~The Hexosphere Chronicles~

@Shura, well it involved a lot of drinking, desperate blubbering, momentary loss of respect, and let me just say that there is a woman who goes by the name of "Annie" who knows Jinta's entire life story, even the day he was conceived.
Oh, he "borrowed" an invitation to a royal ball from this kind lady-in-waiting. He doesn't even know the details of it, he just thinks its going to be fun, because why would you have an unfun party?
Is it too late to join? I was looking to possibly make a human wind or healing mage and/or a demon.
I sent Jinta off so he could meet other characters at the party, or before the party. If anyone wants to introduce their characters, may they be somewhat Noble in rank, an invited partygoer, or just some wanderer near the party, I'll be fine with some interaction.
Oh, how very silly of me. I have missed the beginning of this. My apologies, for some reason I stopped receive notifications.
Ah, don't worry about it! :') You haven't missed too much, so hop right in! :D

As for @TheWizard @Comix , if it's not too much trouble, could you get a post up within the next two days? Because after that I plan to introduce the first minor plot point and move us on a little.
I will try >~< sorry

All my teachers set their tests and quizzes this week but I survived and will try to post soon
Yep, I actually made him go to the party so that others would be able to interact with him. Also, you can make the beginning interaction, but I need to head to the store for a ten-pound Rice Krispie.
Yeah I'm still trying to think what to do with Alistair. I was thinking just doing a general walking around festival post.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Pica, maybe he would like to meet up with Aaru :3? Since he is trying to cure dark magic and Alistar is corrupted.
He currently has no reason to seek out a stranger like him, also (OOC explained, he can explain this IC another time) Alistair chooses to keep the dark magic, as a burden on his shoulders for vengeance. He kind of sees it like his gift by fate to take revenge, with fate going "It's dangerous to go alone, take this."

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
@PicaPirate : A general walking post would be helpful seeing as at the moment your character is kind of in a nowhere where he's difficult for others to interact with.

@OverlyIntricateLove : Was Aaru not going to try and find Apos seeing as he wants to go to the library (from his CS)? Although you could always make a pitstop at Alistair en route :')
Maybe later. I'll just have him meet with Apos, right now it wouldn't be right to randomly find a dark mage xD . I was thinking Alistar could be Aaru's test subject, but perhaps not :3.
"Pit stop"


Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
@PicaPirate : Very quickdraw for there, congrats xD

@OverlyIntricateLove : Cool, cool :) In that case do you want to edit a little more onto the end of your post so that he can walk into the library and do something that would catch Apos' attention, seeing as he's currently mid-narrator mode in reading folklore to the kids :')
Sorry xD . I am just a little sleepy :P .

Alright, I added a little more onto it. Just ask if you need anything else added :) .
I feel you bro, I feel you: a run of stupidly late nights and crazy organising shook days plus the stresses of raging at my smash bros failures has evidently taken its toll xD

Anyhow that's good now, I'll get to work an a reply for him :')

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