~The Hexosphere Chronicles~

hmm wanting to hash more background for Dexter but before I do I need more clarification of Angels in your story.

Are they always being or birthed like normal humans but with longer life spans?

Also as the world is mostly unknown beside those of Angels are we open to discuss our idea of it or is there a set form?

Thanks Sky ^_^
One thing I wondered. Is Kri'tro a anti hero or a villain? I couldn't quite differentiate properly in my head.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
@TheWizard : I do apologise, but I can't quite grasp what you're trying to ask. For Angels, it is described that they aren't born normally like humans, but what I didn't state is that largely they grow up and develop as human children would, although without recollection of their first five years of life. The same goes for demons. Not sure what you mean by world and such though, are you talking about Blist?

@PicaPirate : An antihero, like many of these criminal characters will end up. :)
@SkyGinge - Thats what I was trying to get before I fully developed the post since I was unsure of their birth and early years so didn't want to make one before I figured that out. Also there are a LOT of grammar issues in the post as this was rushed to get the post setup and then I would hash out what was needed.

As for the second question yes Blist itself. I was curious if you had a set design of what it looks like that all angels follow other then "light structures" or can we just wing it?

As for the pocket watch I was going to use it as a sub-plot for his past but if you want it included in the background I'll gladly do so then.

You'll see a redone application here shortly after you answer those last two inquires lol
Ah, in they case, just add an elaboration sentence after the original pocket watch one to at least hint at why he still keeps it. I wouldn't want to rob you of a good old subplot :')

As for Blist, I was purposely vague to try and show how different Angel society is, but I guess think a more beautiful white void with intricate, archaic-ish architecture around the place. On a slightly related side note, have you ever read the Tripod's trilogy? I was kind of going for something like that in that Blist is so different it's almost incomprehensible to describe to humans. After all, everything is still made of light of various kinds, and it's so bright up there that things would be seen differently to standard perception. Hope this helps!

I think when I have time tomorrow I'm going to compile and answers questions list at the start of this thread so that I can keep anything I've said here in an accessible and handy place! In the mean time, keep these questions coming!
perfect that answered it fully think I am going to crash this character for another I been tempted on with this type of story arc
@SkyGinge, I am planning to create a Sharlak and I just wanted to ask something. If my character is an adept in the arts of fire magic, would it be possible and practical for him to use this magic to sustain his body temperature?
@CrimsonEcclipse: That's a cool idea, but sadly I've stated that only humans can learn magic as such. All adapted species have universal but limited elemental base things, such as Shalrak being able to breath fire. But that would not extend to temperature control as that would undermined their main drawback. However, there are a number of creator alternatives you could use as opposed to having an NPC magician assistant, such as potentially wearing some kind of complex semi-mechanical heating armour of anything similar that fits the bill :)
@SkyGinge Bralynn's come to Kael in search of work. I just added a line at the end of her history stating so. Sorry, I thought that it was already understood.
Ah yes, I presumed as much, but was just being nitpicky as ever :') I just finished clearing out the Characters Section of all waffle, so now it should be easier to navigate and read through :)
A little web surfing has me baffled at the weaponry and explosives 10-16th century armies had. Surprisingly better than I thought they would be like to say the least.
xD Well, I can't claim to be much of a history enthusiast, but one of my best friend is really in to historic battles and such, a guy who might actually be making an account to join this very RP, actually! But yah, tis interesting stuff!
Yeah firearms for the lock mechanism evolved at a breakneck pace when it started.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Looking at my near completed CS sheet, my character is armed to the teeth. Bombs, chemical explosions, fire, guns, sword, gauntlets, etc.

Which got me curious: Are the peacekeepers and guards going to frisk everyone they see or will they just take a look at you and leave?
@Elegy: I was thinking about this, actually, and came to the conclusion that carrying around weapons in public would probably be illegal, due to there essentially being no point in doing so. In entering ports and such there would be a frisk, and people would be detained if they were seen carrying a weapon around. However, I doubt they would ever routinely check houses or anything, and a lot of criminals would probably find sneaky ways of hiding weaponry and other destructive materials about themselves.

Hope that helps!
So if my character had things that seemed to not be weapons, I.E. chemical powders, and passed it off as being stuff for experiments or spices, would that work?

A lot of my character's weapons seem to be inconsequential things until they are reacted or used as weapons, it seems.
I guess that depends on how good they are at blagging xD They'd definitely look dubious though, and given the Festival is such a prestigious event it'll be well patrolled and policed. Anyhow, I'll see for sure when the character is up :')
Also is alchemy or anything like it established in this world? Not magical or supernatural alchemy, but basically chemistry just called alchemy to sound better and to fit the times and setting more. Could it be a well known occupation? Selling useful chemicals and substances like naptha, resins, sulfurs, etc. instead of the regular old merchant's wares.
If it is just chemical knowledge and the like and not alchemy a la Full Metal Alchemist then that's fine, although with all these things I'm starting to get a little scared of how intense your character is going to be xD
Yep, just regular old chemical knowledge. Chemical substances mined or produced fetched decent prices in trade from what I've been reading up, so its not entirely out or range for an "alchemist" to make a living off of being a merchant selling these.

I've made a few tweaks around the place. Firstly, I've finally filled in the Neutral Characters thread with plot-related side characters and the like, make sure to read through. Similarly, I've began collating the most important answers I've done here into an answers section in the OP of this htread (which has also been updated slightly), so that people can have easy access to all that info.

Hope that all helps!

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