[The Grid] OOC

Oh, Blackadder, I forgot to ask. Do you mind if I roll your perception rolls for you? It seems to speed things up a bit, but if you prefer to roll your own dice, I completely understand. Also a page or so before this in the OOC thread I put up a fairly in-depth guide on how stunting, virtue channels, and etc work in this game. It's worthwhile to read.
If you got it once you're fine. Thanks though. You guys calling your own stunts is another thing which helps keep the game flowing.
It's already on the sheet, silly. :D

Of course, I do need to update the other attacks into place, but you should have the relevant DVs already.
No worries. Edited in a little more into the char profile, and added the speed and DV Penalty to my Hardwired post for your reference. :)
Sorry to double post, but I just realized: Is there no chance of us getting Terrestial MA Styles before Exalting? :D
Blackadder: I'll take it as a formal request. I'll need to make plot happen first, but I'll see what I can do.

Bushranger: Working. One moment please.
Arynne, Lord of the Storm: Which direction are you guys running? You can go out the fire exit Erin propped open earlier, or try to juke around the agents and head for the main entrance. The stack chamber is large enough that you do have a reasonable chance of going around them. Well, you have a reasonable chance of making it around humans. Outside the fire exit there is parking lot and flat, undeveloped land. Realistically, it's probably covered in evil cacti with their little shoe-piercing needles, but we can ignore that.

So we're all on the same page here, this scene is intended to resemble the opening scene of the movie. Agents chase Trinity, etc. As always, if you want to do something else go to it. What this certainly isn't is a totally one sided fight. There's things to do here, and if worse comes to worse, don't forget your allies.
Blackadder: You do realize Malcom is stuck in the window of a moving vehicle, correct? While you can extricate yourself in a couple actions, you will be doing so onto a quickly moving road.
BA: That works perfectly. It will take a few seconds for you to extricate yourself though, basically a misc action, (Unless you just want to yank yourself clear, ignoring the shards of broken glass near your femoral arteries, of course. By default, I'll assume you do it slowly.) so we'll wait for the Bushranger to maintain control of the car first.
Arynne: Are you sure you want to do this?

Also, everyone, I'm moving this weekend. It shouldn't affect things too much, but you know how these things work out.
Well, no time for discussion is not intended to be synonymous with time to fight a pair of agents with positional disadvantages. In effect, the problem you've got is that Erin and Kase were standing around talking in an exposed area with agents coming, effectively prohibiting them from doing anything but fighting. The thing to keep in mind is exactly what are you trying to get?

If you're trying to become a capable power against these agents or any of ye old power of darkness, as I see it you've got these options. The first is via Tink. Erin is certainly bright enough to see a connection between her conversations with Tink and Kase's sudden appearance. That would probably involve running off with Kase to his extraction plan, but as Erin noted he has none of the accents of her enemies and seems somewhat trustworthy. Perhaps trustworthy in the 'not-trying-to-kill-you' area, but if the MiB are definitely not even that and are intending to kill Kase, so the enemy of my enemy et al. It also accords her the option of finishing her conversation.

Secondly, she can go train, live on a mountain top, or do something along those lines. All well and good, but then again, running is probably key. This plan doesn't involve you staying with Kase though. But it does involve running away to become powerful enough to fight another day. Erin's been having flashbacks to something, and you're playing her gradual understanding of a submerged power well. But she doesn't have it yet, nor does she know how to use it quite yet. She needs time. If she isn't going to trust Kase to take her to explanations, she still needs time to figure things out for herself and develop her own powers. This works best is figuring it out for yourself is what you're after.

Thirdly, now, the only other time Erin has ran away from anyone, she escaped by killing her pursuers, the gunmen in the car. Luck was a huge factor in that, but the understanding that she was capable of such things was one catalyst that set her to taking charge. Subsequent to that she's beaten the Thousand in a game of words and got what she wanted out of the Rooster and left. All three times she got the situation to suit her needs before attacking (or just walking away). In accordance with this, if she's going to fight back, she'll probably try to find advantageous ground, which would be the woods, or possibly circling around back into the library. This was why I made a point to indicate the uselessness of the terrain behind the library, as well as the slow pace of the agents. They aren't running, they're wearing shades, and the afternoon sun is setting. There are things you can do. This is the most fighty option, but suits your intelligence of 4 and that temperance is your dominant virtue.
Hurm.... So Bushranger is really needed to post here, for Malcolm and Patrick to move on? Also, when things come into focus, are those also Agents in the other car? And how the hell did Malcolm survive that? (Probably destiny. :D )
BA: Actually I'm writing your reply in a different tab. I only noticed this because I was opening your character sheet to reference something. :D Also, in my games, you can usually assume that anything good that happens for no reason in fact happens for bad reasons. Similarly, bad things that happen for no reason also happen for bad reasons. Mediocre things? Well, you get the idea.

Anyway, remember these bizarre events. These are clues to what is really going on behind the scenes.
All right. Erin is strongly drawn to Option #2, but Intelligence 4 notices the many difficulties in doing that for people who aren't television characters. Which is why she went with Option #1 and kept trying to get in touch with Tink.

At present she's going with a mix of Options #1 and #3 -- send the bell-rung Kase to find the car and get backup while she keeps their pursuers busy, preferably in the trees. They're after her and consider him irrelevant, so she figures he should make it without any trouble.

I assumed they were running and shouting at each other at the same time, not standing in the middle of the lot talking, so they should have covered some ground.

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