The Hunt for Adventure

Isabel forced herself to smile at Adam. "Innocent intentions don't always appear that way. But if I thought this was a suicide mission..." Isabel gestured towards the door as she spoke, "Then I wouldn't be here, rules or no. But, I'll be happy to help convince you of my competency. Flower and Hunter are likewise, I assume." She felt her smile wasn't quite the smile she had been trying to muster. Was it too cold, or did it have no emotion? Either way, it didn't really matter now.

At least she hadn't thought she was going on an A rank job right away. Bounty hunters were often cautious folk, and they didn't often work in groups. Her intuition and caution had saved her many times. Those who didn't learn were killed. It was harsh, but at least it was simple. It gave Isabel time to focus on things that would actually help her out in the world.

((Sage, do you have any plans for a "bad guy"? I guess fighting dragons would be really big, but we don't really have anything beyond the dragons, and I {being ever so slightly like Centy} am looking for trouble to stir up...))
((well sadly by how inactive this rp is we may not get that far but i had planned for a guy to be controling the dragons, like why they are around))
((Sounds good. No worries about us getting that far, though. We just need to get the fun stuff going!))
Zekeziel thinks for a moment before saying "I have an idea. Since we can work with other groups then if we go help that guy Jewels and his group then we could rank up much faster while getting something more exciting done. However, that is if he'll even let us help."
"So it's a plan then. I'll go ask." Zekeziel walks over to Jewels, Nicholas and Will. "Excuse me. Sorry if I'm bothering anyone or interrupting anything but my friend is a bit frustrated at how menial the tasks associated with her rank are. I believe it was said that if hunters of a lower rank help those of a higher rank with missions, they can increase their rank faster. May we come along and help with any missions you may have?"
Flower looked at him and then petted Hunter. "She's smarter then you think." She said smiling at Hunter and then sighed looking up and closed her eyes. "Well...I see your point."
"Leaf can track, hunt and she watches my back in a fight," Rosa stated one hand resting on the dog's pointed head. She was glad to see that she and Bret weren't the only ones that had dog companions. You didn't see it very often and now she realized it wasn't that big a deal.

"Well, I prefer the more action packed quests but any job is a good job," Bret replied noticing how the girl took a step back from Thorn.
"That's really cool." Alan said looking at Leif. "You train her all by yourself?" ------------------------------------------------"Yeah, I prefer fighting creatures over just collecting things in the woods or helping out at farms." Selia kept her distance from Bret's dog. "I have two quests right now. One is to deliever some dire wolf pelts to Edfield and the other is to collect some spider vemon. I already have the pelts but haven't delievered them yet." She told him, "Are there any quests you are on now at the moment?"
"Well I trained her mostly but Bret helped me a bit," Rosa replied flicking her hand towards the group in which her brother was standing.

"I'm in between jobs but collecting spider venom sounds interesting. What species and how big of a spider are we talking about? Do they have to be alive when you collect the venom or can you kill it first?" Bret asked a hint of excitement in his voice.
(([MENTION=1915]CjkCjkCjk[/MENTION] - um I haven't accepted you yet, and everyone is bounty hunters. please do not post in this forum until you ar accepted. Please go to the first page and read the rules.))

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"That's cool..." Alan said, looking over at the group she was pointing at. He saw his sister in the group. "Looks like my sister is his groupmate." Alan remarked. "Is his dog friendly? She's a bit afraid of dogs."

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"I think it would be wise to kill them." Selia replied. "And they are just regular giant spiders. In Shylock Forest."
Adam pushed the stray hair back from his face with a shrug, he had only exchanged a few words with the two girls and didn't know them, perhaps they were right, perhaps his concerns were needless, and he would not be surprised, Flower knew the german shepard, just as it knew her afterall, she would know if Hunter would become a problem.

"If she's smart, she'll pick it up quick enough. And you can direct her better once you've become accustomed to working with us" He sighed with a shake of his heah and with the dismissal of the subject, the smile returned as suddenly as it ended, somewhat apologetic as he added with a slight laugh. "and I'm not always this bad, sometimes i'm worse."

He continued. "I have no unfinished business though i may have a personal request that will need to be fulfilled later as I was in the middle of a business proposistion that interested me, so i'll let you both decide on our first destination" the serious tones returned then with a frown even as his lips fought the smile. "No errands."

