[The Grid] OOC

Mish: I got a Motivation for Malcolm as of now. It's not exactly those words in his mind, but I'm sprucing it up for OOC clarity and grandeur.
BA: That's fine. You certainly know _something_ is going on, so I don't see a reason to quibble over IC/OOC terminology.
Huh, Awareness must have gotten lost in the shuffle. I'll cash in my Craft point so that my Awareness isn't Zero, so I don't have to eat that penalty. Will post later this evening.
Miashara: I think you've gotten Patrick's response to the situation head-on.

"...A zombie ninja pirate robot pterodactyl just swooped in and ate Gandalf!"


To clarify: You can assume Patrick and Malcom can see Hank clearly. They'd be able to tell he was yelling something, and possibly what if they can read lips. Perception + Linguistics, diff 2 if it matters. Generally though, they get the idea he's all tripped out and looking spacey. The rings aren't quite as obvious, but if you stunt your character specifically noticing, or really staring at him, treat it as a diceless action.

From inside the lead car, it's somewhat harder to see what's going on. Hank is facing to the rear, so you couldn't read his lips without a pretty good justification and a similar roll, only harder. Noticing the rings would be still be a diceless action, but it's somewhat less likely to accidentally happen, as you'd have to be looking out the rear windshield and down.
Oh, come on. You're only doing a buck sixty.

Anyway, you guys can assume that if someone calls someone else, they get the call. So, on the lead car.
Sorry -- no Internet connection (except 15 minutes at the library) last week!

What's the layout of the car? Is there anyway to grab Hank's chain (so to speak) and yank him inside? (Which could get kind of squishy, but what the heck.)
The car is still, vaguely, a two seat coup. There is no back seat, and a sloping rear windshield that meets the rear body about two feet behind the seats. The rear of the vehicle is high, and the plane of the glass is shallow enough that without the shelf I mentioned earlier, the windshield would be hitting the tops of your heads. Both seats are sunk down, such that the bottom of the doors is about on level with the top of the cushion.

Behind you, the rear engine takes up somewhat more space then a trunk would. Thus the rear is a massive, angular thing. When whomever (Lace) it was that caused the material to bend and flow did it, she wrapped the body around the rear engine. Thus there are some pretty significant bulges where various parts of the rear motor stick up past the rest of the body. There is also a large, bizarre looking thing rising from the center of the rear. It looks kind of like a turbocharger stack, but Patrick would be able to tell that it isn't. I don't think the rest of you have enough points in Ride or Craft (Earth/Fire) to know the difference. It is on this protuberance that Hank's rings are hooked.

The rings themselves are moving very, very quickly, such that the individual particles are effectively a blur. They're also perfectly level, meaning Hank's waist is level with the turbocharger-looking thing on the rear. We'll assume he's unconsciously holding his legs up off the road.

Space wise, there is very little in the vehicle. Even a rudimentary glance tells you that all of Hank isn't coming in, though you could probably get enough of his head and shoulders inside so that even oblivious to the world, he'd stay.

While we're on the topic, the Challenger has a bit more room. Not much, but it was actually built to look like that. It also has a trunk. I don't recall off the top of my head if the trunk is accessible from the cabin, but we'll say that it is, and Malcom could climb around back there if he wanted too.

As to exactly what's going on with Hank, and why his little vision is completely occluding his grasp of reality while for the rest of you the flashbacks have just been momentary, well, I'm not telling. I've hinted pretty blatantly about it though. Lace might be able to tell you, but she's concentrating on the road, and weaving through traffic at speeds usually resolved for aircraft. There are other ways to figure it out though, so I leave it as a roleplaying problem.

Patrick is doing fine. He rolled well enough that even at stupid speed, his racing instincts are taking over, and as long as he's just hanging in there, no worries. If he wanted to do something beyond follow the lead car at a (comparatively) safe distance, like draft it, pull along side, or wander off through traffic, the rolling would immediately begin. That being said, as he mentioned and I'm very inclined to agree with, he's pretty focused right now, and anything really would require a flurry. That is not exactly advisable.

Finally, to recap, Lace mentioned she intends to switch the two PCs into Patrick's car, while moving, to throw off pursuit. Exactly how that transpires is up to you.

Edit: Oh, while Hank is stuck down memory lane, he might as well get something out of it. MM, please roll Essence + Integrity.
I really should develop a better sleep pattern...ugh.

Patrick, at the moment, is content to Just Drive And Get The Heck Away. Once he learns of Lace's transfer plan, well, that is going to twig his strange-meter...

Also, waiting on one or two of the others to post so I can post something beyond "150 miles an hour down a dead-end road." :)
BR: Welcome to my world. After many years of investigation, I've concluded that this world sucks and I wanna go home. Tell me if you figure out how to do that. Regarding the driving thing, yeah. I'm certainly not trying to put you out of the loop, but well, as you mentioned, 150 mph. Take a common sense point.

Arynne: Just to be sure we're on the same page, I'm talking about something that looks like one of these when I'm talking about the stack. It's facing forward on the rear of the car, and it's tall enough that the intakes, those red circles, can catch air over the roof. It's outside the car. You can get to it, but you would need to climb outside the car, which would require a [better of Strength or Dex] + Athletics roll, where botching would mean pretty much instant death (hint: wp). Difficulty would be 4 for speed. A regular fail means you'd slip, but have a chance to catch on with another roll of the same difficulty. Failing two in a row, well, back to instant death.

Complete Tangent: Like an airfoil, air moving over the top of the car is at a higher pressure then ambient. With proper geometry, you could actually get MORE air ramming into an intake on the back of the vehicle then the front. The problems inherent to this are significant though, and I've not seen anyone make it work effectively. After all, unless you have two engines in a car, which can be problematic for reasons Lace is skipping over via brute force magic, it's easier to increase airflow to the engine in front by just adding a bigger intake.
I couldn't quite follow the dialog perfectly, is one of Eigen and Cyrian past Hank or are those two other individuals? Just want to triple check.

Also, does she have a hold of his rings or him? And is any part of the car in Hank's reach just in case?
No worries. Thanks for letting me know when I can clarify something.

Hank experienced everything from the perspective of Eigen. In game, you're not quite sure what that means. (Yes, Eigen was Hank's prior incarnation. The memories haven't been stripped off.) Erin has a grip of his hand, and is hanging off the stack on the back. The vehicle is within reach, Dex + Athletics Diff 2 to get on. (It isn't that hard because you're in the drag envelope.)

Climbing back into the cabin will not be as easy though, as you will be fighting the wind. Diff increases to 6. Remember, you are moving along quite rapidly, and once you start climbing on the side, you'll be taking the full force of the wind. Moving with the wind is easier though, hence why Erin had comparatively little problems making it back.

That made me laugh.
Meesa thinks we are trying to decide which hard choice to make. Probably I'll post later and figure out some stunt that allows us to cram the four other into a backseat heap. :D

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