The Hunt for Adventure

"Oh they're in the Shylock Forest, you know some people hate that place; they think it is too dark but I find it kind of mysterious and interesting. Your right about how killing the spiders will make it so much easier. I swear I got a mission once where I had to collect the venom of a still living Viper, the Healer claimed it wouldn't work if they creature was dead," Bret added rolling his eyes playfully.

Rosa nodded, "Oh our dogs don't buy unless I command it or they believe us to be in danger. And even than they will give warning signs before snapping; Leaf and Thorn are just big puppies on the inside nothing to be scared of," she said as Leaf sniffed at her pockets expectantly.
Selia chuckled slightly. "Well shall we get going?" She asked. The head didn't seem to be wanting them to stay around.

"I'm not afraid of them." Alan replied, "I love dogs. it's my older sister who is terrified. Anyways, do you girls want to get going? The quest givers may get annoyed if we do not do what they asked us to do."

((if someone else joins Ill add them to Bret and Selia's group then))
Zekeziel gestures to Danielle and says "This is my friend and group member, Danielle." He then looks to her and says "I almost forgot. Since you're going to be learning magic then I should get some gear for you. I have some robes, staves, sceptres and other pieces of gear used by mages stored away in Krospell I believe."
Adam looked at the little girl, no more than eleven surely, that had suddenly appeared at Will's side. Though no sooner had he begun to wonder whether he should be alarmed by the child's presence did he suddenly shake his head in realisation as his mind made the connection. This was the child he had heard rumours about, this must be the daughter of the S rank hunter able to wield fire. Will's daughter, though he had not known it had been him then.

He smiled as he took up Will's hand with a warm shake, throwing a playful and pointed glance at Jewels as he did so,
this is how you greet people, before responding to the older man.

"Adam, and I'll keep it in mind, though i've already provoked the edges" He said then looked at t
he little girl who had suddenly appeared between them.

"Can i so see Sissy!?"

Her words were directed at Will expectantly and Adam laughed shortly, sobering as her shoulders visibly sagged in crestfallen response as she continued to look up sadly at her father, though the smile remained

"I'd be more careful about making this little firefly upset to be honest" He said and leant forward, hands resting upon his knees, eyes levelling with Lisa's before narrowing suspiciously, his head tilting in playful challenge as he asked in attempt to distract her. "I hear you can use magic too, is it true?"

Will crossed his arms looking at his daughter. He looked at Jewels and raised a brow and then looked at Adam again keeping his eye on his daughter. He didn't want her showing off to much. He looked at his daughter as she looked at him.

"I use magic?" She asked and then opened her hand lighting a fire in it.

Will looked at her and then looked at Adam. "I guess it is. Although it comes naturaly to her." He said and then looked at her again.

Lisa started playing with the fire rolling it around her hand and arm. She giggled.

Flower looked at the the other girl. "I guess it's Dire wolf hunting..." She shrugged and then walked over to Adam. She was about to say something when suddenly.....

"SISSY!!!!" Lisa jumpped on Flower and hugged her. "Sissy!"

Flower laughed and hugged the little girl. "Lisa! Oh hi Will."

Will smiled and then looked at Flower. "Flower, it's been to long. As you can've grown?"

Flower chuckled and then nodded. "I's been missing you and kicking your butt on Chess." She chuckled and set Lisa down. "Anyways, I was going to tell Adam here that we are going after the Dire wolf."
Adam bit his smiling lip guiltily, trying in vain to make his expression appear more apologetic as he looked at Flower before finally lifting a hand to cover and hide away their treachery his gaze averting away from her to Jewels.

"That's what i was supposed to be saying" He said, nodding in Flower's direction indicating his meaning, then frowned slightly. "Though not sure where yet."

He began to take several steps back with an apologetic shrug, this time he meaning it.

"Try not to get yourself killed, it'd be a shame." He said with a smile, then
looking at the remainder of the group as he turned continued "It was nice meeting you all, and Lisa you've an amazing gift. i promise i'll show you mine next time..."

