[The Grid] OOC

Guys, don't worry about little stuff. If you want a cellphone, say your character picked one up at a 7-11. Otherwise I see three plot threads out right now. The first is getting Jordan to a hospital of some nature, or barring that at least a hotel room where you can let him rest. Running off the highly cinematic Exalted rules, as the Medicine roll succeeded he won't bleed out. Secondly, you can look into this black castle thing, which Erin is obviously familiar with. Finally, there's Malcom's extraction idea. Your operator is watching and ready to provide assistance.
Also, anyone who wants to learn Kung Fu, Fist Pulse, or what have you might be well advised to mention that now.
Arynne: Yeah, knock yourself out.

I'll go through the homebrew system BA linked probably tomorrow and give a ruling. In general, with ALL martial arts, I'll probably let you have it, but I explicitly retain the right to modify or fiat it if one of the charms becomes a god charm and I don't see it ahead of time.

Books I have: Scroll of the Monk, and all Moeps. I don't have the other, short book on MA, nor the one about the Incarnae and I heard tell there's some MA in there. Pick whatever you want out of there. I don't remember Steel Hurricane, but if you provide me a cite, I'll see what I can do.
I actually prefer Even Blade or Five Dragon Style...

...but you really might want to check out Melissa's (JiveX) The Perfect Lotus fan supplements. They have a bunch of fascinating homebrew TMAs, CMAs and even a couple SMAs.

(Admittedly, some of them are just plain weird, but still)
I've actually been kind of curious what you were intending to do with Jordan. You can unplug him if you want, though.

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