Flower looked at him with a smile. "Me and hunter were going to kill a problematic dire wolf. If you guys want to, I'm sure we can easily take it down. I'll just need to check with vital to see scaring were its been attacking." she said smiling as hunter wags her tail.
(Oh sorry let me read back here ok? =D)

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Will pulled Lisa off and looked at the guy you walked up to them. "I'm not to sure but I think that is the case." He said and set down Lisa who randomly started dancing and giggling. Will looked at Lisa and rubbed his head. She took after her mother. He sighed deeply thinking of his beautiful wife, she was gone now and it's been 10 years and the pain still hasn't gone away. Maybe it was the fact that he felt like he killed her, it was sort of his fault. Not to mention Lisa is connected to the dead of his wife. He looked up closing his eyes as if frustrated about something. He rubbed his head some more. He was doing his best to love and care for his daughter, and he did, he did love lisa. Most people thought that he didn't but he certainly did. He just was trying to keep her safe, he was scared of losing her. He looked at the others snapping out of his thoughts. "..."
[MENTION=1478]Fire of Hearts[/MENTION] [MENTION=1658]Rhi'a[/MENTION] [MENTION=1872]Legendless[/MENTION] [MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION] [MENTION=1862]Gemini[/MENTION] [MENTION=1923]Zekeziel[/MENTION] [MENTION=1929]Ash Autopsy[/MENTION] @Centurion Tonitrius - I updated the page. Now if you forget which group you are in its listedon the first page!
Nicholas looked at the other man "yes if youi work with us you get to rank up faster but there is also more danger, especially if we go to finish my quest first, but i doubt we will do that" Nicholas saidrresting his arm on his scythe and scratching his chin "but honestrly i don't care if you come along, it's all at your own risk though" Nicholas said as an after thought
Jewels had wished that another group had come over to ask, but he didn't mind. The more the merrier after all. He turned to Nicholas.

"What quest is that?"
Zekeziel says "Wonderful. I don't mind the danger. It's not like there's anything that something like say a dragon can do to me which can surpass what has already happened to me. I would show you what I mean but I doubt it would be a good idea for anyone to find out the secret held beneath these bandages. I do however fear for my friend. I will have to teach her some magic before she is capable of defending herself." He turns to Danielle and waves for her to come over as he calls out "They don't mind."

(Just as a note, remember that his entire body beneath his clothing is wrapped in bandages so thus far nobody has seen his face or any part of him. It's to hide that he is one of the Undead. Said bandages have also been soaked in a very strong aromatic to hide the scent you would expect from the walking dead.)
"A dire wolf... ?"

Adam smiled, voice somewhat disbelieving as he held up a single digit in question: 'A' dire wolf. Singular. As in one?

He didn't mind, it was just somewhat... well. Simple. Let's just say he hadn't expected it. Not that he was complaining, it was a simple task and easy money... it's just that he hadn't hunted one in a long time as he found them to be rather... He shrugged, shaking his head in lazy defeat."It's up to you guys, uh -he looked at Flower, holding up his hand in apologetic pardon, smiling to take the edge off-, girls i mean"

He glanced over toward where he had last seen Jewels and his group smiling as he caught sight of them, and turning back to the two girls he ruffled Hunters head playful and rested his hand on Flowers arm. "Let me know when it's decided. I'm going to say a few farewells"

Squeezing gently he moved away, arriving just in time to hear the peculiarly wrapped individual wave and call out to someone.

"What don't you mind?" He asked Jewels curious as he moved closer, leaning around him to look at his teamates with a smile and a slight bow of his head in greeting. "Good to see you again, Nicholas... and you must be Will*."

(ooc: *the announcer called out his name during the sorting)

((Sorry about my inactivity...and minimal writing...))

Isabel shrugged, "I'll do whatever. I have a quest for some fairy wings, and I have for for collecting some ingredients for an alchemist."

A dire wolf causing trouble? Uh-huh. was money, right?
Flower blinked as he moved off before she could say it was just one. She raised an eyebrow in question when he puts a hand on her and then walks away. She looked at her other teammate. "I guess it's up to us?" She said and then rubbed her head. She nodded and then sighed a bit. "Better go get our things hunter." She smiled as Hunter ran off and then brought back a bag. Hunter dropped them and Flower picked it up.

Will looked at yet another guy who approached. "Yes?" He asked and then watched as Lisa stopped and slowly moved back to her father. He smiled a bit at Lisa and then looked at the stranger. "I am Will and you are?" He said and then held out his hand. "You're in the group with Flower right?" He smiled. "I'd be careful around her, she's got a temper but she's a good fighter."

Lisa looked at her dad will. "Can I so see Sissy!?" Will looked at her uncomfortable with the number of people here.

"No...not till I go over to say hi." He said and then sighed as Lisa looked up at him with a sad face. He did not change his mind.

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