The Hunt for Adventure

"I don't own a horse and I don't have the money for it," Swan said. She lower her face. "But I don't mind riding with one of you if you don't," she said softly.
Rosa was surprised by the girl's honesty. It took guts to admit you couldn't afford something in this society. She didn't really see why but some people believed it was embarrassing to admit your lack of wealth. If people weren't such jerks about social status there wouldn't be such a problem. She quickly tried to brush over the statement and said "Well you can ride with me and Snow or my brother and Flame." Rosa didn't care either way Snow could handle another rider and so could Flame.
(Yes but it's been hard to keep up....I was on the IPhone the last two days.... Sorry lol)

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Will smiles and starts heading out Lisa still sleeping on his back. He carries her to the door and looks back at his groups and then smiles a bit as his daughter makes a few snores. He shifts his head so she sleeps quietly. She needed her rest before challanging the Dragon's fire.
((fire, the dragon spits an acid))

Nicholas once outside made his wings appear and spread them thinking about flying above the group then deciding against it and making them disappear again
((ok fire, and yeah i understand im always on my cell and its tough also selia caught up with flowers group))
(Ok I have to read back lol.)

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[QUOTE="Fire of Hearts]Flower looked at Adam and smiled. "One white eye with a scar. has no tail." She said and then looked at Adam. She entered the forest and then looked at Hunter. "Search." She said and then Hunter started to sniff around. She continued to search and then pointed in a direction. Flower looked at Adam. "Well....that way." She smiled and then sighed. "I may have to put some distance. Hopefully the forest leaves you alone but incase shall I give you more light?" She asked.

(lol Adam needs to reply and by the way they aren't killing anything yet.)
((ok ignore the killing post, ill make a new post))

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Selia finally caught up with her group. They were in the forest. She stayed a bit back, feeling a bit unsure on how to approch them.
(ooc: omgaga! i seriously thought i'd responded, forgot my last was pure ooc >.<. also Sage my character is going to recognise yours but i'll leave it up to you if our characters actually know each other or not ^^)

"Not that close" Adam said with a smile stepping over a large overgrown root, his hand automatically reaching out to the tree beside it and he whipped it back as though burned upon realisation of his action before looking up at the large oak. After a few uncertain momments he laughed shortly and looked over toward Flower. "It actually works, i'll let you know when they start moving" before looking toward hunter who held her head low tracking their quarry.

He kept his tread light as he followed her deeper in, pulling a stray leaf from his hair as it caught in the underbrush and pulling up his hood... he suddenly stopped looking back over his shoulder the way they had came, unsheathing one of his swords defensively as he turned, the sound of another's approach becoming more evident.

"Selia?" His posture loosened with a smile as he caught sight of the girl between the trees, her lilac hair partly obscuring her face and sheathing his weapon he moved toward her. "What are you doing here?"
Flower smiles and nods. She looks over as she gets out his sword putting a hand on hers. When he knows who it is she smiles and then walks over as well. "Oh hi." she said stopping and letting Adam continue on his own. She didn't need to stay close. Why would she really want to? He tends to have no reguard to personal space but really nether did Hunter. Hunter looked back but didn't run over to get attention. She stayed where she was pointin in the direction of the dire wolf scent. Flower smiled sweetly as she watched the girl. She wondered what she was doing here.
((it sounds lke they may have known each other. maybe they worked with each other when they were lower rank or something?)) "I was assigned to your group." Selia replied. "How have you been? I haven't seen you in a long time." She looked at Flower (and the other gir in their group who I cannot remmeber their name) "I'm Selia Cross." She introduced herself to the others.
Zekeziel says "I'll be off. I'll meet up with the rest of you on that dragon hunt." He turns before walking out, heading through Costard and the city gates. Once he is outside the city, he animates the horse skeleton he had left there using the same process as before. Only now, he sent the ball of mana directly at the skeleton instead of at the ground. This saved some time since the mana didn't have to search the ground for the skeleton. Once the bones had assembled and the skeletal steed was complete, Zekeziel mounted it and set out for Kird.
"I-I...I'll ride with you," Swan said. She didn't exactly want to ride with anyone since she would be pretty close to them, but it would have been worse if she was riding with Bret. She walked over and looked up at Rosa. "Thank you."


