[The Grid] OOC

Bummer roll? I made the asshole bleed, 3L is a victory to me, especially if suits are supposed to have the same relationship as they do in the inspirational material. Or do you mean I got a roll of 3 and no successes? I'm kinda missing the narrative between axe meeting suite, and suite shooting Malcolm.
MM: I think you rolled something like 12 dice and got three hits. It's a little below average, but then you managed to make these guys realize fighting you isn't in their best interests.

BR: No worries.

If it isn't clear, the two suits aren't agents. They're the same type of guy that Malcom fought earlier, with similar success. The Agents all went south after Lace when she ran off, buying you time.
Miashara said:
Br: would you post the weapon stats, please? I'll roll damage for you, and do Flet's strike.
Ah, right, damage. :oops: I'd assumed that Pat's 'modern' weapon would use more or less the same stats as a Flame Piece, mechanically?
Didn't I give you rules right before pat and kase left sunshine motors? Let me check, because I'll feel really silly if not.

Edit: It is you who must feel the silliness!

Spd 6, acc +1, dmg 15L, rate 1, range 50', min St 2
Those were both exactly what I look for in 2d stunts. The mention of tackling the guy into the bars and running up the wall use the setting and show your characters in it.
Miashara said:
Didn't I give you rules right before pat and kase left sunshine motors? Let me check, because I'll feel really silly if not.
Edit: It is you who must feel the silliness!

Spd 6, acc +1, dmg 15L, rate 1, range 50', min St 2
I is silly! :oops:

Sorry for forgetting that.

*saves it this time*
You can have as many helpers as dots in medicine, so probably one. Also, one of you (hank, by the look of things) is going to need to make presence + charisma roll to calm this kid down. The faster his heart beats, the more he bleeds. Likewise, he can have helpers equally to his presence, all at one die each.
That's a 1d. It would need some reference to the scene to gain the second die. This can be literal, 'Hank stands on the cold sand and implores the kid to calm down,' social, 'Hank leans forward from the cluster of potential Exalts to talk,' or verbal, '"I know you've just escaped from jail and worse, but those suits can't get you here," he says.'
That works perfectly. I try to be consistent on stunts for pbp games so they're easy for everyone to call their own.
Finally have a moment to check in. Sorry about this week, trip back from Canada was exhausting and then I had to catch up on RL for a bit. I am gonna Exalted binge tomorrow night and get up to speed on everything. Sorry if I delayed anything.
BA, let me throw you a hint here. In the movie, The Matrix, what did the cast do if they wanted an exit? They called the operator and said, "Tank, we need an exit."

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