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Realistic or Modern the Halifax witch hunts


"Hmm.....yes this will do, this will do just fine.", she commented to herself as her detached tail tripped up the dwarf before he could escape. It wrangled it's way to his face and started burrowing in from an eye socket. After blood curdling screams and frantic struggling, the dwarf went silent. 

Ika was a little taken aback by Luxxie's apparent indifference to the death of this individual.

He was proving to be an interesting one, though that might end up proving to be more problematic than beneficial. 

The body convulsed and shifted as the strand took control of the organic tissue. Gruesome snaps and cracks emanated from the new Thrall as Ika molded the body of the dwarf for more offense capabilities. 

By the time she was done a ragged, bloody and twitching beast stood staggered before them. 

"Killing is such a misappropriation, I prefer the term 'ameliorate'.", she quipped, regrowing a tail. 

Ika jumped down behind the bar and stood up at the counter like a bartender. She looked a around at the empty glasses and still intact drink bottles, imagining all the opportunities to spike someone's drink with her strand. 

She briefly contemplated attacking Luxxie and taking the bar by force but figured that maybe him being alive and conscious could be an asset as opposed to a detriment, especially given how he'd just allowed her to absorb that dwarf. It was odd. Did he know what she was? Did he care? What was his agenda?

Though, assimilating him would give her all those answers it was no fun, like cheating at a puzzle game. Besides, subsuming everyone and thing you come in contact with gets lonely. 

"I like this place, I'm staying.", she stated plainly. 


"Haail nexus" the dwarf's remains said in a gravelly tone of voice, he stood bye like a zombie waiting for further instruction from the nexus.
"Get the meat puppet out of my pub, please. It doesn't do well to business." He says, sliding the cash register to the side and flipping a switch before sliding the register back. He goes over to the staircase, pushing a hidden door open. "Down we go, after you and your... Meat puppet."

@Pumpkin Spice Cyanide

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"Aw, I thought I did a good job with this one...it's small, and cute, like a baby.", Ika commented at Luxxie's discontent. She back off of the counter and trotted over to Luxxie at the hidden door, looking through the door. She made a strange clicking sound, harnessing a skill similar to bio-sonar she'd picked up from beasts back in her home realms. 

"How quaint!", she said after examining the underlying structure. "I'll take this as a agreement to my lodging here. Do you mind if I do a little remodeling? We could really use some sewer accesses......Oh! And a pit!", she said excitedly. Ika had always been a lover of home design, though most of her homes were constructed of flesh and bone....still she always added a certain flair to the macabre. 

Ika motioned for her newest thrall to enter the doorway first, always wary of deception, and looked at Luxxie happily. 

"Quite a shiner ya got there!", she giggled, alluding to his eye. "Looks kinda broken...wanna borrow one of mine?", Ika asked sprouting hundreds of eyes, varied as they were many, on the body of her fulcrum. "I've got plenty."


The dwarf remains went downstairs and walked wherever the master-mother walked. The remains grew tendrils and configured itself to look like the child of Ika walking alongside her before the remains said in a high pitched, wheezy voice "mother, what do you wanna do with the mortal's things"
"No thanks." He says, pushing her into and down the staircase, closing it behind him. At the bottom, they were exposed to a humongous warehouse full of illegal items, from black magic, to people, to guns, and now even Lin's drugs. He led them to the right, into another section filled with the same as the other. "Two more sections down, and there is an unused section of warehouse. Make yourself at home."

@Tonstad39 @Pumpkin Spice Cyanide


"Oh!", she exclaimed as Luxxie pushed her around. "How rude."

As they passed the rooms she took extra notice of the rooms holding various contraband, eyeing the people in particular. It was beginning to look a lot like Christmas. 

"Well, well, looks like we have a smuggler in our midst, my mini me!", she said facetiously to the newly transmogrified pup at her side. "What an interesting little meat sack you are.", Ika complimented Luxxie.....mostly.

She was a little annoyed that the moron who'd accidentally brought her to Earth hadn't known about this smuggler's ring below this pub.They really were as pathetic as she'd thought. What else was she oblivious about? The proposition of absorbing Luxxie for his knowledge was becoming more and more attractive by the moment. 

"Make myself at home?", she asked noticing Luxxie was leading them to a large empty space similar to the ones holding all those interesting things. She giggled at the idea that he actually bought the notion that she wanted a place to stay. It was like putting a fish in a fish bowl and that fish bowel in the ocean, she was a virus not a tenant. Still, this pub was obviously frequented by intriguing individuals if this kinda of business could be run out of the back and here she'd have a constant supply of...material. 