He idly placed his hand lightly atop Flowers' head as he leant close smiling. "Shall we go then?"

Bret nodded, "Yeah let's get going, I just got to stop by the livery," he said starting to head for the door. "So how hard is it to catch and kill one of those Giant Spiders."

"Yeah, let's head out," Rosa said gathering up her canvas bag and weapons.
Zekeziel takes a step back when he sees Lisa playing with the fire she created. Fire was nothing new to him but he didn't want to take the chance of being lit on fire should she drop the flame or it go astray. "So I'm just wondering but would the bunch of you be passing by Kird along the way to do your quests?"
"Actually the challege is the amount." Selia said following Bret out of the meeting spot. "I need to collect 20 vials of vemon, and one spider usually only produces enough vemon for one vial." She tightened the straps on her rucksack to prvent it from being stolen while around so many people.

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Alan picked up his crossbow and strapped it along with the arrows onto his back. "Yeah, looks like everyone else is leaving too." Alan follows Rosa,while walking slow enough so Swan can catch up.
Danielle looked at him and nodded slightly, looking at the flames.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(( [MENTION=1923]Zekeziel[/MENTION] ))
Flower looked at him with a confiused look. She wondered why he had gotten close. She blinked and then glanced at Will who was busy trying to catch Lisa. SHe looked at Adam and then raised an eyebrow. She blinked and then looked at Adam. "Yeah....let's go." She said crossing her arms.
Adam smiled, eyes sparking with amusement as he witnessed the confusion pass over her expression and he met Flower's gaze levelly, nodding in confirmation once more. Resisting the urge to playfully ruffle her hair he removed his hand and moved to collect his rucksack and weapons from nearby.

He tossed the former over a shoulder, then attaching the latter about his waist with practiced ease he adjusted the fixings slighty, stroking fingertips over the hilt and curling and flexing them about it as he found his way back to the two girls.

"All set?" He smiled easily, then looked at Flower. "Lead the way."

Flower called Hunter and then looked at Adam, carefully watching him. He was a bit....touchy and that she had to learn to ignore. She let out a sigh and then walked outside heading to Vetale to investicate the Dire wolf a bit. She needed to know if it had a pack of regular wolves or not. She looked at Hunter who was walking beside her. Hunter was in...well Hunter mode. Her ears perked and listening, her tail down, standing like a posed dog and walking like a hunter, careful not to make to much noise. Her head was up streaching her neck. Her eyes looking around and her nose busy picking up scents from the air. FLower smirked a bit at Hunter.
We're finally leaving? Isabel followed her group out the door, a sullen look on her face. At least she would be fighting again, instead of standing around indoors.

Alphonse was called over by another bounty hunter (NPC), and chatted to him for a little before he realized that his teammates had moved on. After realizing this, he ran around frantically for a little bit before discovering Zekeziel and Danielle. "So, uh, what did I miss?"
Will had caught his little girl and carried her back putting her in a corner as a punishment for running off. He stood behind her glaring down. Lisa starts to sniffle and Will sighed trying to ignore it. She needed to know running off could be deadly. "Please stop it Lisa....running off on me could get you killed. I'm only doing this because I love you." He whispered to her and then patted her head. She turned around and hugged him. Will hugged back. He looked at Alphonse and then watched carefully as he lifted his little girl and carried her as she calmed down. He stood beside his team mates. He looked at them all unsure of any of this.
Hooking both hands behind his head, Adam looked up at the puffs of white that drifted lazily through endless blue, smiling with recognition as with each step they shifted, forming familiar shapes. before releasing a sigh

The journey away from Costad was much different from the one arriving. Whereas before he had hoped he would never arrive, now there was now a sense of urgency to return, even as their quest had only just begun, and pivoting 180 degress to walk backwards he looked back at the fortified city in the distance. He frowned dropping his hands, fingers moving over the edge of his mouth as he faced forward and he shook his head looking back at the two girls, bringing his thoughts back to the present.

