The Hunt for Adventure

The head hunter looks through a few papers before finding what he was looking for. He hands the girl the form and a pen to write with.
Danielle scans the forms and then clicks the pen and fills them out. She slides them back, placing the pen ontop.

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((I'll be right back, taking a shower))

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(( back :) ))

Okay, I'm going to post this in all my RPs, but it needs to be said, though I feel a bit odd reiterating it in each rp.

I will not be on a lot this week. My sister is going in for surgery, and I can't stay home, so I'm going to a friend's. I'm going to be at school, plus my iPhone gets crappy service at her house, and I won't have my own computer to use most of the time. I feel really bad about saying this, but I'm not too worried about my sister. She's always going in for surgery...

Anyhow, I won't be on for a day or two, except for perhaps a quick post here and there. If I'm not on, Sage can control my characters for something that needs a response if you guys don't wanna wait for me. I feel really bad about leaving you guys hanging, though. I'll hopefully be on Thursday night, bu if not, I will definitely be on on Friday night. Sorry again :( ))

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Isabel heard above the hum of chatting people someone call her name. She headed towards the sound of the voice, discovering the man calling her. She brushed her hair out of her face to get a better look, slipping her way through the people to stand face-to-face with her new partner. She looked between the two men standing there. "You called?" she asked. It was directed at neither man specifically, but her implication she wasn't sure who either was was there. She thought she knew of the second man, Jewels, but she wasn't sure.


Alphonse waved and said goodbye to Flower and Hunter. He wasn't sure who his groupmates were. He heard a man's voice asking questions about a new person, and just assumed that they would be his new friends. He walked up to the front of the room where they had gone. Without a moments hesitation, he said, "Are you guys my groupmates? I'm Alphonse."
Jewels smiled. Although he did have to split from Adam, he was sure that this was not going to be their last meeting. And he was sure to keep in touch. He wouldn't want Adam to forget him after all. Laughing to himself, he searched for his teammate.


Swan walked slowly over to where her group was, but she kept quiet, not introducing herself or asking the others to do so. She did try to smile though, so that they didn't think she was being rude.
Will looked at Jewles. "Hey, you from group five?" He asked and then crossed his arms. "Looks like we're team mates if you are." He said and then looked as Lisa tugged on his pants. He sighed and then picked Lisa up, she was 10 years old but she liked to be carried a lot. He held her in one arm as he looked for the others in group five.
Jewels nodded. He gave Will a once look over. He was good looking. Jewels looked at some of the others group. It appeared that the bounty hunters were good looking folks overall. This made Jewels wonder and also made him happy. You could be both badass and pretty.

"I am indeed in team 5. I am Jewels Alywn." He did a small bow. "And you are?"
Will looked at him and then looked at Lisa. "It would be easer to hold you if you would stop moving." Lisa looked at him and then giggled hugging his neck a bit to hard. WIll looked at her and then cleared his throat. "Hmm...I'm Will Stardust and this is my daughter Lisa." He said and then tugged her off of his neck for a ten year old she gave a tight grip. He gave her a smile and then set her down. Lisa smiled and stood there. She nodded. "Hello." She said giggling.
With a sigh Bret headed for the bulletin board but first he gave Rosa quick directions about the horse. She just waved her hand saying something about living on the streets and being able to handle herself. He could see the nerves in her eyes and before they parted he hugged her quickly, he felt a single teardrop penetrate his shirt but when he looked at her face you couldn't tell. Then they parted ways and she headed for Group 2 and the table. "At least she will have Leaf to watch her," Bret whispered then he and Thorn walked over to the bulletin board. He leaned against the wall eyeing his companions quietly, a small smile on his face.

Rosa walked over to the table deciding to keep the relationships strictly business. She didn't trust anyone besides Bret and animals, so far that had served her well and why mess with a functioning system. This didn't mean Rosa was gonna be rude or mean she just wasn't gonna blab or talk about herself. She also didn't plan on prying. To say she was worried was an overstatement but she was a little nervous, Rosa kept one hand on Leaf's head as she stopped by the group 2 table.
Zekeziel looks in the direction he heard Alphonse's voice come from. Picking out Alphonse from the rest of the people, he said "You are Alphonse, correct? If so then Danielle and I are in the same group as you. I am Zekeziel Artrezil."
The head bounty hunter took the papers and pen from Danielle. He flipped through the pages quickly to make sure everything was filled out. Satified he put the paper away and handed Danielle a gem. "This is called a bounty gem. Whenever it glows and vibrates, you are being called back here and you are expected to come." The head explained.

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((Faith quit so right now Group 1 has only two people, Selia and Bret. I hope someone else joins lol)) Selia looked up when she saw a guy approch. She saw that he had a dog. (Thorns a dog right?) She stayed quiet, unsure what to say or even if she should say anything. She wasn't good at starting conversations with people she didn't know.

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Alan heard someone walk over. When he looked up he saw a girl walk over with a dog by her side. Looking at her, he could tell she was unhappy about being put into a group.
Alphonse nodded. "Yup, I'm Alphonse Ramirez. I'm really excited to work with some other bounty hunters!"

((Bye, guys. Don't go on too far ahead without me!))
(ooc: Take your time r'hia~)

"It was better than hanging around" He stated simply in response to the pink haired girl, smiling after Jewels for a moment longer, looking down with a shake of his head before turning toward her more fully, just in time for the large ball of fur with pleading eyes to grab his attention, his own widening in surprise, the smile become more pronounced.

