[The Grid] OOC

Hey all, sorry about my downtime. I was in New Mexico for spring break and I was told I would have internet access but I did not. Catching up now, will post either tonight or tomorrow.
Is there anything anyone else wants to do while MM is absent? I understand that options may be limited, but there are still possibilities.

Regarding Erin, she's still got the dossier on Stephanie Whitfield. She's also can, in game, start asking people questions like 'who are you people?' and 'WTF is going on?' She can also start telling people about the bizarre people who have contacted her. Remember, she knows the whole book thing and the results of her conversation with the Thousand Singing Voices. Feel free to pass that along. (She can also pass along the results of her interactions with the Rooster, but beyond 'there was this dude and he was a jackass' I'm not sure how informative that would be.)

Patrick is doing the wise thing by not talking too much while driving. Very reasonable, and he got his common sense point. That being said, if it would move things along, we can hand wave that aside. He also met two odd people, fake crazy bastard and the strange, mildly frightening woman, and Erin might be able to shed some light on either of them.

Kase is sort of trapped for the moment. He and Malcom do have phone comms though. (Yes, the wind would totally eliminate that, but we're ignoring that.)

Regarding NPCs of a helpful nature, there's Lace. She doesn't know as much as the others, but she's at least nearby. Athena is acting as your operator though, and she'll provide any help she can. You've all seen the movies, you know more or less what that help is.
The action seems to have stalled, so in game time will have passed. Not much, but enough for things to start happening.
Miashara: So you're going to move us ahead slightly?

MM: Come on... we're not in New Mexico anymore Toto. :D
BA: I can. Actually, now that I think about it, I can also move you guys significantly further ahead if this bit isn't working.
I figure we can start with a small push ahead. I think the car-crossing thing is just the current issue that's log-jamming us, but that's IMO.
Hey, I'm just waiting for y'all.

And "Just Driving." :P


Miashara said:
Regarding Erin, she's still got the dossier on Stephanie Whitfield. She's also can, in game, start asking people questions like 'who are you people?' and 'WTF is going on?'
Who are you?

What do you want?

Where are you going?

What do you have to live for?

Who do you serve?

Who do you trust?

If I may, you guys may want to do some talking. When I prodded before, you all asked questions, but didn't really answer any. There was a lot of justification for that, though, as Erin was in the trunk :D and Malcom really didn't have any idea what was going on.

Recall that in character, Erin doesn't know Tink and Athena are the same, and that Athena is a phone call away. She's also more helpful then random scary lady who Pat noticed wasn't very directly helpful. Random scary lady can be incredibly useful, but you have to ask the right questions. Discussed amongst yourselves, appropriate Perception + [Presence or Medicine (ie, psychology)] rolls may yield insight into the RSC.

As to planning your next move, a good Int + War roll would provide some tactical advice. Hank, if MM ever returns, is a veritable font of past life information, as it seems that every time someone so much as pokes him he starts remembering stuff. Appropriately encouraged, he might be able to remember something useful.

Finally, share the bio on Whitfield. Just a suggestion.
I'm so sorry for Absence 2:Electric Boogaloo. If it wasn't one thing, it was another, but I'm back now! (if you will have me :oops: )

Gonna catch up on what I've missed, and if I read that Hank was killed off I won't post.

edit: was it just handwaved that Hank made it into the car or have my reading comprehension skills suffered?
Quick question: Can I pump more XP into virtues and WP? This will not affect Malcolm's failing of his Valor roll with the spiders. :D
One of the things Intimacies do is litmus test how 'attached' to the world your character is. So they affect some behind-the-scenes rolls. As Hank had a very interesting set of intimacies and motivations, they played significant role in how he was affected by the flashbacks, how much of the stimuli was necessary to send him off, and such-forth. Erin's intimacies will likely play a bigger role in that then in whether or not I have Shelob attack.
I always hated that the original CharGen forced you to pay BP for extra intimacies. They taxed you to have an interesting and nuanced character.

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