~The Hexosphere Chronicles~

@Kharmin I will say this now. As an owner of a great-coat, as you suggest, it may impair your movement due to the stitching and weight if you have a proper wool one. Just putting that out there, unless it it's specifically tailored. Arm movement is partially constricted with where it can go, but mostly it is the weight of the coat which weigh on your shoulders and arms.

Point of Reference: RAF Greatcoat.

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@Kharmin : That'd be fine :)

@Elegy : That depends on the ship. The overall size is normally as a standard ship but other than that designs vary from ship to ship as long as they have the apparatus needed for flight: normally propellers and an engine at the underside of the ship. Standardly they are made of wood like the period ships, although metallic materials have began to be used by the Peacemakers on their military ships. Any ships not military or used as general ferries would be much smaller and contain compact living quarters, storage and sometimes a front room shop in merchant ships. Other than that I encourage creativity with ship design :)
@SkyGinge, regarding the complex semi-mechanical heating armor to allow me to leave my fiery volcanic habitat, I've been thinking, can I use a type of volcanic rock found in Irrea, which is capable of storing and absorbing heat, and have it grafted to his body or be made into some form fitting armor? It's just a theory, and I wan to hear your opinion.
PicaPirate said:
@Kharmin I will say this now. As an owner of a great-coat, as you suggest, it may impair your movement due to the stitching and weight if you have a proper wool one. Just putting that out there, unless it it's specifically tailored. Arm movement is partially constricted with where it can go, but mostly it is the weight of the coat which weigh on your shoulders and arms.
Point of Reference: RAF Greatcoat.
As we sometimes say, here in the States, "Don't piss in my Wheaties." :)

I get what you're saying, but I'm not sure that we need to inject that level of realism into our fantasy. That's why I made the Highlander reference. If you're at all familiar with the movies (Christopher Lambert) or the TV series (Adrian Paul), then you might recall that the main character always seems to have his sword mysteriously appear from within his coat. That's kind of what I was going for here.

If this is too fantastic, then perhaps any of our characters would have a great deal of difficulty concealing any weapon smaller than a knife or a small flint-lock pistol, especially if they are going to come under such extreme scrutiny?

I will endeavor, while writing, to keep in mind the constrictions that you brought up, though.
I get what you're saying, and I'm hardly going to insist on intense realism all the time, don't worry :') Just was trying to establish the restraints of the society, drawing a sword out like that would be fine.
@Kharmin I was just offering reference in being a user. You can choose to completely ignore what I said xD

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Right, just added in theme songs for all my guys! They're not exactly brilliant fits lyrically (bar the refrain for Kri'tro, imagine he's refering to Dae'rn), but musically they're appropriate enough to suit the characters, I hope xD And if not, they're largely pleasant. Whiskey's is obvious, and I guess his tech obsession makes him a 'Fiddler', whereas I think of Apos' as more of an internal calming song for when he's too frustrated about everything else. Also, none of these songs are British: they are Finnish, Icelandic and German respectfully, woo for multi-cultural stuff!

I'm currently working on the opening post to have it ready to post at the prime time on Sunday when the RP will start :)
Do we start with the festival running at the beginning of the day as a backdrop?

I'll probably have him start in the back alleys doing some 'hunting'.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
It will start around Midday on the first day of the festival, yes :)

And yeah, if you guys are wanting to dedicate some writing time to this beforehand, some expositionary funky stuff might be a cool way to have an introduction for your character :)  
Another little detail, although all this will be announced fully on Sunday, but this first story arc is going to be a little different to must, as it is going to have two seperate strands to it. Both will converge at the end, and then we'll all be together from there on out. So yus!
Right, so two days left until the RP starts, so @Icefox11 an all others interested but yet to finish your characters: If you guys have your characters up by Sunday I can hopefully find time to read through them before the RP starts, though today would really be optimum because I unlike to find much time at all over the weekend.

And also on Sunday I'll decide who I would like to invite to play the special, plot-centric role I mentioned in the character section OP, by PMing them with more details :)
FWIW, please don't select me for the super-secret plot-centric role. I don't want to commit to time that I might not have available. ;)
I've got a starting post ready to fire the moment we start :)

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Unfortunately, the place where I'm staying has no Internet; I'm only on now because we've gone bowling. So yeah, apologies for all that, I'll try to get things sorted as soon as I have a stable connection :)
Question: What happens if dark magic were to hit Alistair, who is already corrupted by it? Would he get simply damaged, or would his body absorb it as fuel? Or nothing at all?
That would probably apply if his body was not already corrupted by it. At the moment, dark magic is feeding on his emotions and making him stronger, like an infection spreading. It was after all a dark magic attack that caused him to be so.

So I wanted to clarify with @SkyGinge whether it would simply worsen that condition, or just hurt him without any other attached consequence.
*points to his CS* It's the first one, just after Sky's first CS.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.

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