The Hunt for Adventure

(Sorry for not posting.)

Jewels was upset that he really didn't get to say goodbye to Adam, but he would make sure that somehow he would get in contact with him. If he could learn where his group went it wouldn't be that hard. He was going to make sure that Adam didn't forget him and fall for one of his teammates. He already had a letter in mind for the first one. For now he raised an eyebrow at Nick.

"Really specific. I'm cool with fighting a dragon but where and what kind would be nice to know."
Isabel followed Flower. "So, how will we know when we kill it?"

Alphonse grinned for the umpteenth time that day. "Dragon? Sure, I'll come!" I kinda have to...but this sounds like fun, anyway!
((both of my characters are stuck.....both people who play characters in my group are rarely online.... im thinking of switching my characters group and having selia and alan join other groups. Selia is rank C and Alan is rank D, would anyone be willing to accept any of my people into their group?))
(Flower is rank B and WIll is rank S....but i wouldn't mind one of your characters to join Flower's group....I'm on here ALLL the fact I'm starting to think maybe to much lol)
((I'd take one of your chars on {or both}. I feel like...I don't put forth enough, y'know?

But anyway, whatevs! I'll go with the flow, mm?))
((what level are your characters rhia? and fire maybe selia will join flowers group. since shes only one level away from flower))
((hmm ok so fire and rhia i think ill have selia in izzy and flowers group and alan in al's group))
((Alphy welcomes his new member ^_^ Izzy is sighing at the prospect of yet another person, but she'll get along fine...I shall make it so.))
(ooc: lol! Adam is growing a uterus as we speak X3)


Adam's eyes widened at the sudden familiar warmth that enveloped him, absorbing into the skin and he looked up in curious fascination at the force behind it.

"I'll stay close" He repeated with a smile, though his eyes were focused conveying his intent to defend against any stragglers or flankers that broke through before returning to his scanning of the forest's edge, watching closely between the trees, relaxing steadily as they moved closer without hint of movement as he continued to listen to their conversation.

"... So, how will we know when we kill it?"

"Usually it'll keel over, perhaps with a curdling whine" Adam responded easily, glancing toward Isabel briefly with a playful smile and looking back at Flower. "Though Isa has a point, unless our quest is to actually render ourselves pointless by hunting down every last dire wolf within the region. . . did the contractor give you anything to go on?"
((lol poor adam. 3 girls lol))

--- Merged Double Post ---

Selia found her group and shyly walked over. She wasn't much of a peoples person. She would try to though. "Hi, I'm Selia Cross." She introduced herself.
Alan looked around for his group and finally found it. "H-hi." He stuttered nervously. "I'm Alan."
Zekeziel looks at Danielle and Alphonse. Both looked quite excited and Alphonse seemed to ever be the optimist. "It seems everyone here is excited to go on a mission like this. If the mission we're helping on is along the way to Kird then I can meet the rest of you there. I have something to take care of in that town. Some letters and a package to deliver as well as liquid moonlight to harvest." When Alan walked up, he looked at him and said "Ah, greetings. Nice to meet you. I am Zekeziel Artrezil." He also extended his hand in greeting, offering a handshake.
Alan shook Zekeziel's hand. "It's nice to meet you." He said trying to smile the best he could. He was nervous and he was sure it showed all over his face. "So what are we doing first?" He asked.
Zekeziel withdrew his hand after the handshake was over before saying "Well we're going to help another group with killing a green dragon I believe. I'm going to help Danielle learn magic." When he said Danielle's name, he gestured to her so Alan would know who he was referring to. "Also at some point along the way, I have some missions of my own to do as does Alphonse if I am correct."
Alan's eyes widen. "A dragon?" he asked out of shock and excitment. He was only a D rank. He wasn't sure if he could take on a dragon. Even so, he was excited, he never saw a dragon before.
Flower looked at Adam and smiled. "One white eye with a scar. has no tail." She said and then looked at Adam. She entered the forest and then looked at Hunter. "Search." She said and then Hunter started to sniff around. She continued to search and then pointed in a direction. Flower looked at Adam. "Well....that way." She smiled and then sighed. "I may have to put some distance. Hopefully the forest leaves you alone but incase shall I give you more light?" She asked.
When Danielle heard her name, she turned to them and listened to the conversation for a moment so they knew what they were saying.
Zekeziel would chuckle if he could. "I would advise that you prepare yourself for a lot of running. That is how most people avoid a ball of flames coming their way. Then again, I'm not sure what green dragons breath exactly. I've heard from some that they breath fire like red dragons but others say they breath a poisonous gas which only happens to be flammable to give the appearance of fire breath."

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