm not one to work in a group, either, but we should at least try."

--- Merged Double Post ---

"The only way to participate in a quest higher than your skill level is to join someone on a quest who has a higher rank than you. And since we're all rank E here..." Alphonse said.

((Sorry if I missed any questions with Alphonse, Zekeziel and Ash.))
"So what will be our first quest to do together," Jewels asked. He wanted to say goodbye to Adam again if he could and wasn't sure when the other groups might leave. Also if he wanted to bother Adam, he wanted to know where he might be. "Should we go through what quests we have and decide together on one?"
"They aren't cold words" Adam stated in response to Isabel, forcing himself to level his tone, fully aware however that it might appear that way. Though the severity remained as he looked between the two girls.

"I'm not asking for Hunter to be kept her off the field, nor am I questioning her ability, I'm merely saying we keep in mind the situation... we're a team, one that Hunter is not going to be able to adapt so quickly as us, she's used to working solo with you in a specific way, Flower. Wemust not get ahead of ourselves assuming that our individual skills we work so well in team based combat..." He sighed, thoughts already elsewhere as he continued. "... I have no intention of going on any A rank missions whether my own or yours until i'm certain it's not suicide."

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