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Fantasy The House

The next few moments were a blur. Flashes. He could see Ava's shaking hand about to grasp the doorknob, but the rest just went fuzzy. Rook finally was able to focus in on the form standing in the door. Out of all things that would show up, of course it would be a butler. Isn't that the thing? Every haunted house has to have a butler. It's practically religion. The man's attire looked as if the iron was still on it, perfectly creased and set. Rook's eyebrows furrowed. What the hell is this place, he thought; as if the situation wasn't bad enough.

Of course, nothing could have prepared him for the girl hanging from the doorframe. He wouldn't deny that the whole thing scared the shit out of him, just enough to make him jump back a few steps. From the looks of it the butler was in on it, too. This chick was obviously crazy. "Yeah, joke's on us." Rook muttered as he stared at the new figure. Couldn't a group of teens have a peaceful trip to an abandoned house? The answer was clearly a "No."
As Syra grabbed onto Lillica's hand she quickly turned to look at her. She smiled softly as the girl apologized and responded "Not a problem". To be honest, she was thankful for it. Having a hand to hold was reassuring her too. She held her breathe as Ava reached for the doorknob. As the door opened on its own and a butler appeared, her eyes widened and she gave Syra's hand a slight squeeze. As the butler spoke, Lillica's mind raced, Lady? What Lady!? What was happening!? Suddenly, a crazed looking girl swung into sight, yelling and making it apparent that this was all some kind of joke. Lillica's blood began to boil, she felt like they had been made to look like fools. Calmly she took a step toward the girl before them and asked, "What the hell is going on? Do you live here?". She clenched her fist and tried to stay collected.
Ava's eyes widened as out of nowhere a girl came from the door frame. Being right there, she got the front of it and it was enough to freak her out so much that.. she actually fainted. Her eyes fluttered, face losing color and she started falling backwards. Her body did not care if hands or wood met her.

The butler frowned, but said nothing, simply standing straight and waiting for everyone to finally enter the house, which was apparent that that would not happen anytime soon.

Cordelia cursed and jumped as the freaky girl showed up in the doorway. She clutched her leather jacket and frowned.

"Joke my ass...the hells wrong with you?"

She hated when people pulled stunts like this and she felt like her friends were being mocked and made fun of. She glared at the girl from the back of the group and looked over at the butler.

"And you! Dont you think your a little old to be taking part in childish pranks like this?"

When she looked at her friend Ava she watched as she started to tip backwards, her eyes widening and her body reacting quickly.

"Watch out!"

She jumped forward and bent her knees a bit to catch Ava with her arms wrapping around her waist.

"You see what you did?"​
Beatrice instinctively took a step back as Ava fell to the ground. Raising a eyebrow, she tilted her head and looked at the two girls- her warm smile fading away by their hostility. A brief silence filled the distance between them.

"Then why are you here in the first place? I am sure that you are aware of the dangers in this house" She flicked her hand backwards carelessly. "If you can't handle a young lady hanging lifelessly from a doorframe, do you think you will be able to survive your first night here?"

Right after Beatrice spoke, her eyes softened- she can be quite harsh with her speech.
Zach gasped at the sight of Ava fainting and falling to the floor, but who wouldn't faint? There was a girl lifelessly hanging from the frame of the door and a butler standing in the doorway, this is all too much to handle for one night. He was too slow to catch Ava, but thankfully Lia caught her in the nick of time.


"Whoa, slow down. Are you implying that were going to be spending a few nights here? Dios mio..." Zach asked with an uneasy feel in his voice. Know it's known that three people live in this house. How they've lived inside this house for this many years is unknown, but they aren't any types of ghosts for all he knows. He started to feel sick in his stomach at the thought of spending a night in the house...who knows what could've happened? Maybe one of the three people living here could kill us in our sleep, or possibly worse.
Rookie couldn't argue that as soon as Ava fainted, the song Timber played in the back of his mind. It wasn't his fault, I mean, the guy was easily distracted, and after the chaos of events he was lucky to keep any positive attitude. At this point, all distractions aside, he was pissed. "You want to know why we came here?" Rook decided to speak up, looking straight at the whack job of a girl and the speechless butler. "Because we're careless, idiotic teens. Hell, we'd go to an asylum if it meant having a rush and new experiences to tell everyone. People out here are too afraid to even talk about this place; lending gossip around because that's the only thing they're good at. I don't know who you are, or why you're even here in the first place, but this whole act you pulled was uncalled for. We might think fainting was bad enough, but it's going to be a lot worse when we get inside, and to be perfectly honest, I'm fine with that. Let me at this nutshell because I'm only here to say that I did it. We all took a risk at coming to this crap house, maybe it was to say that we did it or otherwise, but we took chances while everyone else slept in their beds."