Jewels started to go and then turned to his group. Nicholas could fly as it seems he was not going to do, but none of them could.

"So are we walking there or taking horses or is Nicholas going to carry us with him one by one," he said, winking at Nicholas with a smile.
((Thx Sage. it's Isabel.))

Isabel turned her head briefly to look at the newcomer. Selia? Yes, that was what Adam called her, anyway. She nodded at the girl and turned around to keep on the trail of the wolves.

It's time for a real adventure! YEAH! Alphonse thought. He followed the others out the door, ready for a dragon fight. "So, I missed introductions, I think. I'm Alphonse! Did I already mention that?" He seemed to have completely forgotten he was no good with his giant sword, not to mention that he was really too weak to be doing this.
Nicholas chuckled "Depends jewels, how many of you have horses, and how long do you think it would take us on foot" Nicholas moved the hair out of his face and rolled his shoulders still holding his scythe
(ooc: sounds good to me, in reference to the wolf hunt i figure they were supposed to go on one together before but he had to stay behind or something due to the issues he has with the forest)

"Isabel, don't mind her" Adam smiled nodding in the pink haired girl's direction, leaning close to voice lowly, before pulling back and moving around Selia, lifting and placing his hand upon her back, urging her forward with a gentle push.

"I'm good, just like old times. Except this time I can actually participate in the wolf hunt, how about you? Alan been put in another group?" He continued idly as they moved closer to the others, removing his hand from Selia's back once she was walking. He smiled as they approached Flower, gesturing toward her. "This is Flower, the shepard over there is Hunter... who also seems to have caught something?"

Eyes sparking with interest as he moved past the two girls, Adam patted Flower's shoulder as he passed and smiled 'nicely done' in recognition of her training, before moving to the shepard's side, kneeling beside her to examine the ground.

"We're gaining" He said simply, looking up in the direction hunter indicated.
Zekeziel looked around at his surroundings along his way to Kird. He had already crossed the river outside Costard, utilizing an ice spell to freeze a layer of water to make a bridge just like the first time. Since the town was close to Costard, it shouldn't be a long journey but one never knows what he might come across. After all, on his first trip he had been attacked by bandits and soon after ended up rescuing Danielle. Indeed after a few minutes, he could see Kird up ahead. When it was said to be a small farming town, the people weren't joking. It may not have been much to look at for him by comparison to Costard but it was a settlement at least.
"I can go buy a horse, though probably only for myself," Jewels said. She smirked and shrugged. "But I don't mind sharing a horse with anyone either if we can't get all separate ones. Riding would be easier and faster."
Flower smiled and nodded. She looked at Hunter and then looked around. "Yes..." She said and then looked up from Hunter to the direction she pointed too. She didn't see anything yet, she looked at Hunter and then at Adam and then others. "Well shall we continue on before Hunter losses the scent. She said and then looked at Hunter. "Track." She said and Hunter started moving and scenting the ground.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Will shrugged and then looked at the sky. "Hmm..." He looked at Jewels. "I could help...." He said and then looked at Lisa yawned cutely. He smiled and then looked back to Jewels. Lisa looked at Jewels and then at the others looking tired in a cute way. Will smiled and then looked at the others. "Shall we go then?"
Nicholas sighed "we have a lot of people with us people with us, i don't think most of them can afford horses" Nicholas said frowning

((How many people are going on this quest???))
(Not sure.)

Will nodded. "I see your point. We might just have to walk." He said and then looked at Lisa who was a little more awake now. She yawned and WIll gebtly set her down. "You think you can walk for a bit?" He asked and then smiled as she rubbed her eye and nodded.

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