~The Hexosphere Chronicles~

@PicaPirate: I'm fine with whatever one you want. Personally I'd have it make him stronger but simultaneously make all of the drawbacks worse too, making him really powerful or a short time before collapsing.
Works for me :) would support how dark magic works.

Anyhow, I'll post the moment you do your intro post, since I'm all ready to post (written up on Google docs)

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Mine will be already there. I think it's a "up to you" kind of thing, as long as we somehow congregate eventually.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
RP has begun! I'm going to be fairly busy with things once again tonight, but shall be keeping a watchful eye on things and posting whenevr I get the chance. Hope you all enjoy!

Oh, and, don't be put off by the length of the first post, I don't expect anything anywhere near that long, twas merely for setting and the like :')
@SkyGinge Uh, yeah. I think I may have gotten my question a bit twisted up. In a clearer version, I recently posted my character on the showcase, as well as a notice asking for any takers to be apart of my Crew. Kind of like an advertisement. If I get any volunteers from that entry, and I see that they can keep up with the literary style you're hoping for, I could hopefully include them in my Crew. After they make their characters and get them approved by you of course.
Yup, that all seems like a good idea to me, and thanks for the clarification! 
@CrimsonEclipse : You can post now as I said, but obviously I would like the sheet fixed up as soon as possible.
I don't know if you have addressed this yet, I didn't notice anything in the settings part, but what is the currency called?
I haven't addressed it yet, no, and nothing amazing springs to mind, so feel free to invent a currency! xD
Aye, or just not mention anything specific other than things like 'the dosh' and 'the money' until I can bring it up in a post :')
I generally go with copper, silver or gold coins, where usually a hundred or thousand of one makes 1 of the one above, so 100/1000 copper coins equates to one silver.

Have a system as complicated as Simon the Sorcerer and I'll tear my hair out xD

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.

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