"Betty! How've you been girl?" Adam laughed at the dog on it's hind legs, squatting and ruffling playfully at the fur at the sides of it's face and neck beneath the ears. He'd met the dog several times on his return to headquarters, and every time the fickle hound had been more than a little demanding in it's desire for attention before moving quickly on to it's next victim. It hadn't surprises him, he'd been calling her by another girl's name all this time afterall, any female would be offended, and he smiled at Hunter's blue haired owner as he stood, his hand idly stroking between the dog's ears.

"So her name's Hunter." He said approvingly, more a statement than a question. "Suits her better than Betty that's for sure"

He bowed his head slightly toward the girl in greeting as he spoke before directing his next words to both of them.

"I'm Adam" He stated with a shrug that clearly stated 'obviously' and he glanced about him, hand moving from from the shepard's head as he turned slightly in search. "A rank... and our official meeting point -he continued with an indication of his head and a could'nt-care-less smile- should be way over there, but oh well."

Looking back at the two bubblegum haired girls once more he smiled curiously. "So who's who?"

(Um flower has Snow white hair....)

Flower looked at him and smiled. "Flower moon....and yes her name is Hunter....the sneaky little dog." She chuckled and then whistled. Hunter came running again. She sat down and wagged her tail circling her owner. Flower looked at him again. "Betty?" Hunter barked. Flower laughed a bit. "Hunter is my tracking dog...she helps me with my bounty hunting." She said petted the dogs head. Hunter rolled on her side and then put her leg up wanting a belly rub.

Flower rolled her eyes and gave in to the dog's plead. She kneeled down "You know of these days I'm just going to say no." Flower laughed and then stood back up again.
Adam leaned closer, shielding his mouth from the Shepard in mock whisper as he leaned toward Flower, voice low and full of concern. "Don't risk it, she looks the type to go on strike."

He laughed pulling back, looking at the dog more thoughtfuly then, expression steadily sobering. Dogs had no real sense of judgement or timing when it came down to it, even those that had been trained, and it concerned him that such a fragile creature would be accompanying them even as he was grateful. Hunter would most likely provide a valueable warning when monsters or indeed any potential threat was near, and would make their lives easier with her tracking skills. There were afterall, only so many senses a human could use.

Either way, Hunter had served her master well so far, and Adam decided to see how it would play out, though that did not mean he was free from question. The more he knew the better he would be able to adapt.

"How do you both handle in battle situation?" He asked suddeny severe "Ever work in a group?"
Jewels nodded and smiled at Lisa. He had always liked children, even if he never planned on having any of his own. He looked back up at Will.

"Is she going to be traveling with us? That seems dangerous for a young girl." Jewels was trained at a young age, but he didn't start his work as a bounty hunter until later. He didn't really mind too much as long as Lisa didn't get in the way and that she would be okay as well. It would suck if Lisa got hurt. Jewels also looked around for their third teammate.

"Hm. Where is Nicholas?"
Flower chuckles and looked him. "I'm sure she will too. Hunter is great in battle, she swift and provides a great distraction, I use light magic to blind whatever we're hunting if Hunter needs to go in for the kill. She battled against many creatures including a Dire wolf and we are great partners." She said petting Hunter's head. "Myself, well I've done just find against anyone so far. I'm great with a sword but I can use almost any weapon really." She said and then gently set her hand on her sword. "As long as you don't make a comment about me being weaker because I'm a girl I'm sure I can work in a group." She said smiling at him.

Hunter quietly sat by Flower as she listened to them, not like she could understand. She looked at Flower who seemed happy. This made Hunter happy, although the slight scent of another dog had entered her nose she stood by her owner knowing she wouldn't like it if she ran off again.

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Will shrugged. "Hey if i leave her at home she burns down my house." He looked at Lisa. "She's been purfect fine this past year." He looked at Jewels. He shrugged again. "I don't know." He said and then looked down at Lisa who was messing with fire in her hand. He gave her a stern look and raised his eyebrow and she stopped. He smiled, which was her reward. She said herself she loved it when he smiled. Although he rarly does, not after his wife died giving irth to his little girl. The pain still deep in his heart.
"I don't have that big a problem as long as she won't get hurt," Jewels replied. He looked down at the girl and then squatted to talk to her. "Lisa, right? I hope we can become good friends."

When she started to play with the fire, Jewels understood what Will meant. He was sure that the girl could burn down the house, though not on purpose of course. It was interesting and it made Jewels feel better too. She had something to defend herself with.


Swan noted that here teammates were being quiet as well. She wondered if she should speak up. She opened her mouth to speak, nothing came out, and she shut it.
Lisa looked at him and smiled. "Sure." She said cutly and then looked around. "Hey daddy...I see sissy!" She said pointing to Flower.

Will looked at Lisa and then looked to see Flower. "Oh yeah...I almost forgot the girl took on her dad's job." He looked at Lisa. "We'll talk to her later ok?" He said and looked to Jewels. "Hmm...I hope this partnership lasts. Not many here are happy about it." He said crossing his arms.

Lisa giggled and jumpped around her dad's feet. She was humming a tone.
"I don't mind the company," Jewels admitted. "It's only I was making a friend, or potentially more than one and now we have to part ways. I guess I'm kind of upset about it." Jewels glanced at Adam who appeared to be getting along with his team as well. He turned back to Will. "I'm sure I'll find a way to make it work somehow. And of course I get to spend my days with the rest of you fine folk." Jewels might have liked Adam a lot, but his flirting could not be turned off.

"I hope it lasts as well, or at least we become good friends. I heard I am not exactly easy to be around at times. I'll try and control myself." Jewels giggled. "But I hold no promises."

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