[The Grid] OOC

Damn PC keeps crapping out on me. If my absences get longer, I haven't lost interest.

Edit: And I'm assuming Kase goes inside while Erin wanders aimlessly.
New one is being build and shipped by somewhat reliable individuals. I just need to keep this one going for a bit longer.

And really, the only problems it has are it won't boot, the build in keyboard doesn't work, half the USB ports aren't recognized, and it randomly crashes. Really, if not for the first and last combining, it wouldn't be so bad. I don't know what I'm whining about! :)

Edit: Arynne, would you please append the last bit of your post with Erin returning to her apartment and calling whomever? I'd like to run with it, but I need you to explicitly state the actions. Thanks. A line or two is fine.
No worries. It happens.

Two general OOC points. First being I'm working on the tone/mood of the game. Please try to ignore the hiccups.

Secondly, I'm trying to increase my posting frequency significantly. This may affect things, as I'm aiming to spend less time scheming my black heart out and crafting each response, and more time time actually putting proverbial ink to paper. Please bear with me while I try to get a handle on this.

Edit: changed some stuff in the Kase/Patrick post.
Lord of the Storm: Sure you can. Don't get wrapped around the axle over the fact that you guys don't have much combat ability yet. Remember that all you need to do is make contact with Erin and apply the test to her, which involve little more then a rolling marble when done to you. Either Bob or Athena can explain it in better detail IC. Also, as you've demonstrated a level of genre saviness, feel free to use that. Athena has a very powerful personality, and she's a gold mine of information.

Arynne: Speaking of you, you can stunt any of your looked for outcomes. I'd rather skip ahead to the interesting parts anyway. Basically, the choice here is do you want to pursue research via the file, via the house where in you last met Ms Whitfield, or do something regarding your past life. I've got plot for any or all, so it's just a matter of which direction you want your character to go.

You guys can also come up with some outcome I haven't thought of, and I'll roll with it. I for one think a PC on PC kidnapping would be hilarious, and will happily run it if you guys do it.

The general transition here is from you guys be reactive to proactive. This is Exalted, and you all know enough about what's going on to start choosing your own paths. From my side of the screen, as it were, it's going well. Erin's dealing with several very powerful factions well, while Kase and Patrick have both chosen a version of truth over safety. Brennick is all ready neck deep in trouble and just getting started. Neo rarely posts, so I'll probably send him nasty emails comparing his private hobbies to the illicit reproductive habits of goats, but that's neither here nor there. You guys all have a lot of options here, and if things look bleak, ask me some questions and I'll try to throw you a bone. If my plot is totally obfuscated by a tangible cloud of no idea what's going on, let me know.

Along that line, out of personal curiosity, who and what do you guys think the various named NPCs are? I'm trying to gauge how well I've painted them, and I appreciate your input.
Probably still in the Northeast. I think it went something like this:

Erin and Leah meet while in college somewhere in New York, either Sarah Lawrence or NYU. Erin graduates ahead of Leah, being a little older, and starts looking around for a job. Turns out to be a Catch-22: most educational and art jobs require a Master's, but without a job she won't have enough money for graduate school. Eventually she comes across this legal secretary thing on a jobs board. However, by this time Leah has been accepted into grad school at her first-choice college, and besides, she doesn't want to move down South and away from her close-knit family. She insists that she's willing to try for a long-distance relationship, but lately she and Erin have been talking less and less. This is mostly Erin's fault: Leah is happy and optimistic about her future, and has a well-to-do family who can support her, and a busy social life to boot. Erin has been trudging the same dreary round every day, with nothing to show for it, and she finds it harder and harder to call Leah with nothing to tell. Love is the bread of life, but nobody can live by bread alone.

(In addition, I think the difference in their backgrounds is intimidating to Erin. Leah's family are wealthy and well-connected; she can boast a President in her family tree. Her parents paid her full tuition. Erin's ancestors were lumberjacks and fishermen, and she took out a lot of loans even with financial aid.)
A big incentive request just popped into my mail, I may have little time to post here till this week end.
Just a hint: If you want to boost ablities but don't have any training time, you should mention this to certain NPCs. Like the movies, training times are -- negotiable in some situations.

Anyway, cooking up replies.
You guys want to just jump ahead to going out to do stuff? Talking here mainly to LotS and 'Ranger. The planning phase isn't really that interesting, and it was really just there so you could pick up anything you need.
Hmm. I'm fine either way, but perhaps skipping ahead might be good.

Also, finally able to get back on a semi-regular posting schedule here, hopefully. :D

Can't think of anything about training, but I'll have a look at Pat's sheet when it isn't 2:30 in the morning.
I mean, I know Miashara ends in a vowel which makes it vaguely effeminate in romance languages, but come on! <completely fake indignation>

Seriously though, you're doing really well. It took a while for us to sync GMing/player styles, but I think I've got your style dialed in, and you're responding excellently.
Well, people, giving my total inability to keep up with the story for the past weeks (due to a significant overdose of work and bad luck combined), I think it would be best for me to wisely pull off until I can be anything more than a ghost in here.

I got a big tourism fair coming up this week so it's not like I'm going to be able to post for another 2 weeks (you know first you have to prepare the fair, and then the second you need to be as fast as possible to keep those contacts alive)... which would simply make it too much for me to keep holding you guys back. :cry:

So all in all, I wish you all a good a good game and when I have time I'd like to come back here and surf the matrix with you guys if it's ok. :wink:
It happens. Do what you got to do.

To everyone else, I'm thinking of reopening recruitment. How say you?
OK by me :-)

Is anyone else scratching their heads trying to guess our characters' eventual castes? None of us seem very clear-cut.

Which is probably for the best...

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