The Hunt for Adventure

((I sorry rhia *sad face*))"Yeah Alan's lower ranked so I think he is with some level Es and Ds." She walked up to where Flower was. When she looked at the dog she felt a bit nervous since she had a dog phobia. She didn't let it show though. The dog seemed to have caught a trail so Selia got ready to unsheld her swords.

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((I think about 7 people, 8 if you count Will's daughter))

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Alan smiled. "Yeah you said it before. But anyways we should get moving." He said to Danielle and Alphonse. ((I can't spell sorry lol))
When Zekeziel arrived at Kird, he dismounted his steed and hid it just on the edge of town near some trees and bushes on the side of the Edfield forest. As he walked into the town, he looked through the addresses on the letters he was given to deliver and kept an eye out for the theurgist's hut. As he came across the houses he was to deliver the letters to, he knocked on the doors and gave them to whoever answered. He told them what the letters were about before he moved onto the next. The doors were answered by the farmers' wives, sons or daughters. Apparently all the farmers were out on the fields right now. Once he had delivered all the letters, he started asking around for the location of the theurgist as he had a box of reagents to deliver and liquid moonlight to harvest.
((You spelt Alphonse right...btw, it's ok.

Um, lesse, Jewels, Alphonse, Danielle, Will, Lisa, Nicholas, Alan, and Zekeziel when he gets back from his other mission. So, yeah, 8 counting Lisa.))

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"Right, I did." Alphonse sighed a little bit. "Yeah, we should get going."

Finally, we're getting closer... Isabel thought. She ignored the mini conversation behind her, and focused on the trail the dog was following. The wolves wouldn't be far now.

((I just had a b- I mean nice thought. About...people....and...badness *animefall* I don't know how to explain it without saying what it is...))
Zekeziel now had only one task left and that was to harvest the liquid moonlight. It was still dark (I think I may be the only person keeping track of the time of day here in this) and that meant he had time. He immediately began channelling the spell. He was pouring a great deal of mana into it and liquid moonlight was for that same reason, quite expensive to buy since only skilled mages could acquire it. He should be getting paid quite well for it even though it was considered a lower level task. After fifteen minutes of channelling and burning through a great deal of his mana supply, he managed to fill a large bottle with the liquid moonlight. He then walked wearily to the theurgist's hut to hand it in and collect his pay. Once that was done, he made his way back to his steed and mounted it. Before he set off, he looked into his focus of power and said "Show me now where the group is." He poured a bit more of his already dwindling mana into the orb and in the flow of energy inside it, he saw that the groups had not made much distance from Costard and Nicholas was heading north. Maybe he could catch up with them, he thought. He then set off for the northern bridge.
(Oh. It was important to one of my missions so I kept track. And there are some things time of day just adds emphasis to.)
(ooc: there's still time, it's just not set people are moving at different paces and there are multiple groups, what if one is in the middle of a battle that IRL time take 2 weeks? the other group is stuck in stasis waiting for it to move forward so they can progress ... can't remember the exact examples... the outcome is in the character thread i think)

Glancing back at Selia briefly Adam smiled, nodding reassuringly before turning away to follow Hunter and Flower. He would have her back, even though it had been some years since he had met him, there was no way he was facing Alan after letting his sister get hurt, even as he was certain she could handle herself.

There was a gluttaral growl from up ahead, and Adam's steps slowed in response as he glanced at the three girls, Hunter still in the lead.

He would not be taking part in the main assault as reaching out for the energy around him was something he did without thinking when on the attack and so he would stay back, observe, participate only if there were to many, or one of the girls were overwhelmed or if part of the wolf pack seperated to flank. If he was honest though, he didn't expect to do much, which was fine by him. They were only wolves afterall, how tough could it be.
((Ah, Adam. How foolish thy are to believe that anything could be so simple...

