~The Hexosphere Chronicles~

I've already in my head got several lines and actions he is probable to carry out and a vague outline of introducing the character to the RP.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
@SkyGinge, would gladiatorial type of competitions be possible in a group of creatures such as the Sharkal, whose culture and lifestyle revolves around violence and hunting?
@CrimsonEclipse : Not an art as such, as they aren't fully corrupt like the demons, but I'd think of it more like back in the Roman times, where as a nation there was a lot of violence and as such that seeped into colloseums.

@Shura : No need to apologise, and also I beg to differ: the description elsewhere was top notch :')

Also, as a general notice, I'm going to be in town with some friends (apparently I have a sudden social life now), so I won't be on site for a litte bit. Feel free to keep working on things/upload characters or whatever, but just be warned that it'll be a little while before I can see to them.
SkyGinge said:
@Elegy: I was thinking about this, actually, and came to the conclusion that carrying around weapons in public would probably be illegal, due to there essentially being no point in doing so. In entering ports and such there would be a frisk, and people would be detained if they were seen carrying a weapon around. However, I doubt they would ever routinely check houses or anything, and a lot of criminals would probably find sneaky ways of hiding weaponry and other destructive materials about themselves.
Hope that helps!
I'm not sure how to handle this. Bralynn has her sword and her various throwing knives. Are you saying that none of this should be openly carried at all? Just trying to get a better feel for the culture and expectations. Thanks.
Handle it by having her have a good way of hiding it :) Because yeah, otherwise nobody would have any weaponry at all and that'd leave us all pretty hopeless for combat. Then again, there will likely be salesmen and craftsmen selling such weapons, and that would be nigh impossible to police. So I'll make a compromise and have it so that people can carry a single weapon throughout the frisk, for either self defence or sport, but if they were to carry too much they'd look too suspicious and be sent away. Add to that that there'll be guards everywhere and I think we have reasonable, logical measures that make sense and allow for weapontastic fun too :)
Added a theme song to my character. I like the film Ironclad, which that is an inspiration of, so yeah. Suits his angry and volatile nature too.

To note, I think a criminal would be breaking the law anyhow and hide multiple weapons in their pants ;)

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Hah that's really cool! I could see him fighting to that song.

It will now play in my head every time he has a fight scene xD
Those are both really smart ideas Pica: was meaning to mention potential theme songs actually as I had two ones that are perfect for Kri'tro and Whiskey. And yeah, that was also what I was going for with weaponry.
Tried my hand at making a character completely reliant on martial arts, and it looks decent. Also @SkyGinge , are all the human inhabitants in the oasis cities only? Could there be a band of traveling people that live out in the desert for religious purposes like the desert ascetic monks of Islam, Christianity and Buddhism did?
Ok, so I'm considering having Bralynn wear a long, leather coat (Matrix-like) in which she can carry/conceal her short sword (Highlander-like). @SkyGinge, is this feasible for you? If not, then I'll have to come up with something else.
xD I love doing research for characters some times. I knew belly dancers had an amazing amount of control but damn



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