He stepped off his soap box; Timber's chorus finally ending--yes it was still playing. He didn't exactly have a reason why he did it, but then again nobody ever does. You start talking and the words just kind of happen. Believe me when I say he didn't want it to be such a long rant, but in the defense of his friends and even him, he had to get it off his chest. Rookie didn't exactly know if he would die in there, or if anyone would, but at least he had one last say in the issue, right?
Syra shrieked at the sight of the girl hanging from the door frame. Honestly, what else could she do? Her immediate reaction was to hit the girl. When she saw the butler there too she had to question his poor living conditions. When she saw Ava fall, she put her arms out but when Cordelia caught her, she all but praised the good Lord then and there. She looked at the girl, all of her fear turning into blind rage. She looked at Rook as he began to give her a piece of his mind, his words adding fuel to the fire that began to burn and stir her own thoughts.

"He's right. We came here without thinking because we're young and stupid. Why do people jump out of airplanes? Why do they swim with sharks? To give them a feeling they've never had. Personally, I'm here because I'll try anything once. I want to know what's inside. What everyone is so afraid of. You don't become old and wise without being young and stupid first. I want to prove to myself that I can do this. I don't know what lies in there, waiting for us but you can be for damn sure that whatever happens, we will all be together. And making Ava faint like that was not a way to start." she took a deep breath as she finished, feeling like a weight was lifted from her chest. It felt good to say all of that. Even though it was right on the spot and she was fueled by anger. She felt like she got her point across. No one messes with her friends while she's there.

Then it clicked. Spend the night? Here? What was this? Five Night's at Freddy's?

"What do you mean spend the night here?"
Beatrice just moved away when Syra attempted to punch her, dismissing her rash action. "You don't become old and wise without being young and stupid." Beatrice quoted. "Quite true actually, I mean, I can't exactly blame anyone of you here because of how stupid you are." She rolled her eyes before looking down troubled. Pain flashed through Beatrice's eyes, recalling the painful memory she had."About the nights, I am not too sure myself- I think it's something about time passing slower in the house. A night in there would be equivalent to a week." She turned around and face the butler, waiting for his answer.

"And for the record, I don't live here. I came here a few minutes earlier before you arrived." She mumbled, her voice becoming less inaudible, "Heard of the paw prints, thought it would be a wild animal trapped her of something-"
The butler looked to the group, then to the girl in front and then to the living room. He shifted, before looking back at them.

"I must really insist that you come inside. The lady does not like the door to be open and letting in a breeze, it gets quite chilly while the door is wide open. Please.. the living room is to your left." He simply gestured to the living room, face blank and neutral, not giving Beatrice any hint of anything.
Zach thought he'd be brave by going first into the house.


"I guess I'll go in first...what could possibly happen?" Said Zach as he entered the house slowly. He looked around the house for a small amount of time and made his way to the living room, hoping everyone else would come inside and not ditch him. He started to think to himself: "A day is equivalent to one week? This outta be nice...I wonder what lies inside this house tonight for us" Zach thought to himself, shivering a little bit.

Cordelia did not like the sound of that. A whole damn week? She could get fired for not showing up that long..but how many times in her life would she get the chance to explore something so mysterious and unknown to human kind? Other than her job she didnt have much going for her. She had no boyfriend, still lived with her mom and 3 cats and couldnt find the right career for herself..so why the hell not right? She lifted Ava up and threw her over her shoulder with a huff and then went to stand next to Zach.

"Wanna go in? Lets go in.. we wont find anything out by standing around like this"

She smirked and slipped her free arm through his, linking them together as she walked through the door.

"Besides if we're gonna be guests here lets not piss off the woman who lives in a house with strange paranormal powers by leaving her door open"​
Syra watched as Cordelia and Zach took the lead, linking arms and going inside. She took a deep breath and sighed. Sure her whole speech was mighty and whatnot but she was actually pretty scared. A whole week in this God forsaken house. She closed her eyes and let her nerves calm, opening them with a smile. It never took her long to make up her mind about something. She decided to go. Why not? A week in the house could make for a pretty great icebreaker when she went to college. At the moment though, she had no real reason not to go inside. She looked at Lillica and Rookie and held out her hands.

"Shall we go? I mean if we go, we go together, right?"
Lillica sighed heavily after witnessing Ava faint, watching her other friends stand up for the group, and listening silently as the girl from before and the butler spoke. All of this was crazy and her friends still wanted to go. Who was the lady of the house? Why did she want to see them? Why on earth does time pass differently, that can't be possible, can it? Her eyes scanned the floor as the mind raced, her arms folded tightly. Finally she heard the others heading inside and looked up to see Syra waiting for Rook and herself. Lillica glanced at Rook hesitantly, she didn't want to go in there, but she couldn't let them go by themselves. She looked back up at Syra and nodded, taking the final steps forward and entering through the doorway.
After everything that had happened, Rook was still cooling down. A week in an abandoned haunted house that apparently, contrary to belief, wasn't so "abandoned" after all didn't sound very enjoyable, but he didn't exactly have much of a choice. He shook off what doubts he still had left as he watched Lillica walk in, leaving only him out on the slanted porch. "Allons-y." he said to himself as he finally made his way through the doorway. So many thoughts circled that head of his. So many thoughts and so little time before he died. Wait, what? No, he wouldn't die. Heck no. If this house was inhabitable than obviously living here for a couple nights wouldn't mean anyone would die, right? Sure, you might go bonkers, maybe run around naked for a night, but nothing too serious. Everything would be fine. Yeah, that's what he told himself. Rookie Kyles, the guy who would survive a not-so-abandoned supposedly haunted shack of a house. Of course, when he walked in, it didn't look so shack-like on the inside. Hell, there was even a foyer. Pushing back all those unnecessary thoughts of death and such, Rook let out a long whistle. Maybe shack houses aren't that bad after all.
The butler let go of the door, when everyone entered, it closing by itself. He nodded and started to the living room, the next archway. His voice echoed softly as he spoke to someone in the room.