If this was a book or movie, I'd call that foreshadowing. I'm going to wait for Sage or Fire to post first, though.))
(ooc: my character is so laid back he's horizontal, if he expected trouble it'd go totally against the grain, ditto that though. XP)
Selia held her double swords at her side, ready to fight. Dire wolves weren't tough to kill if you hit them right. The challege was the numbers they came in. Some packs could be up to a dozen.
((bye guys! It's time for the annual get-chewed-out-by-my-relatives Easter egg hunt! {no joke}))

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((so, I'll post when I get back..))
(Sorry Legend I didn't see your post, we have been getting ready for Easter at my house and I can only sneak on the computer every now and then)

"Well whatever you want to do, I think Bret has some contacts if you want to buy a horse or you can share Snow with me," Rosa said mounting the white mare. She ran her hands through the silky mane of the horse and felt the slight quiver of the animal underneath of her. "Than again we will have more cash after we kill this cockatrice. I know a dealer who will be very interested in the tail feathers. He is a tailor and he just loves to add them to his dresses." After saying all of this Rosa realized a lot of the information had been unnecessary.
Swan climbed up behind Rosa, shaking her head. A horse afterwards would be nice. She had ridden horses before, but not recently and not for long periods.

"It''s okay. I don't mind riding with you."
Zekeziel reached the northern bridge after some time spent on the trip there. He stopped at the bridge and waited. Danielle, Alphonse and the rest should be coming by there soon he thought. In the meantime, he could rest a bit. He dismounted his steed and walked to a relatively flat stone near the bridge before sitting on it. He started meditating to restore his mana supply.
Jewels was somewhat taking his time, already writing his first letter to Adam. Once they finished this mission, he would send it and then wait for the reply. His mind was also on their mission. An acid dragon. It sounded dangerous, challenging and possibly fun. They had a good group too so the fight should not be that bad as long as they avoid getting hit by the acid.
"Okay well let's head out," Rosa said after the girl was sitting firmly behind her. They were forced to walk through the streets but the moment they outside of Costard they picked up a smooth canter and made their way towards the Edfield Forest. After about and hour they crossed the big river separating the two all they while simply chatting about past adventures and such. Rosa simply listened for she mainly followed Bret and not gone on her own missions.

"So Swan what's been the highlight of your hunting career?" Bret asked casually.
Swan thought about it. She remembered getting her weapons as a young girl and training with them. She remembered becoming a bounty hunter and how she felt she would make her master proud, but at the same time afraid of being around others.

"When I killed a band of bandits solo. People were surprised to see I had done it," Swan said. The band was small it was true, but Swan had been in her first year and no one thought she could do it alone. The surprise on the villagers faces and then their respect was a nice reward for her, better than the money. She had proved she could do this despite her shortcomings.
Bret looked up surprised but he wasn't sure why. She was at least a level A, maybe it was because he hadn't done something like that in years. He had been too busy training Rosa to really go out on his own. "Impressive," he said with a smile.

Rosa was practically beaming, she had made her way up through the ranks and yes she had accomplished a lot but Swan seemed to know so much. Maybe she would consider working with her, Bret had had a few mentors on his way through the levels. "Can you practically remember every move you made?" she asked.
(( I totally forgot about this Rp! ))

Danielle was exausted from walked. She panted a bit and saw a big blob ahead. She ran to Zekeziel.
"No. Not really," Swan said. She wasn't surprised at their surprise. People tended to underestimate her often. Either because of the way she acted, the way she looked, her rank and also her choice of weapons. "But I know how to use kataras well enough. People don't see it coming. They...they feel they aren't good weapons."
"Well obviously people don't know what they are talking about. I mean people criticize Bret and me for using dogs but we end up laughing at them when we track and kill the monster before them. It amazes me how closed minded some of these hunters are," Rosa added remembering one hunter who thought she couldn't fight because she was girl...Then she knocked him unconscious with the hilt of her sword.
Zekeziel heard footsteps and ended his meditation. As he uncrossed his legs and placed his hands on his knees, he turned his gaze to the direction the sound was coming from and saw Danielle running towards him. He thought to himself "Finally someone has caught up with me." He waved to Danielle and waited fro her to reach him before saying "Nice to see that one of you finally caught up. You look quite tired though and I assume you came on foot. Would you perhaps like some water to drink or something to eat?"

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