[The Grid] OOC

The cell door has an electronic lock. There's a bank of switches by the desk.

OpenOffice Draw is f*^ing useless. Let me see if I can get a crappy art program and draw up a map.
Sorry that I'm gonna hold the events up a little bit, it's been a busy couple days and this weekend is gonna be busy too. I'll be back again to post on Sunday.
Can't find a decent drawing bit of software. MM and BA, the situation looks like this. The cell block, were it viewed from above, looks like a big capital T. The crossbar at the top is the office area, and has the door to the rest of the police station on the top right arm. In the center is the guard desk with a decomposed cop, and on the other side is some lock-up stuff. There's a scale, some medical supplies, boxes for inmates' stuff, fax machine, gray screen for photos, etc. Think generic cop stuff. Behind the desk is the switches that control the cell doors. Also there is a big one-way glass mirror. It looks out into the rest of the PD. You guys came in through the door on the top right arm and crouched there.

The vertical part of the T is the hallway that leads to the cellblocks. There are two cells on each side, and they open inwards. There are two more that open up(towards the horizontal part of the T). The doors are of the sliding bar variety. The top left cell is the one the goons _were_ in. It's one that opens facing the crossbar, the top of the T. The two suits were in there when you called them, and you could see them in the mirror that's behind the desk. Remember how they looked and couldn't see you? That's the mirror I was talking about.

Now, Jordan is in one of the two cells that open inwards. The suits walked to the intersection of the hallways and have guns drawn on him.



| desk door

|cell door | |cell door |

|dead kid | | |

|------------| |------------|

| c.d. c.d. |

| c.d. c.d scared kid|


Right now the two suits are standing between the two cells in the bottom part of the drawing. You two are standing by the desk.

My ASCII-art-fu is not amazing, but does that help?

edit: and the stupid forum deleted all my spaces. Try hitting edit if the image is unreadable, they come back when I do.
Sorry my reprieve was slightly extended. The air conditioning was out in my house, and it's been up to 100 degrees in the daytime. AC is back, but it's the Fourth of July so... Tomorrow morning.
Miashara said:
BR: What do you want to talk to her about? She's very concerned with free-will, so isn't going to lead the conversation except in things necessary for your survival. Depending on how things go down in the inside, you might have a bit of excitement shortly, but otherwise you're on guard duty which is real boring until it gets real interesting.
Ah. In that case, I reckon he'll give pleasant farewells, hang up, and wait for that proverbial 'five minutes of sheer terror'.

Hope everybody had a good holiday!
Hm. Rather than erase and rewrite our really magnificent posts -- :wink: -- maybe we should just erase the die rolls and declare the dreambubbles popped?
Don't worry about erasing anything. You'll be fine if you post positive actions. You know, things I can react too. I'd say just tack another post on top of the ones before.

As a note, there are things you can do now. You have access to your previous memories. The one thing your memories absolutely will not give you is your prior incarnations' names. In case that's not clear, the names are the ties that bind, and if you could remember that, you'd be already bound. But as your characters stand, in their memories, feel free to ask questions about life back then, who you guys were back then, what you were doing, etc. The way Erin tried to recall her name was perfect; she just had the bad luck of targeting the one piece of information she couldn't get.
RAW, Suit and I will act simultaneously, so if I went with a Disarm called shot, he would still fire unhindered, just losing his gun if I was successful after poppin' the kid.

I guess when the time comes I will describe my action and we can decide what works best.

Edit: I have the beginnings of a stunt in my head, so we'll see.
Sorry for the long silence; I've been sick for the past several days. :(

I will try to think up a really good post (and then pop this dream-bubble).
K, so my computers have arrived, but the internet at my house is not set up. Things will be complicated for a bit. I'm knocking out a full IC post now, and hopefully we won't run into downtime like this again soon.
Yay, good to see this back!

*applies the +5 poking poker to people*

And as I was writing my post, I got the mental image of Pat as a Browncoat. So I ran with it. 8)
BR: rock on.

BA: No, the doors are the old sliding bar variety, and only seal off the cells. There's a safety door that locks in the whole complex, but that would trap you in with the suits.

The area looks like a capital T. There are two cells coming off the crossbar, and two more, one on either side, coming off the leg. The doors cut off access to and from the cells for people, but bullets can get through.
Can I ask what his DV is? If I'm gonna take a bullet for a chance at his throat, I wanna make sure I have a likelihood of drawing blood. Afterwards I will do what you are supposed to do when you see an agent. Run.

edit: what is the lethal soak of flannel shirts? :lol: Kidding.
Could I channel Conviction on both the DV and the attack instead of WP on the attack? That would raise my DV higher, and then I can go for the jugular with confidence, and one less hole.

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