Ava squirmed on Lia's shoulder, groaning lightly. She patted her back lightly, voice hoarse.

"Put me down.."

Cordelia arched her brow when she felt Ava moving again then speak.

"You good now?"

She stopped and set her down, fixing her clothes and hair for her.

"I wasnt just going to leave you laying on the floor back there so I just carried you, sorry about that Ava"

She grinned shyly and rubbed the back of her neck. She then kept following the butler through the house taking in its architecture and the way their footsteps echoed through the halls. When the butler started talking she peered at him and was hoping they hadnt made the wrong choices coming into this old house.​

Zach whispered to Lia "I wonder who this lady is...I hope she's not mad were here." Zach said, staying close to Lia. He knew it was going to be a long night, or in house's terms week. He couldn't help but wonder why time went more slowly inside of the house, who would want to live in those kinds of conditions. He was relieved to see Ava wake up and back on her feet, he was worried she might have been knocked out for quite some time. He continued to feel sick in his stomach, but he simply walked it off.
Beatrice followed Zach quietly into the house. She admired his bravery, though she has no idea what kind of expression he has behind his mask. Probably one that showed fear, after all, to have a physical mask that smiles all the time kind of gives off the impression that he is incapable of hiding his true emotions and is/or afraid that people would mistake him for being a weakling. "The lady" Beatrice mocked silently, she will not be surprised if the woman ended up putting them in an oven. She quickly scanned the room for exits, eyeing the large windows are the side, in the even that they must go through the windows, there will be one in need.

It took her a while before she saw the butler staring at the ground, displeased. "oh." The cookie crumbs from her bag of fortune cookies. She wanted to pick them up because she felt bad at the butler but it would probably be a good idea if she left a trail of crumbs, just in case they got lost and wanted to retrace their steps. Beatrice turned around and looked at the girls wistfully, wondering how they will be able to survive for even a day.
Lillica walked silently with the others, lips drawn tight and brow furrowed. She looked around them as she walked, the house looked so different on the inside than she would have ever thought. She saw that Ava was regaining consciousness and paused for a moment to wait for Ava and Cordelia, but kept her eye on the butler. As he spoke to someone in the room, Lillica felt her stomach tie itself in more knots. She glanced back at Ava and placed a hand on her shoulder briefly as a sign of concern. Who was the lady and what did she want with them?
The butler stood from his bent position, offering the lady his hand to stand, which she gladly took. The butler's voice spoke to them.

"Presenting Lady Olivia Trustell."

The woman looked at the group, gloved hands clasped together. She looked like she was in her 30's with her black hair pulled back and put into a neat and tight bun that sat behind her right ear. Her dress was a one of a kind corset dress that seemed to fit her perfect. It had that mermaid flare to it that you might find in a wedding dress, though it was anything but a wedding dress; a dark blue. A black lace bolero covered her arms, adding to her outfit. She smiled lightly, dark red lips curling as she did.

"Oh my, guests. I am so happy for you to join us! Please, come in, come in. My home is your home. You may choose any room that you wish to stay in. Dinner will be served soon, just listen for the bell. We have no secrets here. You are more than welcome to explore, just be careful.. You can get lost here, trust me."

Everyone seemed to get comfortable as they walked through. Granted, there was still the feeling of tension throughout the group, including the chick that had been hanging from the doorframe just a couple moments ago. Rook couldn't deny that the tensions crept upon him; silently pulling at him. The dirty blonde just continued to follow the entourage when finally, he saw her. The supposed lady of the house. All tension aside, Rook couldn't help but stare at her. I mean, yeah, he was in a creepy old house and all, where time passed slower than that of the outside world, but a guy could speculate. She almost seemed to have a glow to her, a certain majestic attitude. It built up the mystery. As much as Rook wanted to say something, he was having trouble with finding words. This was really happening. The group would be staying in the mystery house for the duration of the night. When Lady Trustell spoke of finding rooms, Rookie took a moment to glance around the current room the group had been standing in, taking a couple appreciative glances at the architecture, but nevertheless investigating for anything suspicious. Yes, the woman seemed nice and all, but Rookie wasn't going to take his chances on getting comfortable just yet. "How long, exactly, were you anticipating for us to stay here?" he asked, peering at the very well-dressed Lady Trustell.

Zac couldn't help but blush under his mask and give a nervous smile. He couldn't help it, the woman was beautiful. For all Zac knew, he thought she'd be some old hag in garments with a big nose. But Zac was completely wrong, she was even nice to them. Zac coughed a little and said "T-thank you for your hospitality senorita...". He didn't want to give the impression he had a eye for her, so he just kept his hands in his pockets trying to look cool, all while still linking arms with Lia.

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