The Hunt for Adventure

(Sage I was waiting for that Swan person...but maybe we should leave this it will add some tension between characters)

Considering both Rosa and Bret had been ditched by their groups for one reason or another the they ended back together. Rosa was slightly disappointed but she wasn't going to get upset over someone she had barely met. However it did hurt, what had she done wrong? Bret could tell these sudden changes had shocked Rosa and thrown her off her game. He on the other hand could care less either way. As a hunter you learned to roll with the punches and shove your emotions aside, a skill Rosa hadn't mastered. Anyways if he was going to be mad about anything it was the fact that she was upset.

"Come on," he whispered tossing on arm over his little sister's shoulder. She really wasn't little anymore; her skills in battle were finely tuned and resembled someone with twice her experience. The only thing holding her back was her passion and emotion, she had to step back and just take on the jobs without emotion. Especially if that emotion was destructive. As they headed out of the convention Bret noticed something out of the corner of his eye. It was a medicine man and seemed to be searching for something in the crowd.

Bret broke away from Rosa and walked over, "Can I help you?" he asked softly. The man nodded and proceeded to lay out Bret and Rosa's next quest. They were to kill a full grown cockatrice and bring him back the wing.
Nicholas smiled at Zekeziel's guesses "actually they shoot globs of acid, or more or less acid" Nicholas said still smiling trying to think of anything that could really stop this acid and only thinking of dragon scale or dragon tooth as being imune
Zekeziel says "I know a few things capable of resisting acid well. Dragon scales, possibly dragon bone and the chitin of the Dreil. Fortunately for me, my robes happen to be made of a mix of enchanted cloth, dragon scales, dragon bone and mithril. The latter three were extremely difficult to procure on the continent I am originally from. There, mithril deposits are almost non-existent and dragons are although relatively common, very hard to find when you actually want to find them."
(I'm sorry. Swan can just go off by herself if you want. I'll try and post better.)

Swan was sort of relieved. Her silence may have won her what she wanted and that was solitude. She did not wish to join a team and now it seemed that she may not have to after all. She felt a bit disappointed in herself, but Swan would get over it. Once she proved that she was better working solo, maybe she wouldn't be forced into a team again. But Swan didn't move yet. She wanted to wait til everyone else left.


Jewels wondered what fighting the dragon was going to be like. He had never fought one before, so it was going to be an interesting experience for him.
Will just listened as his daughter caught a nap once again on his back. She would have to control someone elses fire, that of a dragon which would take much energy. He let her sleep and looked at all of them. He smiled knowing Lisa would be helpful.

Swan looked around and sighed to herself. If she went off by herself she felt she would only be asking for trouble in so many ways. She walked over to the girl who was on her team, who Swan was sure was called Rosa and managed to work up the courage to speak.

"Um...Hi. May I join you guys?"
Bret turned to see the Swan girl who had originally been is his group, "Uh yeah, um this is Rosa. Rosa this is Swan," he said gesturing to demonstrate his point. "We just got assigned a mission, we have to kill and remove the wings of a cockatrice. Some healer needs them for his remedies," he said trying to sound cheerful.

Rosa nodded to the new Swan girl and waited not so patiently for Bret to finish talking. She was ready to go, "I'm gonna get the horses," she said and jogged off to the livery stable.
((i have no idea. all i know is that alan is joining a group with his group to kill a dragon))
((Alphy is tagging with Zekeziel, who's tagging with Nick, and Alan's tagging along there. Izzy's hanging with Flower and Adam, and they're hunting a dire wolf in the forest. I just don't remember if I got posted to, or had a reasonable Izzy reply.))
(So as much as i hate pure ooc posts, since i'm one of the few not confused at all i'm going to lay down what i know see if it helps any at all since the majority of people here seem to be confused (excluding those waiting on others):

Okay R'hia, Adam jumped in to respond to Izzy's question simply because i wanted to have him ito have a mini nteraction with your character but i continued and elaborated your question so you got an answer, therefore Flower's (aka FoH's) following response was directed to both our characters not just Adam.

Also Sage we are at the forest, i'm assuming Selia caught up with us rather than was there the whole time so obviously we will respond to that once we respond.

In regards to the other characters mentioned Alphonse is a PART of zekeziel and Danielle's and now Alan's group and THEY are tagging along with jewels, will and nicholas to hunt a green dragon that spits acid not fire.

Swan, Bret and Rosa are now a group

To avoid confusion i'd suggest people start reading the posts of everyone or at least those of the people in their group not just those they directed their characters interaction toward because it seems to be where the confusion is stemming from and why everyone is getting confused. This has afterall become a GROUP rp, and much like a IRL conversation with a group of freinds just because something is not directed DIRECTLY toward you does not mean it does not concern you.

At least this is what i figures, lol. The End. ^^)

((Thanks Gemini. I do read everyone's posts, but when I have writer's block, I completely forget what happens...

I could've sworn I replied a bit...maybe I typed it up but erased it...))

Well, that's at least more to go on... Isabel thought, brushing aside a tree branch as it threatened to slap her across the face. She rolled her eyes at Adam's comment, peering at the ground to see if she could find some tracks.
((thanks gem! that is really helpful!)) Selia finally caught up with her new group. She found them killing wolves. "Um..." She began, afraid that this may be a bad time for introductions. "I was assigned to your group." Before she could give her name, a wolf came charging at her. She pulled out her swords ready to attack and stabbed the wolf in the throat when it got in arms distance from her and collasped dead onto the ground.
"I suggest we should leave now. Unless this dragon has made where it is it's lair, then it might not stay there for long. So we should leave now or as soon as possible. I mean I am all set to go," Jewels said. He was ready to leave. Fighting a dragon would be good to get his rank higher. So close to the top he didn't want anything delaying it.

'Except for Adam. But I won't see him again for a while.'


"That sounds simple enough," Swan replied. "Let's....let's go then if you guys are good." Swan was getting better at talking with people, but she knew it was only because she wanted to get moving.
"Yeah it should be," Bret said as Rosa walked up leading two horses. "Um, we bought horses in the last town. You can ride with one of us if you like or we could stop by a livery and back one up for you," he said knowing some hunters couldn't always afford horses. He thought it was a worth while investment but like dogs some hunters didn't like to depend on animals.

Rosa rode up on Snow and led Flame beside her. The quiet grey mare snorted under her breath ignoring the chestnut stallion's advances. "You guys ready to go?" she asked excited about the hunt.

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