[The Grid] OOC

Sorry to hear that, cyl. Be well.

Re-opening recruitment is OK by me, I have one friend I might poke here if that happens...

And yeah, being flexible in potential castes is probably a Good Thing. :)
Bushranger, go ahead and refer your friend. Otherwise, can you and the Lord of the Storm post specifically what you guys intend to do? I'd like to jump ahead to the meetup.
May I make a suggestion? If you're going to do that, why don't you have Lace drive the 'Vette? She'll need to finish working on it anyway and that way Kase can focus on talking with Erin and possibly being fire support if necessary.
Gah. This week has been hectic, but I still have no excuse for missing a whole week. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. :(

Miashara said:
May I make a suggestion? If you're going to do that, why don't you have Lace drive the 'Vette? She'll need to finish working on it anyway and that way Kase can focus on talking with Erin and possibly being fire support if necessary.
Hmm. That works for me. She can suggest it, and Pat will probably agree. He's more likely to consider her driving talents as up to the job than Kase's, no offence to Kase. :)
Hmm. That works for me. She can suggest it' date=' and Pat will probably agree. He's more likely to consider her driving talents as up to the job than Kase's, no offence to Kase. :) [/quote']
None taken.
Sweet. Okay, I'm going to run with this then.

Hmm. That works for me. She can suggest it' date=' and Pat will probably agree. He's more likely to consider her driving talents as up to the job than Kase's, no offence to Kase. :) [/quote']
None taken.
Remember, there is a matrix thing wherein skills can be directly uploaded to your brains. If you want to build up a skill, mention it to either Bob or Athena.

Anyway, let's skip forward to some badassery.

Edit: If the site ever worked!
I hate to sound like a broken record, but see the post above yours, Lord of the Storm. Otherwise, there are some simple things to do.

1)Stunt. Please. Remember players call their own 1d or 2d stunts on the basic guidance of the book. Posting 'Kase walks around, looking for Erin' is a 1d. 'Kase walks between the shelves, stepping lightly over fallen books and a tangle of wires' is 2d. The difference is whether you describe scenery or not. Basically, if Arynne can then add a detail you mention in her post, it's worth 2d. In the 1d example, there aren't really any details she can use. In the 2d example, she could reference the shelves, the tangle of wires, and fallen books. Basically you get an extra die for adding a detail to the sand box she can play with too. 3d stunts are 2d stunts that I or any PC think is cool. For example, if The Bushranger thinks a tumble of wires is just too freaking awesome for words, he can post +1d to the OOC thread, PM me, or use his awesome mod powers to edit it. I advocate the first two courses of action for PCs, while I will do the later. (I wouldn't have a hissy fit if he did though. Mainly it just seemed like an obvious STing thing to do as opposed to a PC.) Mechanically, a 2d stunt won't bring you above ping on this one, but it will give you a free temporary wp point if successful, which brings us to the next point.

Note: I do expect you all to call your own 1d and 2d stunts though. If you don't think it's cool enough to warrant a die, I won't overrule anyone.

2) Channel willpower. Even rolling ping, 1d, you can add a bonus success for free. That gives you at least something. With a simple 2d stunt that puts you back at full wp.

3) Channel virtues. I see you've got Valor and Compassion of three, which would nullify the internal penalty for not having survival. Compassion might go something to the effect of 'Kase, desiring to spare Erin from the cruel lie she doesn't know she's been living her whole life, hunts her through the stacks with his hands open and unarmed. He's sure if he can just find her, he can help her understand.' Valor could be something similar, but I leave that to you as a RPing challenge. See stunt notes above.

As an aside, I kind of geared this part of the game with the intent of more virtue channelling then has been done. I thought it would be an excellent avenue for people explore characterizations and character development without relying on essence fueled powers. I understand that channels refill slowly, and you might be holding off because you don't know how to replenish them. Reasonable, but remember this game is intended to be played by mortals right now. I've got schemes and plans in my black heart for overcoming that. Honestly, I've got schemes and plans in the dark hole where my heart should have been for buying pizza and using synthetic oil. When it comes to things that actually warrant scheming, there's a back log that runs to the fall of man.

4) Channel virtues _and_ stunt. (Preferred) 'Kase, desiring to spare Erin from the cruel lie she doesn't know she's been living her whole life, hunts her through the stacks with his hands open and unarmed. He's sure if he can just find her among the bleak stacks, he can help her understand. Provided she doesn't brain him with Hesiod's Theogony, or the badly maintained light fixtures don't do it for her first.' That's 2d (references books and dangerous lights she can use in her own posts)and a decent compassion justification for 3d. Now you're rolling 4d (Dex 2, Comp. 3, 2d stunt -3d for not having survival) as well as developing why Kase is willing to go to such lengths for someone he hasn't even met yet.

5) Change the playing field. Don't go into the stacks. Stand at the doorway and yell, 'Lady, come with me if you want to live!' and roll Charisma + Presence. See notes above on stunting: 'Kase punches the librarian in the nose, takes her microphone, and hollers over the PA, "Attention Erin Hagens. The Abyssals are coming for you. I am your only chance at safety. I also have pie."' Since you don't have pie, now you'd be rolling Manip, but the general idea remains the same.

6) Burn the building down and catch her when she runs out.

7) Unleash a horde of savage weasels.
Savage weasels? Pfft.


I'll try to be a bit more expository and virtuous. It's just that I'm very much a D&D3.5-mindset player, where of course there are no Virtues, only Alignments, and "scene-building" beyond what the DM gives you is frowned upon...
Hmmm. Two Marauders watching the library, eh?

A trap? What? No, no, no. It must be a pure coincidence. I assure you.

And as the ST you can trust me. I would never lie to you.
Hello, ST and Player Gents:

This is your newest compatriot speaking. My character sheet and background is up for observation at the moment, and as Mishara suggested, it might be worth forging some PC to PC links to get me into the action smoother.

In any case, cheers! Let us awaken! :D
Welcome in. Good to have some new blood. Now I'm going to scheme for a bit and get you tied into the plot.
If you add some specific details, you'll be fine. Mention a couple movie names and genres. Also say where Malcom grew up, and who he's working with now. You said he's on vacation. When is he expected back, and what will he likely be doing?
Well, I made a coupla edits, yesterday. Anyway, if you need to confer on how to insert Malcolm, PM me. :)
In general on background detail more is better. They're PC made plot hooks which usually sink the fastest. Anyway, I'll get to work, and see what I can do.

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