"You're gonna regret saying that!", she sang in agreement, entering full gallop into the area to start becoming "at home". She stood in the center of the room for a moment looking about. "I guess I can work with this....it's a bit confined but that's nothing a little tunneling can't fix.....I'll be needing some furnishings, however..", she said to herself just before a large mass shot from her back and smashed down through the floor, resurfacing through the wall and out of a refrigeration drawer of the morgue of a nearby hospital. "Bingo, was his name-o", she said having hit her mark. 

A mortician scrambled to exit the room as Ika's growth burst in. The growth elongated into a whip-like form, lunging at the woman and wrapping around her head, then rapidly winding, snapping her neck. Ika pulled her body and those in the morgue drawers back through the drawer with hole in the wall behind it and into the tunnel

back to the pub's secret area. 

"I love recycling.", she said playfully as the bodies began being dragged into the room. "I think I'll change into something a little more comfortable...less hairy.", she again said to aloud to no one in particular. The dog body she'd been using began to contort and morph violently and disturbingly before finally settling on the form of a girl, unfortunately naked at the moment. 


Ika's mini me changed into a form resembling a nude four year old boy with an appearance to match his 'mother'. The mini-me said in a normal child's voice "mommy, when will the Nexus give me a name?"
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"I believe that you can also find yourself some clothes. And don't just take from my warehouse, ask first." Luxxie says, as he watches her pull the freezer into the room. "Now, if you don't mind, I have to remake my pub.


"Give you a name?", Ika said crossing her arms across her chest and placing her fist under her chin. "Hmm...I don't know...The Doc says talking to myself and giving body parts names is probably a sign of psychosis. Isn't that right Doc?!", Ika called out to the recently acquired body of the mortician, already taking on a more twisted form and moving bodies to a corner of the room. "You're asking yourself if talking to yourself is psychotic...", the thrall responded matter-of-factly in the same voice as Ika's fulcrum. "Valid point, me.", Ika said to herself. She then turned back to the curious thrall that had asked her the strange question. "Even though naming you would be like naming a toenail or an elbow or something.........considering you were just my tail but a few moments ago....I think I'll call you......Winston Waggins.....the 3rd.", she smiled patting the child form's head, essentially patting herself on the head. She almost instantly lost focus on that and went back to rearranging the room. 

She turned to Luxxie when he finally spoke up and smiled at his 'all business' demeanor. "Oh, don't be such a wet blanket.", she shot at him. "What do I need clothes for? I've been naked this whole time. Besides, this is MY room now. No one is gonna see me here, so ease up. Unless...nudity makes you uncomfortable..", she teased, posing salaciously. She laughed at her own joke as she normally does and calmly walked over to Luxxie, stopping at the doorway and leaning against it. "Don't worry about your knickknacks and underground gift shop. There's nothing there that interests me enough to steal, at least not yet....", she assured him. 


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"I am my mommy's tail Winston" the mini me said playfully before running naked around the warehouse. It was laughing and plying around just as much as a real child would before he stopped running next to his center brain and asked "so mommy when will you get more parts so you can be the WHOLE WORLD"
"Yes, Winny. That's the endgame.", she said getting up off the doorway and crouching down to the child-guised mass of corrupted flesh. "But that's very lonely isn't it, Winston? Yes it is! It's lonely, huh? Yeah!", she baby talked to it. "You're soo cute!", she said forcefully, pinching the cheeks of the thrall. In the background the pile of bodies where being infected and transformed some even fusing together.

"Ok, now run along and dig a hole. We need a flesh pit.", Ika said to herself, turning the little thing around and nudging to another corner of the room."Oh they grow up so fast!", she commented to Luxxie, as she stood back up and faced him. "It feels like only 40 minutes ago it was just a.......little furry tail." 
"Don't worry mommy, you will have the biggest parts ever" said Winston as he began shifting out of his child guise. He shifted into a midget version of the nexus with the exact same composition of bones and decomposed flesh, only Winston was just under 4 feet tall, but was still just as monsterous looking. He was effectively a miniature version of his mother as he walked over to Luxxie and asked him in his high pitched wheezy voice "Are the floors like, metal or are these just stone?" @Luxx`Noir~ @Pumpkin Spice Cyanide
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Winston began shifting and transmogrified into a form resembling a juvinile acid blowing dragon. He blew high powered acid at the metal and created a very large hole in the floor. The metal of the warehouse had dissolved and so has the marble, it was a big strain on Winston so after dissolving a hole in the floor, he laid down and inhaled derply for he was feeling feint.

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