Isabel had barely said a word, though her quick defence of Flower's pet and partner had said alot despite her silence. He let her be for now however, he had the impression she was used to working alone and he would rather wait for her to open up than force it on her.

He shifted to look then at Flower, smiling at the alert Hunter by her side, their readiness for battle at odds with his calm and unguarded demeanour. However that soon changed as he saw the darkened edges of the forest begin to come into view and he realised for the first time they were heading directly toward it, their having not yet altered toward Belman, and frowning he jogged to catch up to Flower, a hand moving to the hilt of the blade at his side.

"We cannot cut through"
He said to her mutedly eyes focused on the trees ahead. He usually made a point of avoiding the forests. "We need to stay on the road"
Flower stopped looking at him. "I always go through here." She said and then turned to look at him. "If we go around it will take much more time. May I ask why you are so conserned?" She said with a smile. She looked at Hunter who was still on alert.
Adam slowed to a stop, cringing slightly in both apology and defeat as he held up his hand with a shrug, the grass covered earth directly below his feet at first stirring and then shrivelling in decay as he drew out it's energy. He gathered it into a small dark mass that hovered gently above his palm, crackling wildly and seemingly whipping at his skin before dieing down into something akin to a sphere, spitting sparks.

"I'm not welcome." He said, using his other hand to gesture to the ground beneath him by way of explanation, referring to the guardians and spirits of the forest, particularly the dryads and treemen whose wrath he stirred simply by being near. He hadn't been home in years because of them. "Even the road is not safe for me, the forest won't let me go so easily."

He sighed, closing his fingers about the energy and drawing it in, his eyes continuing to glow for a momment longer before reverting back to their usual dulcet tones as he expelled it from his body with a lazy though heavy flick of his wrist.

"Naturally the more i defend, the more will appear, and they will come from both sides" He continued looking back toward the trees. "And whilst i can kill one or two easily enough with this ability in itself, the combined energies of several can be more than a little overwhelming..."

Flower looked at the forest. She raised an eyebrow. She was always welcome in the forest. "How do you expect to fight the Dire wolf if we can not go into the forest." She said and then sighed. "Hmmm I wonder..." She said walking over to him. "Hmmm. I use light magic so I'm always welcome because I give off light that helps every plant in the forest, more then normal light. SO if I give you some of that you think they'd let you in?" She asked.
He smiled abashed, his expression clearly stating he hadn't really considered it at the time, and had he been forced to explain he would have admitted that he'd been to distracted by it being a dire wolf notice much else in the first place.

"Destruction nullified by creation" He said quietly looking at the forest, mulling it over carefully this time before shifting his gaze back at her.

"I guess there's only one way to find out" He said with a smile "I'll stick close and refrain from magic."

Well, this will certainly be interesting...

And wouldn't it? The forest hated Adam, liked Flower...and probably didn't care about her. Although, it could consider her impure... No. I'm not going to think about that. Too late for that, though. She held up her hand, thinking about what she could create, just by a thought. What she could do, just with an action.

Isabel took hold of the handle of her whip, giving it a practiced yank that uncurled it from her waist without scratching her. The tip fell softly to the ground, but she took the end in her hand to stop if from dragging on the ground.

"Is there anything special about this particular dire wolf?" she asked, back to the business of the hunt.
Zekeziel looked to Alphonse and said "Danielle and I will just be tagging along with another group to help them with a dangerous mission for the excitement and to rank up faster. And I'm going to be teaching her magic as well as getting some mage gear for her from the ruined city of Krospell. You didn't miss too much."
Flower smiled and then set a hand on his arm and pulsed a bit of light on him and then slowly moved to the forest. She looked at Hunter who was waiting. She looked at the other girl and then shrugged. "Nothing really, although it might be incharge of a pack." She looked at Adam.

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