[The Grid] OOC

All right. We've been doing this for a month now, so it's definitely xp time. Training times will be something of an issue since this is still in the first scene for several of you, but that can be dealt with.

Every page of the IC thread is worth 3 xp for everyone. So 18 all around. Also, Arynne gets a patience point. Cyl also gets one for the interaction with the perp. I'm looking for excuses to hand out good roleplaying xp, so feel free to suggest awards.

Hows that work for everybody?
Awesome. :D Works out well.

Would it be possible to shuffle Patrick's sheet just a little, to use XP for some things and free up a point or two for Influence? I missed that on the sheet originally, but a dot or two really should be there, as people who followed racing would at least have his name ring a bell dimly. No worries if that isn't possible though, it's cool. :)
You can buy influence via the background mod from Lunars; 3xp per dot. Since it hasn't come up yet, you can always say you've always had it, and I won't argue. Otherwise, what were you thinking of doing?
Aha. I haven't read Lunars yet, so. 3xp per dot? I can do that, thank you. :)

...wasn't sure what I was going to do otherwise, aside from shuffling something somewhere. :P
A little meta-game observation. Right now Kase and Erin are more or less inactive for a few hours. Neo seems to be heading in a similar direction. I'm waiting on him, but expecting Robert to go back to the house and drink the crazy away or something. Similarly I'm holding off on replying to the Bushranger until I know what Cyl has Brennick doing, as the situation seems more or less in his hands. From my end, that's where we're at.
Always assuming something terrible doesn't happen to Erin overnight... :wink:

...or a knight on a horse doesn't come crashing through the wall of her bedroom.

The dwarfs haven't shown up yet, but they're on their way.
I'm ba-ack. Did you miss me? What? No? Fine. Rocks fall, everyone dies.

Anyway, the internet company was a lot more helpful then I expected. What a pleasant surprise.

Edit: Bah!
Uh-huh. :roll:

And if you look at my first post, waaay back there, Erin is remembering how she moped when someone called "Leah" moved out... :wink:
It didn't click. Yes, I know. Ah, well, the ST missed an easy perception roll. It happens.

Anyway, I had a plot thread for Erin that would now be somewhat - strained that I've got to rework. It's all right though, because I've got a backup!

IC: A semi crashes through your office. Poisonous octopi go everywhere.

If it's really important to the story, I suppose I could rewrite Erin as being straight. :|

She's a fictional character, after all...
Oh, no no no. I just missed it, and I plotted a bunch of backstory and plot tie-ins for her on a different, now inapplicable angle. You certainly don't have to change anything. Really, the only way this will matter is that I'm going to take another day or so of scheming to pick a different tact. Except for Cyl. With this change in backstory, his ultimate weapon is going to be a clam shell on a stick instead of Adamant mounted Eye of Autocthon. But he didn't really want that, so don't worry about it.

Kidding. Like I said, don't worry about it. I'll just change some of my schemes around. Certainly play the character however you want.
You know, I'm just going to admit defeat and never make jokes in this thread again.

Arynne: What industry does Erin work in? I didn't see it specified.

Edit: And Lord of the Storm, what's Kase's familiar?

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